diff --git a/swh/storage/db.py b/swh/storage/db.py
index 2248b6ee1..3842003fd 100644
--- a/swh/storage/db.py
+++ b/swh/storage/db.py
@@ -1,982 +1,986 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2015-2017  The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 import binascii
 import datetime
 import functools
 import json
 import psycopg2
 import psycopg2.extras
 import select
 import tempfile
 from contextlib import contextmanager
 from swh.model import hashutil
 TMP_CONTENT_TABLE = 'tmp_content'
 def stored_procedure(stored_proc):
     """decorator to execute remote stored procedure, specified as argument
     Generally, the body of the decorated function should be empty. If it is
     not, the stored procedure will be executed first; the function body then.
     def wrap(meth):
         def _meth(self, *args, **kwargs):
             cur = kwargs.get('cur', None)
             self._cursor(cur).execute('SELECT %s()' % stored_proc)
             meth(self, *args, **kwargs)
         return _meth
     return wrap
 def jsonize(value):
     """Convert a value to a psycopg2 JSON object if necessary"""
     if isinstance(value, dict):
         return psycopg2.extras.Json(value)
     return value
 def entry_to_bytes(entry):
     """Convert an entry coming from the database to bytes"""
     if isinstance(entry, memoryview):
         return entry.tobytes()
     if isinstance(entry, list):
         return [entry_to_bytes(value) for value in entry]
     return entry
 def line_to_bytes(line):
     """Convert a line coming from the database to bytes"""
     if not line:
         return line
     if isinstance(line, dict):
         return {k: entry_to_bytes(v) for k, v in line.items()}
     return line.__class__(entry_to_bytes(entry) for entry in line)
 def cursor_to_bytes(cursor):
     """Yield all the data from a cursor as bytes"""
     yield from (line_to_bytes(line) for line in cursor)
 class BaseDb:
     """Base class for swh.storage.*Db.
     cf. swh.storage.db.Db, swh.storage.archiver.db.ArchiverDb
     def connect(cls, *args, **kwargs):
         """factory method to create a DB proxy
         Accepts all arguments of psycopg2.connect; only some specific
         possibilities are reported below.
             connstring: libpq2 connection string
         conn = psycopg2.connect(*args, **kwargs)
         return cls(conn)
     def _cursor(self, cur_arg):
         """get a cursor: from cur_arg if given, or a fresh one otherwise
         meant to avoid boilerplate if/then/else in methods that proxy stored
         if cur_arg is not None:
             return cur_arg
         # elif self.cur is not None:
         #     return self.cur
             return self.conn.cursor()
     def __init__(self, conn):
         """create a DB proxy
             conn: psycopg2 connection to the SWH DB
         self.conn = conn
     def transaction(self):
         """context manager to execute within a DB transaction
             a psycopg2 cursor
         with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
                 yield cur
                 if not self.conn.closed:
     def copy_to(self, items, tblname, columns, cur=None, item_cb=None):
         """Copy items' entries to table tblname with columns information.
             items (dict): dictionary of data to copy over tblname
             tblname (str): Destination table's name
             columns ([str]): keys to access data in items and also the
               column names in the destination table.
             item_cb (fn): optional function to apply to items's entry
         def escape(data):
             if data is None:
                 return ''
             if isinstance(data, bytes):
                 return '\\x%s' % binascii.hexlify(data).decode('ascii')
             elif isinstance(data, str):
                 return '"%s"' % data.replace('"', '""')
             elif isinstance(data, datetime.datetime):
                 # We escape twice to make sure the string generated by
                 # isoformat gets escaped
                 return escape(data.isoformat())
             elif isinstance(data, dict):
                 return escape(json.dumps(data))
             elif isinstance(data, list):
                 return escape("{%s}" % ','.join(escape(d) for d in data))
             elif isinstance(data, psycopg2.extras.Range):
                 # We escape twice here too, so that we make sure
                 # everything gets passed to copy properly
                 return escape(
                     '%s%s,%s%s' % (
                         '[' if data.lower_inc else '(',
                         '-infinity' if data.lower_inf else escape(data.lower),
                         'infinity' if data.upper_inf else escape(data.upper),
                         ']' if data.upper_inc else ')',
                 # We don't escape here to make sure we pass literals properly
                 return str(data)
         with tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+') as f:
             for d in items:
                 if item_cb is not None:
                 line = [escape(d.get(k)) for k in columns]
             self._cursor(cur).copy_expert('COPY %s (%s) FROM STDIN CSV' % (
                 tblname, ', '.join(columns)), f)
     def mktemp(self, tblname, cur=None):
         self._cursor(cur).execute('SELECT swh_mktemp(%s)', (tblname,))
 class Db(BaseDb):
     """Proxy to the SWH DB, with wrappers around stored procedures
     def mktemp_dir_entry(self, entry_type, cur=None):
         self._cursor(cur).execute('SELECT swh_mktemp_dir_entry(%s)',
                                   (('directory_entry_%s' % entry_type),))
     def mktemp_revision(self, cur=None): pass
     def mktemp_release(self, cur=None): pass
     def mktemp_occurrence_history(self, cur=None): pass
     def mktemp_entity_lister(self, cur=None): pass
     def mktemp_entity_history(self, cur=None): pass
     def mktemp_bytea(self, cur=None): pass
     def mktemp_content_ctags(self, cur=None): pass
     def mktemp_content_ctags_missing(self, cur=None): pass
     def register_listener(self, notify_queue, cur=None):
         """Register a listener for NOTIFY queue `notify_queue`"""
         self._cursor(cur).execute("LISTEN %s" % notify_queue)
     def listen_notifies(self, timeout):
         """Listen to notifications for `timeout` seconds"""
         if select.select([self.conn], [], [], timeout) == ([], [], []):
             while self.conn.notifies:
                 yield self.conn.notifies.pop(0)
     def content_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def directory_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def skipped_content_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def revision_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def release_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def occurrence_history_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def entity_history_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def cache_content_revision_add(self, cur=None): pass
     def store_tmp_bytea(self, ids, cur=None):
         """Store the given identifiers in a new tmp_bytea table"""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         self.copy_to(({'id': elem} for elem in ids), 'tmp_bytea',
                      ['id'], cur)
     def content_update_from_temp(self, keys_to_update, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""select swh_content_update(ARRAY[%s] :: text[])""" %
-    content_get_metadata_keys = ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256',
-                                 'length', 'status']
+    content_get_metadata_keys = [
+        'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256', 'length', 'status']
+    skipped_content_keys = [
+        'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256',
+        'length', 'reason', 'status', 'origin']
     def content_get_metadata_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""select t.id as sha1, %s from tmp_bytea t
                        left join content on t.id = content.sha1
                     """ % ', '.join(self.content_get_metadata_keys[1:]))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def content_missing_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256
                        FROM swh_content_missing()""")
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def content_missing_per_sha1_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT *
                        FROM swh_content_missing_per_sha1()""")
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def skipped_content_missing_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256
                        FROM swh_skipped_content_missing()""")
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def occurrence_get(self, origin_id, cur=None):
         """Retrieve latest occurrence's information by origin_id.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT origin, branch, target, target_type,
                               (select max(date) from origin_visit
                                where origin=%s) as date
                        FROM occurrence
                        WHERE origin=%s
                     (origin_id, origin_id))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     content_find_cols = ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256', 'length',
                          'ctime', 'status']
     def content_find(self, sha1=None, sha1_git=None, sha256=None,
                      blake2s256=None, cur=None):
         """Find the content optionally on a combination of the following
         checksums sha1, sha1_git, sha256 or blake2s256.
