diff --git a/Makefile.sphinx b/Makefile.sphinx --- a/Makefile.sphinx +++ b/Makefile.sphinx @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ SPHINX_SRCDIR = . # relative to docs/ dir. Hence "." exclude the docs/ dir itself -APIDOC_EXCLUDES = . ../setup.py ../conftest.py ../swh/*/conftest.py -APIDOC_EXCLUDES += ../swh/*/tests ../swh/*/tests/* ../swh/*/*/tests/* ../swh/*/*/*/tests/* -APIDOC_EXCLUDES += ../swh/*/migrations ../swh/*/migrations/* ../swh/*/*/migrations/* ../swh/*/*/*/migrations/* -APIDOC_EXCLUDES += ../bin ../dist ../utils ../node_modules +APIDOC_EXCLUDES = conftest.py setup.py +APIDOC_EXCLUDES += */tests/* */migrations/* */wsgi.py */conftest.py +APIDOC_EXCLUDES += deposit/settings/* web/settings/* dataset/* +APIDOC_EXCLUDES += bin build dist utils node_modules +APIDOC_SWH_EXCLUDES = $(patsubst %,"../%",$(APIDOC_EXCLUDES)) html: sphinx/html help: sphinx/help @@ -27,13 +28,13 @@ endif sphinx/clean: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -M clean $(SPHINX_SRCDIR) $(SPHINX_BUILDDIR) $(SPHINXOPTS) + $(SPHINXBUILD) -M clean $(SPHINX_SRCDIR) $(SPHINX_BUILDDIR) $(SPHINX_OPTS) sphinx/%: $(apidoc_dep) - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b $* $(SPHINX_SRCDIR) $(SPHINX_BUILDDIR)/$* $(SPHINXOPTS) + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b $* $(SPHINX_SRCDIR) $(SPHINX_BUILDDIR)/$* $(SPHINX_OPTS) apidoc: $(apidoc_dep) apidoc-stamp: - $(SPHINXAPIDOC) $(APIDOC_OPTS) -o $(APIDOC_DIR) .. $(APIDOC_EXCLUDES) + $(SPHINXAPIDOC) $(APIDOC_OPTS) -o $(APIDOC_DIR) .. $(APIDOC_SWH_EXCLUDES) # to silent Sphinx warnings about apidoc documents not included in any toctree find $(shell pwd)/apidoc -name "*.rst" | xargs sed -i '1i:orphan:\n' touch $@ diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile --- a/docs/Makefile +++ b/docs/Makefile @@ -14,12 +14,9 @@ SPHINXAPIDOC = sphinx-apidoc APIDOC_DIR = apidoc APIDOC_OPTS = --ext-viewcode --separate --no-toc -APIDOC_EXCLUDES = */tests */tests/* */*/tests/* */*/*/tests/* -APIDOC_EXCLUDES += */migrations */migrations/* */*/migrations/* */*/*/migrations/* -APIDOC_EXCLUDES += */wsgi.py */*/wsgi.py */*/*/wsgi.py -APIDOC_EXCLUDES += */conftest.py */*/conftest.py */*/*/conftest.py +APIDOC_EXCLUDES = */tests */migrations */wsgi.py */conftest.py */setup.py APIDOC_EXCLUDES += deposit/settings/* web/settings/* dataset/* -APIDOC_SWH_EXCLUDES = $(patsubst %,$(SWHPKGDIR)/%,$(APIDOC_EXCLUDES)) +APIDOC_SWH_EXCLUDES = $(patsubst %,"$(SWHPKGDIR)%",$(APIDOC_EXCLUDES)) html: sphinx/html