diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index c797c40e9..9d9f43dc8 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
 Source: swh-web
 Maintainer: Software Heritage developers <swh-devel@inria.fr>
 Section: python
 Priority: optional
 Build-Depends: curl,
                debhelper (>= 9),
                dh-python (>= 2),
                python3-django (>= 1.10.7~),
                python3-djangorestframework (>= 3.4.0~),
                python3-hypothesis (>= 3.11.0~),
                python3-magic (>= 0.3.0~),
                python3-swh.core (>= 0.0.40~),
                python3-swh.model (>= 0.0.25~),
-               python3-swh.storage (>= 0.0.115~),
+               python3-swh.storage (>= 0.0.118~),
                python3-swh.indexer (>= 0.0.120~),
                python3-swh.vault (>= 0.0.20~),
                python3-swh.scheduler (>= 0.0.31~),
                python3-swh.loader.git (>= 0.0.47~)
 Standards-Version: 3.9.6
 Homepage: https://forge.softwareheritage.org/diffusion/DWUI/
 Package: python3-swh.web
 Architecture: all
 Depends: python3-swh.core (>= 0.0.40~),
          python3-swh.model (>= 0.0.25~),
-         python3-swh.storage (>= 0.0.115~),
+         python3-swh.storage (>= 0.0.118~),
          python3-swh.indexer.storage (>= 0.0.120~),
          python3-swh.vault (>= 0.0.20~),
          python3-swh.scheduler (>= 0.0.31~),
 Description: Software Heritage Web Applications
diff --git a/requirements-swh.txt b/requirements-swh.txt
index f80614c3a..add6f9f4d 100644
--- a/requirements-swh.txt
+++ b/requirements-swh.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 swh.core >= 0.0.40
 swh.model >= 0.0.25
-swh.storage >= 0.0.115
+swh.storage >= 0.0.118
 swh.vault >= 0.0.20
 swh.indexer >= 0.0.120
 swh.scheduler >= 0.0.31
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/swh/web/tests/common/test_service.py b/swh/web/tests/common/test_service.py
index 8a705df32..2a8e90fb4 100644
--- a/swh/web/tests/common/test_service.py
+++ b/swh/web/tests/common/test_service.py
@@ -1,1925 +1,864 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2015-2018  The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+import copy
 import datetime
+import itertools
+import pytest
+import random
-from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch, call
+from collections import defaultdict
+from hypothesis import given
 from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_bytes, hash_to_hex
 from swh.web.common import service
 from swh.web.common.exc import BadInputExc, NotFoundExc
-from swh.web.tests.testcase import WebTestCase
+from swh.web.tests.strategies import (
+    content, contents, unknown_content, unknown_contents,
+    contents_with_ctags, origin, new_origin, visit_dates, directory,
+    release, revision, unknown_revision, revisions, unknown_revisions,
+    ancestor_revisions, non_ancestor_revisions, invalid_sha1, sha256,
+    revision_with_submodules, unknown_directory, empty_directory
+from swh.web.tests.testcase import (
+    WebTestCase, ctags_json_missing, fossology_missing
 class ServiceTestCase(WebTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.BLAKE2S256_SAMPLE = ('685395c5dc57cada459364f0946d3dd45b'
-                                  'ad5fcbabc1048edb44380f1d31d0aa')
-        self.BLAKE2S256_SAMPLE_BIN = hash_to_bytes(self.BLAKE2S256_SAMPLE)
         self.SHA1_SAMPLE = '40e71b8614fcd89ccd17ca2b1d9e66c5b00a6d03'
         self.SHA1_SAMPLE_BIN = hash_to_bytes(self.SHA1_SAMPLE)
-        self.SHA256_SAMPLE = ('8abb0aa566452620ecce816eecdef4792d77a'
-                              '293ad8ea82a4d5ecb4d36f7e560')
-        self.SHA256_SAMPLE_BIN = hash_to_bytes(self.SHA256_SAMPLE)
-        self.SHA1GIT_SAMPLE = '25d1a2e8f32937b0f498a5ca87f823d8df013c01'
-        self.SHA1GIT_SAMPLE_BIN = hash_to_bytes(self.SHA1GIT_SAMPLE)
         self.DIRECTORY_ID = '7834ef7e7c357ce2af928115c6c6a42b7e2a44e6'
         self.DIRECTORY_ID_BIN = hash_to_bytes(self.DIRECTORY_ID)
         self.AUTHOR_ID_BIN = {
             'name': b'author',
             'email': b'author@company.org',
+            'fullname': b'author <author@company.org>'
         self.AUTHOR_ID = {
             'name': 'author',
             'email': 'author@company.org',
+            'fullname': 'author <author@company.org>'
         self.COMMITTER_ID_BIN = {
             'name': b'committer',
             'email': b'committer@corp.org',
+            'fullname': b'committer <committer@corp.org>'
         self.COMMITTER_ID = {
             'name': 'committer',
             'email': 'committer@corp.org',
+            'fullname': 'committer <committer@corp.org>'
         self.SAMPLE_DATE_RAW = {
-            'timestamp': datetime.datetime(
+            'timestamp': int(datetime.datetime(
                 2000, 1, 17, 11, 23, 54,
-            ).timestamp(),
+            ).timestamp()),
             'offset': 0,
             'negative_utc': False,
         self.SAMPLE_DATE = '2000-01-17T11:23:54+00:00'
         self.SAMPLE_MESSAGE_BIN = b'elegant fix for bug 31415957'
         self.SAMPLE_MESSAGE = 'elegant fix for bug 31415957'
         self.SAMPLE_REVISION = {
             'id': self.SHA1_SAMPLE,
             'directory': self.DIRECTORY_ID,
             'author': self.AUTHOR_ID,
             'committer': self.COMMITTER_ID,
             'message': self.SAMPLE_MESSAGE,
             'date': self.SAMPLE_DATE,
             'committer_date': self.SAMPLE_DATE,
             'synthetic': False,
             'type': 'git',
             'parents': [],
             'metadata': {},
             'merge': False
         self.SAMPLE_REVISION_RAW = {
             'id': self.SHA1_SAMPLE_BIN,
             'directory': self.DIRECTORY_ID_BIN,
             'author': self.AUTHOR_ID_BIN,
             'committer': self.COMMITTER_ID_BIN,
             'message': self.SAMPLE_MESSAGE_BIN,
             'date': self.SAMPLE_DATE_RAW,
             'committer_date': self.SAMPLE_DATE_RAW,
             'synthetic': False,
             'type': 'git',
             'parents': [],
             'metadata': [],
-        self.SAMPLE_CONTENT = {
-            'checksums': {
-                'blake2s256': self.BLAKE2S256_SAMPLE,
-                'sha1': self.SHA1_SAMPLE,
-                'sha256': self.SHA256_SAMPLE,
-                'sha1_git': self.SHA1GIT_SAMPLE,
-            },
-            'length': 190,
-            'status': 'absent'
-        }
-        self.SAMPLE_CONTENT_RAW = {
-            'blake2s256': self.BLAKE2S256_SAMPLE_BIN,
-            'sha1': self.SHA1_SAMPLE_BIN,
-            'sha256': self.SHA256_SAMPLE_BIN,
-            'sha1_git': self.SHA1GIT_SAMPLE_BIN,
-            'length': 190,
-            'status': 'hidden'
-        }
+    @given(contents())
+    def test_lookup_multiple_hashes_all_present(self, contents):
+        input_data = []
+        expected_output = []
+        for cnt in contents:
+            input_data.append({'sha1': cnt['sha1']})
+            expected_output.append({'sha1': cnt['sha1'],
+                                    'found': True})
-        self.date_origin_visit1 = datetime.datetime(
-            2015, 1, 1, 22, 0, 0,
-            tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
+        self.assertEqual(service.lookup_multiple_hashes(input_data),
+                         expected_output)
-        self.origin_visit1 = {
-            'date': self.date_origin_visit1,
-            'origin': 1,
-            'visit': 1
-        }
+    @given(contents(), unknown_contents())
+    def test_lookup_multiple_hashes_some_missing(self, contents,
+                                                 unknown_contents):
+        input_contents = list(itertools.chain(contents, unknown_contents))
+        random.shuffle(input_contents)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_multiple_hashes_ball_missing(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.content_missing_per_sha1 = MagicMock(return_value=[])
-        # when
-        actual_lookup = service.lookup_multiple_hashes(
-            [{'filename': 'a',
-              'sha1': '456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f'},
-             {'filename': 'b',
-              'sha1': '745bab676c8f3cec8016e0c39ea61cf57e518865'}])
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_lookup, [
-            {'filename': 'a',
-             'sha1': '456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f',
-             'found': True},
-            {'filename': 'b',
-             'sha1': '745bab676c8f3cec8016e0c39ea61cf57e518865',
-             'found': True}
-        ])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_multiple_hashes_some_missing(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.content_missing_per_sha1 = MagicMock(return_value=[
-            hash_to_bytes('456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
-        ])
-        # when
-        actual_lookup = service.lookup_multiple_hashes(
-            [{'filename': 'a',
-              'sha1': '456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f'},
-             {'filename': 'b',
-              'sha1': '745bab676c8f3cec8016e0c39ea61cf57e518865'}])
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_lookup, [
-            {'filename': 'a',
-             'sha1': '456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f',
-             'found': False},
-            {'filename': 'b',
-             'sha1': '745bab676c8f3cec8016e0c39ea61cf57e518865',
-             'found': True}
-        ])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_hash_does_not_exist(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.content_find = MagicMock(return_value=None)
-        # when
-        actual_lookup = service.lookup_hash(
-            'sha1_git:123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual({'found': None,
-                          'algo': 'sha1_git'}, actual_lookup)
-        # check the function has been called with parameters
-        mock_storage.content_find.assert_called_with(
-            {'sha1_git':
-             hash_to_bytes('123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')})
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_hash_exist(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        stub_content = {
-            'sha1': hash_to_bytes(
-                '456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
-        }
-        mock_storage.content_find = MagicMock(return_value=stub_content)
-        # when
-        actual_lookup = service.lookup_hash(
-            'sha1:456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual({
-            'found': {
-                'checksums': {
-                    'sha1': '456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f'
-                }
-            },
-            'algo': 'sha1'
-        }, actual_lookup)
-        mock_storage.content_find.assert_called_with(
-            {'sha1':
-             hash_to_bytes('456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')}
-        )
+        input_data = []
+        expected_output = []
+        for cnt in input_contents:
+            input_data.append({'sha1': cnt['sha1']})
+            expected_output.append({'sha1': cnt['sha1'],
+                                    'found': cnt in contents})
+        self.assertEqual(service.lookup_multiple_hashes(input_data),
+                         expected_output)
+    @given(unknown_content())
+    def test_lookup_hash_does_not_exist(self, unknown_content):
+        actual_lookup = service.lookup_hash('sha1_git:%s' %
+                                            unknown_content['sha1_git'])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_search_hash_does_not_exist(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.content_find = MagicMock(return_value=None)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_lookup, {'found': None,
+                                         'algo': 'sha1_git'})
-        # when
-        actual_lookup = service.search_hash(
-            'sha1_git:123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
+    @given(content())
+    def test_lookup_hash_exist(self, content):
+        actual_lookup = service.lookup_hash('sha1:%s' % content['sha1'])
+        content_metadata = self.content_get_metadata(content['sha1'])
+        self.assertEqual({'found': content_metadata,
+                          'algo': 'sha1'}, actual_lookup)
+    @given(unknown_content())
+    def test_search_hash_does_not_exist(self, content):
+        actual_lookup = service.search_hash('sha1_git:%s' %
+                                            content['sha1_git'])
-        # then
         self.assertEqual({'found': False}, actual_lookup)
-        # check the function has been called with parameters
-        mock_storage.content_find.assert_called_with(
-            {'sha1_git':
-             hash_to_bytes('123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')})
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_search_hash_exist(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        stub_content = {
-                'sha1': hash_to_bytes(
-                    '456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
-            }
-        mock_storage.content_find = MagicMock(return_value=stub_content)
-        # when
-        actual_lookup = service.search_hash(
-            'sha1:456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual({'found': True}, actual_lookup)
+    @given(content())
+    def test_search_hash_exist(self, content):
-        mock_storage.content_find.assert_called_with(
-            {'sha1':
-             hash_to_bytes('456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')},
-        )
+        actual_lookup = service.search_hash('sha1:%s' % content['sha1'])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.idx_storage')
-    def test_lookup_content_ctags(self, mock_idx_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_idx_storage.content_ctags_get = MagicMock(
-            return_value=[{
-                'id': hash_to_bytes(
-                    '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f'),
-                'line': 100,
-                'name': 'hello',
-                'kind': 'function',
-                'tool_name': 'ctags',
-                'tool_version': 'some-version',
-            }])
-        expected_ctags = [{
-            'id': '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f',
-            'line': 100,
-            'name': 'hello',
-            'kind': 'function',
-            'tool_name': 'ctags',
-            'tool_version': 'some-version',
-        }]
-        # when
-        actual_ctags = list(service.lookup_content_ctags(
-            'sha1:123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f'))
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_ctags, expected_ctags)
+        self.assertEqual({'found': True}, actual_lookup)
-        mock_idx_storage.content_ctags_get.assert_called_with(
-            [hash_to_bytes('123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')])
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(ctags_json_missing,
+                        reason="requires ctags with json output support")
+    @given(contents_with_ctags())
+    def test_lookup_content_ctags(self, contents_with_ctags):
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.idx_storage')
-    def test_lookup_content_ctags_no_hash(self, mock_idx_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_idx_storage.content_ctags_get = MagicMock(return_value=[])
+        content_sha1 = random.choice(contents_with_ctags['sha1s'])
+        self.content_add_ctags(content_sha1)
+        actual_ctags = \
+            list(service.lookup_content_ctags('sha1:%s' % content_sha1))
-        # when
-        actual_ctags = list(service.lookup_content_ctags(
-            'sha1:123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f'))