             sha1: sha1 content
             git_sha1: the sha1 computed `a la git` sha1 of the content
             sha256: sha256 content
             blake2s256: blake2s256 content
             The tuple (sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256) if found or None.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT %s
                        FROM swh_content_find(%%s, %%s, %%s, %%s)
                        LIMIT 1""" % ','.join(self.content_find_cols),
                     (sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256))
         content = line_to_bytes(cur.fetchone())
         if set(content) == {None}:
             return None
             return content
     provenance_cols = ['content', 'revision', 'origin', 'visit', 'path']
     def content_find_provenance(self, sha1_git, cur=None):
         """Find content's provenance information
             sha1: sha1_git content
             cur: cursor to use
             Provenance information on such content
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT content, revision, origin, visit, path
                        FROM swh_content_find_provenance(%s)""",
                     (sha1_git, ))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def directory_get_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute('''SELECT id, file_entries, dir_entries, rev_entries
                        FROM swh_directory_get()''')
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def directory_missing_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute('SELECT * FROM swh_directory_missing()')
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     directory_ls_cols = ['dir_id', 'type', 'target', 'name', 'perms',
                          'status', 'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'length']
     def directory_walk_one(self, directory, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cols = ', '.join(self.directory_ls_cols)
         query = 'SELECT %s FROM swh_directory_walk_one(%%s)' % cols
         cur.execute(query, (directory,))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def directory_walk(self, directory, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cols = ', '.join(self.directory_ls_cols)
         query = 'SELECT %s FROM swh_directory_walk(%%s)' % cols
         cur.execute(query, (directory,))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def directory_entry_get_by_path(self, directory, paths, cur=None):
         """Retrieve a directory entry by path.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cols = ', '.join(self.directory_ls_cols)
         query = (
             'SELECT %s FROM swh_find_directory_entry_by_path(%%s, %%s)' % cols)
         cur.execute(query, (directory, paths))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if set(data) == {None}:
             return None
         return line_to_bytes(data)
     def revision_missing_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute('SELECT id FROM swh_revision_missing() as r(id)')
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     revision_add_cols = [
         'id', 'date', 'date_offset', 'date_neg_utc_offset', 'committer_date',
         'committer_date_offset', 'committer_date_neg_utc_offset', 'type',
         'directory', 'message', 'author_fullname', 'author_name',
         'author_email', 'committer_fullname', 'committer_name',
         'committer_email', 'metadata', 'synthetic',
     revision_get_cols = revision_add_cols + [
         'author_id', 'committer_id', 'parents']
     def origin_visit_add(self, origin, ts, cur=None):
         """Add a new origin_visit for origin origin at timestamp ts with
         status 'ongoing'.
             origin: origin concerned by the visit
             ts: the date of the visit
             The new visit index step for that origin
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         self._cursor(cur).execute('SELECT swh_origin_visit_add(%s, %s)',
                                   (origin, ts))
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def origin_visit_update(self, origin, visit_id, status,
                             metadata, cur=None):
         """Update origin_visit's status."""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         update = """UPDATE origin_visit
                     SET status=%s, metadata=%s
                     WHERE origin=%s AND visit=%s"""
         cur.execute(update, (status, jsonize(metadata), origin, visit_id))
     origin_visit_get_cols = ['origin', 'visit', 'date', 'status', 'metadata']
     def origin_visit_get_all(self, origin_id,
                              last_visit=None, limit=None, cur=None):
         """Retrieve all visits for origin with id origin_id.
             origin_id: The occurrence's origin
             The occurrence's history visits
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query_suffix = ''
         if last_visit:
             query_suffix += ' AND %s < visit' % last_visit
         if limit:
             query_suffix += ' LIMIT %s' % limit
         query = """\
         SELECT %s
         FROM origin_visit
         WHERE origin=%%s %s""" % (
             ', '.join(self.origin_visit_get_cols), query_suffix)
         cur.execute(query, (origin_id, ))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def origin_visit_get(self, origin_id, visit_id, cur=None):
         """Retrieve information on visit visit_id of origin origin_id.
             origin_id: the origin concerned
             visit_id: The visit step for that origin
             The origin_visit information
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """\
             SELECT %s
             FROM origin_visit
             WHERE origin = %%s AND visit = %%s
             """ % (', '.join(self.origin_visit_get_cols))
         cur.execute(query, (origin_id, visit_id))
         r = cur.fetchall()
         if not r:
             return None
         return line_to_bytes(r[0])
     occurrence_cols = ['origin', 'branch', 'target', 'target_type']
     def occurrence_by_origin_visit(self, origin_id, visit_id, cur=None):
         """Retrieve all occurrences for a particular origin_visit.
             origin_id: the origin concerned
             visit_id: The visit step for that origin
             The occurrence's history visits
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """\
             SELECT %s
             FROM swh_occurrence_by_origin_visit(%%s, %%s)
             """ % (', '.join(self.occurrence_cols))
         cur.execute(query, (origin_id, visit_id))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def revision_get_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = 'SELECT %s FROM swh_revision_get()' % (
             ', '.join(self.revision_get_cols))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def revision_log(self, root_revisions, limit=None, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """SELECT %s
                    FROM swh_revision_log(%%s, %%s)
                 """ % ', '.join(self.revision_get_cols)
         cur.execute(query, (root_revisions, limit))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     revision_shortlog_cols = ['id', 'parents']
     def revision_shortlog(self, root_revisions, limit=None, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """SELECT %s
                    FROM swh_revision_list(%%s, %%s)
                 """ % ', '.join(self.revision_shortlog_cols)
         cur.execute(query, (root_revisions, limit))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     cache_content_get_cols = [
         'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'revision_paths']
     def cache_content_get_all(self, cur=None):
         """Retrieve cache contents' sha1, sha256, sha1_git
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute('SELECT * FROM swh_cache_content_get_all()')
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def cache_content_get(self, sha1_git, cur=None):
         """Retrieve cache content information sh.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute('SELECT * FROM swh_cache_content_get(%s)', (sha1_git, ))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if data:
             return line_to_bytes(data)
         return None
     def cache_revision_origin_add(self, origin, visit, cur=None):
         """Populate the content provenance information cache for the given
            (origin, visit) couple."""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute('SELECT * FROM swh_cache_revision_origin_add(%s, %s)',
                     (origin, visit))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def release_missing_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute('SELECT id FROM swh_release_missing() as r(id)')
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     object_find_by_sha1_git_cols = ['sha1_git', 'type', 'id', 'object_id']
     def object_find_by_sha1_git(self, ids, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         self.store_tmp_bytea(ids, cur)
         query = 'select %s from swh_object_find_by_sha1_git()' % (
             ', '.join(self.object_find_by_sha1_git_cols)
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def stat_counters(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute('SELECT * FROM swh_stat_counters()')
         yield from cur
     fetch_history_cols = ['origin', 'date', 'status', 'result', 'stdout',
                           'stderr', 'duration']
     def create_fetch_history(self, fetch_history, cur=None):
         """Create a fetch_history entry with the data in fetch_history"""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = '''INSERT INTO fetch_history (%s)
                    VALUES (%s) RETURNING id''' % (
             ','.join(['%s'] * len(self.fetch_history_cols))
         cur.execute(query, [fetch_history.get(col) for col in
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def get_fetch_history(self, fetch_history_id, cur=None):
         """Get a fetch_history entry with the given id"""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = '''SELECT %s FROM fetch_history WHERE id=%%s''' % (
             ', '.join(self.fetch_history_cols),
         cur.execute(query, (fetch_history_id,))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if not data:
             return None
         ret = {'id': fetch_history_id}
         for i, col in enumerate(self.fetch_history_cols):
             ret[col] = data[i]
         return ret
     def update_fetch_history(self, fetch_history, cur=None):
         """Update the fetch_history entry from the data in fetch_history"""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = '''UPDATE fetch_history
                    SET %s
                    WHERE id=%%s''' % (
             ','.join('%s=%%s' % col for col in self.fetch_history_cols)
         cur.execute(query, [jsonize(fetch_history.get(col)) for col in
                             self.fetch_history_cols + ['id']])
     base_entity_cols = ['uuid', 'parent', 'name', 'type',
                         'description', 'homepage', 'active',
                         'generated', 'lister_metadata',
     entity_cols = base_entity_cols + ['last_seen', 'last_id']
     entity_history_cols = base_entity_cols + ['id', 'validity']
     def origin_add(self, type, url, cur=None):
         """Insert a new origin and return the new identifier."""
