diff --git a/src/main/phabricator/import.lisp b/src/main/phabricator/import.lisp index 54c48e4..e13b7af 100644 --- a/src/main/phabricator/import.lisp +++ b/src/main/phabricator/import.lisp @@ -1,1158 +1,1163 @@ (in-package #:forgerie-phabricator) ; This is really a stepping stone to more structured data, but nice ; while what we're getting out of the database and whatnot is more fluid. (defmacro getf-convenience (type &rest fields) `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (field) `(defun ,(intern (format nil "~A-~A" type field)) (o) (getf o ,(intern (symbol-name field) :keyword)))) fields))) (getf-convenience differential-diff id) (getf-convenience edge dst) (getf-convenience email address isprimary isverified) (getf-convenience file id storageengine storageformat storagehandle name location mimetype bytesize phid) (getf-convenience file-storageblob data) (getf-convenience paste id phid title filephid file comments author authorphid datecreated spacephid) (getf-convenience paste-comment id author authorphid content datecreated) (getf-convenience project id phid icon name tags) (getf-convenience project-slug slug) (getf-convenience repository id phid repositoryslug name localpath projects primary-projects commits spacephid) (getf-convenience repository-commit id phid repositoryid commitidentifier parents patch comments git-comment) (getf-convenience task id phid title status projects comments owner author ownerphid authorphid description datecreated priority spacephid linked-tasks subscribers actions) (getf-convenience task-comment id author authorphid content datecreated) (getf-convenience task-action id author authorphid datecreated transactiontype newvalue) (getf-convenience user id username realname phid emails isadmin profileimage profileimagephid) (getf-convenience differential-revision id title summary testplan phid status repository repositoryphid datecreated related-commits author authorphid comments change-comments activediffphid actions) (getf-convenience differential-transaction-comment phid content changesetid isnewfile linenumber linelength replytocommentphid diff replies author authorphid datecreated) (getf-convenience differential-diff sourcecontrolbaserevision filename phid) (getf-convenience differential-comment id author authorphid content datecreated) (getf-convenience differential-action id author authorphid newvalue datecreated) (defvar *query-cache* nil) (defun purge-query-cache () "Allow purging query the *query-cache* variable (for debug purposes)." (setf *query-cache* nil)) (defun query (query) (when (not (assoc query *query-cache* :test #'string=)) (when forgerie-core:*debug* (format t "~S~%" query)) (setf *query-cache* (cons (cons query (let* ((result (car (cl-mysql:query query))) (rows (car result)) (definitions (cadr result))) (mapcar (lambda (row) (apply #'append (mapcar (lambda (col def) (list (intern (string-upcase (car def)) :keyword) col)) row definitions))) rows))) *query-cache*))) (cdr (assoc query *query-cache* :test #'string=))) ; https://github.com/hackinghat/cl-mysql/blob/3fbf6e1421484f64c5bcf2ff3c4b96c6f0414f09/pool.lisp#L283 (defun initialize () (when (not cl-mysql-system:*last-database*) (if *database-host* (cl-mysql:connect :host *database-host* :port *database-port* :user *database-username* :password *database-password* ) (cl-mysql:connect :user *database-username* :password *database-password*)) (cl-mysql:query "set names 'utf8mb4'"))) (defun utf-8-bytes-to-string (bytes-list) (trivial-utf-8:utf-8-bytes-to-string (or bytes-list #()))) (defun sanitize-address (address) (if *email-address-sanitizer* (funcall *email-address-sanitizer* address) address)) (defun user-primary-email (user) (find 1 (user-emails user) :key #'email-isprimary)) (defun get-emails (user-phid) (query (format nil "select * from phabricator_user.user_email where userphid = '~A'" user-phid))) (defun annotate-user (user) (append (let ((override (find (user-id user) *user-overrides* :key (lambda (override) (getf override :key))))) (when (and override (eql :update (getf override :action))) (getf override :data))) user (list :profileimage (when (user-profileimagephid user) (get-file (user-profileimagephid user)))) (list :emails (get-emails (user-phid user))))) (defun get-user (phid) (annotate-user (first (query (format nil "select id, username, realName, phid, isadmin, profileimagephid from phabricator_user.user where phid = '~A'" phid))))) (defun get-users () (mapcar #'annotate-user (query "select id, username, realName, phid, isadmin, profileimagephid from phabricator_user.user"))) (defun fill-out-project (proj) (append (list :tags (mapcar #'project-slug-slug (query (format nil "select slug from phabricator_project.project_slug where projectphid = '~A'" (project-phid proj))))) proj)) (defun get-project (id &optional (key "phid")) (fill-out-project (first (query (format nil "select id, phid, color, name, icon from phabricator_project.project where ~A = '~A'" key id))))) (defun get-projects () (mapcar #'fill-out-project (query "select id, phid, color, name, icon from phabricator_project.project"))) (defun add-author-to-task-comment (comment) (append comment (list :author (get-user (task-comment-authorphid comment))))) (defun