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diff --git a/swh/provenance/ b/swh/provenance/
--- a/swh/provenance/
+++ b/swh/provenance/
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
conn = BaseDb.connect(**kwargs["db"]).conn
raise_on_commit = kwargs.get("raise_on_commit", False)
- if ProvenanceDBBase(conn, raise_on_commit).flavor == "with-path":
+ if "with-path" in ProvenanceDBBase(conn, raise_on_commit).flavor:
from .postgresql.provenancedb_with_path import ProvenanceWithPathDB
return ProvenanceWithPathDB(conn, raise_on_commit)
diff --git a/swh/provenance/postgresql/ b/swh/provenance/postgresql/
--- a/swh/provenance/postgresql/
+++ b/swh/provenance/postgresql/
@@ -49,7 +49,11 @@
return self._flavor
def with_path(self) -> bool:
- return self.flavor == "with-path"
+ return "with-path" in self.flavor
+ @property
+ def denormalized(self) -> bool:
+ return "denormalized" in self.flavor
def content_find_first(self, id: Sha1Git) -> Optional[ProvenanceResult]:
@@ -186,7 +190,12 @@
f"INNER JOIN {src} AS S ON (S.sha1=V.src)",
f"INNER JOIN {dst} AS D ON (D.sha1=V.dst)",
- selected = ["", ""]
+ nope = (RelationType.REV_BEFORE_REV, RelationType.REV_IN_ORG)
+ selected = [""]
+ if self.denormalized and relation not in nope:
+ selected.append("ARRAY_AGG(")
+ else:
+ selected.append("")
if self._relation_uses_location_table(relation):
locations = tuple(set((path,) for (_, _, path) in rows))
@@ -198,16 +207,30 @@
psycopg2.extras.execute_values(self.cursor, sql, locations)
joins.append("INNER JOIN location AS L ON (L.path=V.path)")
- selected.append("")
+ if self.denormalized:
+ selected.append("ARRAY_AGG(")
+ else:
+ selected.append("")
+ sql_l = [
+ f"INSERT INTO {table}",
+ f" SELECT {', '.join(selected)}",
+ " FROM (VALUES %s) AS V(src, dst, path)",
+ *joins,
+ ]
- sql = f"""
- INSERT INTO {table}
- (SELECT {", ".join(selected)}
- FROM (VALUES %s) AS V(src, dst, path)
- {'''
- '''.join(joins)})
+ if self.denormalized and relation not in nope:
+ sql_l.append("GROUP BY")
+ sql_l.append(
+ SET {dst}=ARRAY(
+ SELECT UNNEST({table}.{dst} || excluded.{dst})),
+ location=ARRAY(
+ SELECT UNNEST({relation.value}.location || excluded.location))
+ )
+ else:
+ sql_l.append("ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING")
+ sql = "\n".join(sql_l)
psycopg2.extras.execute_values(self.cursor, sql, rows)
return True
except: # noqa: E722
@@ -276,11 +299,16 @@
sha1s: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[Sha1Git, ...]]]
if ids is not None:
sha1s = (tuple(ids),)
- where = f"WHERE {'S.sha1' if not reverse else 'D.sha1'} IN %s"
+ where = f"WHERE {'S' if not reverse else 'D'}.sha1 IN %s"
sha1s = None
where = ""
+ aggreg_dst = self.denormalized and relation in (
+ RelationType.CNT_EARLY_IN_REV,
+ RelationType.CNT_IN_DIR,
+ RelationType.DIR_IN_REV,
+ )
if sha1s is None or sha1s[0]:
table = relation.value
src, *_, dst = table.split("_")
@@ -293,24 +321,34 @@
src_field = src
dst_field = dst
- joins = [
- f"INNER JOIN {src} AS S ON ({src_field})",
- f"INNER JOIN {dst} AS D ON ({dst_field})",
- ]
- selected = ["S.sha1 AS src", "D.sha1 AS dst"]
+ if aggreg_dst:
+ revloc = f"UNNEST(R.{dst_field}) AS dst"
+ if self._relation_uses_location_table(relation):
+ revloc += ", UNNEST(R.location) AS path"
+ else:
+ revloc = f"R.{dst_field} AS dst"
+ if self._relation_uses_location_table(relation):
+ revloc += ", R.location AS path"
+ inner_sql = f"""
+ SELECT S.sha1 AS src, {revloc}
+ FROM {table} AS R
+ INNER JOIN {src} AS S ON ({src_field})
+ {where}
+ """
if self._relation_uses_location_table(relation):
- joins.append("INNER JOIN location AS L ON (")
- selected.append("L.path AS path")
+ loc = "L.path AS path"
- selected.append("NULL AS path")
+ loc = "NULL AS path"
sql = f"""
- SELECT {", ".join(selected)}
- FROM {table} AS R
- {" ".join(joins)}
- {where}
- """
+ SELECT CL.src, D.sha1 AS dst, {loc}