+        expected_data = list(self.content_get_ctags(content_sha1))
+        for ctag in expected_data:
+            ctag['id'] = content_sha1
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_ctags, [])
+        self.assertEqual(actual_ctags, expected_data)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.idx_storage')
-    def test_lookup_content_filetype(self, mock_idx_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_idx_storage.content_mimetype_get = MagicMock(
-            return_value=[{
-                'id': hash_to_bytes(
-                    '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f'),
-                'mimetype': 'text/x-c++',
-                'encoding': 'us-ascii',
-            }])
-        expected_filetype = {
-                'id': '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f',
-                'mimetype': 'text/x-c++',
-                'encoding': 'us-ascii',
-        }
+    @given(unknown_content())
+    def test_lookup_content_ctags_no_hash(self, unknown_content):
-        # when
-        actual_filetype = service.lookup_content_filetype(
-            'sha1:123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
+        actual_ctags = \
+            list(service.lookup_content_ctags('sha1:%s' %
+                                              unknown_content['sha1']))
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_filetype, expected_filetype)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_ctags, [])
-        mock_idx_storage.content_mimetype_get.assert_called_with(
-            [hash_to_bytes('123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.idx_storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_content_filetype_2(self, mock_storage, mock_idx_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.content_find = MagicMock(
-            return_value={
-                'sha1': hash_to_bytes(
-                    '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
-            }
-        )
-        mock_idx_storage.content_mimetype_get = MagicMock(
-            return_value=[{
-                'id': hash_to_bytes(
-                    '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f'),
-                'mimetype': 'text/x-python',
-                'encoding': 'us-ascii',
-            }]
-        )
-        expected_filetype = {
-                'id': '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f',
-                'mimetype': 'text/x-python',
-                'encoding': 'us-ascii',
-        }
+    @given(content())
+    def test_lookup_content_filetype(self, content):
-        # when
-        actual_filetype = service.lookup_content_filetype(
-            'sha1_git:456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
+        self.content_add_mimetype(content['sha1'])
+        actual_filetype = service.lookup_content_filetype(content['sha1'])
-        # then
+        expected_filetype = self.content_get_mimetype(content['sha1'])
         self.assertEqual(actual_filetype, expected_filetype)
-        mock_storage.content_find(
-            'sha1_git', hash_to_bytes(
-                '456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
-        )
-        mock_idx_storage.content_mimetype_get.assert_called_with(
-            [hash_to_bytes('123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.idx_storage')
-    def test_lookup_content_language(self, mock_idx_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_idx_storage.content_language_get = MagicMock(
-            return_value=[{
-                'id': hash_to_bytes(
-                    '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f'),
-                'lang': 'python',
-            }])
-        expected_language = {
-                'id': '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f',
-                'lang': 'python',
-        }
+    @given(content())
+    def test_lookup_content_language(self, content):
-        # when
-        actual_language = service.lookup_content_language(
-            'sha1:123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
+        self.content_add_language(content['sha1'])
+        actual_language = service.lookup_content_language(content['sha1'])
-        # then
+        expected_language = self.content_get_language(content['sha1'])
         self.assertEqual(actual_language, expected_language)
-        mock_idx_storage.content_language_get.assert_called_with(
-            [hash_to_bytes('123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.idx_storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_content_language_2(self, mock_storage, mock_idx_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.content_find = MagicMock(
-            return_value={
-                'sha1': hash_to_bytes(
-                    '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
-            }
-        )
-        mock_idx_storage.content_language_get = MagicMock(
-            return_value=[{
-                'id': hash_to_bytes(
-                    '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f'),
-                'lang': 'haskell',
-            }]
-        )
-        expected_language = {
-                'id': '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f',
-                'lang': 'haskell',
-        }
+    @given(contents_with_ctags())
+    def test_lookup_expression(self, contents_with_ctags):
-        # when
-        actual_language = service.lookup_content_language(
-            'sha1_git:456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
+        per_page = 10
+        expected_ctags = []
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_language, expected_language)
+        for content_sha1 in contents_with_ctags['sha1s']:
+            if len(expected_ctags) == per_page:
+                break
+            self.content_add_ctags(content_sha1)
+            for ctag in self.content_get_ctags(content_sha1):
+                if len(expected_ctags) == per_page:
+                    break
+                if ctag['name'] == contents_with_ctags['symbol_name']:
+                    del ctag['id']
+                    ctag['sha1'] = content_sha1
+                    expected_ctags.append(ctag)
+        actual_ctags = \
+            list(service.lookup_expression(contents_with_ctags['symbol_name'],
+                                           last_sha1=None, per_page=10))
-        mock_storage.content_find(
-            'sha1_git', hash_to_bytes(
-                '456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
-        )
-        mock_idx_storage.content_language_get.assert_called_with(
-            [hash_to_bytes('123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.idx_storage')
-    def test_lookup_expression(self, mock_idx_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_idx_storage.content_ctags_search = MagicMock(
-            return_value=[{
-                'id': hash_to_bytes(
-                    '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f'),
-                'name': 'foobar',
-                'kind': 'variable',
-                'lang': 'C',
-                'line': 10
-            }])
-        expected_ctags = [{
-            'sha1': '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f',
-            'name': 'foobar',
-            'kind': 'variable',
-            'lang': 'C',
-            'line': 10
-        }]
-        # when
-        actual_ctags = list(service.lookup_expression(
-            'foobar', last_sha1='hash', per_page=10))
-        # then
         self.assertEqual(actual_ctags, expected_ctags)
-        mock_idx_storage.content_ctags_search.assert_called_with(
-            'foobar', last_sha1='hash', limit=10)
+    def test_lookup_expression_no_result(self):
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.idx_storage')
-    def test_lookup_expression_no_result(self, mock_idx_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_idx_storage.content_ctags_search = MagicMock(
-            return_value=[])
         expected_ctags = []
-        # when
-        actual_ctags = list(service.lookup_expression(
-            'barfoo', last_sha1='hash', per_page=10))
-        # then
+        actual_ctags = \
+            list(service.lookup_expression('barfoo', last_sha1=None,
+                                           per_page=10))
         self.assertEqual(actual_ctags, expected_ctags)
-        mock_idx_storage.content_ctags_search.assert_called_with(
-            'barfoo', last_sha1='hash', limit=10)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.idx_storage')
-    def test_lookup_content_license(self, mock_idx_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_idx_storage.content_fossology_license_get = MagicMock(
-            return_value=[{
-                hash_to_bytes('123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f'): [{
-                    'licenses': ['GPL-3.0+'],
-                    'tool': {}
-                }]
-            }])
-        expected_license = {
-                'id': '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f',
-                'facts': [{
-                    'licenses': ['GPL-3.0+'],
-                    'tool': {}
-                }]
-        }
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(fossology_missing,
+                        reason="requires fossology-nomossa installed")
+    @given(content())
+    def test_lookup_content_license(self, content):
-        # when
-        actual_license = service.lookup_content_license(
-            'sha1:123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
+        self.content_add_license(content['sha1'])
+        actual_license = service.lookup_content_license(content['sha1'])
-        # then
+        expected_license = self.content_get_license(content['sha1'])
         self.assertEqual(actual_license, expected_license)
-        mock_idx_storage.content_fossology_license_get.assert_called_with(
-            [hash_to_bytes('123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.idx_storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_content_license_2(self, mock_storage, mock_idx_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.content_find = MagicMock(
-            return_value={
-                'sha1': hash_to_bytes(
-                    '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
-            }
-        )
-        mock_idx_storage.content_fossology_license_get = MagicMock(
-            return_value=[{
-                hash_to_bytes('123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f'): [{
-                    'licenses': ['BSD-2-Clause'],
-                    'tool': {}
-                }]
-            }]
-        )
-        expected_license = {
-                'id': '123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f',
-                'facts': [{
-                    'licenses': ['BSD-2-Clause'],
-                    'tool': {}
-                }]
-        }
-        # when
-        actual_license = service.lookup_content_license(
-            'sha1_git:456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
+    def test_stat_counters(self):
+        actual_stats = service.stat_counters()
+        self.assertEqual(actual_stats, self.storage.stat_counters())
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_license, expected_license)
+    @given(new_origin(), visit_dates())
+    def test_lookup_origin_visits(self, new_origin, visit_dates):
-        mock_storage.content_find(
-            'sha1_git', hash_to_bytes(
-                '456caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')
-        )
-        mock_idx_storage.content_fossology_license_get.assert_called_with(
-            [hash_to_bytes('123caf10e9535160d90e874b45aa426de762f19f')])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_stat_counters(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        input_stats = {
-            "content": 1770830,
-            "directory": 211683,
-            "directory_entry_dir": 209167,
-            "directory_entry_file": 1807094,
-            "directory_entry_rev": 0,
-            "origin": 1096,
-            "person": 0,
-            "release": 8584,
-            "revision": 7792,
-            "revision_history": 0,
-            "skipped_content": 0
-        }
-        mock_storage.stat_counters = MagicMock(return_value=input_stats)
+        origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(new_origin)
+        for ts in visit_dates:
+            self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, ts)
-        # when
-        actual_stats = service.stat_counters()
+        actual_origin_visits = list(service.lookup_origin_visits(origin_id))
-        # then
-        expected_stats = input_stats
-        self.assertEqual(actual_stats, expected_stats)
-        mock_storage.stat_counters.assert_called_with()
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service._lookup_origin_visits')
-    def test_lookup_origin_visits(self, mock_lookup_visits):
-        # given
-        date_origin_visit2 = datetime.datetime(
-            2013, 7, 1, 20, 0, 0,
-            tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
-        date_origin_visit3 = datetime.datetime(
-            2015, 1, 1, 21, 0, 0,
-            tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
-        stub_result = [self.origin_visit1, {
-            'date': date_origin_visit2,
-            'origin': 1,
-            'visit': 2,
-            'target': hash_to_bytes(
-                '65a55bbdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db'),
-            'branch': b'master',
-            'target_type': 'release',
-            'metadata': None,
-        }, {
-            'date': date_origin_visit3,
-            'origin': 1,
-            'visit': 3
-        }]
-        mock_lookup_visits.return_value = stub_result
-        # when
-        expected_origin_visits = [{
-            'date': self.origin_visit1['date'].isoformat(),
-            'origin': self.origin_visit1['origin'],
-            'visit': self.origin_visit1['visit']
-        }, {
-            'date': date_origin_visit2.isoformat(),
-            'origin': 1,
-            'visit': 2,
-            'target': '65a55bbdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db',
-            'branch': 'master',
-            'target_type': 'release',
-            'metadata': {},
-        }, {
-            'date': date_origin_visit3.isoformat(),
-            'origin': 1,
-            'visit': 3
-        }]
-        actual_origin_visits = service.lookup_origin_visits(6)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(list(actual_origin_visits), expected_origin_visits)
-        mock_lookup_visits.assert_called_once_with(
-            6, last_visit=None, limit=10)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_origin_visit(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        stub_result = self.origin_visit1
-        mock_storage.origin_visit_get_by.return_value = stub_result
-        expected_origin_visit = {
-            'date': self.origin_visit1['date'].isoformat(),
-            'origin': self.origin_visit1['origin'],
-            'visit': self.origin_visit1['visit']
-        }
+        expected_visits = list(self.storage.origin_visit_get(origin_id))
+        for visit in expected_visits:
+            visit['date'] = visit['date'].isoformat()
+            visit['metadata'] = {}
-        # when
-        actual_origin_visit = service.lookup_origin_visit(1, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_origin_visits, expected_visits)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_origin_visit, expected_origin_visit)
+    @given(new_origin(), visit_dates())
+    def test_lookup_origin_visit(self, new_origin, visit_dates):
+        origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(new_origin)