         insert = """INSERT INTO origin (type, url) values (%s, %s)
                     RETURNING id"""
         cur.execute(insert, (type, url))
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def origin_get_with(self, type, url, cur=None):
         """Retrieve the origin id from its type and url if found."""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """SELECT id, type, url, lister, project
                    FROM origin
                    WHERE type=%s AND url=%s"""
         cur.execute(query, (type, url))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if data:
             return line_to_bytes(data)
         return None
     def origin_get(self, id, cur=None):
         """Retrieve the origin per its identifier.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = "SELECT id, type, url, lister, project FROM origin WHERE id=%s"
         cur.execute(query, (id,))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if data:
             return line_to_bytes(data)
         return None
     person_cols = ['fullname', 'name', 'email']
     person_get_cols = person_cols + ['id']
     def person_add(self, person, cur=None):
         """Add a person identified by its name and email.
             The new person's id
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query_new_person = '''\
         INSERT INTO person(%s)
         VALUES (%s)
         RETURNING id''' % (
             ', '.join(self.person_cols),
             ', '.join('%s' for i in range(len(self.person_cols)))
                     [person[col] for col in self.person_cols])
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def person_get(self, ids, cur=None):
         """Retrieve the persons identified by the list of ids.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """SELECT %s
                    FROM person
                    WHERE id IN %%s""" % ', '.join(self.person_get_cols)
         cur.execute(query, (tuple(ids),))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     release_add_cols = [
         'id', 'target', 'target_type', 'date', 'date_offset',
         'date_neg_utc_offset', 'name', 'comment', 'synthetic',
         'author_fullname', 'author_name', 'author_email',
     release_get_cols = release_add_cols + ['author_id']
     def release_get_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = '''
         SELECT %s
             FROM swh_release_get()
         ''' % ', '.join(self.release_get_cols)
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def release_get_by(self,
         """Retrieve a release by occurrence criterion (only origin right now)
             - origin_id: The origin to look for.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """
         SELECT %s
             FROM swh_release_get_by(%%s)
             LIMIT %%s
         """ % ', '.join(self.release_get_cols)
         cur.execute(query, (origin_id, limit))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def revision_get_by(self,
         """Retrieve a revision by occurrence criterion.
             - origin_id: The origin to look for
             - branch_name: the branch name to look for
             - datetime: the lower bound of timerange to look for.
             - limit: limit number of results to return
             The upper bound being now.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         if branch_name and isinstance(branch_name, str):
             branch_name = branch_name.encode('utf-8')
         query = '''
         SELECT %s
             FROM swh_revision_get_by(%%s, %%s, %%s)
             LIMIT %%s
         ''' % ', '.join(self.revision_get_cols)
         cur.execute(query, (origin_id, branch_name, datetime, limit))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def entity_get(self, uuid, cur=None):
         """Retrieve the entity and its parent hierarchy chain per uuid.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT %s
                        FROM swh_entity_get(%%s)""" % (
                            ', '.join(self.entity_cols)),
                     (uuid, ))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def entity_get_one(self, uuid, cur=None):
         """Retrieve a single entity given its uuid.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT %s
                        FROM entity
                        WHERE uuid = %%s""" % (
                            ', '.join(self.entity_cols)),
                     (uuid, ))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if not data:
             return None
         return line_to_bytes(data)
     content_mimetype_cols = ['id', 'mimetype', 'encoding',
                              'tool_name', 'tool_version']
     def mktemp_content_mimetype_missing(self, cur=None): pass
     def content_mimetype_missing_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         """List missing mimetypes.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("SELECT * FROM swh_content_mimetype_missing()")
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def mktemp_content_mimetype(self, cur=None): pass
     def content_mimetype_add_from_temp(self, conflict_update, cur=None):
         self._cursor(cur).execute("SELECT swh_content_mimetype_add(%s)",
                                   (conflict_update, ))
     content_language_cols = ['id', 'lang', 'tool_name', 'tool_version']
     def mktemp_content_language(self, cur=None): pass
     def content_mimetype_get_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = "SELECT %s FROM swh_content_mimetype_get()" % (
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def mktemp_content_language_missing(self, cur=None): pass
     def content_language_missing_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         """List missing languages.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("SELECT * FROM swh_content_language_missing()")
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def content_language_add_from_temp(self, conflict_update, cur=None):
         self._cursor(cur).execute("SELECT swh_content_language_add(%s)",
                                   (conflict_update, ))
     def content_language_get_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = "SELECT %s FROM swh_content_language_get()" % (
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def content_ctags_missing_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         """List missing ctags.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("SELECT * FROM swh_content_ctags_missing()")
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def content_ctags_add_from_temp(self, conflict_update, cur=None):
         self._cursor(cur).execute("SELECT swh_content_ctags_add(%s)",
                                   (conflict_update, ))
     content_ctags_cols = ['id', 'name', 'kind', 'line', 'lang',
                           'tool_name', 'tool_version']
     def content_ctags_get_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = "SELECT %s FROM swh_content_ctags_get()" % (
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def content_ctags_search(self, expression, last_sha1, limit, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         if not last_sha1:
             query = """SELECT %s
                        FROM swh_content_ctags_search(%%s, %%s)""" % (
             cur.execute(query, (expression, limit))
             if last_sha1 and isinstance(last_sha1, bytes):
                 last_sha1 = '\\x%s' % hashutil.hash_to_hex(last_sha1)
             elif last_sha1:
                 last_sha1 = '\\x%s' % last_sha1
             query = """SELECT %s
                        FROM swh_content_ctags_search(%%s, %%s, %%s)""" % (
             cur.execute(query, (expression, limit, last_sha1))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     content_fossology_license_cols = ['id', 'tool_name', 'tool_version',
     def mktemp_content_fossology_license_missing(self, cur=None): pass
     def content_fossology_license_missing_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         """List missing licenses.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("SELECT * FROM swh_content_fossology_license_missing()")
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def mktemp_content_fossology_license(self, cur=None): pass
     def mktemp_content_fossology_license_unknown(self, cur=None): pass
     def content_fossology_license_add_from_temp(self, conflict_update,
         """Add new licenses per content.