+ FROM ({inner_sql}) AS CL
+ INNER JOIN {dst} AS D ON (
+ """
+ if self._relation_uses_location_table(relation):
+ sql += "INNER JOIN location AS L ON ("
self.cursor.execute(sql, sha1s)
result.update(RelationData(**row) for row in self.cursor.fetchall())
return result
diff --git a/swh/provenance/postgresql/ b/swh/provenance/postgresql/
--- a/swh/provenance/postgresql/
+++ b/swh/provenance/postgresql/
@@ -13,7 +13,27 @@
class ProvenanceWithPathDB(ProvenanceDBBase):
def content_find_first(self, id: Sha1Git) -> Optional[ProvenanceResult]:
- sql = """
+ if self.denormalized:
+ sql = """
+ SELECT C_L.sha1 AS content,
+ R.sha1 AS revision,
+ AS date,
+ O.url AS origin,
+ L.path AS path
+ FROM (
+ sELECT C.sha1 AS sha1,
+ UNNEST(revision) AS revision,
+ UNNEST(location) AS location
+ FROM content_in_revision AS C_R
+ INNER JOIN content AS C ON (
+ WHERE C.sha1=%s) AS C_L
+ INNER JOIN revision AS R ON (
+ INNER JOIN location AS L ON (
+ LEFT JOIN origin AS O ON (
+ ORDER BY date, revision, origin, path ASC LIMIT 1
+ """
+ else:
+ sql = """
SELECT C.sha1 AS content,
R.sha1 AS revision, AS date,
@@ -23,7 +43,7 @@
INNER JOIN content_in_revision AS CR ON (
INNER JOIN location as L ON (
INNER JOIN revision as R ON (
- LEFT JOIN origin as O ON (
+ LEFT JOIN origin AS O ON (
WHERE C.sha1=%s
ORDER BY date, revision, origin, path ASC LIMIT 1
@@ -35,7 +55,61 @@
self, id: Sha1Git, limit: Optional[int] = None
) -> Generator[ProvenanceResult, None, None]:
early_cut = f"LIMIT {limit}" if limit is not None else ""
- sql = f"""
+ if self.denormalized:
+ sql = f"""
+ (SELECT C_L.sha1 AS content,
+ R.sha1 AS revision,
+ AS date,
+ O.url AS origin,
+ L.path AS path
+ FROM (
+ SELECT C.sha1 AS sha1,
+ unnest(revision) AS revision,
+ unnest(location) AS location
+ FROM content_in_revision AS C_R
+ INNER JOIN content AS C ON ( = C_R.content)
+ WHERE C.sha1=%s) AS C_L
+ INNER JOIN revision AS R ON ( = C_L.revision)
+ INNER JOIN location AS L ON ( = C_L.location)
+ LEFT JOIN origin AS O ON (
+ )
+ C_D as (
+ SELECT C.sha1 AS content_sha1,
+ unnest( AS directory,
+ unnest(CD.location) AS location
+ FROM content AS C
+ INNER JOIN content_in_directory AS CD ON (CD.content =
+ WHERE C.sha1=%s
+ ),
+ D_R as (
+ SELECT C_D.content_sha1 AS content_sha1,
+ DL.path AS file_path,
+ unnest(DR.revision) AS revision,
+ unnest(DR.location) AS prefix_location
+ INNER JOIN directory_in_revision AS DR ON ( =
+ INNER JOIN location AS DL ON ( = C_D.location)
+ )
+ SELECT D_R.content_sha1 AS sha1,
+ R.sha1 AS revision,
+ AS date,
+ O.url AS origin,
+ CASE DL.path
+ WHEN '' THEN D_R.file_path
+ WHEN '.' THEN D_R.file_path
+ ELSE (DL.path || '/' || D_R.file_path)::unix_path
+ END AS path
+ INNER JOIN location AS DL ON (D_R.prefix_location =
+ INNER JOIN revision AS R ON (D_R.revision =
+ LEFT JOIN origin AS O ON (
+ )
+ ORDER BY date, revision, origin, path {early_cut}
+ """
+ else:
+ sql = f"""
(SELECT C.sha1 AS content,
R.sha1 AS revision, AS date,
@@ -45,7 +119,7 @@
INNER JOIN content_in_revision AS CR ON (
INNER JOIN location AS L ON (
INNER JOIN revision AS R ON (
- LEFT JOIN origin as O ON (
+ LEFT JOIN origin AS O ON (
WHERE C.sha1=%s)
(SELECT C.sha1 AS content,
diff --git a/swh/provenance/postgresql/ b/swh/provenance/postgresql/
--- a/swh/provenance/postgresql/
+++ b/swh/provenance/postgresql/
@@ -13,19 +13,38 @@
class ProvenanceWithoutPathDB(ProvenanceDBBase):
def content_find_first(self, id: Sha1Git) -> Optional[ProvenanceResult]:
- sql = """
+ if self.denormalized:
+ sql = """
+ SELECT C_L.sha1 AS content,
+ R.sha1 AS revision,
+ AS date,
+ O.url AS origin,
+ '\\x'::bytea AS path
+ FROM (
+ SELECT C.sha1, UNNEST(revision) AS revision
+ FROM content_in_revision AS C_R
+ INNER JOIN content AS C ON (
+ WHERE C.sha1=%s
+ ) AS C_L
+ INNER JOIN revision AS R ON (
+ LEFT JOIN origin AS O ON (
