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diff --git a/swh/storage/ b/swh/storage/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/
@@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+import re
+import bisect
+import dateutil
+import collections
+from collections import defaultdict
+import copy
+import datetime
+import itertools
+import random
+import warnings
+from swh.model.hashutil import DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS
+from swh.model.identifiers import normalize_timestamp
+def now():
+ return
+OriginVisitKey = collections.namedtuple('OriginVisitKey', 'origin date')
+class Storage:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._contents = {}
+ self._contents_data = {}
+ self._content_indexes = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set))
+ self._directories = {}
+ self._revisions = {}
+ self._releases = {}
+ self._snapshots = {}
+ self._origins = {}
+ self._origin_visits = {}
+ self._origin_metadata = defaultdict(list)
+ self._tools = {}
+ self._metadata_providers = {}
+ self._objects = defaultdict(list)
+ def check_config(self, *, check_write):
+ """Check that the storage is configured and ready to go."""
+ return True
+ def content_add(self, contents):
+ """Add content blobs to the storage
+ Args:
+ content (iterable): iterable of dictionaries representing
+ individual pieces of content to add. Each dictionary has the
+ following keys:
+ - data (bytes): the actual content
+ - length (int): content length (default: -1)
+ - one key for each checksum algorithm in
+ :data:`swh.model.hashutil.DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS`, mapped to the
+ corresponding checksum
+ - status (str): one of visible, hidden, absent
+ - reason (str): if status = absent, the reason why
+ - origin (int): if status = absent, the origin we saw the
+ content in
+ """
+ for content in contents:
+ key = self._content_key(content)
+ if key in self._contents:
+ continue
+ for algorithm in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS:
+ if content[algorithm] in self._content_indexes[algorithm]:
+ from . import HashCollision
+ raise HashCollision(algorithm, content[algorithm], key)
+ for algorithm in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS:
+ self._content_indexes[algorithm][content[algorithm]].add(key)
+ self._objects[content['sha1_git']].append(
+ ('content', content['sha1']))
+ self._contents[key] = copy.deepcopy(content)
+ self._contents[key]['ctime'] = now()
+ if self._contents[key]['status'] == 'visible':
+ self._contents_data[key] = self._contents[key].pop('data')
+ def content_get_metadata(self, sha1s):
+ """Retrieve content metadata in bulk
+ Args:
+ content: iterable of content identifiers (sha1)
+ Returns:
+ an iterable with content metadata corresponding to the given ids
+ """
+ # FIXME: the return value should be a mapping from search key to found
+ # content*s*
+ for sha1 in sha1s:
+ if sha1 in self._content_indexes['sha1']:
+ objs = self._content_indexes['sha1'][sha1]
+ # FIXME: rather than selecting one of the objects with that
+ # hash, we should return all of them. See:
+ #
+ key = random.sample(objs, 1)[0]
+ data = copy.deepcopy(self._contents[key])
+ data.pop('ctime')
+ yield data
+ else:
+ # FIXME: should really be None
+ yield {
+ 'sha1': sha1,
+ 'sha1_git': None,
+ 'sha256': None,
+ 'blake2s256': None,
+ 'length': None,
+ 'status': None,
+ }
+ def content_find(self, content):
+ if not set(content).intersection(DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS):
+ raise ValueError('content keys must contain at least one of: '
+ '%s' % ', '.join(sorted(DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS)))
+ found = []
+ hash = content.get(algo)
+ if hash and hash in self._content_indexes[algo]:
+ found.append(self._content_indexes[algo][hash])
+ if not found:
+ return
+ keys = list(set.intersection(*found))
+ # FIXME: should really be a list of all the objects found
+ return copy.deepcopy(self._contents[keys[0]])
+ def content_missing(self, contents, key_hash='sha1'):
+ """List content missing from storage
+ Args:
+ contents ([dict]): iterable of dictionaries containing one
+ key for each checksum algorithm in
+ :data:`swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS`,
+ mapped to the corresponding checksum,
+ and a length key mapped to the content
+ length.
+ key_hash (str): name of the column to use as hash id
+ result (default: 'sha1')
+ Returns:
+ iterable ([bytes]): missing content ids (as per the
+ key_hash column)
+ """
+ for content in contents:
+ if self._content_key(content) not in self._contents:
+ yield content[key_hash]
+ def content_missing_per_sha1(self, contents):
+ """List content missing from storage based only on sha1.