             "SELECT swh_content_fossology_license_add(%s)",
             (conflict_update, ))
     def content_fossology_license_get_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         """Retrieve licenses per content.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = "SELECT %s FROM swh_content_fossology_license_get()" % (
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def content_fossology_license_unknown(self, cur=None):
         """Returns the unknown licenses from
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("SELECT * FROM swh_content_fossology_license_unknown()")
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
diff --git a/swh/storage/storage.py b/swh/storage/storage.py
index abfe6ffd1..0700530dd 100644
--- a/swh/storage/storage.py
+++ b/swh/storage/storage.py
@@ -1,1604 +1,1602 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2015-2017  The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 from collections import defaultdict
 import datetime
 import itertools
 import dateutil.parser
 import psycopg2
 from . import converters
 from .common import db_transaction_generator, db_transaction
 from .db import Db
 from .exc import StorageDBError
 from swh.model.hashutil import ALGORITHMS
 from swh.objstorage import get_objstorage
 from swh.objstorage.exc import ObjNotFoundError
 # Max block size of contents to return
 class Storage():
     """SWH storage proxy, encompassing DB and object storage
     def __init__(self, db, objstorage):
             db_conn: either a libpq connection string, or a psycopg2 connection
             obj_root: path to the root of the object storage
             if isinstance(db, psycopg2.extensions.connection):
                 self.db = Db(db)
                 self.db = Db.connect(db)
         except psycopg2.OperationalError as e:
             raise StorageDBError(e)
         self.objstorage = get_objstorage(**objstorage)
     def check_config(self, *, check_write):
         """Check that the storage is configured and ready to go."""
         if not self.objstorage.check_config(check_write=check_write):
             return False
         # Check permissions on one of the tables
         with self.db.transaction() as cur:
             if check_write:
                 check = 'INSERT'
                 check = 'SELECT'
                 "select has_table_privilege(current_user, 'content', %s)",
             return cur.fetchone()[0]
         return True
     def content_add(self, content):
         """Add content blobs to the storage
         Note: in case of DB errors, objects might have already been added to
         the object storage and will not be removed. Since addition to the
         object storage is idempotent, that should not be a problem.
             content: iterable of dictionaries representing individual pieces of
                 content to add. Each dictionary has the following keys:
                 - data (bytes): the actual content
                 - length (int): content length (default: -1)
                 - one key for each checksum algorithm in
                   swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS, mapped to the corresponding
                 - status (str): one of visible, hidden, absent
                 - reason (str): if status = absent, the reason why
                 - origin (int): if status = absent, the origin we saw the
                   content in
         db = self.db
         content_by_status = defaultdict(list)
         for d in content:
             if 'status' not in d:
                 d['status'] = 'visible'
             if 'length' not in d:
                 d['length'] = -1
         content_with_data = content_by_status['visible']
         content_without_data = content_by_status['absent']
         missing_content = set(self.content_missing(content_with_data))
         missing_skipped = set(
             sha1_git for _, sha1_git, _, _
             in self.skipped_content_missing(content_without_data))
         with db.transaction() as cur:
             if missing_content:
                 # create temporary table for metadata injection
                 db.mktemp('content', cur)
                 def add_to_objstorage(cont):
                 content_filtered = (cont for cont in content_with_data
                                     if cont['sha1'] in missing_content)
                 db.copy_to(content_filtered, 'tmp_content',
-                           ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256',
-                            'length', 'status'],
+                           db.content_get_metadata_keys,
                            cur, item_cb=add_to_objstorage)
                 # move metadata in place
             if missing_skipped:
                 missing_filtered = (cont for cont in content_without_data
                                     if cont['sha1_git'] in missing_skipped)
                 db.mktemp('skipped_content', cur)
                 db.copy_to(missing_filtered, 'tmp_skipped_content',
-                           ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256',
-                            'length', 'reason', 'status', 'origin'], cur)
+                           db.skipped_content_keys, cur)
                 # move metadata in place
     def content_update(self, content, keys=[], cur=None):
         """Update content blobs to the storage. Does nothing for unknown
         contents or skipped ones.
             content: iterable of dictionaries representing individual pieces of
                 content to update. Each dictionary has the following keys:
                 - data (bytes): the actual content
                 - length (int): content length (default: -1)
                 - one key for each checksum algorithm in
                   swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS, mapped to the corresponding
                 - status (str): one of visible, hidden, absent
             keys ([str]): List of keys whose values needs an update (
             e.g. new hash column)
         db = self.db
         # TODO: Add a check on input keys. How to properly implement
         # this? We don't know yet the new columns.
         select_keys = list(set(db.content_get_metadata_keys).union(set(keys)))
         db.copy_to(content, 'tmp_content', select_keys, cur)
     def content_get(self, content):
         """Retrieve in bulk contents and their data.
             content: iterables of sha1
             Generates streams of contents as dict with their raw data:
             - sha1: sha1's content
             - data: bytes data of the content
             ValueError in case of too much contents are required.
         # FIXME: Improve on server module to slice the result
         if len(content) > BULK_BLOCK_CONTENT_LEN_MAX:
             raise ValueError(
                 "Send at maximum %s contents." % BULK_BLOCK_CONTENT_LEN_MAX)
         for obj_id in content:
                 data = self.objstorage.get(obj_id)
             except ObjNotFoundError:
                 yield None
             yield {'sha1': obj_id, 'data': data}
     def content_get_metadata(self, content, cur=None):
         """Retrieve content metadata in bulk
             content: iterable of content identifiers (sha1)
             an iterable with content metadata corresponding to the given ids
         db = self.db
         db.store_tmp_bytea(content, cur)
         for content_metadata in db.content_get_metadata_from_temp(cur):
             yield dict(zip(db.content_get_metadata_keys, content_metadata))
     def content_missing(self, content, key_hash='sha1', cur=None):
         """List content missing from storage
             content: iterable of dictionaries containing one key for each
                 checksum algorithm in swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS, mapped to
                 the corresponding checksum, and a length key mapped to the
                 content length.
             key_hash: the name of the hash used as key (default: 'sha1')
             an iterable of `key_hash`es missing from the storage
             TODO: an exception when we get a hash collision.
         db = self.db
         keys = ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256']
         if key_hash not in keys:
             raise ValueError("key_hash should be one of %s" % keys)
         key_hash_idx = keys.index(key_hash)
         # Create temporary table for metadata injection
         db.mktemp('content', cur)
         db.copy_to(content, 'tmp_content', keys + ['length'], cur)
         for obj in db.content_missing_from_temp(cur):
             yield obj[key_hash_idx]
     def content_missing_per_sha1(self, contents, cur=None):
         """List content missing from storage based only on sha1.
             contents: Iterable of sha1 to check for absence.
             an iterable of `sha1`s missing from the storage.
             TODO: an exception when we get a hash collision.
         db = self.db
         db.store_tmp_bytea(contents, cur)
         for obj in db.content_missing_per_sha1_from_temp(cur):
             yield obj[0]
     def skipped_content_missing(self, content, cur=None):
         """List skipped_content missing from storage
             content: iterable of dictionaries containing the data for each
                 checksum algorithm.
             an iterable of signatures missing from the storage
         keys = ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256']
         db = self.db
         db.mktemp('skipped_content', cur)
         db.copy_to(content, 'tmp_skipped_content',
                    keys + ['length', 'reason'], cur)
         yield from db.skipped_content_missing_from_temp(cur)
     def content_find(self, content, cur=None):
         """Find a content hash in db.
             content: a dictionary representing one content hash, mapping
                 checksum algorithm names (see swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS) to
                 checksum values
             a triplet (sha1, sha1_git, sha256) if the content exist
             or None otherwise.
