diff --git a/.rubocop.yml b/.rubocop.yml index 3cd2b0e..5307849 100644 --- a/.rubocop.yml +++ b/.rubocop.yml @@ -1,126 +1,137 @@ --- require: - rubocop-rspec - rubocop-i18n AllCops: DisplayCopNames: true TargetRubyVersion: '2.1' Include: - "./**/*.rb" Exclude: - bin/* - ".vendor/**/*" - "**/Gemfile" - "**/Rakefile" - pkg/**/* - spec/fixtures/**/* - vendor/**/* - "**/Puppetfile" - "**/Vagrantfile" - "**/Guardfile" Metrics/LineLength: Description: People have wide screens, use them. Max: 200 GetText: Enabled: false GetText/DecorateString: Description: We don't want to decorate test output. Exclude: - spec/**/* + Enabled: false RSpec/BeforeAfterAll: Description: Beware of using after(:all) as it may cause state to leak between tests. A necessary evil in acceptance testing. Exclude: - spec/acceptance/**/*.rb RSpec/HookArgument: Description: Prefer explicit :each argument, matching existing module's style EnforcedStyle: each Style/BlockDelimiters: Description: Prefer braces for chaining. Mostly an aesthetical choice. Better to be consistent then. EnforcedStyle: braces_for_chaining +Style/BracesAroundHashParameters: + Description: Braces are required by Ruby 2.7. Cop removed from RuboCop v0.80.0. + See https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop/pull/7643 + Enabled: true Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: Description: Compact style reduces the required amount of indentation. EnforcedStyle: compact Style/EmptyElse: Description: Enforce against empty else clauses, but allow `nil` for clarity. EnforcedStyle: empty Style/FormatString: Description: Following the main puppet project's style, prefer the % format format. EnforcedStyle: percent Style/FormatStringToken: Description: Following the main puppet project's style, prefer the simpler template tokens over annotated ones. EnforcedStyle: template Style/Lambda: Description: Prefer the keyword for easier discoverability. EnforcedStyle: literal Style/RegexpLiteral: Description: Community preference. See https://github.com/voxpupuli/modulesync_config/issues/168 EnforcedStyle: percent_r Style/TernaryParentheses: Description: Checks for use of parentheses around ternary conditions. Enforce parentheses on complex expressions for better readability, but seriously consider breaking it up. EnforcedStyle: require_parentheses_when_complex Style/TrailingCommaInArguments: Description: Prefer always trailing comma on multiline argument lists. This makes diffs, and re-ordering nicer. EnforcedStyleForMultiline: comma Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral: Description: Prefer always trailing comma on multiline literals. This makes diffs, and re-ordering nicer. EnforcedStyleForMultiline: comma Style/SymbolArray: Description: Using percent style obscures symbolic intent of array's contents. EnforcedStyle: brackets RSpec/MessageSpies: EnforcedStyle: receive Style/Documentation: Exclude: - lib/puppet/parser/functions/**/* - spec/**/* Style/WordArray: EnforcedStyle: brackets Style/CollectionMethods: Enabled: true Style/MethodCalledOnDoEndBlock: Enabled: true Style/StringMethods: Enabled: true +GetText/DecorateFunctionMessage: + Enabled: false +GetText/DecorateStringFormattingUsingInterpolation: + Enabled: false +GetText/DecorateStringFormattingUsingPercent: + Enabled: false Layout/EndOfLine: Enabled: false Layout/IndentHeredoc: Enabled: false Metrics/AbcSize: Enabled: false Metrics/BlockLength: Enabled: false Metrics/ClassLength: Enabled: false Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Enabled: false Metrics/MethodLength: Enabled: false Metrics/ModuleLength: Enabled: false Metrics/ParameterLists: Enabled: false Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: Enabled: false RSpec/DescribeClass: Enabled: false RSpec/ExampleLength: Enabled: false RSpec/MessageExpectation: Enabled: false RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Enabled: false RSpec/NestedGroups: Enabled: false Style/AsciiComments: Enabled: false Style/IfUnlessModifier: Enabled: false Style/SymbolProc: Enabled: false diff --git a/.sync.yml b/.sync.yml index 8750200..8cf5bbc 100644 --- a/.sync.yml +++ b/.sync.yml @@ -1,104 +1,106 @@ --- .travis.yml: dist: xenial extras: - env: CHECK="parallel_spec" PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 5" FIXTURES_YML=".fixtures-latest.yml" rvm: 2.4.5 stage: spec - env: CHECK="parallel_spec" PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 6" FIXTURES_YML=".fixtures-latest.yml" rvm: 2.5.3 stage: spec allow_failures: - env: CHECK="parallel_spec" PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 5" FIXTURES_YML=".fixtures-latest.yml" rvm: 2.4.5 - env: CHECK="parallel_spec" PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 6" FIXTURES_YML=".fixtures-latest.yml" rvm: 2.5.3 docker_defaults: dist: xenial docker_sets: - set: centos-7 collection: puppet5 extra_envs: - BEAKER_keycloak_full: yes - set: centos-7 collection: puppet5 extra_envs: - BEAKER_keycloak_version: 10.0.1 - BEAKER_keycloak_full: yes - set: centos-7 collection: puppet6 extra_envs: - BEAKER_keycloak_full: yes - set: centos-7 collection: puppet6 extra_envs: - BEAKER_keycloak_version: 10.0.1 - BEAKER_keycloak_full: yes - set: centos-8 collection: puppet5 - set: centos-8 collection: puppet5 extra_envs: - BEAKER_keycloak_version: 10.0.1 - set: centos-8 collection: puppet6 - set: centos-8 collection: puppet6 extra_envs: - BEAKER_keycloak_version: 10.0.1 - set: debian-9 collection: puppet5 - set: debian-9 collection: puppet5 extra_envs: - BEAKER_keycloak_version: 10.0.1 - set: debian-9 collection: puppet6 - set: debian-9 collection: puppet6 extra_envs: - BEAKER_keycloak_version: 10.0.1 - set: debian-10 collection: puppet5 - set: debian-10 collection: puppet5 extra_envs: - BEAKER_keycloak_version: 10.0.1 - set: debian-10 collection: puppet6 - set: debian-10 collection: puppet6 extra_envs: - BEAKER_keycloak_version: 10.0.1 - set: ubuntu-1804 collection: puppet5 - set: ubuntu-1804 collection: puppet5 extra_envs: - BEAKER_keycloak_version: 10.0.1 - set: ubuntu-1804 collection: puppet6 - set: ubuntu-1804 collection: puppet6 extra_envs: - BEAKER_keycloak_version: 10.0.1 user: treydock secure: "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" .gitlab-ci.yml: delete: true appveyor.yml: delete: true spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-6.yml: delete: true +spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-8.yml: + image: centos:8.1.1911 spec/acceptance/nodesets/debian-8.yml: delete: true spec/acceptance/nodesets/debian-10.yml: packages: - iproute2 spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-1404.yml: delete: true spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-1604.yml: delete: true spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-1804.yml: packages: - iproute2 diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index 0008471..07df794 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -1,252 +1,256 @@ --- +os: linux dist: xenial language: ruby cache: bundler before_install: - bundle -v - rm -f Gemfile.lock - - gem update --system $RUBYGEMS_VERSION + - "# Update system gems if requested. This is useful to temporarily workaround troubles in the test runner" + - "# See https://github.com/puppetlabs/pdk-templates/commit/705154d5c437796b821691b707156e1b056d244f for an example of how this was used" + - "# Ignore exit code of SIGPIPE'd yes to not fail with shell's pipefail set" + - '[ -z "$RUBYGEMS_VERSION" ] || (yes || true) | gem update --system $RUBYGEMS_VERSION' - gem --version - bundle -v script: - 'bundle exec rake $CHECK' bundler_args: --without system_tests rvm: - 2.5.7 env: global: - FACTER_GEM_VERSION="< 4.0" stages: - static - spec - acceptance - if: tag =~ ^v\d name: deploy -matrix: +jobs: fast_finish: true include: - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet5 BEAKER_set=centos-7 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply BEAKER_keycloak_full=true rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet5 BEAKER_set=centos-7 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply BEAKER_keycloak_version=10.0.1 BEAKER_keycloak_full=true rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet6 BEAKER_set=centos-7 