+ Args:
+ contents: Iterable of sha1 to check for absence.
+ Returns:
+ iterable: missing ids
+ Raises:
+ TODO: an exception when we get a hash collision.
+ """
+ for content in contents:
+ if content not in self._content_indexes['sha1']:
+ yield content
+ def directory_add(self, directories):
+ """Add directories to the storage
+ Args:
+ directories (iterable): iterable of dictionaries representing the
+ individual directories to add. Each dict has the following
+ keys:
+ - id (sha1_git): the id of the directory to add
+ - entries (list): list of dicts for each entry in the
+ directory. Each dict has the following keys:
+ - name (bytes)
+ - type (one of 'file', 'dir', 'rev'): type of the
+ directory entry (file, directory, revision)
+ - target (sha1_git): id of the object pointed at by the
+ directory entry
+ - perms (int): entry permissions
+ """
+ for directory in directories:
+ if directory['id'] not in self._directories:
+ self._directories[directory['id']] = copy.deepcopy(directory)
+ self._objects[directory['id']].append(
+ ('directory', directory['id']))
+ def directory_missing(self, directory_ids):
+ """List directories missing from storage
+ Args:
+ directories (iterable): an iterable of directory ids
+ Yields:
+ missing directory ids
+ """
+ for id in directory_ids:
+ if id not in self._directories:
+ yield id
+ def _join_dentry_to_content(self, dentry):
+ keys = (
+ 'status',
+ 'sha1',
+ 'sha1_git',
+ 'sha256',
+ 'length',
+ )
+ ret = dict.fromkeys(keys)
+ ret.update(dentry)
+ if ret['type'] == 'file':
+ content = self.content_find({'sha1_git': ret['target']})
+ if content:
+ for key in keys:
+ ret[key] = content[key]
+ return ret
+ def directory_ls(self, directory_id):
+ """Get entries for one directory.
+ Args:
+ - directory: the directory to list entries from.
+ - recursive: if flag on, this list recursively from this directory.
+ Returns:
+ List of entries for such directory.
+ """
+ if directory_id in self._directories:
+ for entry in self._directories[directory_id]['entries']:
+ ret = self._join_dentry_to_content(entry)
+ ret['dir_id'] = directory_id
+ yield ret
+ def directory_entry_get_by_path(self, directory, paths):
+ """Get the directory entry (either file or dir) from directory with path.
+ Args:
+ - directory: sha1 of the top level directory
+ - paths: path to lookup from the top level directory. From left
+ (top) to right (bottom).
+ Returns:
+ The corresponding directory entry if found, None otherwise.
+ """
+ if not paths:
+ return
+ contents = list(self.directory_ls(directory))
+ if not contents:
+ return
+ def _get_entry(entries, name):
+ for entry in entries:
+ if entry['name'] == name:
+ return entry
+ first_item = _get_entry(contents, paths[0])
+ if len(paths) == 1:
+ return first_item
+ if not first_item or first_item['type'] != 'dir':
+ return
+ return self.directory_entry_get_by_path(
+ first_item['target'], paths[1:])
+ def revision_add(self, revisions):
+ """Add revisions to the storage
+ Args:
+ revisions (iterable): iterable of dictionaries representing the
+ individual revisions to add. Each dict has the following keys:
+ - id (sha1_git): id of the revision to add
+ - date (datetime.DateTime): date the revision was written
+ - date_offset (int): offset from UTC in minutes the revision
+ was written
+ - date_neg_utc_offset (boolean): whether a null date_offset
+ represents a negative UTC offset
+ - committer_date (datetime.DateTime): date the revision got
+ added to the origin
+ - committer_date_offset (int): offset from UTC in minutes the
+ revision was added to the origin
+ - committer_date_neg_utc_offset (boolean): whether a null
+ committer_date_offset represents a negative UTC offset
+ - type (one of 'git', 'tar'): type of the revision added
+ - directory (sha1_git): the directory the revision points at
+ - message (bytes): the message associated with the revision
+ - author_name (bytes): the name of the revision author
+ - author_email (bytes): the email of the revision author
+ - committer_name (bytes): the name of the revision committer
+ - committer_email (bytes): the email of the revision committer
+ - metadata (jsonb): extra information as dictionary
+ - synthetic (bool): revision's nature (tarball, directory
+ creates synthetic revision)
+ - parents (list of sha1_git): the parents of this revision
+ """
+ for revision in revisions:
+ if revision['id'] not in self._revisions:
+ self._revisions[revision['id']] = rev = copy.deepcopy(revision)
+ rev['date'] = normalize_timestamp(rev.get('date'))
+ rev['committer_date'] = normalize_timestamp(
+ rev.get('committer_date'))
+ self._objects[revision['id']].append(
+ ('revision', revision['id']))
+ def revision_missing(self, revision_ids):
+ """List revisions missing from storage
+ Args:
+ revisions (iterable): revision ids
+ Yields:
+ missing revision ids
+ """
+ for id in revision_ids:
+ if id not in self._revisions:
+ yield id
+ def revision_get(self, revision_ids):
+ for id in revision_ids:
+ yield copy.deepcopy(self._revisions.get(id))
+ def _get_parent_revs(self, rev_id, seen, limit):
+ if limit and len(seen) >= limit:
+ return
+ if rev_id in seen:
+ return
+ seen.add(rev_id)
+ yield self._revisions[rev_id]
+ for parent in self._revisions[rev_id]['parents']:
+ yield from self._get_parent_revs(parent, seen, limit)
+ def revision_log(self, revision_ids, limit=None):
+ """Fetch revision entry from the given root revisions.
