+Topic for :py:class:`swh.model.model.Revision` objects.
+This topics is anonymized. The non-anonymized version of this topic is
+Message format:
+- `message` [bytes] the commit message for the revision
+- `author` [dict] the author of the revision
+- `committer` [dict] the committer of the revision
+- `date` [gitdate] the revision date
+- `committer_date` [gitdate] the revision commit date
+- `type` [string] the type of the revision (can be "git", "tar", "dsc", "svn", "hg")
+- `directory` [bytes] the intrinsic identifier of the directory this revision links to
+- `synthetic` [bool] whether this :py:class:`swh.model.model.Revision` is synthetic or not,
+- `metadata` [bytes] the metadata linked to this :py:class:`swh.model.model.Revision` (not part of the
+ intrinsic identifier computation),
+- `parents` [list[bytes]] list of parent :py:class:`swh.model.model.Revision` intrinsic identifiers
+- `id` [bytes] intrinsic identifier of the :py:class:`swh.model.model.Revision`
+- `extra_headers` [list[(bytes, bytes)]] TODO
+.. code:: json
+ {
+ 'message': b'I now arrange to be able to create a prettyprinted version of the Pascal\ncode to make review of translation of it easier, and I have thought a bit\nmore about coping with Pastacl variant records and the like, but have yet to\nimplement everything. lufylib.red is a place for support code.\n',