+        visits = []
+        for ts in visit_dates:
+            visits.append(self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, ts))
-        mock_storage.origin_visit_get_by.assert_called_once_with(1, 1)
+        visit = random.choice(visits)['visit']
+        actual_origin_visit = service.lookup_origin_visit(origin_id, visit)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_origin(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.origin_get = MagicMock(return_value={
-            'id': 'origin-id',
-            'url': 'ftp://some/url/to/origin',
-            'type': 'ftp'})
+        expected_visit = dict(self.storage.origin_visit_get_by(origin_id,
+                                                               visit))
+        expected_visit['date'] = expected_visit['date'].isoformat()
+        expected_visit['metadata'] = {}
-        # when
-        actual_origin = service.lookup_origin({'id': 'origin-id'})
+        self.assertEqual(actual_origin_visit, expected_visit)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_origin, {'id': 'origin-id',
-                                         'url': 'ftp://some/url/to/origin',
-                                         'type': 'ftp'})
+    @given(new_origin())
+    def test_lookup_origin(self, new_origin):
+        origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(new_origin)
-        mock_storage.origin_get.assert_called_with({'id': 'origin-id'})
+        actual_origin = service.lookup_origin({'id': origin_id})
+        expected_origin = self.storage.origin_get({'id': origin_id})
+        self.assertEqual(actual_origin, expected_origin)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_release_ko_id_checksum_not_a_sha1(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.release_get = MagicMock()
+        actual_origin = service.lookup_origin({'type': new_origin['type'],
+                                               'url': new_origin['url']})
+        expected_origin = self.storage.origin_get({'type': new_origin['type'],
+                                                   'url': new_origin['url']})
+        self.assertEqual(actual_origin, expected_origin)
+    @given(invalid_sha1())
+    def test_lookup_release_ko_id_checksum_not_a_sha1(self, invalid_sha1):
         with self.assertRaises(BadInputExc) as cm:
-            # when
-            service.lookup_release('not-a-sha1')
+            service.lookup_release(invalid_sha1)
         self.assertIn('invalid checksum', cm.exception.args[0].lower())
-        mock_storage.release_get.called = False
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_release_ko_id_checksum_too_long(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.release_get = MagicMock()
-        # when
+    @given(sha256())
+    def test_lookup_release_ko_id_checksum_too_long(self, sha256):
         with self.assertRaises(BadInputExc) as cm:
-            service.lookup_release(
-                '13c1d34d138ec13b5ebad226dc2528dc7506c956e4646f62d4daf5'
-                '1aea892abe')
+            service.lookup_release(sha256)
         self.assertEqual('Only sha1_git is supported.', cm.exception.args[0])
-        mock_storage.release_get.called = False
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_directory_with_path_not_found(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.lookup_directory_with_path = MagicMock(return_value=None)
-        sha1_git = '65a55bbdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db'
-        # when
-        actual_directory = mock_storage.lookup_directory_with_path(
-            sha1_git, 'some/path/here')
-        self.assertIsNone(actual_directory)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_directory_with_path_found(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        sha1_git = '65a55bbdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db'
-        entry = {'id': 'dir-id',
-                 'type': 'dir',
-                 'name': 'some/path/foo'}
-        mock_storage.lookup_directory_with_path = MagicMock(return_value=entry)
-        # when
-        actual_directory = mock_storage.lookup_directory_with_path(
-            sha1_git, 'some/path/here')
-        self.assertEqual(entry, actual_directory)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_release(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.release_get = MagicMock(return_value=[{
-            'id': hash_to_bytes('65a55bbdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db'),
-            'target': None,
-            'date': {
-                'timestamp': datetime.datetime(
-                    2015, 1, 1, 22, 0, 0,
-                    tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp(),
-                'offset': 0,
-                'negative_utc': True,
-            },
-            'name': b'v0.0.1',
-            'message': b'synthetic release',
-            'synthetic': True,
-        }])
-        # when
-        actual_release = service.lookup_release(
-            '65a55bbdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db')
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_release, {
-            'id': '65a55bbdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db',
-            'target': None,
-            'date': '2015-01-01T22:00:00-00:00',
-            'name': 'v0.0.1',
-            'message': 'synthetic release',
-            'synthetic': True,
-        })
-        mock_storage.release_get.assert_called_with(
-            [hash_to_bytes('65a55bbdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db')])
-    def test_lookup_revision_with_context_ko_not_a_sha1_1(self):
-        # given
-        sha1_git = '13c1d34d138ec13b5ebad226dc2528dc7506c956e4646f62d4' \
-                   'daf51aea892abe'
-        sha1_git_root = '65a55bbdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db'
-        # when
+    @given(directory())
+    def test_lookup_directory_with_path_not_found(self, directory):
+        path = 'some/invalid/path/here'
+        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc) as cm:
+            service.lookup_directory_with_path(directory, path)
+        self.assertEqual('Directory entry with path %s from %s '
+                         'not found' % (path, directory),
+                         cm.exception.args[0])
+    @given(directory())
+    def test_lookup_directory_with_path_found(self, directory):
+        directory_content = self.directory_ls(directory)
+        directory_entry = random.choice(directory_content)
+        path = directory_entry['name']
+        actual_result = service.lookup_directory_with_path(directory, path)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_result, directory_entry)
+    @given(release())
+    def test_lookup_release(self, release):
+        actual_release = service.lookup_release(release)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_release,
+                         self.release_get(release))
+    @given(revision(), invalid_sha1(), sha256())
+    def test_lookup_revision_with_context_ko_not_a_sha1(self, revision,
+                                                        invalid_sha1,
+                                                        sha256):
+        sha1_git_root = revision
+        sha1_git = invalid_sha1
         with self.assertRaises(BadInputExc) as cm:
             service.lookup_revision_with_context(sha1_git_root, sha1_git)
-        self.assertIn('Only sha1_git is supported', cm.exception.args[0])
+        self.assertIn('Invalid checksum query string', cm.exception.args[0])
-    def test_lookup_revision_with_context_ko_not_a_sha1_2(self):
-        # given
-        sha1_git_root = '65a55bbdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db'
-        sha1_git = '13c1d34d138ec13b5ebad226dc2528dc7506c956e4646f6' \
-                   '2d4daf51aea892abe'
+        sha1_git = sha256
-        # when
         with self.assertRaises(BadInputExc) as cm:
             service.lookup_revision_with_context(sha1_git_root, sha1_git)
         self.assertIn('Only sha1_git is supported', cm.exception.args[0])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
+    @given(revision(), unknown_revision())
     def test_lookup_revision_with_context_ko_sha1_git_does_not_exist(
-            self,
-            mock_storage):
-        # given
-        sha1_git_root = '65a55bbdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db'
-        sha1_git = '777777bdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db'
-        sha1_git_bin = hash_to_bytes(sha1_git)
+            self, revision, unknown_revision):
+        sha1_git_root = revision
+        sha1_git = unknown_revision
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = None
-        # when
         with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc) as cm:
             service.lookup_revision_with_context(sha1_git_root, sha1_git)
-        self.assertIn('Revision 777777bdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db'
-                      ' not found', cm.exception.args[0])
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_once_with(
-            [sha1_git_bin])
+        self.assertIn('Revision %s not found' % sha1_git, cm.exception.args[0])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
+    @given(revision(), unknown_revision())
     def test_lookup_revision_with_context_ko_root_sha1_git_does_not_exist(
-            self,
-            mock_storage):
-        # given
-        sha1_git_root = '65a55bbdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db'
-        sha1_git = '777777bdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db'
-        sha1_git_root_bin = hash_to_bytes(sha1_git_root)
-        sha1_git_bin = hash_to_bytes(sha1_git)
+            self, revision, unknown_revision):
+        sha1_git_root = unknown_revision
+        sha1_git = revision
-        mock_storage.revision_get.side_effect = ['foo', None]
-        # when
         with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc) as cm:
             service.lookup_revision_with_context(sha1_git_root, sha1_git)
-        self.assertIn('Revision root 65a55bbdf3629f916219feb3dcc7393ded1bc8db'
-                      ' not found', cm.exception.args[0])
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_has_calls([call([sha1_git_bin]),
-                                                    call([sha1_git_root_bin])])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.query')
-    def test_lookup_revision_with_context(self, mock_query, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        sha1_git_root = '666'
-        sha1_git = '883'
-        sha1_git_root_bin = b'666'
-        sha1_git_bin = b'883'
-        sha1_git_root_dict = {
-            'id': sha1_git_root_bin,
-            'parents': [b'999'],
-        }
-        sha1_git_dict = {
-            'id': sha1_git_bin,
-            'parents': [],
-            'directory': b'278',
-        }
-        stub_revisions = [
-            sha1_git_root_dict,
-            {
-                'id': b'999',
-                'parents': [b'777', b'883', b'888'],
-            },
-            {
-                'id': b'777',
-                'parents': [b'883'],
-            },
-            sha1_git_dict,
-            {
-                'id': b'888',
-                'parents': [b'889'],
-            },
-            {
-                'id': b'889',
-                'parents': [],
-            },
-        ]
-        # inputs ok
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.side_effect = [
-            ('sha1', sha1_git_bin),
-            ('sha1', sha1_git_root_bin)
-        ]
-        # lookup revision first 883, then 666 (both exists)
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = [
-            sha1_git_dict,
-            sha1_git_root_dict
-        ]
-        mock_storage.revision_log = MagicMock(
-            return_value=stub_revisions)
-        # when
-        actual_revision = service.lookup_revision_with_context(
-            sha1_git_root,
-            sha1_git)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_revision, {
-            'id': hash_to_hex(sha1_git_bin),
-            'parents': [],
-            'children': [hash_to_hex(b'999'), hash_to_hex(b'777')],
-            'directory': hash_to_hex(b'278'),
-            'merge': False
-        })
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.assert_has_calls(
-            [call(sha1_git, ['sha1'], 'Only sha1_git is supported.'),
-             call(sha1_git_root, ['sha1'], 'Only sha1_git is supported.')])
-        mock_storage.revision_log.assert_called_with(
-            [sha1_git_root_bin], 100)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.query')
-    def test_lookup_revision_with_context_retrieved_as_dict(
-            self, mock_query, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        sha1_git = '883'
-        sha1_git_root_bin = b'666'
-        sha1_git_bin = b'883'
-        sha1_git_root_dict = {
-            'id': sha1_git_root_bin,
-            'parents': [b'999'],
-        }
-        sha1_git_dict = {
-            'id': sha1_git_bin,
-            'parents': [],
-            'directory': b'278',
-        }
+        self.assertIn('Revision root %s not found' % sha1_git_root,
+                      cm.exception.args[0])
-        stub_revisions = [
-            sha1_git_root_dict,
-            {
-                'id': b'999',
-                'parents': [b'777', b'883', b'888'],
-            },
-            {
-                'id': b'777',
-                'parents': [b'883'],
-            },
-            sha1_git_dict,
-            {
-                'id': b'888',
-                'parents': [b'889'],
-            },
-            {
-                'id': b'889',
-                'parents': [],
-            },
-        ]
-        # inputs ok
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.return_value = (
-            'sha1', sha1_git_bin)
-        # lookup only on sha1
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = [sha1_git_dict]
-        mock_storage.revision_log.return_value = stub_revisions
-        # when
-        actual_revision = service.lookup_revision_with_context(
-            {'id': sha1_git_root_bin},
-            sha1_git)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_revision, {
-            'id': hash_to_hex(sha1_git_bin),
-            'parents': [],
-            'children': [hash_to_hex(b'999'), hash_to_hex(b'777')],
-            'directory': hash_to_hex(b'278'),
-            'merge': False
-        })
+    @given(ancestor_revisions())
+    def test_lookup_revision_with_context(self, ancestor_revisions):
+        sha1_git = ancestor_revisions['sha1_git']
+        root_sha1_git = ancestor_revisions['sha1_git_root']
+        for sha1_git_root in (root_sha1_git,
+                              {'id': hash_to_bytes(root_sha1_git)}):
+            actual_revision = \
+                service.lookup_revision_with_context(sha1_git_root,
+                                                     sha1_git)
+            children = []
+            for rev in self.revision_log(root_sha1_git):
+                for p_rev in rev['parents']:
+                    p_rev_hex = hash_to_hex(p_rev)
+                    if p_rev_hex == sha1_git:
+                        children.append(rev['id'])
+            expected_revision = self.revision_get(sha1_git)
+            expected_revision['children'] = children
+            self.assertEqual(actual_revision, expected_revision)
+    @given(non_ancestor_revisions())
+    def test_lookup_revision_with_context_ko(self, non_ancestor_revisions):
+        sha1_git = non_ancestor_revisions['sha1_git']
+        root_sha1_git = non_ancestor_revisions['sha1_git_root']
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.assert_called_once_with(  # noqa
-            sha1_git, ['sha1'], 'Only sha1_git is supported.')