+ Args:
+ revisions: array of root revision to lookup
+ limit: limitation on the output result. Default to None.
+ Yields:
+ List of revision log from such revisions root.
+ """
+ seen = set()
+ for rev_id in revision_ids:
+ yield from self._get_parent_revs(rev_id, seen, limit)
+ def revision_shortlog(self, revisions, limit=None):
+ """Fetch the shortlog for the given revisions
+ Args:
+ revisions: list of root revisions to lookup
+ limit: depth limitation for the output
+ Yields:
+ a list of (id, parents) tuples.
+ """
+ yield from ((rev['id'], rev['parents'])
+ for rev in self.revision_log(revisions, limit))
+ def release_add(self, releases):
+ """Add releases to the storage
+ Args:
+ releases (iterable): iterable of dictionaries representing the
+ individual releases to add. Each dict has the following keys:
+ - id (sha1_git): id of the release to add
+ - revision (sha1_git): id of the revision the release points to
+ - date (datetime.DateTime): the date the release was made
+ - date_offset (int): offset from UTC in minutes the release was
+ made
+ - date_neg_utc_offset (boolean): whether a null date_offset
+ represents a negative UTC offset
+ - name (bytes): the name of the release
+ - comment (bytes): the comment associated with the release
+ - author_name (bytes): the name of the release author
+ - author_email (bytes): the email of the release author
+ """
+ for rel in releases:
+ rel['date'] = normalize_timestamp(rel['date'])
+ self._objects[rel['id']].append(
+ ('release', rel['id']))
+ self._releases.update((rel['id'], rel) for rel in releases)
+ def release_missing(self, releases):
+ """List releases missing from storage
+ Args:
+ releases: an iterable of release ids
+ Returns:
+ a list of missing release ids
+ """
+ yield from (rel for rel in releases if rel not in self._releases)
+ def release_get(self, releases):
+ """Given a list of sha1, return the releases's information
+ Args:
+ releases: list of sha1s
+ Yields:
+ dicts with the same keys as those given to `release_add`
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: if the keys does not match (url and type) nor id.
+ """
+ yield from map(self._releases.__getitem__, releases)
+ def snapshot_add(self, origin, visit, snapshot):
+ """Add a snapshot for the given origin/visit couple
+ Args:
+ origin (int): id of the origin
+ visit (int): id of the visit
+ snapshot (dict): the snapshot to add to the visit, containing the
+ following keys:
+ - **id** (:class:`bytes`): id of the snapshot
+ - **branches** (:class:`dict`): branches the snapshot contains,
+ mapping the branch name (:class:`bytes`) to the branch target,
+ itself a :class:`dict` (or ``None`` if the branch points to an
+ unknown object)
+ - **target_type** (:class:`str`): one of ``content``,
+ ``directory``, ``revision``, ``release``,
+ ``snapshot``, ``alias``
+ - **target** (:class:`bytes`): identifier of the target
+ (currently a ``sha1_git`` for all object kinds, or the name
+ of the target branch for aliases)
+ """
+ snapshot_id = snapshot['id']
+ if snapshot_id not in self._snapshots:
+ self._snapshots[snapshot_id] = {
+ 'origin': origin,
+ 'visit': visit,
+ 'id': snapshot_id,
+ 'branches': copy.deepcopy(snapshot['branches']),
+ '_sorted_branch_names': sorted(snapshot['branches'])
+ }
+ self._origin_visits[visit]['snapshot'] = snapshot_id
+ def snapshot_get(self, snapshot_id):
+ """Get the content, possibly partial, of a snapshot with the given id
+ The branches of the snapshot are iterated in the lexicographical
+ order of their names.
