diff --git a/swh/web/ui/apidoc.py b/swh/web/ui/apidoc.py
index 1e1908481..5962f0ffc 100644
--- a/swh/web/ui/apidoc.py
+++ b/swh/web/ui/apidoc.py
@@ -1,342 +1,342 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2015  The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 import re
 from functools import wraps
 from enum import Enum
 from flask import request, render_template, url_for
 from flask import g
 from swh.web.ui.main import app
 class argtypes(Enum):  # noqa: N801
     """Class for centralizing argument type descriptions
     ts = 'timestamp'
     int = 'integer'
     str = 'string'
     path = 'path'
     sha1 = 'sha1'
     uuid = 'uuid'
     sha1_git = 'sha1_git'
     algo_and_hash = 'algo_hash:hash'
 class rettypes(Enum):  # noqa: N801
     """Class for centralizing return type descriptions
     octet_stream = 'octet stream'
     list = 'list'
     dict = 'dict'
 class excs(Enum):  # noqa: N801
     """Class for centralizing exception type descriptions
     badinput = 'BadInputExc'
     notfound = 'NotFoundExc'
 class APIUrls(object):
     Class to manage API documentation URLs.
       * Indexes all routes documented using apidoc's decorators.
       * Tracks endpoint/request processing method relationships for use
         in generating related urls in API documentation
     Relies on the load_controllers logic in main.py for initialization.
     apidoc_routes = {}
     method_endpoints = {}
     def get_app_endpoints(cls):
         return cls.apidoc_routes
     def get_method_endpoints(cls, fname):
         if len(cls.method_endpoints) == 0:
             cls.method_endpoints = cls.group_routes_by_method()
         return cls.method_endpoints[fname]
     def group_routes_by_method(cls):
         Group URL endpoints according to their processing method.
             A dict where keys are the processing method names, and values
             are the routes that are bound to the key method.
         endpoints = {}
         for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():
             rule_dict = {'rule': rule.rule,
                          'methods': rule.methods}
             if rule.endpoint not in endpoints:
                 endpoints[rule.endpoint] = [rule_dict]
         return endpoints
     def index_add_route(cls, route, docstring):
         Add a route to the self-documenting API reference
         if route not in cls.apidoc_routes:
             cls.apidoc_routes[route] = docstring
 class APIDocException(Exception):
     Custom exception to signal errors in the use of the APIDoc decorators
 class APIDocBase(object):
     The API documentation decorator base class, responsible for the
     operations that link the decorator stack together:
     * manages the _inner_dec property, which represents the
       decorator directly below self in the decorator tower
     * contains the logic used to return appropriately if self is the last
       decorator to be applied to the API function
     def __init__(self):
         self._inner_dec = None
     def inner_dec(self):
         return self._inner_dec
     def inner_dec(self, instance):
         self._inner_dec = instance
     def data(self):
         raise NotImplementedError
     def process_rv(self, f, args, kwargs):
         From the arguments f has, determine whether or not it is the last
         decorator in the stack, and return the appropriate call to f.
         rv = None
         if 'outer_decorator' in f.__code__.co_varnames:
             rv = f(*args, **kwargs)
             nargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k != 'outer_decorator'}
                 rv = f(*args, **nargs)
-            except TypeError:  # documentation call
+            except (TypeError, KeyError):  # documentation call
                 rv = None
         return rv
     def maintain_stack(self, f, args, kwargs):
         From the arguments f is called with, determine whether or not the
         stack link was made by @apidoc.route, and maintain the linking for
         the next call to f.
         if 'outer_decorator' not in kwargs:
             raise APIDocException('Apidoc %s: expected an apidoc'
                                   ' route decorator first'
                                   % self.__class__.__name__)
         kwargs['outer_decorator'].inner_dec = self
         kwargs['outer_decorator'] = self
         return self.process_rv(f, args, kwargs)
 class route(APIDocBase):  # noqa: N801
     Decorate an API method to register it in the API doc route index
     and create the corresponding Flask route.