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply BEAKER_keycloak_full=true rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet6 BEAKER_set=centos-7 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply BEAKER_keycloak_version=10.0.1 BEAKER_keycloak_full=true rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet5 BEAKER_set=centos-8 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet5 BEAKER_set=centos-8 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply BEAKER_keycloak_version=10.0.1 rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet6 BEAKER_set=centos-8 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet6 BEAKER_set=centos-8 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply BEAKER_keycloak_version=10.0.1 rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet5 BEAKER_set=debian-9 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet5 BEAKER_set=debian-9 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply BEAKER_keycloak_version=10.0.1 rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet6 BEAKER_set=debian-9 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet6 BEAKER_set=debian-9 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply BEAKER_keycloak_version=10.0.1 rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet5 BEAKER_set=debian-10 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet5 BEAKER_set=debian-10 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply BEAKER_keycloak_version=10.0.1 rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet6 BEAKER_set=debian-10 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet6 BEAKER_set=debian-10 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply BEAKER_keycloak_version=10.0.1 rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet5 BEAKER_set=ubuntu-1804 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet5 BEAKER_set=ubuntu-1804 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply BEAKER_keycloak_version=10.0.1 rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet6 BEAKER_set=ubuntu-1804 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - bundler_args: --with system_tests dist: xenial env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION=puppet6 BEAKER_set=ubuntu-1804 BEAKER_TESTMODE=apply BEAKER_keycloak_version=10.0.1 rvm: 2.5.7 script: bundle exec rake beaker services: docker stage: acceptance sudo: required - env: CHECK="check:symlinks check:git_ignore check:dot_underscore check:test_file rubocop syntax lint metadata_lint" stage: static - env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 5.0" CHECK=parallel_spec rvm: 2.4.9 stage: spec - env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 6.0" CHECK=parallel_spec rvm: 2.5.7 stage: spec - env: DEPLOY_TO_FORGE=yes stage: deploy - env: CHECK="parallel_spec" PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 5" FIXTURES_YML=".fixtures-latest.yml" rvm: 2.4.5 stage: spec - env: CHECK="parallel_spec" PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 6" FIXTURES_YML=".fixtures-latest.yml" rvm: 2.5.3 stage: spec allow_failures: - env: CHECK="parallel_spec" PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 5" FIXTURES_YML=".fixtures-latest.yml" rvm: 2.4.5 - env: CHECK="parallel_spec" PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 6" FIXTURES_YML=".fixtures-latest.yml" rvm: 2.5.3 branches: only: - master - /^v\d/ notifications: email: treydock@gmail.com deploy: provider: puppetforge - user: treydock + username: treydock password: secure: "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" on: tags: true all_branches: true condition: "$DEPLOY_TO_FORGE = yes" diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile index 426dc6e..2c83084 100644 --- a/Gemfile +++ b/Gemfile @@ -1,86 +1,86 @@ source ENV['GEM_SOURCE'] || 'https://rubygems.org' def location_for(place_or_version, fake_version = nil) git_url_regex = %r{\A(?(https?|git)[:@][^#]*)(#(?.*))?} file_url_regex = %r{\Afile:\/\/(?.