+ .. warning:: At most 1000 branches contained in the snapshot will be
+ returned for performance reasons. In order to browse the whole
+ set of branches, the method :meth:`snapshot_get_branches`
+ should be used instead.
+ Args:
+ snapshot_id (bytes): identifier of the snapshot
+ Returns:
+ dict: a dict with three keys:
+ * **id**: identifier of the snapshot
+ * **branches**: a dict of branches contained in the snapshot
+ whose keys are the branches' names.
+ * **next_branch**: the name of the first branch not returned
+ or :const:`None` if the snapshot has less than 1000
+ branches.
+ """
+ return self.snapshot_get_branches(snapshot_id)
+ def snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(self, origin, visit):
+ """Get the content, possibly partial, of a snapshot for the given origin visit
+ The branches of the snapshot are iterated in the lexicographical
+ order of their names.
+ .. warning:: At most 1000 branches contained in the snapshot will be
+ returned for performance reasons. In order to browse the whole
+ set of branches, the method :meth:`snapshot_get_branches`
+ should be used instead.
+ Args:
+ origin (int): the origin identifier
+ visit (int): the visit identifier
+ Returns:
+ dict: None if the snapshot does not exist;
+ a dict with three keys otherwise:
+ * **id**: identifier of the snapshot
+ * **branches**: a dict of branches contained in the snapshot
+ whose keys are the branches' names.
+ * **next_branch**: the name of the first branch not returned
+ or :const:`None` if the snapshot has less than 1000
+ branches.
+ """
+ if visit not in self._origin_visits:
+ return None
+ snapshot_id = self._origin_visits[visit]['snapshot']
+ if snapshot_id:
+ return self.snapshot_get(snapshot_id)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def snapshot_get_latest(self, origin, allowed_statuses=None):
+ """Get the content, possibly partial, of the latest snapshot for the
+ given origin, optionally only from visits that have one of the given
+ allowed_statuses
+ The branches of the snapshot are iterated in the lexicographical
+ order of their names.
+ .. warning:: At most 1000 branches contained in the snapshot will be
+ returned for performance reasons. In order to browse the whole
+ set of branches, the method :meth:`snapshot_get_branches`
+ should be used instead.
+ Args:
+ origin (int): the origin identifier
+ allowed_statuses (list of str): list of visit statuses considered
+ to find the latest snapshot for the visit. For instance,
+ ``allowed_statuses=['full']`` will only consider visits that
+ have successfully run to completion.
+ Returns:
+ dict: a dict with three keys:
+ * **id**: identifier of the snapshot
+ * **branches**: a dict of branches contained in the snapshot
+ whose keys are the branches' names.
+ * **next_branch**: the name of the first branch not returned
+ or :const:`None` if the snapshot has less than 1000
+ branches.
+ """
+ if allowed_statuses is None:
+ visits_dates = list(itertools.chain(
+ *self._origins[origin]['visits_dates'].values()))
+ else:
+ last_visits = self._origins[origin]['visits_dates']
+ visits_dates = list(itertools.chain(
+ *map(last_visits.__getitem__, allowed_statuses)))
+ for visit_date in sorted(visits_dates, reverse=True):
+ visit_id = OriginVisitKey(origin=origin, date=visit_date)
+ snapshot_id = self._origin_visits[visit_id]['snapshot']
+ snapshot = self.snapshot_get(snapshot_id)
+ if snapshot:
+ return snapshot
+ return None
+ def snapshot_count_branches(self, snapshot_id, db=None, cur=None):
+ """Count the number of branches in the snapshot with the given id
+ Args:
+ snapshot_id (bytes): identifier of the snapshot
+ Returns:
+ dict: A dict whose keys are the target types of branches and
+ values their corresponding amount
+ """
+ branches = list(self._snapshots[snapshot_id]['branches'].values())
+ return collections.Counter(branch['target_type'] if branch else None
+ for branch in branches)
+ def snapshot_get_branches(self, snapshot_id, branches_from=b'',
+ branches_count=1000, target_types=None):
+ """Get the content, possibly partial, of a snapshot with the given id
+ The branches of the snapshot are iterated in the lexicographical
+ order of their names.