get-task-comments (task) (mapcar #'add-author-to-task-comment (query (format nil "select mtc.id, mtc.authorphid, mt.datecreated, mtc.content from phabricator_maniphest.maniphest_transaction mt left join phabricator_maniphest.maniphest_transaction_comment mtc on mtc.phid = mt.commentphid where commentphid is not null and mtc.isdeleted = 0 and objectphid = '~A' and transactiontype = 'core:comment' order by mt.datecreated" (task-phid task))))) (defun fill-out-task-action (action) (let* ((newvalue (utf-8-bytes-to-string (task-action-newvalue action))) (parsed-newvalue (first (jsown:parse (format nil "[~A]" newvalue))))) (append (list :newvalue parsed-newvalue) action (list :author (get-user (task-action-authorphid action)))))) (defun get-task-actions (task) (mapcar #'fill-out-task-action (query (format nil "select id, authorphid, datecreated, case when transactiontype = 'core:subscribers' then 'subscribers' else transactiontype end as transactiontype, newvalue from phabricator_maniphest.maniphest_transaction where objectphid = '~A' and transactiontype in ( 'title', 'description', 'priority', 'status', 'reassign', 'subscribers', 'mergedinto', 'core:subscribers') order by datecreated" (task-phid task))))) (defun annotate-task-action (action) (let ((type (task-action-transactiontype action)) (newvalue (task-action-newvalue action))) (cond ((string= type "reassign") (if newvalue (append (list :newvalue (get-user newvalue)) action) action)) ((string= type "subscribers") (append (list :newvalue (mapcar #'get-user newvalue)) action)) ((string= type "mergedinto") (append (list :newvalue (get-task newvalue :shallow t)) action)) (t action)))) (defun annotate-task (task) (append task (list :owner (when (task-ownerphid task) (get-user (task-ownerphid task))) :author (when (task-authorphid task) (get-user (task-authorphid task))) :comments (get-task-comments task) :actions (mapcar #'annotate-task-action (get-task-actions task))) (list :subscribers (mapcar (lambda (phid) (get-user phid)) (mapcar #'edge-dst (query (format nil "select dst from phabricator_maniphest.edge where src = '~A' and type = 21" (task-phid task)))))) (list :linked-tasks (mapcar (lambda (phid) (get-task phid :shallow t)) (mapcar #'edge-dst (query (format nil "select dst from phabricator_maniphest.edge where src = '~A' and type = 3" (task-phid task)))))) (list :projects (mapcar #'get-project (mapcar #'edge-dst (query (format nil "select dst from phabricator_maniphest.edge where src = '~A' and dst like 'PHID-PROJ%'" (task-phid task)))))))) (defun get-task (phid &key shallow) (let ((task (first (query (format nil "select * from phabricator_maniphest.maniphest_task where phid = '~A'" phid))))) (if shallow task (annotate-task task)))) (defun get-tasks () (mapcar #'annotate-task (query "select * from phabricator_maniphest.maniphest_task"))) (defun attach-projects-to-repository (repo) (let ((associated-projects (mapcar #'get-project (mapcar #'edge-dst (query (format nil "select * from phabricator_repository.edge where src = '~A' and dst like 'PHID-PROJ%'" (repository-phid repo))))))) (append (let ((override (find (repository-id repo) *repository-overrides* :key (lambda (override) (getf override :key))))) (when (and override (eql :update (getf override :action))) (getf override :data))) repo (list :primary-projects (append (mapcar (lambda (override) (get-project (getf override :key) "id")) (remove-if-not (lambda (override) (and (repository-repositoryslug repo) (string= (repository-repositoryslug repo) (getf override :repository)))) *project-assignment-overrides*)) (remove nil (mapcar (lambda (project) (when (and (string= "folder" (project-icon project)) ; We remove projects that have override defs, because we add them back in later (not (find (project-id project) *project-assignment-overrides* :key (lambda (override) (getf override :key))))) project)) associated-projects)))) (list :projects associated-projects)))) (defun annotate-repository-commits (repo) (append (list :commits (cached "repository-commits" (repository-phid repo) (mapcar (lambda (sha) (list :commitidentifier sha :git-comment (nth-value 1 (forgerie-core:git-cmd (repository-localpath repo) "log" (list "--format=%B" "-n" "1" sha))))) (mapcar #'car (get-shas-and-details repo))))) repo)) (defun get-repository (phid) (attach-projects-to-repository (first (query (format nil "select id, phid, repositoryslug, name, localpath, spacephid from phabricator_repository.repository where phid = '~A'" phid))))) (defun get-repository-by-slug (slug) (attach-projects-to-repository (first (query (format nil "select id, phid, repositoryslug, name, localpath, spacephid from phabricator_repository.repository where repositoryslug = '~A'" slug))))) (defun get-repository-by-id (id) (attach-projects-to-repository (first (query (format nil "select id, phid, repositoryslug, name, localpath, spacephid from phabricator_repository.repository where id = '~A'" id))))) (defun get-repositories () (let ((repositories (remove-if (lambda (repository) (and *included-repositories* (not (find (repository-repositoryslug repository) *included-repositories* :test #'string=)))) (query "select id, phid, repositoryslug, name, localpath, spacephid from phabricator_repository.repository