diff --git a/swh/lister/nixguix/lister.py b/swh/lister/nixguix/lister.py
--- a/swh/lister/nixguix/lister.py
+++ b/swh/lister/nixguix/lister.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 from pathlib import Path
 import random
 from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
+from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, urlparse
 import requests
 from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, InvalidSchema, SSLError
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 class ArtifactNatureMistyped(ValueError):
-    """Raised when a remote artifact's neither a tarball nor a file.
+    """Raised when a remote artifact is neither a tarball nor a file.
     Error of this type are' probably a misconfiguration in the manifest generation that
     badly typed a vcs repository.
@@ -53,6 +53,16 @@
+class ArtifactWithoutExtension(ValueError):
+    """Raised when an artifact nature cannot be determined by its name.
+    This exception is solely for internal use of the :meth:`is_tarball` method.
+    """
+    pass
 class ChecksumsComputation(Enum):
     """The possible artifact types listed out of the manifest."""
@@ -140,20 +150,36 @@
         """Determine out of an extension whether url is a tarball.
-            IndexError in case no extension is available
+            ArtifactWithoutExtension in case no extension is available
         urlparsed = urlparse(url)
         if urlparsed.scheme not in ("http", "https", "ftp"):
             raise ArtifactNatureMistyped(f"Mistyped artifact '{url}'")
-        return Path(urlparsed.path).suffixes[-1].lstrip(".") in TARBALL_EXTENSIONS
+        errors = []
+        query_params = dict(parse_qsl(urlparsed.query))
+        for path in [query_params.get(key) for key in ["f", "file", "url", "name"]] + [
+            urlparsed.path
+        ]:
+            if not path:
+                continue
+            try:
+                file_ = Path(path).suffixes[-1]
+                break
+            except IndexError as e:
+                errors.append(ArtifactWithoutExtension(e))
+        if errors:
+            raise errors[-1]
+        return file_.lstrip(".") in TARBALL_EXTENSIONS
     index = random.randrange(len(urls))
     url = urls[index]
         return _is_tarball(url), urls[0]
-    except IndexError:
+    except ArtifactWithoutExtension:
         if request is None:
             raise ArtifactNatureUndetected(
                 f"Cannot determine artifact type from url <{url}>"
@@ -181,7 +207,7 @@
                 # FIXME: location is also returned as it's considered the true origin,
                 # true enough?
                 return _is_tarball(location), location
-            except IndexError:
+            except ArtifactWithoutExtension:
                     "Still cannot detect extension through location <%s>...",
diff --git a/swh/lister/nixguix/tests/test_lister.py b/swh/lister/nixguix/tests/test_lister.py
--- a/swh/lister/nixguix/tests/test_lister.py
+++ b/swh/lister/nixguix/tests/test_lister.py
@@ -38,13 +38,25 @@
     + [[f"one.{ext}?foo=bar"] for ext in TARBALL_EXTENSIONS],
 def test_is_tarball_simple(tarballs):
-    """Simple check on tarball should  discriminate betwenn tarball and file"""
+    """Simple check on tarball should  discriminate between tarball and file"""
     urls = [f"https://example.org/{tarball}" for tarball in tarballs]
     is_tar, origin = is_tarball(urls)
     assert is_tar is True
     assert origin == urls[0]
+    "query_param",
+    ["file", "f", "url", "name"],
+def test_is_tarball_not_so_simple(query_param):
+    """More involved check on tarball should discriminate between tarball and file"""
+    url = f"https://example.org/download.php?foo=bar&{query_param}=one.tar.gz"
+    is_tar, origin = is_tarball([url])
+    assert is_tar is True
+    assert origin == url