             ValueError in case the key of the dictionary is not sha1, sha1_git
             nor sha256.
         db = self.db
         if not set(content).intersection(ALGORITHMS):
             raise ValueError('content keys must contain at least one of: '
                              'sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256')
         c = db.content_find(sha1=content.get('sha1'),
         if c:
             return dict(zip(db.content_find_cols, c))
         return None
     def content_find_provenance(self, content, cur=None):
         """Find content's provenance information.
             content: a dictionary entry representing one content hash.
             The dictionary key is one of swh.model.hashutil.ALGORITHMS.
             The value mapped to the corresponding checksum.
             The provenance information on content.
         db = self.db
         c = self.content_find(content)
         if not c:
             return []
         sha1_git = c['sha1_git']
         for provenance in db.content_find_provenance(sha1_git, cur=cur):
             yield dict(zip(db.provenance_cols, provenance))
     def directory_add(self, directories):
         """Add directories to the storage
             directories: iterable of dictionaries representing the individual
                 directories to add. Each dict has the following keys:
                 - id (sha1_git): the id of the directory to add
                 - entries (list): list of dicts for each entry in the
                     directory.  Each dict has the following keys:
                     - name (bytes)
                     - type (one of 'file', 'dir', 'rev'):
                         type of the directory entry (file, directory, revision)
                     - target (sha1_git): id of the object pointed at by the
                           directory entry
                     - perms (int): entry permissions
         dirs = set()
         dir_entries = {
             'file': defaultdict(list),
             'dir': defaultdict(list),
             'rev': defaultdict(list),
         for cur_dir in directories:
             dir_id = cur_dir['id']
             for src_entry in cur_dir['entries']:
                 entry = src_entry.copy()
                 entry['dir_id'] = dir_id
         dirs_missing = set(self.directory_missing(dirs))
         if not dirs_missing:
         db = self.db
         with db.transaction() as cur:
             # Copy directory ids
             dirs_missing_dict = ({'id': dir} for dir in dirs_missing)
             db.mktemp('directory', cur)
             db.copy_to(dirs_missing_dict, 'tmp_directory', ['id'], cur)
             # Copy entries
             for entry_type, entry_list in dir_entries.items():
                 entries = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
                     for dir_id, entries_for_dir
                     in entry_list.items()
                     if dir_id in dirs_missing)
                     'tmp_directory_entry_%s' % entry_type,
                     ['target', 'name', 'perms', 'dir_id'],
             # Do the final copy
     def directory_missing(self, directories, cur):
         """List directories missing from storage
         Args: an iterable of directory ids
         Returns: a list of missing directory ids
         db = self.db
         # Create temporary table for metadata injection
         db.mktemp('directory', cur)
         directories_dicts = ({'id': dir} for dir in directories)
         db.copy_to(directories_dicts, 'tmp_directory', ['id'], cur)
         for obj in db.directory_missing_from_temp(cur):
             yield obj[0]
     def directory_get(self,
         """Get information on directories.
             - directories: an iterable of directory ids
             List of directories as dict with keys and associated values.
         db = self.db
         keys = ('id', 'dir_entries', 'file_entries', 'rev_entries')
         db.mktemp('directory', cur)
         db.copy_to(({'id': dir_id} for dir_id in directories),
                    'tmp_directory', ['id'], cur)
         dirs = db.directory_get_from_temp(cur)
         for line in dirs:
             yield dict(zip(keys, line))
     def directory_ls(self, directory, recursive=False, cur=None):
         """Get entries for one directory.
             - directory: the directory to list entries from.
             - recursive: if flag on, this list recursively from this directory.
             List of entries for such directory.
         db = self.db
         if recursive:
             res_gen = db.directory_walk(directory, cur=cur)
             res_gen = db.directory_walk_one(directory, cur=cur)
         for line in res_gen:
             yield dict(zip(db.directory_ls_cols, line))
     def directory_entry_get_by_path(self, directory, paths, cur=None):
         """Get the directory entry (either file or dir) from directory with
             - directory: sha1 of the top level directory
             - paths: path to lookup from the top level directory. From left
             (top) to right (bottom).
             The corresponding directory entry if found, None otherwise.
         db = self.db
         res = db.directory_entry_get_by_path(directory, paths, cur)
         if res:
             return dict(zip(db.directory_ls_cols, res))
     def cache_content_revision_add(self, revisions, cur=None):
         """Cache the current revision's current targeted arborescence directory.
         If the revision has already been cached, it just does nothing.
             - revisions: the revisions to cache
         db = self.db
         db.store_tmp_bytea(revisions, cur)
     def cache_content_get_all(self, cur=None):
         """Read the distinct contents in the cache table.
             contents from cache
         for content in self.db.cache_content_get_all(cur):
             yield dict(zip(self.db.cache_content_get_cols, content))
     def cache_content_get(self, content, cur=None):
         """Retrieve information on content.
             content (dict): content with checkums
             Its properties (sha1, sha1_git, sha256, revision_paths)
         if 'sha1_git' in content:
             sha1_git = content['sha1_git']
             c = self.content_find(content)
             if not c:
                 return None
             sha1_git = c['sha1_git']
         c = self.db.cache_content_get(sha1_git, cur=cur)
         if not c:
             return None
         return dict(zip(self.db.cache_content_get_cols, c))
     def cache_revision_origin_add(self, origin, visit, cur=None):
         """Cache the list of revisions the given visit added to the origin.
             - origin: the id of the origin
             - visit: the id of the visit
             The list of new revisions
         for (revision,) in self.db.cache_revision_origin_add(origin, visit):
             yield revision
     def revision_add(self, revisions):
         """Add revisions to the storage
             revisions: iterable of dictionaries representing the individual
                 revisions to add. Each dict has the following keys:
                 - id (sha1_git): id of the revision to add
                 - date (datetime.DateTime): date the revision was written
                 - date_offset (int): offset from UTC in minutes the revision
                     was written
                 - date_neg_utc_offset (boolean): whether a null date_offset
                     represents a negative UTC offset
                 - committer_date (datetime.DateTime): date the revision got
                     added to the origin
                 - committer_date_offset (int): offset from UTC in minutes the
                     revision was added to the origin
                 - committer_date_neg_utc_offset (boolean): whether a null
                     committer_date_offset represents a negative UTC offset
                 - type (one of 'git', 'tar'): type of the revision added
                 - directory (sha1_git): the directory the revision points at
                 - message (bytes): the message associated with the revision
                 - author_name (bytes): the name of the revision author
                 - author_email (bytes): the email of the revision author
                 - committer_name (bytes): the name of the revision committer
                 - committer_email (bytes): the email of the revision committer
                 - metadata (jsonb): extra information as dictionary
                 - synthetic (bool): revision's nature (tarball, directory
                     creates synthetic revision)
                 - parents (list of sha1_git): the parents of this revision
         db = self.db
         revisions_missing = set(self.revision_missing(
             set(revision['id'] for revision in revisions)))
         if not revisions_missing:
         with db.transaction() as cur:
             revisions_filtered = (
                 converters.revision_to_db(revision) for revision in revisions
                 if revision['id'] in revisions_missing)
             parents_filtered = []
                 revisions_filtered, 'tmp_revision', db.revision_add_cols,
                 lambda rev: parents_filtered.extend(rev['parents']))
             db.copy_to(parents_filtered, 'revision_history',
                        ['id', 'parent_id', 'parent_rank'], cur)
     def revision_missing(self, revisions, cur=None):
         """List revisions missing from storage
         Args: an iterable of revision ids
         Returns: a list of missing revision ids
         db = self.db
         db.store_tmp_bytea(revisions, cur)
         for obj in db.revision_missing_from_temp(cur):
             yield obj[0]
     def revision_get(self, revisions, cur):
         """Get all revisions from storage
            Args: an iterable of revision ids
            Returns: an iterable of revisions as dictionaries
                     (or None if the revision doesn't exist)
         db = self.db
         db.store_tmp_bytea(revisions, cur)
         for line in self.db.revision_get_from_temp(cur):
             data = converters.db_to_revision(
                 dict(zip(db.revision_get_cols, line))
             if not data['type']:
                 yield None
             yield data
     def revision_log(self, revisions, limit=None, cur=None):
         """Fetch revision entry from the given root revisions.