+        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc) as cm:
+            service.lookup_revision_with_context(root_sha1_git, sha1_git)
+        self.assertIn('Revision %s is not an ancestor of %s' %
+                      (sha1_git, root_sha1_git), cm.exception.args[0])
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_once_with([sha1_git_bin])
+    @given(unknown_revision())
+    def test_lookup_directory_with_revision_not_found(self, unknown_revision):
-        mock_storage.revision_log.assert_called_with(
-            [sha1_git_root_bin], 100)
+        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc) as cm:
+            service.lookup_directory_with_revision(unknown_revision)
+        self.assertIn('Revision %s not found' % unknown_revision,
+                      cm.exception.args[0])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.query')
-    def test_lookup_directory_with_revision_not_found(self,
-                                                      mock_query,
-                                                      mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.return_value = ('sha1',
-                                                                        b'123')
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = None
+    @given(revision())
+    def test_lookup_directory_with_revision_ko_path_to_nowhere(self, revision):
-        # when
-        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc) as cm:
-            service.lookup_directory_with_revision('123')
-        self.assertIn('Revision 123 not found', cm.exception.args[0])
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.assert_called_once_with
-        ('123', ['sha1'], 'Only sha1_git is supported.')
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_once_with([b'123'])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.query')
-    def test_lookup_directory_with_revision_ko_revision_with_path_to_nowhere(
-            self,
-            mock_query,
-            mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.return_value = ('sha1',
-                                                                        b'123')
-        dir_id = b'dir-id-as-sha1'
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = [{
-            'directory': dir_id,
-        }]
-        mock_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path.return_value = None
-        # when
+        invalid_path = 'path/to/something/unknown'
         with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc) as cm:
-            service.lookup_directory_with_revision(
-                '123',
-                'path/to/something/unknown')
+            service.lookup_directory_with_revision(revision, invalid_path)
         exception_text = cm.exception.args[0].lower()
         self.assertIn('directory or file', exception_text)
-        self.assertIn('path/to/something/unknown', exception_text)
-        self.assertIn('revision 123', exception_text)
+        self.assertIn(invalid_path, exception_text)
+        self.assertIn('revision %s' % revision, exception_text)
         self.assertIn('not found', exception_text)
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.assert_called_once_with
-        ('123', ['sha1'], 'Only sha1_git is supported.')
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_once_with([b'123'])
-        mock_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path.assert_called_once_with(
-            b'dir-id-as-sha1', [b'path', b'to', b'something', b'unknown'])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.query')
+    @given(revision_with_submodules())
     def test_lookup_directory_with_revision_ko_type_not_implemented(
-            self,
-            mock_query,
-            mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.return_value = ('sha1',
-                                                                        b'123')
-        dir_id = b'dir-id-as-sha1'
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = [{
-            'directory': dir_id,
-        }]
-        mock_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path.return_value = {
-            'type': 'rev',
-            'name': b'some/path/to/rev',
-            'target': b'456'
-        }
-        stub_content = {
-            'id': b'12',
-            'type': 'file'
-        }
+            self, revision_with_submodules):
-        mock_storage.content_get.return_value = stub_content
-        # when
         with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as cm:
-                '123',
-                'some/path/to/rev')
+                revision_with_submodules['rev_sha1_git'],
+                revision_with_submodules['rev_dir_rev_path'])
         self.assertIn("Entity of type rev not implemented.",
-        # then
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.assert_called_once_with
-        ('123', ['sha1'], 'Only sha1_git is supported.')
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_once_with([b'123'])
-        mock_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path.assert_called_once_with(
-            b'dir-id-as-sha1', [b'some', b'path', b'to', b'rev'])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.query')
-    def test_lookup_directory_with_revision_revision_without_path(
-        self, mock_query, mock_storage,
-    ):
-        # given
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.return_value = ('sha1',
-                                                                        b'123')
-        dir_id = b'dir-id-as-sha1'
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = [{
-            'directory': dir_id,
-        }]
-        stub_dir_entries = [{
-            'id': b'123',
-            'type': 'dir'
-        }, {
-            'id': b'456',
-            'type': 'file'
-        }]
-        mock_storage.directory_ls.return_value = stub_dir_entries
-        # when
-        actual_directory_entries = service.lookup_directory_with_revision(
-            '123')
+    @given(revision())
+    def test_lookup_directory_with_revision_without_path(self, revision):
-        self.assertEqual(actual_directory_entries['type'], 'dir')
-        self.assertEqual(list(actual_directory_entries['content']),
-                         stub_dir_entries)
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.assert_called_once_with
-        ('123', ['sha1'], 'Only sha1_git is supported.')
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_once_with([b'123'])
-        mock_storage.directory_ls.assert_called_once_with(dir_id)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.query')
-    def test_lookup_directory_with_revision_with_path_to_dir(self,
-                                                             mock_query,
-                                                             mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.return_value = ('sha1',
-                                                                        b'123')
-        dir_id = b'dir-id-as-sha1'
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = [{
-            'directory': dir_id,
-        }]
-        stub_dir_entries = [{
-            'id': b'12',
-            'type': 'dir'
-        }, {
-            'id': b'34',
-            'type': 'file'
-        }]
-        mock_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path.return_value = {
-            'type': 'dir',
-            'name': b'some/path',
-            'target': b'456'
-        }
-        mock_storage.directory_ls.return_value = stub_dir_entries
+        actual_directory_entries = \
+            service.lookup_directory_with_revision(revision)
-        # when
-        actual_directory_entries = service.lookup_directory_with_revision(
-            '123',
-            'some/path')
+        revision_data = self.revision_get(revision)
+        expected_directory_entries = \
+            self.directory_ls(revision_data['directory'])
         self.assertEqual(actual_directory_entries['type'], 'dir')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_directory_entries['revision'], '123')
-        self.assertEqual(actual_directory_entries['path'], 'some/path')
-        self.assertEqual(list(actual_directory_entries['content']),
-                         stub_dir_entries)
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.assert_called_once_with
-        ('123', ['sha1'], 'Only sha1_git is supported.')
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_once_with([b'123'])
-        mock_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path.assert_called_once_with(
-            dir_id,
-            [b'some', b'path'])
-        mock_storage.directory_ls.assert_called_once_with(b'456')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.query')
-    def test_lookup_directory_with_revision_with_path_to_file_wo_data(
-            self,
-            mock_query,
-            mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.return_value = ('sha1',
-                                                                        b'123')
-        dir_id = b'dir-id-as-sha1'
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = [{
-            'directory': dir_id,
-        }]
-        mock_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path.return_value = {
-                'type': 'file',
-                'name': b'some/path/to/file',
-                'target': b'789'
-            }
-        stub_content = {
-            'status': 'visible',
-        }
-        mock_storage.content_find.return_value = stub_content
-        # when
-        actual_content = service.lookup_directory_with_revision(
-            '123',
-            'some/path/to/file')
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_content, {'type': 'file',
-                                          'revision': '123',
-                                          'path': 'some/path/to/file',
-                                          'content': stub_content})
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.assert_called_once_with
-        ('123', ['sha1'], 'Only sha1_git is supported.')
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_once_with([b'123'])
-        mock_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path.assert_called_once_with(
-            b'dir-id-as-sha1', [b'some', b'path', b'to', b'file'])
-        mock_storage.content_find.assert_called_once_with({'sha1_git': b'789'})
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.query')
-    def test_lookup_directory_with_revision_with_path_to_file_w_data(
-            self,
-            mock_query,
-            mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.return_value = ('sha1',
-                                                                        b'123')
-        dir_id = b'dir-id-as-sha1'
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = [{
-            'directory': dir_id,
-        }]
-        mock_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path.return_value = {
-                'type': 'file',
-                'name': b'some/path/to/file',
-                'target': b'789'
-            }
-        stub_content = {
-            'status': 'visible',
-            'sha1': b'content-sha1'
-        }
-        mock_storage.content_find.return_value = stub_content
-        mock_storage.content_get.return_value = [{
-            'sha1': b'content-sha1',
-            'data': b'some raw data'
-        }]
-        expected_content = {
-            'status': 'visible',
-            'checksums': {
-                'sha1': hash_to_hex(b'content-sha1'),
-            },
-            'data': b'some raw data'
-        }
+        self.assertEqual(actual_directory_entries['content'],
+                         expected_directory_entries)
+    @given(revision())
+    def test_lookup_directory_with_revision_with_path(self, revision):
+        revision_data = self.revision_get(revision)
+        dir_entries = [e for e in self.directory_ls(revision_data['directory'])
+                       if e['type'] in ('file', 'dir')]
+        expected_dir_entry = random.choice(dir_entries)
+        actual_dir_entry = \
+            service.lookup_directory_with_revision(revision,
+                                                   expected_dir_entry['name'])
+        self.assertEqual(actual_dir_entry['type'], expected_dir_entry['type'])
+        self.assertEqual(actual_dir_entry['revision'], revision)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_dir_entry['path'], expected_dir_entry['name'])
+        if actual_dir_entry['type'] == 'file':
+            del actual_dir_entry['content']['checksums']['blake2s256']
+            for key in ('checksums', 'status', 'length'):
+                self.assertEqual(actual_dir_entry['content'][key],
+                                 expected_dir_entry[key])
+        else:
+            sub_dir_entries = self.directory_ls(expected_dir_entry['target'])
+            self.assertEqual(actual_dir_entry['content'], sub_dir_entries)
+    @given(revision())
+    def test_lookup_directory_with_revision_with_path_to_file_and_data(
+            self, revision):
+        revision_data = self.revision_get(revision)
+        dir_entries = [e for e in self.directory_ls(revision_data['directory'])
+                       if e['type'] == 'file']
+        expected_dir_entry = random.choice(dir_entries)
+        expected_data = \
+            self.content_get(expected_dir_entry['checksums']['sha1'])
+        actual_dir_entry = \
+            service.lookup_directory_with_revision(revision,
+                                                   expected_dir_entry['name'],
+                                                   with_data=True)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_dir_entry['type'], expected_dir_entry['type'])
+        self.assertEqual(actual_dir_entry['revision'], revision)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_dir_entry['path'], expected_dir_entry['name'])
+        del actual_dir_entry['content']['checksums']['blake2s256']
+        for key in ('checksums', 'status', 'length'):
+            self.assertEqual(actual_dir_entry['content'][key],
+                             expected_dir_entry[key])
+        self.assertEqual(actual_dir_entry['content']['data'],
+                         expected_data['data'])
+    @given(revision())
+    def test_lookup_revision(self, revision):
+        actual_revision = service.lookup_revision(revision)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_revision, self.revision_get(revision))
+    @given(unknown_revision())
+    def test_lookup_revision_invalid_msg(self, new_revision_id):
+        new_revision = copy.deepcopy(self.SAMPLE_REVISION_RAW)
+        new_revision['id'] = hash_to_bytes(new_revision_id)
+        new_revision['message'] = b'elegant fix for bug \xff'
+        self.storage.revision_add([new_revision])
+        revision = service.lookup_revision(new_revision_id)
+        self.assertEqual(revision['message'], None)
+        self.assertEqual(revision['message_decoding_failed'], True)
+    @given(unknown_revision())
+    def test_lookup_revision_msg_ok(self, new_revision_id):
+        new_revision = copy.deepcopy(self.SAMPLE_REVISION_RAW)
+        new_revision['id'] = hash_to_bytes(new_revision_id)
+        self.storage.revision_add([new_revision])
+        revision_message = service.lookup_revision_message(new_revision_id)
+        self.assertEqual(revision_message,
+                         {'message': self.SAMPLE_MESSAGE_BIN})
+    @given(unknown_revision())
+    def test_lookup_revision_msg_absent(self, new_revision_id):
+        new_revision = copy.deepcopy(self.SAMPLE_REVISION_RAW)
+        new_revision['id'] = hash_to_bytes(new_revision_id)
+        del new_revision['message']
+        self.storage.revision_add([new_revision])
-        # when
-        actual_content = service.lookup_directory_with_revision(
-            '123',
-            'some/path/to/file',
-            with_data=True)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_content, {'type': 'file',
-                                          'revision': '123',
-                                          'path': 'some/path/to/file',
-                                          'content': expected_content})
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.assert_called_once_with
-        ('123', ['sha1'], 'Only sha1_git is supported.')