where repositoryslug is not null")))) (mapcar #'annotate-repository-commits (mapcar #'attach-projects-to-repository (remove-if (lambda (repo) (eql :skip (getf (find (repository-id repo) *repository-overrides* :key (lambda (override) (getf override :key))) :action))) repositories))))) (defun db-file (file-phid) (first (query (format nil "select id, phid, name, storageEngine, storageFormat, storageHandle, mimetype, bytesize from phabricator_file.file where phid = '~A'" file-phid)))) (defun put-file-on-disk (out file) (cond ((and (string= "blob" (file-storageengine file)) (string= "raw" (file-storageformat file))) (write-sequence (file-storageblob-data (first (query (format nil "select data from phabricator_file.file_storageblob where id = '~A';" (file-storagehandle file))))) out)) ((and (string= "local-disk" (file-storageengine file)) (string= "raw" (file-storageformat file))) (with-open-file (str (format nil "~A/~A" *storage-location* (file-storagehandle file)) :element-type 'unsigned-byte) (let ((data (make-array (file-bytesize file)))) (read-sequence data str) (write-sequence data out)))) ((string= "chunks" (file-storageengine file)) (mapcar (lambda (chunk) (put-file-on-disk out (db-file (getf chunk :datafilephid))) (force-output out)) (query (format nil "select dataFilePHID from phabricator_file.file_chunk where chunkhandle = '~A' order by byteStart" (file-storagehandle file))))) (t (error "Don't know how to handle files of with engine,format,mimetype of ~A,~A,~A encounted on ~A" (file-storageengine file) (file-storageformat file) (file-mimetype file) (file-phid file))))) (defun get-file (file-phid) (let* ((file (db-file file-phid)) (dir (format nil "~A/files/~A/" *working-directory* (subseq file-phid (- (length file-phid) 3)))) (location (format nil "~A~A" dir file-phid))) (when (not (probe-file location)) (ensure-directories-exist dir) (with-open-file (out location :direction :output :element-type 'unsigned-byte) (put-file-on-disk out file))) (append file (list :location location)))) (defun get-captured-files () (mapcar #'get-file (mapcar (lambda (file-id) (getf (first (query (format nil "select phid from phabricator_file.file where id = ~A" file-id))) :phid)) (with-open-file (str (format nil "~A/everything/captured-files" *working-directory*)) (remove-duplicates (loop :for obj := (read str nil) :while obj :collect obj) :test #'string=))))) (defun capture-file (id) (with-open-file (str (format nil "~A/everything/captured-files" *working-directory*) :direction :output :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create) (format str "~S" id))) (defun add-author-to-paste-comment (comment) (append comment (list :author (get-user (paste-comment-authorphid comment))))) (defun get-paste-comments (paste) (mapcar #'add-author-to-paste-comment (query (format nil "select ptc.id, ptc.authorphid, pt.datecreated, ptc.content from phabricator_paste.paste_transaction pt left join phabricator_paste.paste_transaction_comment ptc on ptc.phid = pt.commentphid where commentphid is not null and ptc.isdeleted = 0 and objectphid = '~A' and transactiontype = 'core:comment' order by pt.datecreated" (paste-phid paste))))) (defun get-pastes () (mapcar (lambda (paste) (append paste (list :author (get-user (paste-authorphid paste)) :comments (get-paste-comments paste)))) (remove nil (mapcar (lambda (paste) (let ((file (get-file (paste-filephid paste)))) (when file (append (list :file file) paste)))) (remove-if (lambda (paste) (find (paste-id paste) *pastes-to-skip*)) (query "select id, title, phid, filePHID, datecreated, authorPHID, spacePHID from phabricator_paste.paste")))))) (defun get-commit (phid &optional (with-parents t)) (let ((commit (first (query (format nil "select id, repositoryid, commitidentifier from phabricator_repository.repository_commit where phid = '~A'" phid))))) (append commit (list :parents (if with-parents (mapcar (lambda (parent-phid) (get-commit parent-phid nil)) (mapcar #'repository-commit-phid (query (format nil "select rc.phid from phabricator_repository.repository_parents rp join phabricator_repository.repository_commit rc on rp.parentcommitid = rc.id where childcommitid = '~A'" (repository-commit-id commit))))) :unfetched))))) (defun order-related-commits (commits) (when (find-if (lambda (commit) (< 1 (length (repository-commit-parents commit)))) commits) (error "There's a merge commit in the differential commit list?! Investigate further")) (cond ((not commits) nil) ((= 1 (length commits)) commits) (t (let* ((parents (apply #'append (mapcar #'repository-commit-parents commits))) (non-parent-commits (remove-if (lambda (commit) (find (repository-commit-commitidentifier commit) parents :key #'repository-commit-commitidentifier :test #'string=)) commits))) (when (< 1 (length non-parent-commits)) (format t "~S~%" non-parent-commits) (error "There's multiple commits that are not a parent in the set, meaning this commit chain is weird")) (cons (car non-parent-commits) (order-related-commits (remove (car non-parent-commits) commits))))))) (defun get-commits-from-db (revision) (let ((repository (get-repository (differential-revision-repositoryphid revision)))) (reverse (order-related-commits (remove-if (lambda (commit) (or (not (eql (repository-commit-repositoryid commit) (repository-id repository))) ; Is this commit reachable? (not (zerop (forgerie-core:git-cmd (repository-localpath repository) "cat-file" (list "-t" (repository-commit-commitidentifier commit))))) (string= (format nil "undefined~%") (nth-value 1 (forgerie-core:git-cmd (repository-localpath repository) "name-rev" (list "--name-only" (repository-commit-commitidentifier commit))))) ; Remove merge commits (< 1 (length (repository-commit-parents commit))))) (mapcar #'get-commit (mapcar #'edge-dst ; type of 31 is the same as DifferentialRevisionHasCommitEdgeType (query (format nil "select dst from phabricator_differential.edge where src = '~A' and type = 31" (differential-revision-phid revision)))))))))) (defun get-details (repository sha) (with-output-to-string (out) (sb-ext:run-program (asdf:system-relative-pathname :forgerie "bin/getdetails.sh") (list sha (repository-localpath repository)) :wait t :output out))) (defun get-shas-and-details (repository) (forgerie-core:check-for-stop) (cached "shas-and-details" (repository-phid repository) (mapcar (lambda (sha) (list sha (get-details repository sha))) (cl-ppcre:split "\\n" (nth-value 1 (forgerie-core:git-cmd (repository-localpath repository) "log" (list "--all" "--pretty=%H"))))))) (defun get-commits-from-staging (revision) (let* ((staging-repository (get-repository *staging-repository*)) (repository (get-repository (differential-revision-repositoryphid revision))) (latest-diff (first (query (format nil "select id from phabricator_differential.differential_diff where revisionid = '~A' order by id desc limit 1" (differential-revision-id revision))))) (all-shas-and-details (get-shas-and-details repository))) (labels ((build-commit-chain (diff-id &optional (n 0)) (when (> n 20) (error "We have failed to find a matching commit in the previous 20")) (let* ((diff-details (get-details staging-repository (format nil "phabricator/diff/~A~~~A" diff-id n))) (repo-details (find diff-details all-shas-and-details :test #'string= :key #'cadr))) (if repo-details (list (list :commitidentifier (car repo-details) :repository repository)) (cons (list :patch (nth-value 1 (forgerie-core:git-cmd (repository-localpath staging-repository) "format-patch" (list "-k" "-1" "--stdout" (format nil "phabricator/diff/~A~~~A" diff-id n))))) (build-commit-chain diff-id (1+ n))))))) (let ((commit-chain (reverse (build-commit-chain (differential-diff-id latest-diff))))) (cons (append (second commit-chain) (list :parents (list (first commit-chain)))) (cddr commit-chain)))))) (defun build-raw-commit (revision) (let* ((repository (get-repository (differential-revision-repositoryphid revision))) (user (get-user (differential-revision-authorphid revision))) (path (format nil "~A/~A/" *working-directory* (repository-repositoryslug repository))) (raw-diff (dex:get (format nil "~A/D~A?download=true" *phabricator-location* (differential-revision-id revision))))) (when (not (probe-file path)) (ensure-directories-exist path) (forgerie-core:git-cmd path "clone" (list (repository-localpath repository) "."))) (labels ((sha-applicable (sha) (forgerie-core:git-cmd path "checkout" (list sha)) (zerop (with-input-from-string (in raw-diff) (forgerie-core:git-cmd path "apply" (list "-") :input in :error nil)))) (find-parent-sha (&optional (shas (mapcar #'car (get-shas-and-details repository)))) (cond ((not shas) (with-open-file (debug-file "~/diff.patch" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (princ raw-diff debug-file)) (error "Couldn't find a sha for which this could be applied")) ((sha-applicable (car shas)) (car shas)) (t (find-parent-sha (cdr shas)))))) (let* ((rev-date (unix-to-universal-time (differential-revision-datecreated revision))) (end-date (+ rev-date (* 7 24 3600))) (applicable-shas (cl-ppcre:split "\\n" (nth-value 1 (forgerie-core:git-cmd path "log" (list "--pretty=%H" "--all" "--until" (forgerie-core:to-iso-8601 end-date) "-n" "50"))))) (parent-commit-sha (find-parent-sha applicable-shas))) (forgerie-core:git-cmd path "add" (list ".")) (forgerie-core:git-cmd path "commit" (list "--author" (format nil "~A <~A>" (user-realname user) (email-address (user-primary-email user))) "-m" (format nil "Generated commit for differential D~A" (differential-revision-id revision)))) (list (list :repositoryid (repository-id repository) :patch (nth-value 1 (forgerie-core:git-cmd path "format-patch" (list "-k" "-1" "--stdout"))) :parents (list (list :repositoryid (repository-id repository) :commitidentifier parent-commit-sha)))))))) (defun add-author-to-differential-comment (comment) (append comment (list :author (get-user (differential-comment-authorphid comment))))) (defun get-revision-comments (rev) (mapcar #'add-author-to-differential-comment (query (format nil "select rtc.id, rtc.authorphid, rt.datecreated, rtc.content from phabricator_differential.differential_transaction rt left join phabricator_differential.differential_transaction_comment rtc on rtc.phid = rt.commentphid where commentphid is not null and rtc.isdeleted = 0 and objectphid = '~A' and transactiontype = 'core:comment' order by rt.datecreated" (differential-revision-phid rev))))) (defun add-author-to-differential-action (action) (append action (list :author (get-user (differential-action-authorphid action))))) (defun get-diff-actions (rev) (mapcar #'add-author-to-differential-action (query (format nil "select id, authorphid, datecreated, case when transactionType in ('differential:action', 'differential.revision.status') then substring(newvalue from 2 for length(newvalue)-2) else substring(transactionType from 23) end as newvalue from phabricator_differential.differential_transaction where objectphid = '~A' and transactiontype in ( 'differential:action', 'differential.revision.abandon', 'differential.revision.close', 'differential.revision.status' ) order by datecreated" (differential-revision-phid rev))))) (defun get-revision-inline-comments (rev) (let* ((phid (differential-revision-phid rev)) (comments (query (format nil "select * from phabricator_differential.differential_transaction_comment where revisionphid = '~A' and isdeleted = 0 and changesetid is not null" phid)))) (mapcar (lambda (comment) (append comment (list :author (get-user (differential-transaction-comment-authorphid comment)) :diff (car (query (format nil "select diff.*, changeset.filename from phabricator_differential.differential_diff diff join phabricator_differential.differential_changeset changeset on changeset.diffid = diff.id where changeset.id = ~A" (differential-transaction-comment-changesetid comment))))))) comments))) (defun attach-inline-comments-to-commits (commits inline-comments) (flet ((comment-attached-to-commit (comment commit) (find (differential-diff-sourcecontrolbaserevision (differential-transaction-comment-diff comment)) (mapcar #'repository-commit-commitidentifier (repository-commit-parents commit)) :test #'string=))) (let ((attached-comments (remove-if (lambda (comment) (notany (lambda (commit) (comment-attached-to-commit comment commit)) commits)) inline-comments)) (unattached-comments (remove-if-not (lambda (comment) (notany (lambda (commit) (comment-attached-to-commit comment commit)) commits)) inline-comments))) (values (mapcar (lambda (commit) (setf (getf commit :comments) (remove-if-not (lambda (comment) (comment-attached-to-commit comment commit)) attached-comments)) commit) commits) unattached-comments)))) (defun thread-inline-comments (comments) (labels ((thread-comment (comment-to-thread comments) (when comments (mapcar (lambda (comment) (if (string= (differential-transaction-comment-replytocommentphid comment-to-thread) (differential-transaction-comment-phid comment)) (progn (setf (getf comment :replies) (append (differential-transaction-comment-replies comment) (list comment-to-thread))) comment) (progn (setf (getf comment :replies) (thread-comment comment-to-thread (differential-transaction-comment-replies comment))) comment))) comments)))) (let ((comment-to-thread (find-if #'differential-transaction-comment-replytocommentphid comments))) (if (not comment-to-thread) comments (thread-inline-comments (thread-comment comment-to-thread (remove comment-to-thread comments :test #'equalp))))))) (defun get-revision-commits (rev) (let ((inline-comments (thread-inline-comments (get-revision-inline-comments rev))) (commits (cached "revision_commits" (differential-revision-id rev) (or (get-commits-from-db rev) (when *staging-repository* (handler-case (get-commits-from-staging rev) (error (e) (format t "Failed to get commit from staging due to error ~A, falling back.~%" e)))) (build-raw-commit rev))))) (attach-inline-comments-to-commits commits inline-comments))) (defun annotate-revision (rev) (forgerie-core:check-for-stop) (when forgerie-core:*debug* (format t "---------------~%Loading revision ~A~%~%~%" (differential-revision-id rev))) (let ((repository (get-repository (differential-revision-repositoryphid rev)))) (when (or (not *included-repositories*) (find (repository-repositoryslug repository) *included-repositories* :test #'string=)) (handler-case (cached "revisions" (differential-revision-id rev) (append rev (list :author (get-user (differential-revision-authorphid rev))) (list :comments (get-revision-comments rev)) (list :actions (get-diff-actions rev)) (multiple-value-bind (commits unattached-comments) (get-revision-commits rev) (let ((comments-to-attach (remove-if-not (lambda (comment) (string= (differential-diff-phid (differential-transaction-comment-diff comment)) (differential-revision-activediffphid rev))) unattached-comments))) (list :change-comments comments-to-attach :related-commits commits))) (list :repository repository))) (error (e) (format t "Failed to handle revision ~A, due to error ~A, skipping.~%" (differential-revision-id rev) e)))))) (defun get-revision (id) (car (query (format nil "select id, title, summary, testplan, phid, status, repositoryphid, datecreated, authorphid, activediffphid from phabricator_differential.differential_revision where id = ~A" id)))) (defun get-revisions () (remove nil (mapcar #'annotate-revision (remove-if (lambda (rev) (find (differential-revision-id rev) *revisions-to-skip*)) (query "select id, title, summary, testplan, phid, status, repositoryphid, datecreated, authorphid, activediffphid from phabricator_differential.differential_revision"))))) +(defvar *comment-regexes* + (list + (cons :h1 (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "(?:^|\\n)= +(.