+ ORDER BY date, revision, origin ASC LIMIT 1
+ """
+ else:
+ sql = """
SELECT C.sha1 AS content,
R.sha1 AS revision, AS date,
O.url AS origin,
- '\\x'::bytea as path
+ '\\x'::bytea AS path
FROM content AS C
- INNER JOIN content_in_revision AS CR ON (
- INNER JOIN revision as R ON (
- LEFT JOIN origin as O ON (
+ INNER JOIN content_in_revision AS CR ON (CR.content =
+ INNER JOIN revision AS R ON (CR.revision =
+ LEFT JOIN origin AS O ON (
WHERE C.sha1=%s
ORDER BY date, revision, origin ASC LIMIT 1
self.cursor.execute(sql, (id,))
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
return ProvenanceResult(**row) if row is not None else None
@@ -34,7 +53,49 @@
self, id: Sha1Git, limit: Optional[int] = None
) -> Generator[ProvenanceResult, None, None]:
early_cut = f"LIMIT {limit}" if limit is not None else ""
- sql = f"""
+ if self.denormalized:
+ sql = f"""
+ (SELECT C_L.sha1 AS content,
+ R.sha1 AS revision,
+ AS date,
+ O.url AS origin,
+ '\\x'::bytea as path
+ FROM (
+ SELECT C.sha1, UNNEST(revision) AS revision
+ FROM content_in_revision AS C_R
+ INNER JOIN content AS C ON (
+ WHERE C.sha1=%s) AS C_L
+ INNER JOIN revision AS R ON (
+ LEFT JOIN origin AS O ON (
+ )
+ C_D AS (
+ SELECT C.sha1 AS content_sha1,
+ unnest( AS directory
+ FROM content AS C
+ INNER JOIN content_in_directory AS CD ON (CD.content =
+ WHERE C.sha1=%s
+ ),
+ D_R AS (
+ SELECT C_D.content_sha1 AS content_sha1,
+ UNNEST(DR.revision) AS revision
+ INNER JOIN directory_in_revision AS DR ON ( =
+ )
+ SELECT D_R.content_sha1 AS content,
+ R.sha1 AS revision,
+ AS date,
+ O.url AS origin,
+ '\\x'::bytea AS path
+ INNER JOIN revision AS R ON (D_R.revision =
+ LEFT JOIN origin AS O ON (
+ )
+ ORDER BY date, revision, path {early_cut}
+ """
+ else:
+ sql = f"""
(SELECT C.sha1 AS content,
R.sha1 AS revision, AS date,
@@ -43,19 +104,19 @@
FROM content AS C
INNER JOIN content_in_revision AS CR ON (
INNER JOIN revision AS R ON (
- LEFT JOIN origin as O ON (
+ LEFT JOIN origin AS O ON (
WHERE C.sha1=%s)
(SELECT C.sha1 AS content,
R.sha1 AS revision, AS date,
O.url AS origin,
- '\\x'::bytea as path
+ '\\x'::bytea AS path
FROM content AS C
INNER JOIN content_in_directory AS CD ON (
INNER JOIN directory_in_revision AS DR ON (
INNER JOIN revision AS R ON (
- LEFT JOIN origin as O ON (
+ LEFT JOIN origin AS O ON (
WHERE C.sha1=%s)
ORDER BY date, revision, origin {early_cut}
diff --git a/swh/provenance/sql/15-flavor.sql b/swh/provenance/sql/15-flavor.sql
--- a/swh/provenance/sql/15-flavor.sql
+++ b/swh/provenance/sql/15-flavor.sql
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-- database flavor
create type database_flavor as enum (
- 'without-path'
+ 'without-path',
+ 'with-path-denormalized',
+ 'without-path-denormalized'
comment on type database_flavor is 'Flavor of the current database';
diff --git a/swh/provenance/sql/30-schema.sql b/swh/provenance/sql/30-schema.sql
--- a/swh/provenance/sql/30-schema.sql
+++ b/swh/provenance/sql/30-schema.sql
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-- psql variables to get the current database flavor
+select position('denormalized' in swh_get_dbflavor()::text) = 0 as dbflavor_norm \gset
create table dbversion
@@ -78,8 +79,13 @@
create table content_in_revision
content bigint not null, -- internal identifier of the content blob
+\if :dbflavor_norm
revision bigint not null, -- internal identifier of the revision where the blob appears for the first time
location bigint -- location of the content relative to the revision root directory
+ revision bigint[], -- internal identifier of the revision where the blob appears for the first time
+ location bigint[] -- location of the content relative to the revision root directory
-- foreign key (blob) references content (id),
-- foreign key (rev) references revision (id),
-- foreign key (loc) references location (id)
@@ -91,8 +97,13 @@