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_once_with([b'123'])
-        mock_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path.assert_called_once_with(
-            b'dir-id-as-sha1', [b'some', b'path', b'to', b'file'])
-        mock_storage.content_find.assert_called_once_with({'sha1_git': b'789'})
-        mock_storage.content_get.assert_called_once_with([b'content-sha1'])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_revision(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.revision_get = MagicMock(
-            return_value=[self.SAMPLE_REVISION_RAW])
-        # when
-        actual_revision = service.lookup_revision(
-            self.SHA1_SAMPLE)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_revision, self.SAMPLE_REVISION)
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_with(
-            [self.SHA1_SAMPLE_BIN])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_revision_invalid_msg(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        stub_rev = self.SAMPLE_REVISION_RAW
-        stub_rev['message'] = b'elegant fix for bug \xff'
-        expected_revision = self.SAMPLE_REVISION
-        expected_revision['message'] = None
-        expected_revision['message_decoding_failed'] = True
-        mock_storage.revision_get = MagicMock(return_value=[stub_rev])
-        # when
-        actual_revision = service.lookup_revision(
-            self.SHA1_SAMPLE)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_revision, expected_revision)
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_with(
-            [self.SHA1_SAMPLE_BIN])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_revision_msg_ok(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = [self.SAMPLE_REVISION_RAW]
-        # when
-        rv = service.lookup_revision_message(
-            self.SHA1_SAMPLE)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(rv, {'message': self.SAMPLE_MESSAGE_BIN})
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_with(
-            [self.SHA1_SAMPLE_BIN])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_revision_msg_absent(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        stub_revision = self.SAMPLE_REVISION_RAW
-        del stub_revision['message']
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = stub_revision
-        # when
         with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc) as cm:
-            service.lookup_revision_message(
-                self.SHA1_SAMPLE)
+            service.lookup_revision_message(new_revision_id)
-        # then
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_with(
-            [self.SHA1_SAMPLE_BIN])
-            'No message for revision with sha1_git %s.' % self.SHA1_SAMPLE,
+            'No message for revision with sha1_git %s.' % new_revision_id
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_revision_msg_norev(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = None
+    @given(unknown_revision())
+    def test_lookup_revision_msg_no_rev(self, unknown_revision):
-        # when
         with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc) as cm:
-            service.lookup_revision_message(
-                self.SHA1_SAMPLE)
+            service.lookup_revision_message(unknown_revision)
-        # then
-        mock_storage.revision_get.assert_called_with(
-            [self.SHA1_SAMPLE_BIN])
-            'Revision with sha1_git %s not found.' % self.SHA1_SAMPLE,
+            'Revision with sha1_git %s not found.' % unknown_revision
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_revision_multiple(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        sha1 = self.SHA1_SAMPLE
-        sha1_other = 'adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc'
-        stub_revisions = [
-            self.SAMPLE_REVISION_RAW,
-            {
-                'id': hash_to_bytes(sha1_other),
-                'directory': 'abcdbe353ed3480476f032475e7c233eff7371d5',
-                'author': {
-                    'name': b'name',
-                    'email': b'name@surname.org',
-                },
-                'committer': {
-                    'name': b'name',
-                    'email': b'name@surname.org',
-                },
-                'message': b'ugly fix for bug 42',
-                'date': {
-                    'timestamp': datetime.datetime(
-                        2000, 1, 12, 5, 23, 54,
-                        tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp(),
-                    'offset': 0,
-                    'negative_utc': False
-                    },
-                'date_offset': 0,
-                'committer_date': {
-                    'timestamp': datetime.datetime(
-                        2000, 1, 12, 5, 23, 54,
-                        tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp(),
-                    'offset': 0,
-                    'negative_utc': False
-                    },
-                'committer_date_offset': 0,
-                'synthetic': False,
-                'type': 'git',
-                'parents': [],
-                'metadata': [],
-            }
-        ]
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = stub_revisions
-        # when
-        actual_revisions = service.lookup_revision_multiple(
-            [sha1, sha1_other])
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(list(actual_revisions), [
-            self.SAMPLE_REVISION,
-            {
-                'id': sha1_other,
-                'directory': 'abcdbe353ed3480476f032475e7c233eff7371d5',
-                'author': {
-                    'name': 'name',
-                    'email': 'name@surname.org',
-                },
-                'committer': {
-                    'name': 'name',
-                    'email': 'name@surname.org',
-                },
-                'message': 'ugly fix for bug 42',
-                'date': '2000-01-12T05:23:54+00:00',
-                'date_offset': 0,
-                'committer_date': '2000-01-12T05:23:54+00:00',
-                'committer_date_offset': 0,
-                'synthetic': False,
-                'type': 'git',
-                'parents': [],
-                'metadata': {},
-                'merge': False
-            }
-        ])
+    @given(revisions())
+    def test_lookup_revision_multiple(self, revisions):
-        self.assertEqual(
-            list(mock_storage.revision_get.call_args[0][0]),
-            [hash_to_bytes(sha1),
-             hash_to_bytes(sha1_other)])
+        actual_revisions = list(service.lookup_revision_multiple(revisions))
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_revision_multiple_none_found(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        sha1_bin = self.SHA1_SAMPLE
-        sha1_other = 'adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc'
+        expected_revisions = []
+        for rev in revisions:
+            expected_revisions.append(self.revision_get(rev))
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = []
+        self.assertEqual(actual_revisions, expected_revisions)
-        # then
-        actual_revisions = service.lookup_revision_multiple(
-            [sha1_bin, sha1_other])
+    @given(unknown_revisions())
+    def test_lookup_revision_multiple_none_found(self, unknown_revisions):
-        self.assertEqual(list(actual_revisions), [])
+        actual_revisions = \
+            list(service.lookup_revision_multiple(unknown_revisions))
+        self.assertEqual(actual_revisions, [None] * len(unknown_revisions))
+    @given(revision())
+    def test_lookup_revision_log(self, revision):
+        actual_revision_log = \
+            list(service.lookup_revision_log(revision, limit=25))
+        expected_revision_log = self.revision_log(revision, limit=25)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_revision_log, expected_revision_log)
+    def _get_origin_branches(self, origin):
+        origin_visit = self.origin_visit_get(origin['id'])[0]
+        snapshot = self.snapshot_get(origin_visit['snapshot'])
+        branches = {k: v for (k, v) in snapshot['branches'].items()
+                    if v['target_type'] == 'revision'}
+        return branches
+    @given(origin())
+    def test_lookup_revision_log_by(self, origin):
+        branches = self._get_origin_branches(origin)
+        branch_name = random.choice(list(branches.keys()))
+        actual_log =  \
+            list(service.lookup_revision_log_by(origin['id'], branch_name,
+                                                None, limit=25))
+        expected_log = \
+            self.revision_log(branches[branch_name]['target'], limit=25)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_log, expected_log)
+    @given(origin())
+    def test_lookup_revision_log_by_notfound(self, origin):
-        self.assertEqual(
-            list(mock_storage.revision_get.call_args[0][0]),
-            [hash_to_bytes(self.SHA1_SAMPLE),
-             hash_to_bytes(sha1_other)])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_revision_log(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        stub_revision_log = [self.SAMPLE_REVISION_RAW]
-        mock_storage.revision_log = MagicMock(return_value=stub_revision_log)
-        # when
-        actual_revision = service.lookup_revision_log(
-            'abcdbe353ed3480476f032475e7c233eff7371d5',
-            limit=25)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(list(actual_revision), [self.SAMPLE_REVISION])
-        mock_storage.revision_log.assert_called_with(
-            [hash_to_bytes('abcdbe353ed3480476f032475e7c233eff7371d5')], 25)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_revision_log')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_snapshot')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.get_origin_visit')
-    def test_lookup_revision_log_by(self, mock_get_origin_visit,
-                                    mock_lookup_snapshot,
-                                    mock_lookup_revision_log):
-        # given
-        mock_get_origin_visit.return_value = {'snapshot': self.SHA1_SAMPLE}
-        mock_lookup_snapshot.return_value = \
-            {
-                'branches': {
-                    'refs/heads/master': {
-                        'target_type': 'revision',
-                        'target': self.SAMPLE_REVISION['id']
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        mock_lookup_revision_log.return_value = [self.SAMPLE_REVISION]
-        # when
-        actual_log = service.lookup_revision_log_by(
-            1, 'refs/heads/master', None, limit=100)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(list(actual_log), [self.SAMPLE_REVISION])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_snapshot')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.get_origin_visit')
-    def test_lookup_revision_log_by_notfound(self, mock_get_origin_visit,
-                                             mock_lookup_snapshot):
-        # given
-        mock_get_origin_visit.return_value = {'snapshot': self.SHA1_SAMPLE}
-        mock_lookup_snapshot.return_value = {'branches': {}}
-        # when
         with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc):
-                1, 'refs/heads/master', None, limit=100)
+                origin['id'], 'unknown_branch_name', None, limit=100)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_content_raw_not_found(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.content_find = MagicMock(return_value=None)
+    @given(unknown_content())
+    def test_lookup_content_raw_not_found(self, unknown_content):
-        # when
         with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc) as cm:
-            service.lookup_content_raw('sha1:' + self.SHA1_SAMPLE)
+            service.lookup_content_raw('sha1:' + unknown_content['sha1'])
                       'Content with %s checksum equals to %s not found!' %
-                      ('sha1', self.SHA1_SAMPLE))
-        mock_storage.content_find.assert_called_with(
-            {'sha1': hash_to_bytes(self.SHA1_SAMPLE)})
+                      ('sha1', unknown_content['sha1']))
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_content_raw(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.content_find = MagicMock(return_value={
-            'sha1': self.SHA1_SAMPLE,
-        })
-        mock_storage.content_get = MagicMock(return_value=[{
-            'data': b'binary data'}])
+    @given(content())
+    def test_lookup_content_raw(self, content):
-        # when
         actual_content = service.lookup_content_raw(
-            'sha256:%s' % self.SHA256_SAMPLE)
+            'sha256:%s' % content['sha256'])
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_content, {'data': b'binary data'})
+        expected_content = self.content_get(content['sha1'])
-        mock_storage.content_find.assert_called_once_with(
-            {'sha256': self.SHA256_SAMPLE_BIN})
-        mock_storage.content_get.assert_called_once_with(
-            [hash_to_bytes(self.SHA1_SAMPLE)])
+        self.assertEqual(actual_content, expected_content)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_content_not_found(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.content_find = MagicMock(return_value=None)
+    @given(unknown_content())
+    def test_lookup_content_not_found(self, unknown_content):
-        # when
         with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc) as cm:
-            # then
-            service.lookup_content('sha1:%s' % self.SHA1_SAMPLE)
+            service.lookup_content('sha1:%s' % unknown_content['sha1'])
                       'Content with %s checksum equals to %s not found!' %
-                      ('sha1', self.SHA1_SAMPLE))
-        mock_storage.content_find.assert_called_with(
-            {'sha1': self.SHA1_SAMPLE_BIN})
+                      ('sha1', unknown_content['sha1']))
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_content_with_sha1(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.content_find = MagicMock(
