comment on column datastore.instance is 'Human-readable way to uniquely identify the datastore; eg. its URL or DSN.';
+-- Checkpointing/progress tracking
+create table checked_range
+ datastore int not null,
+ range_start swhid not null,
+ range_end swhid not null,
+ last_date timestamptz not null
+comment on table checked_range is 'Each row represents a range of objects in a datastore that were fetched, checksumed, and checked at some point in the past.';
+comment on column checked_range.range_start is 'First SWHID of the range that was checked (inclusive, possibly non-existent).';
+comment on column checked_range.range_end is 'Last SWHID of the range that was checked (inclusive, possiby non-existent).';
+comment on column checked_range.last_date is 'Date the last scrub of that range *started*.';
+comment on table checked_range is 'Each row represents a range of objects in a datastore that were fetched, checksumed, and checked at some point in the past.';
+comment on column checked_range.range_start is 'First SWHID of the range that was checked (inclusive, possibly non-existent).';
+comment on column checked_range.range_end is 'Last SWHID of the range that was checked (inclusive, possiby non-existent).';
+comment on column checked_range.last_date is 'Date the last scrub of that range *started*.';
+create unique index concurrently checked_range_pkey on checked_range(datastore, range_start, range_end);
+alter table checked_range add primary key using index checked_range_pkey;