diff --git a/swh/templates/storage-replayer/configmap.yaml b/swh/templates/storage-replayer/configmap.yaml index 0a72206..8cc2eb8 100644 --- a/swh/templates/storage-replayer/configmap.yaml +++ b/swh/templates/storage-replayer/configmap.yaml @@ -1,42 +1,47 @@ {{ if .Values.storage_replayer.enabled -}} {{- range $deployment, $deployment_config := .Values.storage_replayer.deployments -}} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: namespace: {{ $.Values.namespace }} name: storage-replayer-configuration-{{ $deployment }}-template data: config.yml.template: | storage: cls: {{ $.Values.storage_replayer.storageClass }} hosts: {{- range $seed := $.Values.storage_replayer.cassandra.seeds }} - {{ $seed }} {{- end }} keyspace: {{ $.Values.storage_replayer.cassandra.keySpace }} consistency_level: {{ $.Values.storage_replayer.cassandra.consistencyLevel }} + {{- if $deployment_config.specific_options -}} + {{- range $option, $value := $deployment_config.specific_options }} + {{ $option }}: {{ $value }} + {{- end }} + {{- end }} objstorage: cls: noop journal_client: cls: kafka brokers: {{- range $broker := $.Values.storage_replayer.journalBrokers.hosts }} - {{ $broker }} {{- end }} sasl.username: {{ $.Values.storage_replayer.journalBrokers.user }} sasl.password: ${BROKER_USER_PASSWORD} security.protocol: sasl_ssl sasl.mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512 # The prefix must match the username group_id: {{ $.Values.storage_replayer.journalBrokers.user }}-cassandra-replayer-{{ $deployment }} batch_size: {{ get $deployment_config "batchSize" | default "200" }} message.max.bytes: {{ $.Values.storage_replayer.maxMessagesBytes }} privileged: {{ get $deployment_config "privileged" | default "false" }} object_types: {{- range $object := get $deployment_config "objects" }} - {{ $object }} {{- end }} {{ end }} {{- end -}}