-            return_value=self.SAMPLE_CONTENT_RAW)
+    @given(content())
+    def test_lookup_content_with_sha1(self, content):
-        # when
         actual_content = service.lookup_content(
-            'sha1:%s' % self.SHA1_SAMPLE)
+            'sha1:%s' % content['sha1'])
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_content, self.SAMPLE_CONTENT)
+        expected_content = self.content_get_metadata(content['sha1'])
-        mock_storage.content_find.assert_called_with(
-            {'sha1': hash_to_bytes(self.SHA1_SAMPLE)})
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_content_with_sha256(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        stub_content = self.SAMPLE_CONTENT_RAW
-        stub_content['status'] = 'visible'
+        self.assertEqual(actual_content, expected_content)
-        expected_content = self.SAMPLE_CONTENT
-        expected_content['status'] = 'visible'
-        mock_storage.content_find = MagicMock(
-            return_value=stub_content)
+    @given(content())
+    def test_lookup_content_with_sha256(self, content):
-        # when
         actual_content = service.lookup_content(
-            'sha256:%s' % self.SHA256_SAMPLE)
+            'sha256:%s' % content['sha256'])
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_content, expected_content)
+        expected_content = self.content_get_metadata(content['sha1'])
-        mock_storage.content_find.assert_called_with(
-            {'sha256': self.SHA256_SAMPLE_BIN})
+        self.assertEqual(actual_content, expected_content)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_person(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.person_get = MagicMock(return_value=[{
-            'id': 'person_id',
-            'name': b'some_name',
-            'email': b'some-email',
-        }])
+    @given(revision())
+    def test_lookup_person(self, revision):
-        # when
-        actual_person = service.lookup_person('person_id')
+        rev_data = self.revision_get(revision)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_person, {
-            'id': 'person_id',
-            'name': 'some_name',
-            'email': 'some-email',
-        })
+        actual_person = service.lookup_person(rev_data['author']['id'])
-        mock_storage.person_get.assert_called_with(['person_id'])
+        self.assertEqual(actual_person, rev_data['author'])
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_directory_bad_checksum(self, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_storage.directory_ls = MagicMock()
+    def test_lookup_directory_bad_checksum(self):
-        # when
         with self.assertRaises(BadInputExc):
-        # then
-        mock_storage.directory_ls.called = False
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.query')
-    def test_lookup_directory_not_found(self, mock_query, mock_storage):
-        # given
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.return_value = (
-            'sha1',
-            'directory-id-bin')
-        mock_storage.directory_missing.return_value = ['directory-id-bin']
+    @given(unknown_directory())
+    def test_lookup_directory_not_found(self, unknown_directory):
-        # when
         with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc) as cm:
-            service.lookup_directory('directory_id')
+            service.lookup_directory(unknown_directory)
-        self.assertIn('Directory with sha1_git directory_id not found',
-                      cm.exception.args[0])
+        self.assertIn('Directory with sha1_git %s not found'
+                      % unknown_directory, cm.exception.args[0])
+    @given(directory())
+    def test_lookup_directory(self, directory):
-        # then
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.assert_called_with(
-            'directory_id', ['sha1'], 'Only sha1_git is supported.')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.query')
-    def test_lookup_directory(self, mock_query, mock_storage):
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.return_value = (
-            'sha1',
-            'directory-sha1-bin')
-        # given
-        stub_dir_entries = [{
-            'sha1': self.SHA1_SAMPLE_BIN,
-            'sha256': self.SHA256_SAMPLE_BIN,
-            'sha1_git': self.SHA1GIT_SAMPLE_BIN,
-            'blake2s256': self.BLAKE2S256_SAMPLE_BIN,
-            'target': hash_to_bytes(
-                '40e71b8614fcd89ccd17ca2b1d9e66c5b00a6d03'),
-            'dir_id': self.DIRECTORY_ID_BIN,
-            'name': b'bob',
-            'type': 10,
-        }]
-        expected_dir_entries = [{
-            'checksums': {
-                'sha1': self.SHA1_SAMPLE,
-                'sha256': self.SHA256_SAMPLE,
-                'sha1_git': self.SHA1GIT_SAMPLE,
-                'blake2s256': self.BLAKE2S256_SAMPLE
-            },
-            'target': '40e71b8614fcd89ccd17ca2b1d9e66c5b00a6d03',
-            'dir_id': self.DIRECTORY_ID,
-            'name': 'bob',
-            'type': 10,
-        }]
-        mock_storage.directory_ls.return_value = stub_dir_entries
-        mock_storage.directory_missing.return_value = []
-        # when
         actual_directory_ls = list(service.lookup_directory(
-            'directory-sha1'))
+            directory))
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_directory_ls, expected_dir_entries)
+        expected_directory_ls = self.directory_ls(directory)
-        mock_query.parse_hash_with_algorithms_or_throws.assert_called_with(
-            'directory-sha1', ['sha1'], 'Only sha1_git is supported.')
-        mock_storage.directory_ls.assert_called_with(
-            'directory-sha1-bin')
+        self.assertEqual(actual_directory_ls, expected_directory_ls)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    def test_lookup_directory_empty(self, mock_storage):
-        empty_dir_sha1 = '4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904'
-        mock_storage.directory_ls.return_value = []
+    @given(empty_directory())
+    def test_lookup_directory_empty(self, empty_directory):
-        # when
-        actual_directory_ls = list(service.lookup_directory(empty_dir_sha1))
+        actual_directory_ls = list(service.lookup_directory(empty_directory))
-        # then
         self.assertEqual(actual_directory_ls, [])
-        self.assertFalse(mock_storage.directory_ls.called)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_snapshot')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.get_origin_visit')
-    def test_lookup_revision_by_nothing_found(self, mock_get_origin_visit,
-                                              mock_lookup_snapshot):
-        # given
-        mock_get_origin_visit.return_value = {'snapshot': self.SHA1_SAMPLE}
-        mock_lookup_snapshot.return_value = {'branches': {}}
+    @given(origin())
+    def test_lookup_revision_by_nothing_found(self, origin):
-        # when
         with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc):
-            service.lookup_revision_by(1)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_revision')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_snapshot')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.get_origin_visit')
-    def test_lookup_revision_by(self, mock_get_origin_visit,
-                                mock_lookup_snapshot, mock_lookup_revision):
-        # given
-        expected_rev = self.SAMPLE_REVISION
-        mock_get_origin_visit.return_value = {'snapshot': self.SHA1_SAMPLE}
-        mock_lookup_snapshot.return_value = \
-            {
-                'branches': {
-                    'master2': {
-                        'target_type': 'revision',
-                        'target': expected_rev['id']
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        mock_lookup_revision.return_value = expected_rev
-        # when
-        actual_revision = service.lookup_revision_by(10, 'master2', 'some-ts')
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_revision, expected_rev)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_snapshot')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.get_origin_visit')
-    def test_lookup_revision_with_context_by_ko(self, mock_get_origin_visit,
-                                                mock_lookup_snapshot):
-        # given
-        mock_get_origin_visit.return_value = {'snapshot': self.SHA1_SAMPLE}
-        mock_lookup_snapshot.return_value = {'branches': {}}
-        # when
-        origin_id = 1
-        branch_name = 'master3'
-        ts = None
+            service.lookup_revision_by(origin['id'], 'invalid-branch-name')
+    @given(origin())
+    def test_lookup_revision_by(self, origin):
+        branches = self._get_origin_branches(origin)
+        branch_name = random.choice(list(branches.keys()))
+        actual_revision =  \
+            service.lookup_revision_by(origin['id'], branch_name, None)
+        expected_revision = \
+            self.revision_get(branches[branch_name]['target'])
+        self.assertEqual(actual_revision, expected_revision)
+    @given(origin(), revision())
+    def test_lookup_revision_with_context_by_ko(self, origin, revision):
         with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc):
-            service.lookup_revision_with_context_by(origin_id, branch_name, ts,
-                                                    'sha1')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.storage')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_revision')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_snapshot')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.get_origin_visit')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_revision_with_context')
-    def test_lookup_revision_with_context_by(
-            self, mock_lookup_revision_with_context, mock_get_origin_visit,
-            mock_lookup_snapshot, mock_lookup_revision, mock_storage
-    ):
-        # given
-        stub_root_rev = self.SAMPLE_REVISION
-        mock_get_origin_visit.return_value = {'snapshot': self.SHA1_SAMPLE}
-        mock_lookup_snapshot.return_value = \
-            {
-                'branches': {
-                    'master2': {
-                        'target_type': 'revision',
-                        'target': stub_root_rev['id']
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        mock_lookup_revision.return_value = stub_root_rev
-        stub_rev = {'id': 'rev-found'}
-        mock_lookup_revision_with_context.return_value = stub_rev
-        mock_storage.revision_get.return_value = [self.SAMPLE_REVISION_RAW]
-        # when
-        origin_id = 1
-        branch_name = 'master2'
-        ts = None
-        sha1_git = 'sha1'
+            service.lookup_revision_with_context_by(origin['id'],
+                                                    'invalid-branch-name',
+                                                    None,
+                                                    revision)
+    @given(origin())
+    def test_lookup_revision_with_context_by(self, origin):
+        branches = self._get_origin_branches(origin)
+        branch_name = random.choice(list(branches.keys()))
+        root_rev = branches[branch_name]['target']
+        root_rev_log = self.revision_log(root_rev)
+        children = defaultdict(list)
+        for rev in root_rev_log:
+            for rev_p in rev['parents']:
+                children[rev_p].append(rev['id'])
+        rev = root_rev_log[-1]['id']
         actual_root_rev, actual_rev = service.lookup_revision_with_context_by(
-            origin_id, branch_name, ts, sha1_git)
+            origin['id'], branch_name, None, rev)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_root_rev, stub_root_rev)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_rev, stub_rev)
+        expected_root_rev = self.revision_get(root_rev)
+        expected_rev = self.revision_get(rev)
+        expected_rev['children'] = children[rev]
-        mock_lookup_revision_with_context.assert_called_once_with(
-            self.SAMPLE_REVISION_RAW, sha1_git, 100)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_root_rev, expected_root_rev)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_rev, expected_rev)
     def test_lookup_revision_through_ko_not_implemented(self):
-        # then
         with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
                 'something-unknown': 10,
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_revision_with_context_by')
-    def test_lookup_revision_through_with_context_by(self, mock_lookup):
-        # given
-        stub_rev = {'id': 'rev'}
-        mock_lookup.return_value = stub_rev
-        # when
-        actual_revision = service.lookup_revision_through({
-            'origin_id': 1,
-            'branch_name': 'master',
-            'ts': None,
-            'sha1_git': 'sha1-git'
-        }, limit=1000)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_revision, stub_rev)
-        mock_lookup.assert_called_once_with(
-            1, 'master', None, 'sha1-git', 1000)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_revision_by')
-    def test_lookup_revision_through_with_revision_by(self, mock_lookup):
-        # given
-        stub_rev = {'id': 'rev'}
-        mock_lookup.return_value = stub_rev
-        # when
-        actual_revision = service.lookup_revision_through({
-            'origin_id': 2,
-            'branch_name': 'master2',
-            'ts': 'some-ts',
-        }, limit=10)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_revision, stub_rev)
-        mock_lookup.assert_called_once_with(
-            2, 'master2', 'some-ts')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_revision_with_context')
-    def test_lookup_revision_through_with_context(self, mock_lookup):
-        # given
-        stub_rev = {'id': 'rev'}
-        mock_lookup.return_value = stub_rev
-        # when
-        actual_revision = service.lookup_revision_through({
-            'sha1_git_root': 'some-sha1-root',
-            'sha1_git': 'some-sha1',
