diff --git a/install.sh b/install.sh index 1ddf916..4e7d2d6 100755 --- a/install.sh +++ b/install.sh @@ -1,114 +1,114 @@ #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e MIN_DOCKER_VERSION='17.05.0' MIN_COMPOSE_VERSION='1.19.0' MIN_RAM=2400 # MB SENTRY_CONFIG_PY='sentry/sentry.conf.py' SENTRY_CONFIG_YML='sentry/config.yml' SENTRY_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS='sentry/requirements.txt' DID_CLEAN_UP=0 # the cleanup function will be the exit point cleanup () { if [ "$DID_CLEAN_UP" -eq 1 ]; then return 0; fi echo "Cleaning up..." docker-compose down &> /dev/null DID_CLEAN_UP=1 } trap cleanup ERR INT TERM echo "Checking minimum requirements..." DOCKER_VERSION=$(docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}') COMPOSE_VERSION=$(docker-compose --version | sed 's/docker-compose version \(.\{1,\}\),.*/\1/') RAM_AVAILABLE_IN_DOCKER=$(docker run --rm busybox free -m 2>/dev/null | awk '/Mem/ {print $2}'); # Compare dot-separated strings - function below is inspired by https://stackoverflow.com/a/37939589/808368 function ver () { echo "$@" | awk -F. '{ printf("%d%03d%03d", $1,$2,$3); }'; } # Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/25123013/90297 for the quick `sed` pattern function ensure_file_from_example { if [ -f "$1" ]; then echo "$1 already exists, skipped creation." else echo "Creating $1..." cp -n $(echo "$1" | sed 's/\.[^.]*$/.example&/') "$1" fi } if [ $(ver $DOCKER_VERSION) -lt $(ver $MIN_DOCKER_VERSION) ]; then echo "FAIL: Expected minimum Docker version to be $MIN_DOCKER_VERSION but found $DOCKER_VERSION" exit -1 fi if [ $(ver $COMPOSE_VERSION) -lt $(ver $MIN_COMPOSE_VERSION) ]; then echo "FAIL: Expected minimum docker-compose version to be $MIN_COMPOSE_VERSION but found $COMPOSE_VERSION" exit -1 fi if [ "$RAM_AVAILABLE_IN_DOCKER" -lt "$MIN_RAM" ]; then echo "FAIL: Expected minimum RAM available to Docker to be $MIN_RAM MB but found $RAM_AVAILABLE_IN_DOCKER MB" exit -1 fi echo "" ensure_file_from_example $SENTRY_CONFIG_PY ensure_file_from_example $SENTRY_CONFIG_YML ensure_file_from_example $SENTRY_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS echo "" echo "Creating volumes for persistent storage..." echo "Created $(docker volume create --name=sentry-data)." echo "Created $(docker volume create --name=sentry-redis)." echo "Created $(docker volume create --name=sentry-clickhouse)." echo "Created $(docker volume create --name=sentry-symbolicator)." echo "" echo "Building and tagging Docker images..." echo "" # Build the sentry onpremise image first as it is needed for the cron image docker-compose build --force-rm web docker-compose build --force-rm echo "" echo "Docker images built." echo "" echo "Setting up database..." if [ $CI ]; then docker-compose run --rm web upgrade --noinput echo "" echo "Did not prompt for user creation due to non-interactive shell." echo "Run the following command to create one yourself (recommended):" echo "" echo " docker-compose run --rm web createuser" echo "" else docker-compose run --rm web upgrade fi echo "Boostrapping Snuba..." docker-compose up -d redis clickhouse until $(docker-compose run --rm clickhouse clickhouse-client -h clickhouse --query="SHOW TABLES;" | grep -q sentry_local); do # `bootstrap` is for fresh installs, and `migrate` is for existing installs # Running them both for both cases is harmless so we blindly run them docker-compose run --rm snuba-api bootstrap --force || true; docker-compose run --rm snuba-api migrate || true; done; echo "" echo "Migrating file storage..." docker run --rm -it -v sentry-data:/data alpine ash -c \ - "mkdir -p /tmp/files; mv /data/* /tmp/files/; mv /tmp/files /data/files" + "if ! [ -d /data/files ]; then mkdir -p /tmp/files; mv /data/* /tmp/files/; mv /tmp/files /data/files; fi" cleanup echo "" echo "----------------" echo "You're all done! Run the following command to get Sentry running:" echo "" echo " docker-compose up -d" echo ""