*?)[ =]*\\n")) + (cons :h2 (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "(?:^|\\n)== +(.*?)[ =]*\\n")) + (cons :h3 (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "(?:^|\\n)=== +(.*?)[ =]*\\n")) + (cons :h4 (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "(?:^|\\n)==== +(.*?)[ =]*\\n")) + (cons :h5 (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "(?:^|\\n)===== +(.*?)[ =]*\\n")) + (cons :link (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "\\[\\[ *([^|\\n]*?) *\\| *([^\\]\\n]*?) *\\]\\]")) + (cons :file (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "\{F(\\d+)\}")) + (cons :ticket (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "\\bT([1-9]\\d{0,4})(#\\d+)?\\b")) + (cons :snippet (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "\\bP([1-9]\\d{0,4})(#\\d+)?\\b")) + (cons :merge-request (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "\\bD([1-9]\\d{0,4})(#\\d+)?\\b")))) + (defun parse-comment (comment) (let ; This is an oddity in how phabricator represents this part of markdown, and thus it's converted ; to actual markdown (checkbox list items need to be prefaced by a list element like -) ((comment (labels ((list-item-prefix (match m1 m2) (format nil "~A - [~A]" m1 (if (string= m2 "") " " m2)))) (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "(?m)^( *)\\[(.?)\\]" comment #'list-item-prefix :simple-calls t)))) (labels - ((first-instance-of (regex type &key with-aftercheck (comment comment)) - (multiple-value-bind (start end match-starts match-ends) (cl-ppcre:scan regex comment) + ((first-instance-of (type &key with-aftercheck (comment comment)) + (multiple-value-bind (start end match-starts match-ends) (cl-ppcre:scan (cdr (assoc type *comment-regexes*)) comment) (cond ((not start) nil) ((eql type :link) (list start end type (list (subseq comment (aref match-starts 0) (aref match-ends 0)) (subseq comment (aref match-starts 1) (aref match-ends 1))) (subseq comment start end))) ((or (zerop start) (= end (length comment))) (list start end type (subseq comment (aref match-starts 0) (aref match-ends 0)) (subseq comment start end))) ((and with-aftercheck (cl-ppcre:scan "[\\d\\w]" (subseq comment (1- start) start))) - (first-instance-of regex type :comment (subseq comment end))) + (first-instance-of type :comment (subseq comment end))) ((and with-aftercheck (cl-ppcre:scan "[\\d\\w]" (subseq comment end (1+ end)))) - (first-instance-of regex type :comment (subseq comment end))) + (first-instance-of type :comment (subseq comment end))) (t (list start end type (subseq comment (aref match-starts 0) (aref match-ends 0)) (subseq comment start end))))))) (let* ((first-instance (car (sort (remove-if-not #'identity - (list - (first-instance-of "\\n= ([^\\n]*) =\\n" :h1) - (first-instance-of "\\n== ([^\\n]*) ==\\n" :h2) - (first-instance-of "\\n=== ([^\\n]*) ===\\n" :h3) - (first-instance-of "\\n==== ([^\\n]*) ====\\n" :h4) - (first-instance-of "\\n===== ([^\\n]*) =====\\n" :h5) - (first-instance-of "\\[\\[ *([^|]*?) *\\| *([^\\]]*?) *\\]\\]" :link) - (first-instance-of "\{F(\\d+)\}" :file) - (first-instance-of "\\bT([1-9]\\d{0,4})(#\\d+)?\\b" :ticket) - (first-instance-of "\\bP([1-9]\\d{0,4})(#\\d+)?\\b" :snippet) - (first-instance-of "\\bD([1-9]\\d{0,4})(#\\d+)?\\b" :merge-request))) + (mapcar + #'first-instance-of + (mapcar #'car *comment-regexes*))) #'< :key #'car)))) (when (and first-instance (equal :file (third first-instance))) (capture-file (fourth first-instance))) (cond ((zerop (length comment)) nil) ((not first-instance) (list comment)) (t (append (when (not (zerop (car first-instance))) (list (subseq comment 0 (car first-instance)))) (list (cddr first-instance)) (parse-comment (subseq comment (cadr first-instance)))))))))) (defun convert-commit-to-core (commit) (cond ((repository-commit-commitidentifier commit) (forgerie-core:make-commit :sha (repository-commit-commitidentifier commit) :parsed-comment (when (repository-commit-git-comment commit) (parse-comment (repository-commit-git-comment commit))))) ((repository-commit-patch commit) (forgerie-core:make-patch :diff (repository-commit-patch commit))))) (defun convert-change-comment-to-core (comment) (forgerie-core:make-merge-request-change-comment :old-line (when (zerop (differential-transaction-comment-isnewfile comment)) (list (differential-transaction-comment-linenumber comment) (+ (differential-transaction-comment-linenumber comment) (differential-transaction-comment-linelength comment)))) :new-line (when (not (zerop (differential-transaction-comment-isnewfile comment))) (list (differential-transaction-comment-linenumber comment) (+ (differential-transaction-comment-linenumber comment) (differential-transaction-comment-linelength comment)))) :date (unix-to-universal-time (differential-transaction-comment-datecreated comment)) :file (utf-8-bytes-to-string (differential-diff-filename (differential-transaction-comment-diff comment))) :text (parse-comment (utf-8-bytes-to-string (differential-transaction-comment-content comment))) :author (convert-user-to-core (differential-transaction-comment-author comment)) :replies (mapcar #'convert-change-comment-to-core (differential-transaction-comment-replies comment)))) (defun