*)} if place_or_version && (git_url = place_or_version.match(git_url_regex)) [fake_version, { git: git_url[:url], branch: git_url[:branch], require: false }].compact elsif place_or_version && (file_url = place_or_version.match(file_url_regex)) ['>= 0', { path: File.expand_path(file_url[:path]), require: false }] else [place_or_version, { require: false }] end end ruby_version_segments = Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup).segments minor_version = ruby_version_segments[0..1].join('.') group :development do gem "facter", '< 4.0', require: false gem "fast_gettext", '1.1.0', require: false if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup) < Gem::Version.new('2.1.0') gem "fast_gettext", require: false if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup) >= Gem::Version.new('2.1.0') gem "json_pure", '<= 2.0.1', require: false if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup) < Gem::Version.new('2.0.0') gem "json", '= 1.8.1', require: false if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup) == Gem::Version.new('2.1.9') gem "json", '= 2.0.4', require: false if Gem::Requirement.create('~> 2.4.2').satisfied_by?(Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup)) gem "json", '= 2.1.0', require: false if Gem::Requirement.create(['>= 2.5.0', '< 2.7.0']).satisfied_by?(Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup)) gem "rb-readline", '= 0.5.5', require: false, platforms: [:mswin, :mingw, :x64_mingw] gem "puppet-module-posix-default-r#{minor_version}", '~> 0.4', require: false, platforms: [:ruby] gem "puppet-module-posix-dev-r#{minor_version}", '~> 0.4', require: false, platforms: [:ruby] gem "puppet-module-win-default-r#{minor_version}", '~> 0.4', require: false, platforms: [:mswin, :mingw, :x64_mingw] gem "puppet-module-win-dev-r#{minor_version}", '~> 0.4', require: false, platforms: [:mswin, :mingw, :x64_mingw] gem "puppet-lint-param-docs", require: false gem "github_changelog_generator", require: false, git: 'https://github.com/skywinder/github-changelog-generator', ref: '20ee04ba1234e9e83eb2ffb5056e23d641c7a018' if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup) >= Gem::Version.new('2.2.2') end group :system_tests do gem "puppet-module-posix-system-r#{minor_version}", require: false, platforms: [:ruby] gem "puppet-module-win-system-r#{minor_version}", require: false, platforms: [:mswin, :mingw, :x64_mingw] - gem "beaker", *location_for(ENV['BEAKER_VERSION'] || '~> 4.21.0') + gem "beaker", *location_for(ENV['BEAKER_VERSION'] || '~> 4.0') gem "beaker-abs", *location_for(ENV['BEAKER_ABS_VERSION'] || '~> 0.1') gem "beaker-pe", require: false gem "beaker-hostgenerator" gem "beaker-rspec" gem "beaker-docker" gem "beaker-puppet" end puppet_version = ENV['PUPPET_GEM_VERSION'] facter_version = ENV['FACTER_GEM_VERSION'] hiera_version = ENV['HIERA_GEM_VERSION'] gems = {} gems['puppet'] = location_for(puppet_version) # If facter or hiera versions have been specified via the environment # variables gems['facter'] = location_for(facter_version) if facter_version gems['hiera'] = location_for(hiera_version) if hiera_version if Gem.win_platform? && puppet_version =~ %r{^(file:///|git://)} # If we're using a Puppet gem on Windows which handles its own win32-xxx gem # dependencies (>= 3.5.0), set the maximum versions (see PUP-6445). gems['win32-dir'] = ['<= 0.4.9', require: false] gems['win32-eventlog'] = ['<= 0.6.5', require: false] gems['win32-process'] = ['<= 0.7.5', require: false] gems['win32-security'] = ['<= 0.2.5', require: false] gems['win32-service'] = ['0.8.8', require: false] end gems.each do |gem_name, gem_params| gem gem_name, *gem_params end # Evaluate Gemfile.local and ~/.gemfile if they exist extra_gemfiles = [ "#{__FILE__}.local", File.join(Dir.home, '.gemfile'), ] extra_gemfiles.each do |gemfile| if File.file?(gemfile) && File.readable?