             - revisions: array of root revision to lookup
             - limit: limitation on the output result. Default to null.
             List of revision log from such revisions root.
         db = self.db
         for line in db.revision_log(revisions, limit, cur):
             data = converters.db_to_revision(
                 dict(zip(db.revision_get_cols, line))
             if not data['type']:
                 yield None
             yield data
     def revision_shortlog(self, revisions, limit=None, cur=None):
         """Fetch the shortlog for the given revisions
             revisions: list of root revisions to lookup
             limit: depth limitation for the output
             a list of (id, parents) tuples.
         db = self.db
         yield from db.revision_shortlog(revisions, limit, cur)
     def revision_log_by(self, origin_id, branch_name=None, timestamp=None,
                         limit=None, cur=None):
         """Fetch revision entry from the actual origin_id's latest revision.
             - origin_id: the origin id from which deriving the revision
             - branch_name: (optional) occurrence's branch name
             - timestamp: (optional) occurrence's time
             - limit: (optional) depth limitation for the
               output. Default to None.
             The revision log starting from the revision derived from
             the (origin, branch_name, timestamp) combination if any.
             Returns the [] if no revision matching this combination is
         db = self.db
         # Retrieve the revision by criterion
         revisions = list(db.revision_get_by(
             origin_id, branch_name, timestamp, limit=1))
         if not revisions:
             return None
         revision_id = revisions[0][0]
         # otherwise, retrieve the revision log from that revision
         yield from self.revision_log([revision_id], limit)
     def release_add(self, releases):
         """Add releases to the storage
             releases: iterable of dictionaries representing the individual
                 releases to add. Each dict has the following keys:
                 - id (sha1_git): id of the release to add
                 - revision (sha1_git): id of the revision the release points
                 - date (datetime.DateTime): the date the release was made
                 - date_offset (int): offset from UTC in minutes the release was
                 - date_neg_utc_offset (boolean): whether a null date_offset
                     represents a negative UTC offset
                 - name (bytes): the name of the release
                 - comment (bytes): the comment associated with the release
                 - author_name (bytes): the name of the release author
                 - author_email (bytes): the email of the release author
         db = self.db
         release_ids = set(release['id'] for release in releases)
         releases_missing = set(self.release_missing(release_ids))
         if not releases_missing:
         with db.transaction() as cur:
             releases_filtered = (
                 converters.release_to_db(release) for release in releases
                 if release['id'] in releases_missing
             db.copy_to(releases_filtered, 'tmp_release', db.release_add_cols,
     def release_missing(self, releases, cur=None):
         """List releases missing from storage
         Args: an iterable of release ids
         Returns: a list of missing release ids
         db = self.db
         # Create temporary table for metadata injection
         db.store_tmp_bytea(releases, cur)
         for obj in db.release_missing_from_temp(cur):
             yield obj[0]
     def release_get(self, releases, cur=None):
         """Given a list of sha1, return the releases's information
             releases: list of sha1s
             Generates the list of releases dict with the following keys:
             - id: origin's id
             - revision: origin's type
             - url: origin's url
             - lister: lister's uuid
             - project: project's uuid (FIXME, retrieve this information)
             ValueError if the keys does not match (url and type) nor id.
         db = self.db
         # Create temporary table for metadata injection
         db.store_tmp_bytea(releases, cur)
         for release in db.release_get_from_temp(cur):
             yield converters.db_to_release(
                 dict(zip(db.release_get_cols, release))
     def occurrence_add(self, occurrences, cur=None):
         """Add occurrences to the storage
             occurrences: iterable of dictionaries representing the individual
                 occurrences to add. Each dict has the following keys:
                 - origin (int): id of the origin corresponding to the
                 - branch (str): the reference name of the occurrence
                 - target (sha1_git): the id of the object pointed to by
                     the occurrence
                 - target_type (str): the type of object pointed to by the
         db = self.db
         db.copy_to(occurrences, 'tmp_occurrence_history',
                    ['origin', 'branch', 'target', 'target_type', 'visit'], cur)
     def occurrence_get(self, origin_id, cur=None):
         """Retrieve occurrence information per origin_id.
             origin_id: The occurrence's origin.
             List of occurrences matching criterion.
         db = self.db
         for line in db.occurrence_get(origin_id, cur):
             yield {
                 'origin': line[0],
                 'branch': line[1],
                 'target': line[2],
                 'target_type': line[3],
     def origin_visit_add(self, origin, ts, cur=None):
         """Add an origin_visit for the origin at ts with status 'ongoing'.
             origin: Visited Origin id
             ts: timestamp of such visit
             Dict with keys origin and visit where:
             - origin: origin identifier
             - visit: the visit identifier for the new visit occurrence
             - ts (datetime.DateTime): the visit date
         if isinstance(ts, str):
             ts = dateutil.parser.parse(ts)
         return {
             'origin': origin,
             'visit': self.db.origin_visit_add(origin, ts, cur)
     def origin_visit_update(self, origin, visit_id, status, metadata=None,
         """Update an origin_visit's status.
             origin: Visited Origin id
             visit_id: Visit's id
             status: Visit's new status
             metadata: Data associated to the visit
         return self.db.origin_visit_update(origin, visit_id, status, metadata,
     def origin_visit_get(self, origin, last_visit=None, limit=None, cur=None):
         """Retrieve all the origin's visit's information.
             origin (int): The occurrence's origin (identifier).
             last_visit (int): Starting point from which listing the next visits
                               Default to None
             limit (int): Number of results to return from the last visit.
                          Default to None
             List of visits.
         db = self.db
         for line in db.origin_visit_get_all(
                 origin, last_visit=last_visit, limit=limit, cur=cur):
             data = dict(zip(self.db.origin_visit_get_cols, line))
             yield data
     def origin_visit_get_by(self, origin, visit, cur=None):
         """Retrieve origin visit's information.
             origin: The occurrence's origin (identifier).
