diff --git a/docs/archiver-blueprint.md b/docs/archiver-blueprint.md
--- a/docs/archiver-blueprint.md
+++ b/docs/archiver-blueprint.md
@@ -12,24 +12,32 @@
-* **Master/slave architecture**
+* **Peer-to-peer topology**
-  There is 1 master copy and 1 or more slave copies of each object. A retention
-  policy specifies the minimum number of copies that are required to be "safe".
+  Every storage involved in the archival process can be used as a source or a
+  destination for the archival, depending on the blobs it contains. A
+  retention policy specifies the minimum number of copies that are required
+  to be "safe".
+  Althoug the servers are totally equals the coordination of which content
+  should be copied and from where to where is centralized.
 * **Append-only archival**
-  The archiver treats master as read-only storage and slaves as append-only
-  storages. The archiver never deletes any object. If removals are needed, in
-  either master or slaves, they will be dealt with by other means.
+  The archiver treats involved storages as append-only storages. The archiver
+  never deletes any object. If removals are needed, they will be dealt with
+  by other means.
 * **Asynchronous archival.**
   Periodically (e.g., via cron), the archiver runs, produces a list of objects
-  that need to be copied from master to slaves, and starts copying them over.
-  Very likely, during any given archival run other new objects will be added to
-  master; it will be the responsibility of *future* archiver runs, and not the
-  current one, to copy new objects over.
+  that need to have more copies, and starts copying them over. The decision of
+  which storages are choosen to be sources and destinations are not up to the
+  storages themselves.
+  Very likely, during any given archival run, other new objects will be added
+  to storages; it will be the responsibility of *future* archiver runs, and
+  not the current one, to copy new objects over if needed.
 * **Integrity at archival time.**
@@ -40,7 +48,7 @@
   reporting about the corruption will be emitted.
   Note that archival-time integrity checks are *not meant to replace periodic
-  integrity checks* on both master and slave copies.
+  integrity checks*.
 * **Parallel archival**
@@ -56,7 +64,8 @@
   * **status**: 3-state: *missing* (copy not present at destination), *ongoing*
-    (copy to destination ongoing), *present* (copy present at destination)
+    (copy to destination ongoing), *present* (copy present at destination),
+    *corrupted* (content detected as corrupted during an archival).
   * **mtime**: timestamp of last status change. This is either the destination
     archival time (when status=present), or the timestamp of the last archival
     request (status=ongoing); the timestamp is undefined when status=missing.
@@ -86,22 +95,14 @@
 At each execution the director:
 1. for each object: retrieve its archival status
-2. for each object that is in the master storage but has fewer copies than
-   those requested by the retention policy:
-   1. if status=ongoing and mtime is not older than archival max age  
-      then continue to next object
-   2. check object integrity (e.g., with swh.storage.ObjStorage.check(obj_id))
-   3. mark object as needing archival
-3. group objects in need of archival in batches of archival batch size
+2. for each object that has fewer copies than those requested by the
+   retention policy:
+   1. mark object as needing archival
+3. group objects in need of archival in batches of `archival batch size`
 4. for each batch:
-   1. set status=ongoing and mtime=now() for each object in the batch
-   2. spawn an archive worker on the whole batch (e.g., submitting the relevant
+   1. spawn an archive worker on the whole batch (e.g., submitting the relevant
       celery task)
-Note that if an archiver worker task takes a long time (t > archival max age)
-to complete, it is possible for another task to be scheduled on the same batch,
-or an overlapping one.
 ### Archiver worker
@@ -111,47 +112,61 @@
 Runtime parameters:
 * objects to archive
+* archival policies (retention & archival max age)
 At each execution a worker:
-1. create empty map { destinations -> objects that need to be copied there }
+1. for each object in the batch
+   1. check that the object still need to be archived
+      (#present copies < retention policy)
+   2. if an object has status=ongoing but the elapsed time from task submission
+      is less than the *archival max age*, it count as present, as we assume
+      that it will be copied in the futur. If the delay is elapsed, otherwise,
+      is count as a missing copy.