+ Args:
+ snapshot_id (bytes): identifier of the snapshot
+ branches_from (bytes): optional parameter used to skip branches
+ whose name is lesser than it before returning them
+ branches_count (int): optional parameter used to restrain
+ the amount of returned branches
+ target_types (list): optional parameter used to filter the
+ target types of branch to return (possible values that can be
+ contained in that list are `'content', 'directory',
+ 'revision', 'release', 'snapshot', 'alias'`)
+ Returns:
+ dict: None if the snapshot does not exist;
+ a dict with three keys otherwise:
+ * **id**: identifier of the snapshot
+ * **branches**: a dict of branches contained in the snapshot
+ whose keys are the branches' names.
+ * **next_branch**: the name of the first branch not returned
+ or :const:`None` if the snapshot has less than
+ `branches_count` branches after `branches_from` included.
+ """
+ snapshot = self._snapshots.get(snapshot_id)
+ if snapshot is None:
+ return None
+ sorted_branch_names = snapshot['_sorted_branch_names']
+ from_index = bisect.bisect_left(
+ sorted_branch_names, branches_from)
+ if target_types:
+ next_branch = None
+ branches = {}
+ for branch_name in sorted_branch_names[from_index:]:
+ branch = snapshot['branches'][branch_name]
+ if branch and branch['target_type'] in target_types:
+ if len(branches) < branches_count:
+ branches[branch_name] = branch
+ else:
+ next_branch = branch_name
+ break
+ else:
+ # As there is no 'target_types', we can do that much faster
+ to_index = from_index + branches_count
+ returned_branch_names = sorted_branch_names[from_index:to_index]
+ branches = {branch_name: snapshot['branches'][branch_name]
+ for branch_name in returned_branch_names}
+ if to_index >= len(sorted_branch_names):
+ next_branch = None
+ else:
+ next_branch = sorted_branch_names[to_index]
+ return {
+ 'id': snapshot_id,
+ 'branches': branches,
+ 'next_branch': next_branch,
+ }
+ def object_find_by_sha1_git(self, ids, db=None, cur=None):
+ """Return the objects found with the given ids.
+ Args:
+ ids: a generator of sha1_gits
+ Returns:
+ dict: a mapping from id to the list of objects found. Each object
+ found is itself a dict with keys:
+ - sha1_git: the input id
+ - type: the type of object found
+ - id: the id of the object found
+ - object_id: the numeric id of the object found.
+ """
+ ret = {}
+ for id_ in ids:
+ objs = self._objects.get(id_, [])
+ ret[id_] = [{
+ 'sha1_git': id_,
+ 'type': obj[0],
+ 'id': obj[1],
+ 'object_id': id_,
+ } for obj in objs]
+ return ret
+ def origin_get(self, origin):
+ """Return the origin either identified by its id or its tuple
+ (type, url).
+ Args:
+ origin: dictionary representing the individual origin to find.
+ This dict has either the keys type and url:
+ - type (FIXME: enum TBD): the origin type ('git', 'wget', ...)
+ - url (bytes): the url the origin points to
+ or the id:
+ - id: the origin id
+ Returns:
+ dict: the origin dictionary with the keys:
+ - id: origin's id
+ - type: origin's type
+ - url: origin's url
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: if the keys does not match (url and type) nor id.
+ """
+ if 'id' in origin:
+ key = origin['id']
+ elif 'type' in origin and 'url' in origin:
+ key = self._origin_key(origin)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Origin must have either id or (type and url).')
+ if key not in self._origins:
+ return None
+ else:
+ origin = copy.deepcopy(self._origins[key])
+ del origin['visits_dates']
+ origin['id'] = self._origin_key(origin)
+ return origin
+ def origin_search(self, url_pattern, offset=0, limit=50,
+ regexp=False, with_visit=False, db=None, cur=None):
+ """Search for origins whose urls contain a provided string pattern
+ or match a provided regular expression.
+ The search is performed in a case insensitive way.
+ Args:
+ url_pattern (str): the string pattern to search for in origin urls
+ offset (int): number of found origins to skip before returning
+ results
+ limit (int): the maximum number of found origins to return
+ regexp (bool): if True, consider the provided pattern as a regular
+ expression and return origins whose urls match it
+ with_visit (bool): if True, filter out origins with no visit
+ Returns:
+ An iterable of dict containing origin information as returned
+ by :meth:``.