create table content_in_directory
content bigint not null, -- internal identifier of the content blob
+\if :dbflavor_norm
directory bigint not null, -- internal identifier of the directory containing the blob
location bigint -- location of the content relative to its parent directory in the isochrone frontier
+ directory bigint[],
+ location bigint[]
-- foreign key (blob) references content (id),
-- foreign key (dir) references directory (id),
-- foreign key (loc) references location (id)
@@ -104,8 +115,13 @@
create table directory_in_revision
directory bigint not null, -- internal identifier of the directory appearing in the revision
+\if :dbflavor_norm
revision bigint not null, -- internal identifier of the revision containing the directory
location bigint -- location of the directory relative to the revision root directory
+ revision bigint[],
+ location bigint[]
-- foreign key (dir) references directory (id),
-- foreign key (rev) references revision (id),
-- foreign key (loc) references location (id)
diff --git a/swh/provenance/sql/60-indexes.sql b/swh/provenance/sql/60-indexes.sql
--- a/swh/provenance/sql/60-indexes.sql
+++ b/swh/provenance/sql/60-indexes.sql
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
-- psql variables to get the current database flavor
+select position('denormalized' in swh_get_dbflavor()::text) = 0 as dbflavor_norm \gset
-- create unique indexes (instead of pkey) because location might be null for
-- the without-path flavor
+\if :dbflavor_norm
create unique index on content_in_revision(content, revision, location);
create unique index on directory_in_revision(directory, revision, location);
create unique index on content_in_directory(content, directory, location);
+create unique index on content_in_revision(content);
+create unique index on directory_in_revision(directory);
+create unique index on content_in_directory(content);
alter table revision_in_origin add primary key (revision, origin);
alter table revision_before_revision add primary key (prev, next);
diff --git a/swh/provenance/tests/ b/swh/provenance/tests/
--- a/swh/provenance/tests/
+++ b/swh/provenance/tests/
@@ -27,19 +27,29 @@
from import process_replay_objects
-@pytest.fixture(params=["with-path", "without-path"])
+ params=[
+ "with-path",
+ "without-path",
+ "with-path-denormalized",
+ "without-path-denormalized",
+ ]
def populated_db(
request, # TODO: add proper type annotation
postgresql: psycopg2.extensions.connection,
) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ """return a working and initialized provenance db"""
from swh.core.cli.db import populate_database_for_package
- flavor = "with-path" if request.param == "client-server" else request.param
- populate_database_for_package("swh.provenance", postgresql.dsn, flavor=flavor)
+ # flavor = "with-path" if request.param == "client-server" else request.param
+ populate_database_for_package(
+ "swh.provenance", postgresql.dsn, flavor=request.param
+ )
return {
- item.split("=")[0]: item.split("=")[1]
- for item in postgresql.dsn.split()
- if item.split("=")[0] != "options"
+ k: v
+ for (k, v) in (item.split("=") for item in postgresql.dsn.split())
+ if k != "options"
diff --git a/swh/provenance/tests/ b/swh/provenance/tests/
--- a/swh/provenance/tests/
+++ b/swh/provenance/tests/
@@ -42,9 +42,14 @@
def test_provenance_flavor(provenance: ProvenanceInterface) -> None:
if isinstance(, ProvenanceDBBase):
- assert in ("with-path", "without-path")
+ assert in (
+ "with-path",
+ "without-path",
+ "with-path-denormalized",
+ "without-path-denormalized",
+ )
backend_class: Type[ProvenanceStorageInterface]
- if == "with-path":
+ if "with-path" in
backend_class = ProvenanceWithPathDB
backend_class = ProvenanceWithoutPathDB

File Metadata

Mime Type
Nov 5 2024, 4:13 AM (19 w, 3 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline