diff --git a/swh/model/cli.py b/swh/model/cli.py
--- a/swh/model/cli.py
+++ b/swh/model/cli.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
     # stub so that swh-identify can be used when swh-core isn't installed
     swh_cli_group = click  # type: ignore
+from swh.model.from_disk import Directory
 from swh.model.identifiers import CoreSWHID, ObjectType
 CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=["-h", "--help"])
@@ -74,13 +75,8 @@
-def swhid_of_dir(path: bytes, exclude_patterns: List[bytes] = None) -> CoreSWHID:
-    from swh.model.from_disk import (
-        Directory,
-        accept_all_directories,
-        ignore_directories_patterns,
-    )
-    from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_bytes
+def model_of_dir(path: bytes, exclude_patterns: List[bytes] = None) -> Directory:
+    from swh.model.from_disk import accept_all_directories, ignore_directories_patterns
     dir_filter = (
         ignore_directories_patterns(path, exclude_patterns)
@@ -88,9 +84,16 @@
         else accept_all_directories
-    object = Directory.from_disk(path=path, dir_filter=dir_filter).get_data()
+    return Directory.from_disk(path=path, dir_filter=dir_filter)
+def swhid_of_dir(path: bytes, exclude_patterns: List[bytes] = None) -> CoreSWHID:
+    from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_bytes
+    obj = model_of_dir(path, exclude_patterns)
     return CoreSWHID(
-        object_type=ObjectType.DIRECTORY, object_id=hash_to_bytes(object["id"])
+        object_type=ObjectType.DIRECTORY, object_id=hash_to_bytes(obj.get_data()["id"])
@@ -227,9 +230,18 @@
     help="reference identifier to be compared with computed one",
+    "-r", "--recursive", is_flag=True, help="compute SWHID recursively",
 @click.argument("objects", nargs=-1, required=True)
 def identify(
-    obj_type, verify, show_filename, follow_symlinks, objects, exclude_patterns,
+    obj_type,
+    verify,
+    show_filename,
+    follow_symlinks,
+    objects,
+    exclude_patterns,
+    recursive,
     """Compute the Software Heritage persistent identifier (SWHID) for the given
     source code object(s).
@@ -261,32 +273,62 @@
     """  # NoQA  # overlong lines in shell examples are fine
     from functools import partial
+    import logging
     if verify and len(objects) != 1:
         raise click.BadParameter("verification requires a single object")
-    results = zip(
-        objects,
-        map(
-            partial(identify_object, obj_type, follow_symlinks, exclude_patterns),
+    if recursive and not os.path.isdir(objects[0]):
+        recursive = False
+        logging.warn("recursive option disabled, input is not a directory object")
+    if recursive:
+        if verify:
+            raise click.BadParameter(
+                "verification of recursive object identification is not supported"
+            )
+        if not obj_type == ("auto" or "directory"):
+            raise click.BadParameter(
+                "recursive identification is supported only for directories"
+            )
+        path = os.fsencode(objects[0])
+        dir_obj = model_of_dir(path, exclude_patterns)
+        for sub_obj in dir_obj.iter_tree():
+            path_name = "path" if "path" in sub_obj.data.keys() else "data"
+            path = os.fsdecode(sub_obj.data[path_name])
+            swhid = str(
+                CoreSWHID(
+                    object_type=ObjectType[sub_obj.object_type.upper()],
+                    object_id=sub_obj.hash,
+                )
+            )
+            msg = f"{swhid}\t{path}" if show_filename else f"{swhid}"
+            click.echo(msg)
+    else:
+        results = zip(
-        ),
-    )
+            map(
+                partial(identify_object, obj_type, follow_symlinks, exclude_patterns),
+                objects,
+            ),
+        )
-    if verify:
-        swhid = next(results)[1]
-        if str(verify) == swhid:
-            click.echo("SWHID match: %s" % swhid)
-            sys.exit(0)
+        if verify:
+            swhid = next(results)[1]