             The information on that particular (origin, visit)
         db = self.db
         ori_visit = db.origin_visit_get(origin, visit, cur)
         if not ori_visit:
             return None
         ori_visit = dict(zip(self.db.origin_visit_get_cols, ori_visit))
         occs = {}
         for occ in db.occurrence_by_origin_visit(origin, visit):
             _, branch_name, target, target_type = occ
             occs[branch_name] = {
                 'target': target,
                 'target_type': target_type
             'occurrences': occs
         return ori_visit
     def revision_get_by(self,
         """Given an origin_id, retrieve occurrences' list per given criterions.
             origin_id: The origin to filter on.
             branch_name: (optional) branch name.
             timestamp: (optional) time.
             limit: (optional) limit
             List of occurrences matching the criterions or None if nothing is
         for line in self.db.revision_get_by(origin_id,
             data = converters.db_to_revision(
                 dict(zip(self.db.revision_get_cols, line))
             if not data['type']:
                 yield None
             yield data
     def release_get_by(self, origin_id, limit=None):
         """Given an origin id, return all the tag objects pointing to heads of
             origin_id: the origin to filter on.
             limit: None by default
             List of releases matching the criterions or None if nothing is
         for line in self.db.release_get_by(origin_id, limit=limit):
             data = converters.db_to_release(
                 dict(zip(self.db.release_get_cols, line))
             yield data
     def object_find_by_sha1_git(self, ids, cur=None):
         """Return the objects found with the given ids.
             ids: a generator of sha1_gits
             a dict mapping the id to the list of objects found. Each object
             found is itself a dict with keys:
                 sha1_git: the input id
                 type: the type of object found
                 id: the id of the object found
                 object_id: the numeric id of the object found.
         db = self.db
         ret = {id: [] for id in ids}
         for retval in db.object_find_by_sha1_git(ids):
             if retval[1]:
         return ret
     def origin_get(self, origin, cur=None):
         """Return the origin either identified by its id or its tuple
         (type, url).
             origin: dictionary representing the individual
                 origin to find.
                 This dict has either the keys type and url:
                 - type (FIXME: enum TBD): the origin type ('git', 'wget', ...)
                 - url (bytes): the url the origin points to
                 either the id:
                 - id: the origin id
             the origin dict with the keys:
             - id: origin's id
             - type: origin's type
             - url: origin's url
             - lister: lister's uuid
             - project: project's uuid (FIXME, retrieve this information)
             ValueError if the keys does not match (url and type) nor id.
         db = self.db
         keys = ['id', 'type', 'url', 'lister', 'project']
         origin_id = origin.get('id')
         if origin_id:  # check lookup per id first
             ori = db.origin_get(origin_id, cur)
         elif 'type' in origin and 'url' in origin:  # or lookup per type, url
             ori = db.origin_get_with(origin['type'], origin['url'], cur)
         else:  # unsupported lookup
             raise ValueError('Origin must have either id or (type and url).')
         if ori:
             return dict(zip(keys, ori))
         return None
     def _person_add(self, person, cur=None):
         """Add a person in storage.
         BEWARE: Internal function for now.
         Do not do anything fancy in case a person already exists.
         Please adapt code if more checks are needed.
             person dictionary with keys name and email.
             Id of the new person.
         db = self.db
         return db.person_add(person)
     def person_get(self, person, cur=None):
         """Return the persons identified by their ids.
             person: array of ids.
             The array of persons corresponding of the ids.
         db = self.db
         for person in db.person_get(person):
             yield dict(zip(db.person_get_cols, person))
     def origin_add(self, origins, cur=None):
         """Add origins to the storage
             origins: list of dictionaries representing the individual origins,
             with the following keys:
                 type: the origin type ('git', 'svn', 'deb', ...)
                 url (bytes): the url the origin points to
             The array of ids corresponding to the given origins
         ret = []
         for origin in origins:
             ret.append(self.origin_add_one(origin, cur=cur))
         return ret
     def origin_add_one(self, origin, cur=None):
         """Add origin to the storage
             origin: dictionary representing the individual
                 origin to add. This dict has the following keys:
                 - type (FIXME: enum TBD): the origin type ('git', 'wget', ...)
                 - url (bytes): the url the origin points to
             the id of the added origin, or of the identical one that already
         db = self.db
         data = db.origin_get_with(origin['type'], origin['url'], cur)
         if data:
             return data[0]
         return db.origin_add(origin['type'], origin['url'], cur)
     def fetch_history_start(self, origin_id, cur=None):
         """Add an entry for origin origin_id in fetch_history. Returns the id
         of the added fetch_history entry
         fetch_history = {
             'origin': origin_id,
             'date': datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc),
         return self.db.create_fetch_history(fetch_history, cur)
     def fetch_history_end(self, fetch_history_id, data, cur=None):
         """Close the fetch_history entry with id `fetch_history_id`, replacing
            its data with `data`.
         now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
         fetch_history = self.db.get_fetch_history(fetch_history_id, cur)
         if not fetch_history:
             raise ValueError('No fetch_history with id %d' % fetch_history_id)
         fetch_history['duration'] = now - fetch_history['date']
         self.db.update_fetch_history(fetch_history, cur)
     def fetch_history_get(self, fetch_history_id, cur=None):
         """Get the fetch_history entry with id `fetch_history_id`.
         return self.db.get_fetch_history(fetch_history_id, cur)
     def entity_add(self, entities, cur=None):
         """Add the given entitites to the database (in entity_history).
             - entities: iterable of dictionaries containing the following keys:
                 - uuid (uuid): id of the entity
                 - parent (uuid): id of the parent entity
                 - name (str): name of the entity
                 - type (str): type of entity (one of 'organization',
                     'group_of_entities', 'hosting', 'group_of_persons',
                     'person', 'project')
                 - description (str, optional): description of the entity
                 - homepage (str): url of the entity's homepage
                 - active (bool): whether the entity is active
                 - generated (bool): whether the entity was generated
                 - lister_metadata (dict): lister-specific entity metadata
                 - metadata (dict): other metadata for the entity
                 - validity (datetime.DateTime array): timestamps at which we
                     listed the entity.
         db = self.db
         cols = list(db.entity_history_cols)
         db.copy_to(entities, 'tmp_entity_history', cols, cur)
     def entity_get_from_lister_metadata(self, entities, cur=None):
         """Fetch entities from the database, matching with the lister and
            associated metadata.
             entities: iterable of dictionaries containing the lister metadata
                to look for. Useful keys are 'lister', 'type', 'id', ...
             A generator of fetched entities with all their attributes. If no
             match was found, the returned entity is None.
         db = self.db
         mapped_entities = []
         for i, entity in enumerate(entities):
             mapped_entity = {
                 'id': i,
                 'lister_metadata': entity,
         db.copy_to(mapped_entities, 'tmp_entity_lister',
                    ['id', 'lister_metadata'], cur)
         cur.execute('''select id, %s
                        from swh_entity_from_tmp_entity_lister()
                        order by id''' %
         for id, *entity_vals in cur:
             fetched_entity = dict(zip(db.entity_cols, entity_vals))
             if fetched_entity['uuid']:
                 yield fetched_entity
                 yield {
                     'uuid': None,
                     'lister_metadata': entities[i],
     def entity_get(self, uuid, cur=None):
         """Returns the list of entity per its uuid identifier and also its
         parent hierarchy.
             uuid: entity's identifier
             List of entities starting with entity with uuid and the parent
             hierarchy from such entity.
         db = self.db
         for entity in db.entity_get(uuid, cur):
             yield dict(zip(db.entity_cols, entity))
     def entity_get_one(self, uuid, cur=None):
         """Returns one entity using its uuid identifier.
