diff --git a/swh/graphql/tests/functional/test_revision.py b/swh/graphql/tests/functional/test_revision.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/graphql/tests/functional/test_revision.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+import pytest
+from swh.model.swhids import CoreSWHID
+from . import utils
+from ..data import get_revisions
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("revision", get_revisions())
+def test_get_revision(client, revision):
+    query_str = """
+    {
+      revision(swhid: "%s") {
+        swhid
+        message {
+          text
+        }
+        author {
+          fullname {
+            text
+          }
+          name {
+            text
+          }
+          email {
+            text
+          }
+        }
+        committer {
+          fullname {
+            text
+          }
+          name {
+            text
+          }
+          email {
+            text
+          }
+        }
+        date
+        type
+        directory {
+          swhid
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    """
+    data, _ = utils.get_query_response(client, query_str % revision.swhid())
+    assert data["revision"] == {
+        "swhid": str(revision.swhid()),
+        "message": {"text": revision.message.decode()},
+        "author": {
+            "fullname": {"text": revision.author.fullname.decode()},
+            "name": {"text": revision.author.name.decode()},
+            "email": {"text": revision.author.email.decode()},
+        },
+        "committer": {
+            "fullname": {"text": revision.committer.fullname.decode()},
+            "name": {"text": revision.committer.name.decode()},
+            "email": {"text": revision.committer.email.decode()},
+        },
+        "date": revision.date.to_datetime().isoformat(),
+        "type": revision.type.value,
+        "directory": {
+            "swhid": str(CoreSWHID(object_id=revision.directory, object_type="dir"))
+        },
+    }
+def test_get_revision_with_invalid_swhid(client):
+    query_str = """
+    {
+      revision(swhid: "swh:1:cnt:invalid") {
+        swhid
+      }
+    }
+    """
+    errors = utils.get_error_response(client, query_str)
+    # API will throw an error in case of an invalid SWHID
+    assert len(errors) == 1
+    assert "Invalid SWHID: invalid syntax" in errors[0]["message"]
+def test_get_revision_as_target(client):
+    # SWHID of a snapshot with revision as target
+    snapshot_swhid = "swh:1:snp:9e78d7105c5e0f886487511e2a92377b4ee4c32a"
+    query_str = """
+    {
+      snapshot(swhid: "%s") {
+        branches(first: 1, types: [revision]) {
+          nodes {
+            type
+            target {
+              ...on Revision {
+                swhid
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    """
+    data, _ = utils.get_query_response(client, query_str % snapshot_swhid)
+    revision_obj = data["snapshot"]["branches"]["nodes"][0]["target"]
+    assert revision_obj == {
+        "swhid": "swh:1:rev:66c7c1cd9673275037140f2abff7b7b11fc9439c"
+    }