+ """
+ origins = iter(self._origins.values())
+ if regexp:
+ pat = re.compile(url_pattern)
+ origins = (orig for orig in origins if pat.match(orig['url']))
+ else:
+ origins = (orig for orig in origins if url_pattern in orig['url'])
+ if with_visit:
+ origins = (orig for orig in origins if orig['visits_dates'])
+ origins = sorted(origins, key=self._origin_key)
+ origins = copy.deepcopy(origins[offset:offset+limit])
+ for orig in origins:
+ del orig['visits_dates']
+ orig['id'] = self._origin_key(orig)
+ return origins
+ def origin_add(self, origins):
+ """Add origins to the storage
+ Args:
+ origins: list of dictionaries representing the individual origins,
+ with the following keys:
+ - type: the origin type ('git', 'svn', 'deb', ...)
+ - url (bytes): the url the origin points to
+ Returns:
+ list: given origins as dict updated with their id
+ """
+ origins = copy.deepcopy(origins)
+ for origin in origins:
+ origin['id'] = self.origin_add_one(origin)
+ return origins
+ def origin_add_one(self, origin):
+ """Add origin to the storage
+ Args:
+ origin: dictionary representing the individual origin to add. This
+ dict has the following keys:
+ - type (FIXME: enum TBD): the origin type ('git', 'wget', ...)
+ - url (bytes): the url the origin points to
+ Returns:
+ the id of the added origin, or of the identical one that already
+ exists.
+ """
+ origin = copy.deepcopy(origin)
+ assert 'id' not in origin
+ assert 'visits_dates' not in origin
+ key = self._origin_key(origin)
+ origin['visits_dates'] = defaultdict(set)
+ if key not in self._origins:
+ self._origins[key] = origin
+ return key
+ def origin_visit_add(self, origin, date=None, *, ts=None):
+ """Add an origin_visit for the origin at date with status 'ongoing'.
+ Args:
+ origin: Visited Origin id
+ date: timestamp of such visit
+ Returns:
+ dict: dictionary with keys origin and visit where:
+ - origin: origin identifier
+ - visit: the visit identifier for the new visit occurrence
+ """
+ if ts is None:
+ if date is None:
+ raise TypeError('origin_visit_add expected 2 arguments.')
+ else:
+ assert date is None
+ warnings.warn("argument 'ts' of origin_visit_add was renamed "
+ "to 'date' in v0.0.109.",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ date = ts
+ if isinstance(date, str):
+ date = dateutil.parser.parse(date)
+ status = 'ongoing'
+ visit = {
+ 'origin': origin,
+ 'date': date,
+ 'status': status,
+ 'snapshot': None,
+ 'metadata': None,
+ }
+ key = OriginVisitKey(origin=origin, date=date)
+ visit['visit'] = key
+ if key not in self._origin_visits:
+ self._origin_visits[key] = copy.deepcopy(visit)
+ self._origins[origin]['visits_dates'][status].add(date)
+ return {
+ 'origin': origin,
+ 'visit': key,
+ }
+ def origin_visit_update(self, origin, visit_id, status, metadata=None):
+ """Update an origin_visit's status.
+ Args:
+ origin: Visited Origin id
+ visit_id: Visit's id
+ status: Visit's new status
+ metadata: Data associated to the visit
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ old_status = self._origin_visits[visit_id]['status']
+ self._origins[origin]['visits_dates'][old_status] \
+ .remove(
+ self._origins[origin]['visits_dates'][status] \
+ .add(
+ self._origin_visits[visit_id].update({
+ 'status': status,
+ 'metadata': metadata})
+ def origin_visit_get(self, origin, last_visit=None, limit=None):
+ """Retrieve all the origin's visit's information.
+ Args:
+ origin (int): The occurrence's origin (identifier).
+ last_visit: Starting point from which listing the next visits
+ Default to None
+ limit (int): Number of results to return from the last visit.
+ Default to None
+ Yields:
+ List of visits.