             uuid: entity's identifier
             the object corresponding to the given entity
         db = self.db
         entity = db.entity_get_one(uuid, cur)
         if entity:
             return dict(zip(db.entity_cols, entity))
             return None
     def stat_counters(self, cur=None):
         """compute statistics about the number of tuples in various tables
             a dictionary mapping textual labels (e.g., content) to integer
             values (e.g., the number of tuples in table content)
         return {k: v for (k, v) in self.db.stat_counters()}
     def content_mimetype_missing(self, mimetypes, cur=None):
         """List mimetypes missing from storage.
             mimetypes: iterable of dict with keys:
             - id (bytes): sha1 identifier
             - tool_name (str): tool used to compute the results
             - tool_version (str): associated tool's version
             an iterable of missing id for the triplets id,
             tool_name, tool_version
         db = self.db
         db.copy_to(mimetypes, 'tmp_content_mimetype_missing',
                    ['id', 'tool_name', 'tool_version'],
         for obj in db.content_mimetype_missing_from_temp(cur):
             yield obj[0]
     def content_mimetype_add(self, mimetypes, conflict_update=False, cur=None):
         """Add mimetypes not present in storage.
             mimetypes: iterable of dictionary with keys:
             - id (bytes): sha1 identifier
             - mimetype (bytes): raw content's mimetype
             - encoding (bytes): raw content's encoding
             - tool_name (str): tool used to compute the results
             - tool_version (str): associated tool's version
             conflict_update: Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (true)
             or skip duplicates (false, the default)
         db = self.db
         db.copy_to(mimetypes, 'tmp_content_mimetype',
         db.content_mimetype_add_from_temp(conflict_update, cur)
     def content_mimetype_get(self, ids, cur=None):
         db = self.db
         db.store_tmp_bytea(ids, cur)
         for c in db.content_mimetype_get_from_temp():
             yield converters.db_to_mimetype(
                 dict(zip(db.content_mimetype_cols, c)))
     def content_language_missing(self, languages, cur=None):
         """List languages missing from storage.
             languages: iterable of dict with keys:
             - id (bytes): sha1 identifier
             - tool_name (str): tool used to compute the results
             - tool_version (str): associated tool's version
             an iterable of missing id
         db = self.db
         db.copy_to(languages, 'tmp_content_language_missing',
                    db.content_language_cols, cur)
         for obj in db.content_language_missing_from_temp(cur):
             yield obj[0]
     def content_language_get(self, ids, cur=None):
         db = self.db
         db.store_tmp_bytea(ids, cur)
         for c in db.content_language_get_from_temp():
             yield converters.db_to_language(
                 dict(zip(db.content_language_cols, c)))
     def content_language_add(self, languages, conflict_update=False, cur=None):
         """Add languages not present in storage.
             languages: iterable of dictionary with keys:
             - id: sha1
             - lang: bytes
             conflict_update: Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (true)
             or skip duplicates (false, the default)
         db = self.db
         # empty language is mapped to 'unknown'
                 'id': l['id'],
                 'lang': 'unknown' if not l['lang'] else l['lang'],
                 'tool_name': l['tool_name'],
                 'tool_version': l['tool_version'],
             } for l in languages),
             'tmp_content_language', db.content_language_cols, cur)
         db.content_language_add_from_temp(conflict_update, cur)
     def content_ctags_missing(self, ctags, cur=None):
         """List ctags missing from storage.
             ctags: iterable of dict with keys:
             - id (bytes): sha1 identifier
             - tool_name (str): tool name used
             - tool_version (str): associated version
             an iterable of missing id
         db = self.db
                    columns=['id', 'tool_name', 'tool_version'],
         for obj in db.content_ctags_missing_from_temp(cur):
             yield obj[0]
     def content_ctags_get(self, ids, cur=None):
         """Retrieve ctags per id.
             ids ([sha1]): Iterable of sha1
         db = self.db
         db.store_tmp_bytea(ids, cur)
         for c in db.content_ctags_get_from_temp():
             yield converters.db_to_ctags(dict(zip(db.content_ctags_cols, c)))
     def content_ctags_add(self, ctags, conflict_update=False, cur=None):
         """Add ctags not present in storage
             ctags: iterable of dictionaries with keys:
             - id (bytes): sha1
             - ctags ([dict]): List of dictionary with keys (name,
             kind, line, language)
         db = self.db
         def _convert_ctags(ctags):
             """Convert ctags to list of ctags.
             res = []
             for ctag in ctags:
             return res
         db.content_ctags_add_from_temp(conflict_update, cur)
     def content_ctags_search(self, expression,
                              limit=10, last_sha1=None, cur=None):
         """Search through content's raw ctags symbols.
             expression (str): Expression to search for
             limit (int): Number of rows to return (default to 10).
             last_sha1 (str): Offset from which retrieving data (default to '').
             rows of ctags including id, name, lang, kind, line, etc...
         db = self.db
         for obj in db.content_ctags_search(expression, last_sha1, limit,
             yield converters.db_to_ctags(dict(zip(db.content_ctags_cols, obj)))
     def content_fossology_license_missing(self, licenses, cur=None):
         """List license missing from storage.
             licenses ([bytes]): iterable of sha1
             an iterable of missing id
         db = self.db
         db.copy_to(licenses, 'tmp_content_fossology_license_missing',
                    ['id', 'tool_name', 'tool_version'],
         for obj in db.content_fossology_license_missing_from_temp(cur):
             yield obj[0]
     def content_fossology_license_get(self, ids, cur=None):
         """Retrieve licenses per id.
             ids ([sha1]): Iterable of sha1
             List of dict with the following keys:
             - id (bytes)
             - licenses ([str]): associated licenses for that content
         db = self.db
         db.store_tmp_bytea(ids, cur)
         for c in db.content_fossology_license_get_from_temp():
             yield dict(zip(db.content_fossology_license_cols, c))
     def content_fossology_license_add(self, licenses,
                                       conflict_update=False, cur=None):
         """Add licenses not present in storage.
             licenses ([dict]): iterable of dict with keys:
                 - id: sha1
                 - license ([bytes]): List of licenses associated to sha1
                 - tool (str): nomossa
             conflict_update: Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (true)
             or skip duplicates (false, the default)
             List of content_license entries which failed due to
             unknown licenses
         db = self.db
         # First, we check the licenses are ok
         licenses_to_check = set()      # set of licenses to check
         content_licenses_to_add = {}   # content_licenses to add
         names_to_content_license = {}  # map from names to content licenses
         for c in licenses:
             id = c['id']
             for name in c['licenses']:
                 l = names_to_content_license.get(name, [])
                 names_to_content_license[name] = l
             content_licenses_to_add[id] = c
         db.copy_to(({'name': name} for name in licenses_to_check),
         unknown_licenses = db.content_fossology_license_unknown(cur)
         # We filter out wrong content_license (this will be the result)
         wrong_content_licenses = []
         for name, in unknown_licenses:
             for id in names_to_content_license[name]:
                 # we can remove it multiple times since one content
                 # can have multiple licenses
                 content_license = content_licenses_to_add.pop(id, None)
                 if content_license:
         if content_licenses_to_add:
             # Then, we add the correct ones
                     'id': c['id'],
                     'tool_name': c['tool_name'],
                     'tool_version': c['tool_version'],
                     'license': license,
                   } for c in content_licenses_to_add.values()
                     for license in c['licenses']),
                 columns=['id', 'tool_name', 'tool_version', 'license'],
             db.content_fossology_license_add_from_temp(conflict_update, cur)
         return wrong_content_licenses