+            if str(verify) == swhid:
+                click.echo("SWHID match: %s" % swhid)
+                sys.exit(0)
+            else:
+                click.echo("SWHID mismatch: %s != %s" % (verify, swhid))
+                sys.exit(1)
-            click.echo("SWHID mismatch: %s != %s" % (verify, swhid))
-            sys.exit(1)
-    else:
-        for (obj, swhid) in results:
-            msg = swhid
-            if show_filename:
-                msg = "%s\t%s" % (swhid, os.fsdecode(obj))
-            click.echo(msg)
+            for (obj, swhid) in results:
+                msg = swhid
+                if show_filename:
+                    msg = "%s\t%s" % (swhid, os.fsdecode(obj))
+                click.echo(msg)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/swh/model/from_disk.py b/swh/model/from_disk.py
--- a/swh/model/from_disk.py
+++ b/swh/model/from_disk.py
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
                     if dir_filter(path, name, dirs[path].entries):
                         entries[name] = dirs[path]
-            dirs[root] = cls({"name": os.path.basename(root)})
+            dirs[root] = cls({"name": os.path.basename(root), "path": root})
         return dirs[top_path]
diff --git a/swh/model/tests/swh_model_data.py b/swh/model/tests/swh_model_data.py
--- a/swh/model/tests/swh_model_data.py
+++ b/swh/model/tests/swh_model_data.py
@@ -361,3 +361,19 @@
     "snapshot": SNAPSHOTS,
     "skipped_content": SKIPPED_CONTENTS,
+    "swh:1:dir:e8b0f1466af8608c8a3fb9879db172b887e80759",
+    "swh:1:cnt:7d5c08111e21c8a9f71540939998551683375fad",
+    "swh:1:cnt:68769579c3eaadbe555379b9c3538e6628bae1eb",
+    "swh:1:cnt:e86b45e538d9b6888c969c89fbd22a85aa0e0366",
+    "swh:1:dir:3c1f578394f4623f74a0ba7fe761729f59fc6ec4",
+    "swh:1:dir:c3020f6bf135a38c6df3afeb5fb38232c5e07087",
+    "swh:1:cnt:133693b125bad2b4ac318535b84901ebb1f6b638",
+    "swh:1:dir:4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904",
+    "swh:1:cnt:19102815663d23f8b75a47e7a01965dcdc96468c",
+    "swh:1:dir:2b41c40f0d1fbffcba12497db71fba83fcca96e5",
+    "swh:1:cnt:8185dfb2c0c2c597d16f75a8a0c37668567c3d7e",
+    "swh:1:cnt:7c4c57ba9ff496ad179b8f65b1d286edbda34c9a",
+    "swh:1:cnt:acac326ddd63b0bc70840659d4ac43619484e69f",
diff --git a/swh/model/tests/test_cli.py b/swh/model/tests/test_cli.py
--- a/swh/model/tests/test_cli.py
+++ b/swh/model/tests/test_cli.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 from swh.model import cli
 from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex
+from swh.model.tests.swh_model_data import SAMPLE_FOLDER_SWHIDS
 from swh.model.tests.test_from_disk import DataMixin
@@ -177,3 +178,34 @@
         self.assertSWHID(result, "swh:1:dir:e8b0f1466af8608c8a3fb9879db172b887e80759")
+    def test_recursive_directory(self):
+        self.make_from_tarball(self.tmpdir_name)
+        path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir_name, b"sample-folder")
+        result = self.runner.invoke(cli.identify, ["--recursive", path])
+        self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0, result.output)
+        result = result.output.split()
+        result_swhids = []
+        # get all SWHID from the result
+        for i in range(0, len(result)):
+            if i % 2 == 0:
+                result_swhids.append(result[i])
+        assert len(result_swhids) == len(SAMPLE_FOLDER_SWHIDS)
+        for swhid in SAMPLE_FOLDER_SWHIDS:
+            assert swhid in result_swhids
+    def test_recursive_directory_no_filename(self):
+        self.make_from_tarball(self.tmpdir_name)
+        path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir_name, b"sample-folder")
+        result = self.runner.invoke(
+            cli.identify, ["--recursive", "--no-filename", path]
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0, result.output)
+        result_swhids = result.output.split()
+        assert len(result_swhids) == len(SAMPLE_FOLDER_SWHIDS)
+        for swhid in SAMPLE_FOLDER_SWHIDS:
+            assert swhid in result_swhids