+ """
+ visits_dates = sorted(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
+ self._origins[origin]['visits_dates'].values()))
+ if last_visit is not None:
+ from_index = bisect.bisect_right(visits_dates,
+ visits_dates = visits_dates[from_index:]
+ if limit is not None:
+ visits_dates = visits_dates[:limit]
+ keys = (OriginVisitKey(origin=origin, date=date)
+ for date in visits_dates)
+ yield from map(self._origin_visits.__getitem__, keys)
+ def origin_visit_get_by(self, origin, visit):
+ """Retrieve origin visit's information.
+ Args:
+ origin: The occurrence's origin (identifier).
+ Returns:
+ The information on that particular (origin, visit) or None if
+ it does not exist
+ """
+ return self._origin_visits.get(visit)
+ def stat_counters(self):
+ """compute statistics about the number of tuples in various tables
+ Returns:
+ dict: a dictionary mapping textual labels (e.g., content) to
+ integer values (e.g., the number of tuples in table content)
+ """
+ keys = (
+ 'content',
+ 'directory',
+ 'directory_entry_dir',
+ 'directory_entry_file',
+ 'directory_entry_rev',
+ 'origin',
+ 'origin_visit',
+ 'person',
+ 'release',
+ 'revision',
+ 'revision_history',
+ 'skipped_content',
+ 'snapshot'
+ )
+ stats = {key: 0 for key in keys}
+ stats.update(collections.Counter(
+ obj_type for (obj_type, obj_id) in self._objects.values()))
+ return stats
+ def refresh_stat_counters(self):
+ """Recomputes the statistics for `stat_counters`."""
+ pass
+ def origin_metadata_add(self, origin_id, ts, provider, tool, metadata,
+ db=None, cur=None):
+ """ Add an origin_metadata for the origin at ts with provenance and
+ metadata.
+ Args:
+ origin_id: the origin's id for which the metadata is added
+ ts (datetime): timestamp of the found metadata
+ provider: id of the provider of metadata (ex:'hal')
+ tool: id of the tool used to extract metadata
+ metadata (jsonb): the metadata retrieved at the time and location
+ """
+ if isinstance(ts, str):
+ ts = dateutil.parser.parse(ts)
+ origin_metadata = {
+ 'origin_id': origin_id,
+ 'discovery_date': ts,
+ 'tool_id': tool,
+ 'metadata': metadata,
+ 'provider_id': provider,
+ }
+ self._origin_metadata[origin_id].append(origin_metadata)
+ return None
+ def origin_metadata_get_by(self, origin_id, provider_type=None, db=None,
+ cur=None):
+ """Retrieve list of all origin_metadata entries for the origin_id
+ Args:
+ origin_id (int): the unique origin identifier
+ provider_type (str): (optional) type of provider
+ Returns:
+ list of dicts: the origin_metadata dictionary with the keys:
+ - origin_id (int): origin's id
+ - discovery_date (datetime): timestamp of discovery
+ - tool_id (int): metadata's extracting tool
+ - metadata (jsonb)
+ - provider_id (int): metadata's provider
+ - provider_name (str)
+ - provider_type (str)
+ - provider_url (str)
+ """
+ metadata = []
+ for item in self._origin_metadata[origin_id]:
+ item = copy.deepcopy(item)
+ provider = self.metadata_provider_get(item['provider_id'])
+ for attr in ('name', 'type', 'url'):
+ item['provider_' + attr] = provider[attr]
+ metadata.append(item)
+ return metadata
+ def tool_add(self, tools):
+ """Add new tools to the storage.
+ Args:
+ tools (iterable of :class:`dict`): Tool information to add to
+ storage. Each tool is a :class:`dict` with the following keys:
+ - name (:class:`str`): name of the tool
+ - version (:class:`str`): version of the tool
+ - configuration (:class:`dict`): configuration of the tool,
+ must be json-encodable
+ Yields:
+ :class:`dict`: All the tools inserted in storage
+ (including the internal ``id``). The order of the list is not
+ guaranteed to match the order of the initial list.
+ """
+ inserted = []
+ for tool in tools:
+ key = self._tool_key(tool)
+ assert 'id' not in tool
+ record = copy.deepcopy(tool)
+ record['id'] = key # TODO: remove this
+ if key not in self._tools:
+ self._tools[key] = record
+ inserted.append(copy.deepcopy(self._tools[key]))
+ yield from inserted
+ def tool_get(self, tool):
+ """Retrieve tool information.
+ Args:
+ tool (dict): Tool information we want to retrieve from storage.
+ The dicts have the same keys as those used in :func:`tool_add`.
+ Returns:
+ dict: The full tool information if it exists (``id`` included),
+ None otherwise.