(gemfile) eval(File.read(gemfile), binding) end end # vim: syntax=ruby diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile index 5fa521b..dc7ab0a 100644 --- a/Rakefile +++ b/Rakefile @@ -1,97 +1,99 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + require 'puppet_litmus/rake_tasks' if Bundler.rubygems.find_name('puppet_litmus').any? require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/rake_tasks' require 'puppet-syntax/tasks/puppet-syntax' require 'puppet_blacksmith/rake_tasks' if Bundler.rubygems.find_name('puppet-blacksmith').any? require 'github_changelog_generator/task' if Bundler.rubygems.find_name('github_changelog_generator').any? require 'puppet-strings/tasks' if Bundler.rubygems.find_name('puppet-strings').any? def changelog_user return unless (Rake.application.top_level_tasks.include?("changelog") || Rake.application.top_level_tasks.include?("release")) returnVal = nil || JSON.load(File.read('metadata.json'))['author'] raise "unable to find the changelog_user in .sync.yml, or the author in metadata.json" if returnVal.nil? puts "GitHubChangelogGenerator user:#{returnVal}" returnVal end def changelog_project return unless (Rake.application.top_level_tasks.include?("changelog") || Rake.application.top_level_tasks.include?("release")) returnVal = nil returnVal ||= begin metadata_source = JSON.load(File.read('metadata.json'))['source'] metadata_source_match = metadata_source && metadata_source.match(%r{.*\/([^\/]*?)(?:\.git)?\Z}) metadata_source_match && metadata_source_match[1] end raise "unable to find the changelog_project in .sync.yml or calculate it from the source in metadata.json" if returnVal.nil? puts "GitHubChangelogGenerator project:#{returnVal}" returnVal end def changelog_future_release return unless (Rake.application.top_level_tasks.include?("changelog") || Rake.application.top_level_tasks.include?("release")) returnVal = "v%s" % JSON.load(File.read('metadata.json'))['version'] raise "unable to find the future_release (version) in metadata.json" if returnVal.nil? puts "GitHubChangelogGenerator future_release:#{returnVal}" returnVal end PuppetLint.configuration.send('disable_relative') PuppetLint.configuration.send('fail_on_warnings') if Bundler.rubygems.find_name('github_changelog_generator').any? GitHubChangelogGenerator::RakeTask.new :changelog do |config| raise "Set CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable eg 'export CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN=valid_token_here'" if Rake.application.top_level_tasks.include? "changelog" and ENV['CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN'].nil? config.user = "#{changelog_user}" config.project = "#{changelog_project}" config.future_release = "#{changelog_future_release}" config.exclude_labels = ['maintenance'] config.header = "# Change log\n\nAll notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org)." config.add_pr_wo_labels = true config.issues = false config.merge_prefix = "### UNCATEGORIZED PRS; GO LABEL THEM" config.configure_sections = { "Changed" => { "prefix" => "### Changed", "labels" => ["backwards-incompatible"], }, "Added" => { "prefix" => "### Added", "labels" => ["feature", "enhancement"], }, "Fixed" => { "prefix" => "### Fixed", "labels" => ["bugfix"], }, } end else desc 'Generate a Changelog from GitHub' task :changelog do raise <= Gem::Version.new('2.2.2')" EOM end end namespace :release do desc "Release commit" task :commit do sh "git add CHANGELOG.md REFERENCE.md metadata.json" sh "git commit -m 'Release #{changelog_future_release}'" end end desc "Release new module version (changelog, reference, commit, tag, gh pages)" task :release => [:changelog, "strings:generate:reference", "release:commit", "module:tag"] diff --git a/metadata.json b/metadata.json index 0ddbeb2..92719a1 100644 --- a/metadata.json +++ b/metadata.json @@ -1,85 +1,85 @@ { "name": "treydock-keycloak", "version": "6.11.0", "author": "treydock", "summary": "Keycloak Puppet module", "license": "Apache-2.0", "source": "https://github.com/treydock/puppet-module-keycloak", "project_page": "https://github.com/treydock/puppet-module-keycloak", "issues_url": "https://github.com/treydock/puppet-module-keycloak/issues", "dependencies": [ { "name": "puppetlabs/stdlib", "version_requirement": ">= 4.25.0 <7.0.0" }, { "name": "puppetlabs/mysql", "version_requirement": ">= 10.2.0 <11.0.0" }, { "name": "puppetlabs/postgresql", "version_requirement": ">= 6.2.0 <7.0.0" }, { "name": "puppetlabs/java", "version_requirement": ">= 5.0.0 <7.0.0" }, { "name": "puppetlabs/java_ks", "version_requirement": ">= 1.0.0 <4.0.0" }, { "name": "puppet/archive", "version_requirement": ">= 0.5.1 <5.0.0" }, { "name": "camptocamp/systemd", "version_requirement": ">= 0.4.0 <3.0.0" } ], "operatingsystem_support": [ { "operatingsystem": "RedHat", "operatingsystemrelease": [ "7", "8" ] }, { "operatingsystem": "CentOS", "operatingsystemrelease": [ "7", "8" ] }, { "operatingsystem": "Scientific", "operatingsystemrelease": [ "7", "8" ] }, { "operatingsystem": "Debian", "operatingsystemrelease": [ "9", "10" ] }, { "operatingsystem": "Ubuntu", "operatingsystemrelease": [ "18.04" ] } ], "requirements": [ { "name": "puppet", "version_requirement": ">= 5.0.0 < 7.0.0" } ], "pdk-version": "1.17.0", "template-url": "https://github.com/treydock/pdk-templates.git#master", - "template-ref": "heads/master-0-g432be7a" + "template-ref": "heads/master-0-g58023b5" } diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-8.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-8.yml index a659cd3..52f0f9a 100644 --- a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-8.yml +++ b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-8.yml @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ HOSTS: centos-8: roles: - agent platform: el-8-x86_64 hypervisor: docker - image: centos:8 + image: centos:8.1.1911 docker_preserve_image: true docker_cmd: - '/usr/sbin/init' docker_image_commands: - 'yum install -y dnf-utils' - 'dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools' - 'yum install -y wget which cronie iproute initscripts' docker_container_name: 'keycloak-el8' CONFIG: log_level: debug type: foss ssh: password: root auth_methods: ["password"] diff --git a/spec/default_facts.yml b/spec/default_facts.yml index ea1e480..f777abf 100644 --- a/spec/default_facts.yml +++ b/spec/default_facts.yml @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ # Use default_module_facts.yml for module specific facts. # # Facts specified here will override the values provided by rspec-puppet-facts. --- ipaddress: "" +ipaddress6: "FE80:0000:0000:0000:AAAA:AAAA:AAAA" is_pe: false macaddress: "AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA" diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb index 012cbac..b367fde 100644 --- a/spec/spec_helper.rb +++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb @@ -1,58 +1,61 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + RSpec.configure do |c| c.mock_with :rspec end require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/module_spec_helper' require 'rspec-puppet-facts' require 'spec_helper_local' if File.file?(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper_local.rb')) include RspecPuppetFacts default_facts = { puppetversion: Puppet.version, facterversion: Facter.version, } default_fact_files = [ File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'default_facts.yml')), File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'default_module_facts.yml')), ] default_fact_files.each do |f| next unless File.exist?(f) && File.readable?(f) && File.size?(f) begin default_facts.merge!(YAML.safe_load(File.read(f), [], [], true)) rescue => e RSpec.configuration.reporter.message "WARNING: Unable to load #{f}: #{e}" end end # read default_facts and merge them over what is provided by facterdb default_facts.each do |fact, value| add_custom_fact fact, value end RSpec.configure do |c| c.default_facts = default_facts c.before :each do # set to strictest setting for testing # by default Puppet runs at warning level Puppet.settings[:strict] = :warning + Puppet.settings[:strict_variables] = true end c.filter_run_excluding(bolt: true) unless ENV['GEM_BOLT'] c.after(:suite) do end end # Ensures that a module is defined # @param module_name Name of the module def ensure_module_defined(module_name) module_name.split('::').reduce(Object) do |last_module, next_module| last_module.const_set(next_module, Module.new) unless last_module.const_defined?(next_module, false) last_module.const_get(next_module, false) end end # 'spec_overrides' from sync.yml will appear below this line