 2. for each object to archive:
    1. retrieve current archive status for all destinations
-   2. update the map noting where the object needs to be copied
-3. for each destination:
-   1. look up in the map objects that need to be copied there
-   2. copy all objects to destination using the copier
-   3. set status=present and mtime=now() for each copied object
+   2. create a map noting where the object is present and where it can be copied
+   3. Randomly choose couples (source, destination), where destinations are all
+      differents, to make enough copies
+3. for each (content, source, destination):
+   1. Join the contents by key (source, destination) to have a map
+      {(source, destination) -> [contents]}
+4. for each (source, destination) -> contents
+   1. for each content in content, check its integrity on the source storage
+      * if the object if corrupted or missing
+        * update its status in the database
+        * remove it from the current contents list
+5. start the copy of the batces by launching for each transfer tuple a copier
+      * if an error occured on one of the content that should have been valid,
+        consider the whole batch as a failure.
+6. set status=present and mtime=now for each successfully copied object
 Note that:
 * In case multiple jobs where tasked to archive the same of overlapping
-  objects, step (2.2) might decide that some/all objects of this batch no
-  longer need to be archived to some/all destinations.
+  objects, step (1) might decide that some/all objects of this batch no
+  longer need to be archived.
-* Due to parallelism, it is also possible that the same objects will be copied
-  over at the same time by multiple workers.
+* Due to parallelism, it is possible that the same objects will be copied
+  over at the same time by multiple workers. Also, the same object could end
+  having more copies than the minimal number required.
 ### Archiver copier
 The copier is run on demand by archiver workers, to transfer file batches from
-master to a given destination.
+a given source to a given destination.
-The copier transfers all files together with a single network connection. The
-copying process is atomic at the file granularity (i.e., individual files might
-be visible on the destination before *all* files have been transferred) and
-ensures that *concurrent transfer of the same files by multiple copier
-instances do not result in corrupted files*. Note that, due to this and the
-fact that timestamps are updated by the director, all files copied in the same
-batch will have the same mtime even though the actual file creation times on a
-given destination might differ.
+The copier transfers files one by one. The copying process is atomic at the file
+granularity (i.e., individual files might be visible on the destination before
+*all* files have been transferred) and ensures that *concurrent transfer of the
+same files by multiple copier instances do not result in corrupted files*. Note
+that, due to this and the fact that timestamps are updated by the worker, all
+files copied in the same batch will have the same mtime even though the actual
+file creation times on a given destination might differ.
-As a first approximation, the copier can be implemented using rsync, but a
-dedicated protocol can be devised later. In the case of rsync, one should use
---files-from to list the file to be copied. Rsync atomically renames files
-one-by-one during transfer; so as long as --inplace is *not* used, concurrent
-rsync of the same files should not be a problem.
+The copier is implemented using the ObjStorage API for the sources and
 DB structure
@@ -159,9 +174,13 @@
 Postgres SQL definitions for the archival status:
-    CREATE DOMAIN archive_id AS TEXT;
+    -- Those names are sample of archives server names
+    CREATE TYPE archive_id AS ENUM (
+      'uffizi',
+      'banco'
+    );
-    CREATE TABLE archives (
+    CREATE TABLE archive (
       id   archive_id PRIMARY KEY,
       url  TEXT
@@ -169,13 +188,40 @@
     CREATE TYPE archive_status AS ENUM (
-      'present'
+      'present',
+      'corrupted'
     CREATE TABLE content_archive (
-      content_id  sha1 REFERENCES content(sha1),
-      archive_id  archive_id REFERENCES archives(id),
-      status      archive_status,
-      mtime       timestamptz,
-      PRIMARY KEY (content_id, archive_id)
+      content_id sha1 unique,
+      copies jsonb
+Where the content_archive.copies field is of type jsonb and contains datas
+about the storages that contains (or not) the content represented by the sha1
+    {
+        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema#",
+        "title": "Copies data",
+        "description": "Data about the presence of a content into the storages",
+        "type": "object",
+        "Patternproperties": {
+            "^[a-zA-Z1-9]+$": {
+                "description": "archival status for the server named by key",
+                "type": "object",
+                "properties": {
+                    "status": {
+                        "description": "Archival status on this copy",
+                        "type": "string",
+                        "enum": ["missing", "ongoing", "present", "corrupted"]
+                    },
+                    "mtime": {
+                        "description": "Last time of the status update",
+                        "type": "float"
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "additionalProperties": false
+    }