+ """
+ return self._tools.get(self._tool_key(tool))
+ def metadata_provider_add(self, provider_name, provider_type, provider_url,
+ metadata):
+ """Add a metadata provider.
+ Args:
+ provider_name (str): Its name
+ provider_type (str): Its type
+ provider_url (str): Its URL
+ metadata: JSON-encodable object
+ Returns:
+ dict: same as args, plus an 'id' key.
+ """
+ provider = {
+ 'name': provider_name,
+ 'type': provider_type,
+ 'url': provider_url,
+ 'metadata': metadata,
+ }
+ key = self._metadata_provider_key(provider)
+ provider['id'] = key
+ self._metadata_providers[key] = provider
+ return provider.copy()
+ def metadata_provider_get(self, provider_id, db=None, cur=None):
+ """Get a metadata provider
+ Args:
+ provider_id: Its identifier, as given by `metadata_provider_add`.
+ Returns:
+ dict: same as `metadata_provider_add`;
+ or None if it does not exist.
+ """
+ return self._metadata_providers.get(provider_id)
+ def metadata_provider_get_by(self, provider, db=None, cur=None):
+ """Get a metadata provider
+ Args:
+ provider_name: Its name
+ provider_url: Its URL
+ Returns:
+ dict: same as `metadata_provider_add`;
+ or None if it does not exist.
+ """
+ key = self._metadata_provider_key({
+ 'name': provider['provider_name'],
+ 'url': provider['provider_url']})
+ return self._metadata_providers.get(key)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _content_key(content):
+ """A stable key for a content"""
+ return tuple(content.get(key) for key in sorted(DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _origin_key(origin):
+ return (origin['type'], origin['url'])
+ @staticmethod
+ def _tool_key(tool):
+ return (tool['name'], tool['version'],
+ tuple(sorted(tool['configuration'].items())))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _metadata_provider_key(provider):
+ return (provider['name'], provider['url'])
diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/ b/swh/storage/tests/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+import unittest
+import pytest
+from import Storage
+from import CommonTestStorage
+class TestInMemoryStorage(CommonTestStorage, unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test the in-memory storage API
+ This class doesn't define any tests as we want identical
+ functionality between local and remote storage. All the tests are
+ therefore defined in CommonTestStorage.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ super().setUp()
+ = Storage()
+ @pytest.mark.skip('postgresql-specific test')
+ def test_content_add(self):
+ pass
+ @pytest.mark.skip('postgresql-specific test')
+ def test_skipped_content_add(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/ b/swh/storage/tests/
--- a/swh/storage/tests/
+++ b/swh/storage/tests/
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@
with self.assertRaises(HashCollision) as cm:[cont1, cont1b])
- self.assertEqual(cm.exception.args[0], 'sha1')
+ self.assertIn(cm.exception.args[0], ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'blake2s256'])
def test_skipped_content_add(self):
cont = self.skipped_cont.copy()
@@ -787,8 +787,10 @@
# hack: ids generated
for actual_result in actual_results:
- del actual_result['author']['id']
- del actual_result['committer']['id']
+ if 'id' in actual_result['author']:
+ del actual_result['author']['id']
+ if 'id' in actual_result['committer']:
+ del actual_result['committer']['id']
self.assertEqual(len(actual_results), 2) # rev4 -child-> rev3
@@ -806,8 +808,10 @@
# hack: ids generated
for actual_result in actual_results:
- del actual_result['author']['id']
- del actual_result['committer']['id']
+ if 'id' in actual_result['author']:
+ del actual_result['author']['id']
+ if 'id' in actual_result['committer']:
+ del actual_result['committer']['id']
self.assertEqual(len(actual_results), 1)
self.assertEqual(actual_results[0], self.revision4)
@@ -851,8 +855,10 @@
[self.revision['id'], self.revision2['id']]))
# when
- del actual_revisions[0]['author']['id'] # hack: ids are generated
- del actual_revisions[0]['committer']['id']
+ if 'id' in actual_revisions[0]['author']:
+ del actual_revisions[0]['author']['id'] # hack: ids are generated
+ if 'id' in actual_revisions[0]['committer']:
+ del actual_revisions[0]['committer']['id']
self.assertEqual(len(actual_revisions), 2)
File Metadata
Mime Type
Nov 5 2024, 12:19 PM (12 w, 4 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Attached To
D645: Add in-memory storage.
Event Timeline
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