-        })
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_revision, stub_rev)
-        mock_lookup.assert_called_once_with(
-            'some-sha1-root', 'some-sha1', 100)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_revision')
-    def test_lookup_revision_through_with_revision(self, mock_lookup):
-        # given
-        stub_rev = {'id': 'rev'}
-        mock_lookup.return_value = stub_rev
-        # when
-        actual_revision = service.lookup_revision_through({
-            'sha1_git': 'some-sha1',
-        })
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(actual_revision, stub_rev)
-        mock_lookup.assert_called_once_with(
-            'some-sha1')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_revision_through')
-    def test_lookup_directory_through_revision_ko_not_found(
-            self, mock_lookup_rev):
-        # given
-        mock_lookup_rev.return_value = None
-        # when
+    @given(origin())
+    def test_lookup_revision_through_with_context_by(self, origin):
+        branches = self._get_origin_branches(origin)
+        branch_name = random.choice(list(branches.keys()))
+        root_rev = branches[branch_name]['target']
+        root_rev_log = self.revision_log(root_rev)
+        rev = root_rev_log[-1]['id']
+        self.assertEqual(service.lookup_revision_through({
+                            'origin_id': origin['id'],
+                            'branch_name': branch_name,
+                            'ts': None,
+                            'sha1_git': rev
+                         }),
+                         service.lookup_revision_with_context_by(
+                            origin['id'], branch_name, None, rev)
+                         )
+    @given(origin())
+    def test_lookup_revision_through_with_revision_by(self, origin):
+        branches = self._get_origin_branches(origin)
+        branch_name = random.choice(list(branches.keys()))
+        self.assertEqual(service.lookup_revision_through({
+                            'origin_id': origin['id'],
+                            'branch_name': branch_name,
+                            'ts': None,
+                         }),
+                         service.lookup_revision_by(
+                            origin['id'], branch_name, None)
+                         )
+    @given(ancestor_revisions())
+    def test_lookup_revision_through_with_context(self, ancestor_revisions):
+        sha1_git = ancestor_revisions['sha1_git']
+        sha1_git_root = ancestor_revisions['sha1_git_root']
+        self.assertEqual(service.lookup_revision_through({
+                            'sha1_git_root': sha1_git_root,
+                            'sha1_git': sha1_git,
+                         }),
+                         service.lookup_revision_with_context(
+                             sha1_git_root, sha1_git)
+                         )
+    @given(revision())
+    def test_lookup_revision_through_with_revision(self, revision):
+        self.assertEqual(service.lookup_revision_through({
+                            'sha1_git': revision
+                         }),
+                         service.lookup_revision(revision)
+                         )
+    @given(revision())
+    def test_lookup_directory_through_revision_ko_not_found(self, revision):
         with self.assertRaises(NotFoundExc):
-                {'id': 'rev'}, 'some/path', 100)
-        mock_lookup_rev.assert_called_once_with({'id': 'rev'}, 100)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_revision_through')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_directory_with_revision')
-    def test_lookup_directory_through_revision_ok_with_data(
-            self, mock_lookup_dir, mock_lookup_rev):
-        # given
-        mock_lookup_rev.return_value = {'id': 'rev-id'}
-        mock_lookup_dir.return_value = {'type': 'dir',
-                                        'content': []}
-        # when
-        rev_id, dir_result = service.lookup_directory_through_revision(
-            {'id': 'rev'}, 'some/path', 100)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(rev_id, 'rev-id')
-        self.assertEqual(dir_result, {'type': 'dir',
-                                      'content': []})
-        mock_lookup_rev.assert_called_once_with({'id': 'rev'}, 100)
-        mock_lookup_dir.assert_called_once_with('rev-id', 'some/path', False)
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_revision_through')
-    @patch('swh.web.common.service.lookup_directory_with_revision')
-    def test_lookup_directory_through_revision_ok_with_content(
-            self, mock_lookup_dir, mock_lookup_rev):
-        # given
-        mock_lookup_rev.return_value = {'id': 'rev-id'}
-        stub_result = {'type': 'file',
-                       'revision': 'rev-id',
-                       'content': {'data': b'blah',
-                                   'sha1': 'sha1'}}
-        mock_lookup_dir.return_value = stub_result
-        # when
-        rev_id, dir_result = service.lookup_directory_through_revision(
-            {'id': 'rev'}, 'some/path', 10, with_data=True)
-        # then
-        self.assertEqual(rev_id, 'rev-id')
-        self.assertEqual(dir_result, stub_result)
-        mock_lookup_rev.assert_called_once_with({'id': 'rev'}, 10)
-        mock_lookup_dir.assert_called_once_with('rev-id', 'some/path', True)
+                {'sha1_git': revision}, 'some/invalid/path')
+    @given(revision())
+    def test_lookup_directory_through_revision_ok(self, revision):
+        revision_data = self.revision_get(revision)
+        dir_entries = [e for e in self.directory_ls(revision_data['directory'])
+                       if e['type'] == 'file']
+        dir_entry = random.choice(dir_entries)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            service.lookup_directory_through_revision({'sha1_git': revision},
+                                                      dir_entry['name']),
+            (revision,
+             service.lookup_directory_with_revision(
+                revision, dir_entry['name']))
+        )
+    @given(revision())
+    def test_lookup_directory_through_revision_ok_with_data(self, revision):
+        revision_data = self.revision_get(revision)
+        dir_entries = [e for e in self.directory_ls(revision_data['directory'])
+                       if e['type'] == 'file']
+        dir_entry = random.choice(dir_entries)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            service.lookup_directory_through_revision({'sha1_git': revision},
+                                                      dir_entry['name'],
+                                                      with_data=True),
+            (revision,
+             service.lookup_directory_with_revision(
+                revision, dir_entry['name'], with_data=True))
+        )
diff --git a/swh/web/tests/data.py b/swh/web/tests/data.py
index 40f1e9971..2403402ef 100644
--- a/swh/web/tests/data.py
+++ b/swh/web/tests/data.py
@@ -1,237 +1,249 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2018  The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 import os
 from swh.indexer.language import LanguageIndexer
 from swh.indexer.fossology_license import FossologyLicenseIndexer
 from swh.indexer.mimetype import MimetypeIndexer
 from swh.indexer.ctags import CtagsIndexer
 from swh.indexer.storage import get_indexer_storage
-from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex, DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS
+from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex, hash_to_bytes, DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS
+from swh.model.identifiers import directory_identifier
 from swh.loader.git.from_disk import GitLoaderFromArchive
 from swh.storage.algos.dir_iterators import dir_iterator
 # Module used to initialize data that will be provided as tests input
 # Configuration for git loader
     'storage': {
         'cls': 'memory',
         'args': {}
     'send_contents': True,
     'send_directories': True,
     'send_revisions': True,
     'send_releases': True,
     'send_snapshot': True,
     'content_size_limit': 100 * 1024 * 1024,
     'content_packet_size': 10,
     'content_packet_size_bytes': 100 * 1024 * 1024,
     'directory_packet_size': 10,
     'revision_packet_size': 10,
     'release_packet_size': 10,
     'save_data': False,
 # Base content indexer configuration
     'storage': {
         'cls': 'memory',
         'args': {},
     'objstorage': {
         'cls': 'memory',
         'args': {},
     'indexer_storage': {
         'cls': 'memory',
         'args': {},
 # MimetypeIndexer with custom configuration for tests
 class _MimetypeIndexer(MimetypeIndexer):
     def parse_config_file(self, *args, **kwargs):
         return {
             'tools': {
                 'name': 'file',
                 'version': '1:5.30-1+deb9u1',
                 'configuration': {
                     "type": "library",
                     "debian-package": "python3-magic"
 # LanguageIndexer with custom configuration for tests
 class _LanguageIndexer(LanguageIndexer):
     def parse_config_file(self, *args, **kwargs):
         return {
             'tools': {
                 'name': 'pygments',
                 'version': '2.0.1+dfsg-1.1+deb8u1',
                 'configuration': {
                     'type': 'library',
                     'debian-package': 'python3-pygments',
                     'max_content_size': 10240,
 # FossologyLicenseIndexer with custom configuration for tests
 class _FossologyLicenseIndexer(FossologyLicenseIndexer):
     def parse_config_file(self, *args, **kwargs):
         return {
             'workdir': '/tmp/swh/indexer.fossology.license',
             'tools': {
                 'name': 'nomos',
                 'version': '3.1.0rc2-31-ga2cbb8c',
                 'configuration': {
                     'command_line': 'nomossa <filepath>',
 # CtagsIndexer with custom configuration for tests
 class _CtagsIndexer(CtagsIndexer):
     def parse_config_file(self, *args, **kwargs):
         return {
             'workdir': '/tmp/swh/indexer.ctags',
             'languages': {'c': 'c'},
             'tools': {
                 'name': 'universal-ctags',
                 'version': '~git7859817b',
                 'configuration': {
                     'command_line': '''ctags --fields=+lnz --sort=no --links=no ''' # noqa
                                     '''--output-format=json <filepath>'''
 # Lightweight git repositories that will be loaded to generate
 # input data for tests
         'id': 1,
         'type': 'git',
         'url': 'https://github.com/wcoder/highlightjs-line-numbers.js',
         'archive': 'highlightjs-line-numbers.js.zip'
         'id': 2,
         'type': 'git',
         'url': 'https://github.com/memononen/libtess2',
         'archive': 'libtess2.zip'
+    },
+    {
+        'id': 3,
+        'type': 'git',
+        'url': 'repo_with_submodules',
+        'archive': 'repo_with_submodules.tgz'
 # Tests data initialization
 def _init_tests_data():
     # Load git repositories from archives
     loader = GitLoaderFromArchive(config=_TEST_LOADER_CONFIG)
     for origin in _TEST_ORIGINS:
         origin_repo_archive = \
                          'resources/repos/%s' % origin['archive'])
         loader.load(origin['url'], origin_repo_archive, None)
     # Get reference to the memory storage
     storage = loader.storage
     contents = set()
     directories = set()
     revisions = set()
     releases = set()
     snapshots = set()
     # Get all objects loaded into the test archive
     for origin in _TEST_ORIGINS:
         snp = storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin['id'])
         for branch_name, branch_data in snp['branches'].items():
             if branch_data['target_type'] == 'revision':
             elif branch_data['target_type'] == 'release':
                 release = next(storage.release_get([branch_data['target']]))
         for rev_log in storage.revision_shortlog(set(revisions)):
             rev_id = rev_log[0]
         for rev in storage.revision_get(revisions):
             dir_id = rev['directory']
             for entry in dir_iterator(storage, dir_id):
                 if entry['type'] == 'file':
-                else:
+                elif entry['type'] == 'dir':
     # Get all checksums for each content
     contents_metadata = storage.content_get_metadata(contents)
     contents = []
     for content_metadata in contents_metadata:
             algo: hash_to_hex(content_metadata[algo])
             for algo in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS
     # Create indexer storage instance that will be shared by indexers
     idx_storage = get_indexer_storage('memory', {})
     # Instantiate content indexers that will be used in tests
     # and force them to use the memory storages
     indexers = {}
     for idx_name, idx_class in (('mimetype_indexer', _MimetypeIndexer),
                                 ('language_indexer', _LanguageIndexer),
                                 ('license_indexer', _FossologyLicenseIndexer),
                                 ('ctags_indexer', _CtagsIndexer)):
         idx = idx_class()
         idx.storage = storage
         idx.objstorage = storage.objstorage
         idx.idx_storage = idx_storage
         indexers[idx_name] = idx
+    # Add the empty directory to the test archive
+    empty_dir_id = directory_identifier({'entries': []})
+    empty_dir_id_bin = hash_to_bytes(empty_dir_id)
+    storage.directory_add([{'id': empty_dir_id_bin, 'entries': []}])
     # Return tests data
     return {
         'storage': storage,
         'idx_storage': idx_storage,
         'origins': _TEST_ORIGINS,
         'contents': contents,
         'directories': list(directories),
         'releases': list(releases),
         'revisions': list(map(hash_to_hex, revisions)),
         'snapshots': list(snapshots)
 _tests_data = None
 def get_tests_data():
     Initialize tests data and return them in a dict.
     global _tests_data
     if _tests_data is None:
         _tests_data = _init_tests_data()
     return _tests_data
diff --git a/swh/web/tests/resources/repos/repo_with_submodules.tgz b/swh/web/tests/resources/repos/repo_with_submodules.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c205ea0f
Binary files /dev/null and b/swh/web/tests/resources/repos/repo_with_submodules.tgz differ
diff --git a/swh/web/tests/strategies.py b/swh/web/tests/strategies.py
index 5bc8dd851..73c3c8f19 100644
--- a/swh/web/tests/strategies.py
+++ b/swh/web/tests/strategies.py
@@ -1,298 +1,341 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2018  The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 import random
 from collections import defaultdict
 from datetime import datetime
 from hypothesis import settings
 from hypothesis.strategies import (
     just, sampled_from, lists, composite, datetimes
 from string import ascii_letters, hexdigits
-from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex
+from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex, hash_to_bytes
+from swh.model.identifiers import directory_identifier
 from swh.storage.algos.revisions_walker import get_revisions_walker
-from swh.storage.tests.algos.test_snapshot import origins
+from swh.storage.tests.algos.test_snapshot import origins as new_origin # noqa
 from swh.web.tests.data import get_tests_data
 # Module dedicated to the generation of input data for tests through
 # the use of hypothesis.
 # Some of these data are sampled from a test archive created and populated
 # in the swh.web.tests.data module.
 # Set some hypothesis settings
 settings.register_profile("swh-web", settings(deadline=None, max_examples=1))
 # The following strategies exploit the hypothesis capabilities
 def _known_swh_object(object_type):
     tests_data = get_tests_data()
     return sampled_from(tests_data[object_type])
 def _unknown_swh_object(draw, object_type):
     tests_data = get_tests_data()
+    storage = tests_data['storage']
     while True:
         sha1_git = draw(sha1())
-        if sha1_git not in tests_data[object_type]:
+        # some tests will use the generated id to create a revision on the fly
+        if object_type == 'revisions':
+            obj = next(storage.revision_get([hash_to_bytes(sha1_git)]))
+            if obj is None:
+                return sha1_git
+        elif sha1_git not in tests_data[object_type]:
             return sha1_git
 def sha1():
     Hypothesis strategy returning a valid hexadecimal sha1 value.
     sha1 = ''.join(random.choice(hexdigits) for x in range(40))
     return just(sha1.lower())
 def invalid_sha1():
     Hypothesis strategy returning an invalid sha1 representation.
     invalid_sha1 = ''.join(random.choice(ascii_letters) for x in range(50))
     return just(invalid_sha1.lower())
 def sha256():
     Hypothesis strategy returning a valid hexadecimal sha256 value.
     sha256 = ''.join(random.choice(hexdigits) for x in range(64))
     return just(sha256.lower())
 def content():
     Hypothesis strategy returning a random content ingested
     into the test archive.
     return _known_swh_object('contents')
 def contents():
     Hypothesis strategy returning random contents ingested
     into the test archive.
     return lists(content(), min_size=2, max_size=8)
 def unknown_content(draw):
     Hypothesis strategy returning a random content not ingested
     into the test archive.
     tests_data = get_tests_data()
     while True:
         unknown_content = {
             'blake2s256': draw(sha256()),
             'sha1': draw(sha1()),
             'sha1_git': draw(sha1()),
             'sha256': draw(sha256())
         if unknown_content not in tests_data['contents']:
             return unknown_content
 def unknown_contents():
     Hypothesis strategy returning random contents not ingested
     into the test archive.
     return lists(unknown_content(), min_size=2, max_size=8)
 def directory():
     Hypothesis strategy returning a random directory ingested
     into the test archive.
     return _known_swh_object('directories')
+def empty_directory():
+    """
+    Hypothesis strategy returning the empty directory ingested
+    into the test archive.
+    """
+    return just(directory_identifier({'entries': []}))
 def unknown_directory(draw):
     Hypothesis strategy returning a random directory not ingested
     into the test archive.
     return _unknown_swh_object(draw, 'directories')
 def origin():
     Hypothesis strategy returning a random origin not ingested
     into the test archive.
-    return origins()
+    return _known_swh_object('origins')
 def visit_dates():
     Hypothesis strategy returning a list of visit dates.
     return lists(datetimes(min_value=datetime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0),
                            max_value=datetime(2018, 12, 31, 0, 0)),
                  min_size=2, max_size=8, unique=True)
 def release():
     Hypothesis strategy returning a random release ingested
     into the test archive.
     return _known_swh_object('releases')
 def unknown_release(draw):
     Hypothesis strategy returning a random revision not ingested
     into the test archive.
     return _unknown_swh_object(draw, 'releases')
 def revision():
     Hypothesis strategy returning a random revision ingested
     into the test archive.
     return _known_swh_object('revisions')
 def unknown_revision(draw):
     Hypothesis strategy returning a random revision not ingested
     into the test archive.
     return _unknown_swh_object(draw, 'revisions')
+def revisions():
+    """
+    Hypothesis strategy returning random revisions ingested
+    into the test archive.
+    """
+    return lists(revision(), min_size=2, max_size=8)
+def unknown_revisions():
+    """
+    Hypothesis strategy returning random revisions not ingested
+    into the test archive.
+    """
+    return lists(unknown_revision(), min_size=2, max_size=8)
 def snapshot():
     Hypothesis strategy returning a random snapshot ingested
     into the test archive.
     return _known_swh_object('snapshots')
 def unknown_snapshot(draw):
     Hypothesis strategy returning a random revision not ingested
     into the test archive.
     return _unknown_swh_object(draw, 'snapshots')
 def _get_origin_dfs_revisions_walker():
     storage = get_tests_data()['storage']
-    origin = random.choice(get_tests_data()['origins'])
+    origin = random.choice(get_tests_data()['origins'][:-1])
     snapshot = storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin['id'])
     head = snapshot['branches'][b'HEAD']['target']
     return get_revisions_walker('dfs', storage, head)
 def ancestor_revisions():
     Hypothesis strategy returning a pair of revisions ingested into the
     test archive with an ancestor relation.
     # get a dfs revisions walker for one of the origins
     # loaded into the test archive
     revisions_walker = _get_origin_dfs_revisions_walker()
     master_revisions = []
     children = defaultdict(list)
     init_rev_found = False
     # get revisions only authored in the master branch
     for rev in revisions_walker:
         for rev_p in rev['parents']:
         if not init_rev_found:
         if not rev['parents']:
             init_rev_found = True
     # head revision
     root_rev = master_revisions[0]
     # pick a random revision, different from head, only authored
     # in the master branch
     ancestor_rev_idx = random.choice(list(range(1, len(master_revisions)-1)))
     ancestor_rev = master_revisions[ancestor_rev_idx]
     ancestor_child_revs = children[ancestor_rev['id']]
     return just({
         'sha1_git_root': hash_to_hex(root_rev['id']),
         'sha1_git': hash_to_hex(ancestor_rev['id']),
         'children': [hash_to_hex(r) for r in ancestor_child_revs]
 def non_ancestor_revisions():
     Hypothesis strategy returning a pair of revisions ingested into the
     test archive with no ancestor relation.
     # get a dfs revisions walker for one of the origins
     # loaded into the test archive
     revisions_walker = _get_origin_dfs_revisions_walker()
     merge_revs = []
     children = defaultdict(list)
     # get all merge revisions
     for rev in revisions_walker:
         if len(rev['parents']) > 1:
         for rev_p in rev['parents']:
     # find a merge revisions whose parents have a unique child revision
     selected_revs = None
     for merge_rev in merge_revs:
         if all(len(children[rev_p]) == 1
                for rev_p in merge_rev['parents']):
             selected_revs = merge_rev['parents']
     return just({
         'sha1_git_root': hash_to_hex(selected_revs[0]),
         'sha1_git': hash_to_hex(selected_revs[1])
 # The following strategies returns data specific to some tests
 # that can not be generated and thus are hardcoded.
 def contents_with_ctags():
     Hypothesis strategy returning contents ingested into the test
     archive. Those contents are ctags compatible, that is running
     ctags on those lay results.
     return just({
         'sha1s': ['0ab37c02043ebff946c1937523f60aadd0844351',
         'symbol_name': 'ABS'
+def revision_with_submodules():
+    """
+    Hypothesis strategy returning a revision that is known to
+    point to a directory with revision entries (aka git submodule)
+    """
+    return just({
+        'rev_sha1_git': 'ffcb69001f3f6745dfd5b48f72ab6addb560e234',
+        'rev_dir_sha1_git': 'd92a21446387fa28410e5a74379c934298f39ae2',
+        'rev_dir_rev_path': 'libtess2'
+    })
diff --git a/swh/web/tests/testcase.py b/swh/web/tests/testcase.py
index ddc88e0e7..244d74ff0 100644
--- a/swh/web/tests/testcase.py
+++ b/swh/web/tests/testcase.py
@@ -1,145 +1,160 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2015-2018  The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 import shutil
 from subprocess import run, PIPE
 from django.core.cache import cache
 from hypothesis.extra.django import TestCase
 from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_bytes
 from swh.web import config
 from swh.web.common import converters, service
 from swh.web.tests.data import get_tests_data
 ctags_json_missing = \
     shutil.which('ctags') is None or \
     b'+json' not in run(['ctags', '--version'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
 fossology_missing = shutil.which('nomossa') is None
 class WebTestCase(TestCase):
     """Base TestCase class for swh-web.
     It is initialized with references to in-memory storages containing
     raw tests data.
     It also defines class methods to retrieve those tests data in
     a json serializable format in order to ease tests implementation.
     def setUpClass(cls):
         tests_data = get_tests_data()
         cls.storage = tests_data['storage']
         cls.idx_storage = tests_data['idx_storage']
         cls.mimetype_indexer = tests_data['mimetype_indexer']
         cls.language_indexer = tests_data['language_indexer']
         cls.license_indexer = tests_data['license_indexer']
         cls.ctags_indexer = tests_data['ctags_indexer']
         # Update swh-web configuration to use the in-memory storage
         # instantiated in the tests.data module
         swh_config = config.get_config()
         swh_config.update({'storage': cls.storage})
         service.storage = cls.storage
         # Update swh-web configuration to use the in-memory indexer storage
         # instantiated in the tests.data modules
         swh_config.update({'indexer_storage': cls.idx_storage})
         service.idx_storage = cls.idx_storage
     def content_add_mimetype(cls, cnt_id):
     def content_get_mimetype(cls, cnt_id):
         mimetype = next(cls.idx_storage.content_mimetype_get(
         return converters.from_filetype(mimetype)
     def content_add_language(cls, cnt_id):
     def content_get_language(cls, cnt_id):
         lang = next(cls.idx_storage.content_language_get(
         return converters.from_swh(lang, hashess={'id'})
     def content_add_license(cls, cnt_id):
     def content_get_license(cls, cnt_id):
         cnt_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(cnt_id)
         lic = next(cls.idx_storage.content_fossology_license_get(
         return converters.from_swh({'id': cnt_id_bytes,
                                     'facts': lic[cnt_id_bytes]},
     def content_add_ctags(cls, cnt_id):
     def content_get_ctags(cls, cnt_id):
         cnt_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(cnt_id)
         ctags = cls.idx_storage.content_ctags_get([cnt_id_bytes])
         for ctag in ctags:
             yield converters.from_swh(ctag, hashess={'id'})
     def content_get_metadata(cls, cnt_id):
         cnt_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(cnt_id)
         metadata = next(cls.storage.content_get_metadata([cnt_id_bytes]))
         return converters.from_swh(metadata,
                                    hashess={'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256',
     def content_get(cls, cnt_id):
         cnt_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(cnt_id)
         cnt = next(cls.storage.content_get([cnt_id_bytes]))
         return converters.from_content(cnt)
     def directory_ls(cls, dir_id):
         cnt_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(dir_id)
         dir_content = map(converters.from_directory_entry,
         return list(dir_content)
     def release_get(cls, rel_id):
         rel_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(rel_id)
         rel_data = next(cls.storage.release_get([rel_id_bytes]))
         return converters.from_release(rel_data)
     def revision_get(cls, rev_id):
         rev_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(rev_id)
         rev_data = next(cls.storage.revision_get([rev_id_bytes]))
         return converters.from_revision(rev_data)
-    def revision_log(cls, rev_id):
+    def revision_log(cls, rev_id, limit=None):
         rev_id_bytes = hash_to_bytes(rev_id)
-        return map(converters.from_revision,
-                   cls.storage.revision_log([rev_id_bytes]))
+        return list(map(converters.from_revision,
+                    cls.storage.revision_log([rev_id_bytes], limit=limit)))
+    @classmethod
+    def snapshot_get_latest(cls, origin_id):
+        snp = cls.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id)
+        return converters.from_snapshot(snp)
+    @classmethod
+    def origin_visit_get(cls, origin_id):
+        visits = cls.storage.origin_visit_get(origin_id)
+        return list(map(converters.from_origin_visit, visits))
+    @classmethod
+    def snapshot_get(cls, snapshot_id):
+        snp = cls.storage.snapshot_get(hash_to_bytes(snapshot_id))
+        return converters.from_snapshot(snp)
     def setUp(self):