     This decorator is responsible for bootstrapping the linking of subsequent
     decorators, as well as traversing the decorator stack to obtain the
     documentation data from it.
         route: the documentation page's route
         noargs: set to True if the route has no arguments, and its result
         should be displayed anytime its documentation is requested
     def __init__(self, route, noargs=False):
         self.route = route
         self.noargs = noargs
     def __call__(self, f):
         APIUrls.index_add_route(self.route, f.__doc__)
         def doc_func(*args, **kwargs):
             kwargs['outer_decorator'] = self
             rv = self.process_rv(f, args, kwargs)
             return self.compute_return(f, rv)
         if not self.noargs:
             app.add_url_rule(self.route, f.__name__, doc_func)
         return doc_func
     def filter_api_url(self, endpoint, route_re, noargs):
         doc_methods = {'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'}
         if re.match(route_re, endpoint['rule']):
             if endpoint['methods'] == doc_methods and not noargs:
                 return False
         return True
     def compute_return(self, f, rv):
         # Build documentation
         data = self.data
         if not f.__doc__:
             raise APIDocException('Apidoc %s: expected a docstring'
                                   ' for function %s'
                                   % (self.__class__.__name__, f.__name__))
         data['docstring'] = f.__doc__
         route_re = re.compile('.*%s$' % data['route'])
         endpoint_list = APIUrls.get_method_endpoints(f.__name__)
         other_urls = [url for url in endpoint_list if
                       self.filter_api_url(url, route_re, data['noargs'])]
         data['urls'] = other_urls
         # Build example endpoint URL
         if 'args' in data:
             defaults = {arg['name']: arg['default'] for arg in data['args']}
             example = url_for(f.__name__, **defaults)
             data['example'] = re.sub(r'(.*)\?.*', r'\1', example)
         # Prepare and send to mimetype selector if it's not a doc request
         if re.match(route_re, request.url) and not data['noargs'] \
            and request.method == 'GET':
             return app.response_class(
                 render_template('apidoc.html', **data),
         g.doc_env = data  # Store for response processing
         return rv
     def data(self):
         data = {'route': self.route, 'noargs': self.noargs}
         doc_instance = self.inner_dec
         while doc_instance:
             if isinstance(doc_instance, arg):
                 if 'args' not in data:
                     data['args'] = []
             elif isinstance(doc_instance, raises):
                 if 'excs' not in data:
                     data['excs'] = []
             elif isinstance(doc_instance, returns):
                 data['return'] = doc_instance.data
                 raise APIDocException('Unknown API documentation decorator')
             doc_instance = doc_instance.inner_dec
         return data
 class arg(APIDocBase):  # noqa: N801
     Decorate an API method to display an argument's information on the doc
     page specified by @route above.
         name: the argument's name. MUST match the method argument's name to
         create the example request URL.
         default: the argument's default value
         argtype: the argument's type as an Enum value from apidoc.argtypes
         argdoc: the argument's documentation string
     def __init__(self, name, default, argtype, argdoc):
         self.doc_dict = {
             'name': name,
             'type': argtype.value,
             'doc': argdoc,
             'default': default
         self.inner_dec = None
     def __call__(self, f):
         def arg_fun(*args, outer_decorator=None, **kwargs):
             kwargs['outer_decorator'] = outer_decorator
             return self.maintain_stack(f, args, kwargs)
         return arg_fun
     def data(self):
         return self.doc_dict
 class raises(APIDocBase):  # noqa: N801
     Decorate an API method to display information pertaining to an exception
     that can be raised by this method.
         exc: the exception name as an Enum value from apidoc.excs
         doc: the exception's documentation string
     def __init__(self, exc, doc):
         self.exc_dict = {
             'exc': exc.value,
             'doc': doc
     def __call__(self, f):
         def exc_fun(*args, outer_decorator=None, **kwargs):
             kwargs['outer_decorator'] = outer_decorator
             return self.maintain_stack(f, args, kwargs)
         return exc_fun
     def data(self):
         return self.exc_dict
 class returns(APIDocBase):  # noqa: N801
     Decorate an API method to display information about its return value.
         rettype: the return value's type as an Enum value from apidoc.rettypes
         retdoc: the return value's documentation string
     def __init__(self, rettype=None, retdoc=None):
         self.return_dict = {
             'type': rettype.value,
             'doc': retdoc
     def __call__(self, f):
         def ret_fun(*args, outer_decorator=None, **kwargs):
             kwargs['outer_decorator'] = outer_decorator
             return self.maintain_stack(f, args, kwargs)
         return ret_fun
     def data(self):
         return self.return_dict