diff --git a/Phabricator/plugin.py b/Phabricator/plugin.py index e0cdbc9..9d59d43 100644 --- a/Phabricator/plugin.py +++ b/Phabricator/plugin.py @@ -1,509 +1,509 @@ ### # Copyright (c) 2018 Software Heritage Developers # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### import re import time import operator import threading from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple import phabricator import supybot.utils as utils from supybot.commands import * import supybot.world as world import supybot.plugins as plugins import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.callbacks as callbacks try: from supybot.i18n import PluginInternationalization _ = PluginInternationalization('Phabricator') except ImportError: # Placeholder that allows to run the plugin on a bot # without the i18n module _ = lambda x: x feed_announce = namedtuple('feed_announce', 'fetch_time max_epoch') cache_entry = namedtuple('phid_cache_entry', 'data expiry') class Phabricator(callbacks.PluginRegexp): """Integration with the Phabricator development collaboration tools""" threaded = True flags = re.VERBOSE regexps = [ 'phabricator_object_from_regexp', 'phabricator_commit_from_regexp', ] phid_cache_expiry = 24 * 3600 def __init__(self, irc): super().__init__(irc) self.default_conduit = None self._conduits = {} self._last_feed_announces = defaultdict( lambda: feed_announce(0, None)) self._phid_object_cache = defaultdict( lambda: cache_entry(None, 0)) self._phid_transaction_cache = defaultdict( lambda: cache_entry(None, 0)) host = self.registryValue('phabricatorURI') token = self.registryValue('phabricatorConduitToken') if host and token: self.default_conduit = self.conduit_for_host_token(host, token) def wrapped_message(self, sender, message, **kwargs): line_length = 300 wrapped = ircutils.wrap(message, line_length) for msg in wrapped: sender(msg, **kwargs) def conduit_for_host_token(self, host, token): if (host, token) in self._conduits: return self._conduits[host, token] conduit = phabricator.Phabricator( host=host, token=token, ) conduit.update_interfaces() self._conduits[host, token] = conduit return conduit def conduit(self, recipient): host = self.registryValue( 'phabricatorURI', channel=recipient ) token = self.registryValue( 'phabricatorConduitToken', channel=recipient ) return self.conduit_for_host_token(host, token) def get_object_by_phid(self, recipient, phid, skip_cache=False, object_fragment=None): objs = self.get_objects_by_phid(recipient, [phid], skip_cache) obj = objs.get(phid) if obj and object_fragment is not None: url = obj['uri'] obj['uri'] = '%s%s' % (url, object_fragment) return obj def get_objects_by_phid(self, recipient, phids, skip_cache=False): objects = {} if not skip_cache: for phid in phids: obj, timeout = self._phid_object_cache[recipient, phid] if timeout > time.time(): objects[phid] = obj if set(objects) == set(phids): # If we already got all the phids we need in the cache, # no need to make a query return objects # Else, make a single request for all the objects # (even those in the cache; there's no harm in refreshing them) r = self.conduit(recipient).phid.query(phids=phids) for (phid, obj) in r.items(): self._phid_object_cache[recipient, phid] = cache_entry( obj, time.time() + self.phid_cache_expiry ) return dict(r) def get_transactions_by_phid(self, recipient, transactions_phids, object_phid, skip_cache=False): transactions = {} if not skip_cache: for phid in transactions_phids: trans, timeout = self._phid_transaction_cache[recipient, object_phid, phid] if timeout > time.time(): transactions[phid] = trans if set(transactions) == set(transactions_phids): # If we already got all the phids we need in the cache, # no need to make a query return transactions # Else, make a single request for all the transactions # (even those in the cache; there's no harm in refreshing them) r = self.conduit(recipient).transaction.search( objectIdentifier=object_phid, constraints={'phids': transactions_phids}) for