convert-change-to-core (commit) (forgerie-core:make-merge-request-change :change (convert-commit-to-core commit) :comments (mapcar #'convert-change-comment-to-core (repository-commit-comments commit)))) (defun convert-differential-comment-to-core (comment) (forgerie-core:make-note :id (format nil "DiffNote~A" (differential-comment-id comment)) :text (parse-comment (utf-8-bytes-to-string (differential-comment-content comment))) :author (convert-user-to-core (differential-comment-author comment)) :date (unix-to-universal-time (differential-comment-datecreated comment)))) (defun convert-differential-action-newvalue-to-core (newvalue) (cond ((string= newvalue "close") :close) ((string= newvalue "abandon") :abandon) ((string= newvalue "abandoned") :abandon) ((string= newvalue "accept") :accept) ((string= newvalue "accepted") :accept) ((string= newvalue "commit") :close) ((string= newvalue "committed") :close) ((string= newvalue "needs-review") :ready) ((string= newvalue "needs-revision") :reject) ((string= newvalue "reject") :reject) ((string= newvalue "rejected") :reject) (t (error "unknown differential action ~A" newvalue)))) (defun convert-differential-action-to-core (action) (forgerie-core:make-merge-request-action :id (format nil "DiffAction~A" (differential-action-id action)) :author (convert-user-to-core (differential-action-author action)) :date (unix-to-universal-time (differential-action-datecreated action)) :type (convert-differential-action-newvalue-to-core (differential-action-newvalue action)))) (defun convert-revision-to-core (revision-def) (let ((type (cond ((find (differential-revision-status revision-def) (list "published" "abandoned") :test #'string=) :closed) ((find (differential-revision-status revision-def) (list "changes-planned" "needs-review" "needs-revision" "accepted" "draft") :test #'string=) :open) (t (error "Unknown revision type: ~A" (differential-revision-status revision-def)))))) (forgerie-core:make-merge-request :id (differential-revision-id revision-def) :title (differential-revision-title revision-def) :description (parse-comment (format nil "~A~A" (utf-8-bytes-to-string (differential-revision-summary revision-def)) (if (differential-revision-testplan revision-def) (format nil "~%~%== Test Plan ==~%~%~A" (utf-8-bytes-to-string (differential-revision-testplan revision-def))) ""))) :author (convert-user-to-core (differential-revision-author revision-def)) :vc-repository (convert-repository-to-core (differential-revision-repository revision-def)) :date (unix-to-universal-time (differential-revision-datecreated revision-def)) :type type :target-branch (forgerie-core:make-branch :name ; Defaults to master, but that may be wrong after more investigation (if (eql :open type) "master" (format nil "generated-differential-D~A-target" (differential-revision-id revision-def))) :commit (convert-commit-to-core (car (repository-commit-parents (car (differential-revision-related-commits revision-def)))))) :source-branch (forgerie-core:make-branch :name (format nil "generated-differential-D~A-source" (differential-revision-id revision-def)) :commit (convert-commit-to-core (car (repository-commit-parents (car (differential-revision-related-commits revision-def)))))) :changes (mapcar #'convert-change-to-core (differential-revision-related-commits revision-def)) :other-change-comments (mapcar #'convert-change-comment-to-core (differential-revision-change-comments revision-def)) :notes (mapcar #'convert-differential-comment-to-core (differential-revision-comments revision-def)) :actions (mapcar #'convert-differential-action-to-core (differential-revision-actions revision-def))))) (defun convert-repository-to-core (repository-def) (forgerie-core:make-vc-repository :name (repository-name repository-def) :slug (repository-repositoryslug repository-def) :projects (mapcar #'convert-project-to-core (repository-projects repository-def)) :primary-projects (mapcar #'convert-project-to-core (repository-primary-projects repository-def)) :git-location (repository-localpath repository-def) :private (not (not (find (repository-spacephid repository-def) *confidential-space-phids* :test #'string=))) :commits (mapcar #'convert-commit-to-core (repository-commits repository-def)))) (defun convert-project-to-core (project-def) (forgerie-core:make-project :tags (project-tags project-def) :name (project-name project-def))) (defun convert-email-to-core (email-def) (forgerie-core:make-email :address (sanitize-address (email-address email-def)) :is-primary (eql (email-isprimary email-def) 1) :is-verified (eql (email-isverified email-def) 1))) (defun convert-user-to-core (user-def) (when user-def (forgerie-core:make-user :username (user-username user-def) :name (user-realname user-def) :admin (equal (user-isadmin user-def) 1) :emails (mapcar #'convert-email-to-core (user-emails user-def)) :avatar (when (user-profileimage user-def) (convert-file-to-core (user-profileimage user-def)))))) (defun convert-task-comment-to-core (comment) (forgerie-core:make-note :id (format nil "TaskNote~A" (task-comment-id comment)) :text (parse-comment (utf-8-bytes-to-string (task-comment-content comment))) :author (convert-user-to-core (task-comment-author comment)) :date (unix-to-universal-time (task-comment-datecreated comment)))) (defun task-status-to-type (status) (cond ((find status (list "open" "wip") :test #'string=) :open) ((find status (list "duplicate" "invalid" "resolved" "spite" "wontfix") :test #'string=) :closed) (t (error "Unknown task status: ~A" status)))) (defun task-priority-to-string (priority) (case priority (100 "UnbreakNow!") (90 "Triage") (80 "High") (50 "Normal") (25 "Low") (0 "Wishlist") (otherwise (error "Unknown task priority: ~A" priority)))) (defun convert-task-action-to-core (action) (multiple-value-bind (type newvalue) (let* ((action-type (task-action-transactiontype action)) (newvalue (task-action-newvalue action))) (cond ((string= action-type "status") (values (task-status-to-type newvalue) newvalue)) ((string= action-type "priority") (values :priority (task-priority-to-string (typecase newvalue (integer newvalue) (t (parse-integer newvalue)))))) ((string= action-type "reassign") (values :reassign (if newvalue (convert-user-to-core newvalue)))) ((string= action-type "subscribers") (values :subscribers (mapcar #'convert-user-to-core newvalue))) ((string= action-type "description") (values :description (parse-comment newvalue))) ((string= action-type "mergedinto") (values :mergedinto (convert-task-to-core newvalue))) (t (values (intern (string-upcase action-type) :keyword) newvalue)))) (forgerie-core:make-ticket-action :id (format nil "TaskAction~A" (task-action-id action)) :author (convert-user-to-core (task-action-author action)) :date (unix-to-universal-time (task-action-datecreated action)) :type type :newvalue newvalue))) (defun convert-task-to-core (task-def) (forgerie-core:make-ticket :id (task-id task-def) :title (task-title task-def) :author (convert-user-to-core (task-author task-def)) :assignee (convert-user-to-core (task-owner task-def)) :description (parse-comment (utf-8-bytes-to-string (task-description task-def))) :projects (mapcar #'convert-project-to-core (task-projects task-def)) :date (unix-to-universal-time (task-datecreated task-def)) :confidential (not (not (find (task-spacephid task-def) *confidential-space-phids* :test #'string=))) :linked-tickets (mapcar #'convert-task-to-core (task-linked-tasks task-def)) :subscribers (mapcar #'convert-user-to-core (task-subscribers task-def)) :priority (task-priority-to-string (task-priority task-def)) :type (task-status-to-type (task-status task-def)) :notes (mapcar #'convert-task-comment-to-core (task-comments task-def)) :actions (mapcar #'convert-task-action-to-core (task-actions task-def)))) (defun convert-paste-comment-to-core (comment) (forgerie-core:make-note :id (format nil "PasteNote~A" (paste-comment-id comment)) :text (parse-comment (utf-8-bytes-to-string (paste-comment-content comment))) :author (convert-user-to-core (paste-comment-author comment)) :date (unix-to-universal-time (paste-comment-datecreated comment)))) (defun convert-file-to-core (file-def) (forgerie-core:make-file :id (file-id file-def) :name (file-name file-def) :location (file-location file-def) :size (file-bytesize file-def) :mimetype (file-mimetype file-def))) (defun convert-paste-to-core (paste-def) (forgerie-core:make-snippet :id (paste-id paste-def) :date (unix-to-universal-time (paste-datecreated paste-def)) :title (paste-title paste-def) :files (list (convert-file-to-core (paste-file paste-def))) :author (convert-user-to-core (paste-author paste-def)) :notes (mapcar #'convert-paste-comment-to-core (paste-comments paste-def)) :private (not (not (find (paste-spacephid paste-def) *confidential-space-phids* :test #'string=))))) (defmethod forgerie-core:import-forge ((forge (eql :phabricator))) (setf *working-directory* (format nil "~Aphabricator" forgerie-core:*working-directory*)) (let ((revoke-cache (and *included-repositories* (not (equal *included-repositories* (cached "everything" "included-repositories" nil)))))) (cached "everything" "included-repositories" *included-repositories* t) (list :users (get-objects revoke-cache :type "users" :import-fn #'get-users :convert-fn #'convert-user-to-core) :projects (get-objects revoke-cache :type "projects" :import-fn #'get-projects :convert-fn #'convert-project-to-core) :vc-repositories (get-objects revoke-cache :type "repositories" :import-fn #'get-repositories :convert-fn #'convert-repository-to-core) :snippets (get-objects revoke-cache :type "snippets" :import-fn #'get-pastes :convert-fn #'convert-paste-to-core) :merge-requests (get-objects revoke-cache :type "merge-requests" :import-fn #'get-revisions :convert-fn #'convert-revision-to-core) :tickets (get-objects revoke-cache :type "tickets" :import-fn #'get-tasks :convert-fn #'convert-task-to-core) :files (get-objects revoke-cache :type "files" :import-fn #'get-captured-files :convert-fn #'convert-file-to-core)))) (defun get-objects (revoke-cache &key type import-fn convert-fn (cache-name "everything")) "Get TYPE converted (with CONVERT-FN) objects using GETTER-FN. When REVOKE-CACHE, this fetches data directly from phabricator and update the CACHE-NAME' cache." (setf *working-directory* (format nil "~Aphabricator" forgerie-core:*working-directory*)) (initialize) (cached cache-name type (mapcar (lambda (o) (funcall convert-fn o)) (funcall import-fn)) revoke-cache))