trans in r['data']: self._phid_transaction_cache[recipient, object_phid, trans['phid']] = cache_entry( trans, time.time() + self.phid_cache_expiry ) transactions[trans['phid']] = trans return dict(r) def get_commit_author_info(self, recipient, commit, type='author'): if not commit['%sPHID' % type]: return commit['%sName' % type] return self.get_user_by_phid(recipient, commit['%sPHID' % type]) def get_user_by_phid(self, recipient, phid): author = self.get_object_by_phid(recipient, phid) return author['name'] def get_repo(self, recipient, repo): conduit = self.conduit(recipient) res = conduit.diffusion.repository.search( constraints={'phids': [repo]} ) if res.response['data']: return res.response['data'][0] def get_buildable(self, recipient, phid): conduit = self.conduit(recipient) res = conduit.harbormaster.querybuildables(phids=[phid]) if not res.response['data']: return data = res.response['data'][0].copy() buildable = self.get_object_by_phid(recipient, data['buildablePHID']) data['buildable'] = buildable if buildable['type'] == 'DIFF': buildable = self.get_object_by_phid(recipient, data['containerPHID']) data['buildable'] = buildable return data def get_repo_name(self, repo): if not repo: return '' for field in ('shortName', 'callsign', 'name'): if field in repo['fields'] and repo['fields'][field]: return repo['fields'][field] return repo['phid'] def task_status_theme(self, status): return status def build_status_theme(self, status): return status def task_priority_theme(self, priority): return priority def diff_status_theme(self, status): return status def phabricator_object_from_regexp(self, irc, msg, match): r""" (?: ^ # start of line |(?".format( id=ircutils.bold('B%s' % build['id']), buildable=buildable['buildable']['fullName'], title=build['fields']['name'], details=', '.join(details), url=full_build['uri'], ) def diff_formatter(self, recipient, diff, object_fragment=None): full_diff = self.get_object_by_phid(recipient, diff['phid'], True, object_fragment=object_fragment) repo = self.get_repo(recipient, diff['fields']['repositoryPHID']) details = [] details.append( 'author: %s' % self.get_user_by_phid( recipient, diff['fields']['authorPHID'] ) ) status = diff['fields']['status']['name'] details.append(self.diff_status_theme(status)) return "{id} ({details}) on {repo}: {title} <{url}>".format( id=ircutils.bold('D%s' % diff['id']), repo=ircutils.bold(self.get_repo_name(repo)), title=diff['fields']['title'], details=', '.join(details), url=full_diff['uri'], ) def paste_formatter(self, recipient, paste, object_fragment=None): full_paste = self.get_object_by_phid(recipient, paste['phid'], True, object_fragment=object_fragment) details = [] details.append( 'author: %s' % self.get_user_by_phid( recipient, paste['fields']['authorPHID'] ) ) return "{id} ({details}): {title} <{url}>".format( id=ircutils.bold('P%s' % paste['id']), title=paste['fields']['title'], details=', '.join(details), url=full_paste['uri'], ) def task_formatter(self, recipient, task, object_fragment=None): full_task = self.get_object_by_phid(recipient, task['phid'], True, object_fragment=object_fragment) details = [] details.append( 'submitter: %s' % self.get_user_by_phid( recipient, task['fields']['authorPHID'] ) ) if task['fields']['ownerPHID']: details.append( 'owner: %s' % self.get_user_by_phid( recipient, task['fields']['ownerPHID'] ) ) priority = task['fields']['priority']['name'] if priority != 'Normal': details.append('priority %s' % self.task_priority_theme(priority)) status = task['fields']['status']['name'] details.append('status: %s' % self.task_status_theme(status)) return "{id} ({details}): {title} <{url}>".format( id=ircutils.bold('T%s' % task['id']), title=task['fields']['name'], details=', '.join(details), url=full_task['uri'], ) def commit_formatter(self, recipient, commit, skip_details=None): if not skip_details: skip_details = [] details = [] if 'author' not in skip_details: author_info = self.get_commit_author_info(recipient, commit, 'author') details.append("author: %s" % author_info) committer_info = self.get_commit_author_info(recipient, commit, 'committer') if committer_info != author_info: details.append("committer: %s" % committer_info) repo_str = '' if 'repo' not in skip_details: repo = self.get_repo(recipient, commit['repositoryPHID']) repo_str = "%s/" % self.get_repo_name(repo) if details: details_str = ' (%s)' % ', '.join(details) else: details_str = '' return "{repo}{commit_id}{details} {summary} <{url}>".format( repo=repo_str, commit_id=ircutils.bold(commit['identifier'][:10]), summary=commit['summary'], details=details_str, url=str(commit['uri'])[:-30], ) def phabricator_commit_from_regexp(self, irc, msg, match): r""" (?: ^ # start of line |(?!<[:])\b # word boundary, not preceded by ":" ) (r[A-Z]+)?([0-9a-f]{7,}) (?: $ # end of line |\b # word boundary ) """ for recipient in msg.args[0].split(','): commit_id = match.group(2) repo_id = match.group(1) query_params = { 'names': [commit_id], } if repo_id: r = self.conduit(recipient).diffusion.repository.search( constraints={'callsigns': [repo_id[1:]]}, ) if not r.response['data']: return repo_phid = r.response['data'][0]['phid'] query_params['repositoryPHID'] = repo_phid r = self.conduit(recipient).diffusion.querycommits(**query_params) if not r.response['identifierMap']: return commit_phid = r.response['identifierMap'][commit_id] commit = r.response['data'][commit_phid] self.wrapped_message( irc.reply, self.commit_formatter(recipient, commit), notice=True, prefixNick=False, to=recipient, ) def __call__(self, irc, msg): super().__call__(irc, msg) threading.Thread(target=self._update_feeds).start() def _update_feeds(self): """Goes through all channels, and trigger an update on the ones which have an associated feed.""" for irc in world.ircs: for channel in irc.state.channels: if self.registryValue('announce', channel): self._update_feed_if_needed(irc, channel) def _update_feed_if_needed(self, irc, channel): """Triggers an update if the channel's feed should be updated.""" recipient_key = (irc.network, channel) previous_announce = self._last_feed_announces[recipient_key] current_time = time.time() interval = self.registryValue('announce.interval', channel) if previous_announce.fetch_time + interval < current_time: max_epoch = self._update_feed(irc, channel, previous_announce.max_epoch) self._last_feed_announces[recipient_key] = feed_announce( fetch_time=current_time, max_epoch=max_epoch) def _update_feed(self, irc, channel, after_epoch): """Send updates of a feed to a channel, and returns its max epoch.""" conduit = self.conduit(channel) stories = conduit.feed.query(view='data') stories = sorted(stories.values(), key=operator.itemgetter('epoch')) objects = self.get_objects_by_phid(channel, [story['data']['objectPHID'] for story in stories]) after_epoch = after_epoch or 0 for story in stories: if (after_epoch > 0 and # Don't announce on the first run story['epoch'] > after_epoch): self._announce_story(irc, channel, story, objects[story['data']['objectPHID']]) max_epoch = max(story['epoch'] for story in stories) return max(after_epoch, max_epoch) def _announce_story(self, irc, channel, story, obj): """Send a story to a channel.""" username_blacklist = self.registryValue('announce.usernameBlacklist', channel) transactions = self.get_transactions_by_phid(channel, list(story['data']['transactionPHIDs']), obj['phid']) actions = defaultdict(lambda: []) for trans in transactions['data']: actions[self.get_user_by_phid(channel, trans['authorPHID'])] \ .append(trans['type']) parts = [] for (author, author_actions) in actions.items(): if author in username_blacklist: continue parts.append('{} from {}'.format('+'.join(author_actions), author)) msg = format('%s; on %s %u', ', '.join(parts), obj['fullName'], obj['uri'], ) if parts: irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, msg)) Class = Phabricator # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79: