diff --git a/swh/lister/arch/__init__.py b/swh/lister/arch/__init__.py
--- a/swh/lister/arch/__init__.py
+++ b/swh/lister/arch/__init__.py
@@ -197,15 +197,15 @@
 Change directory to swh/docker then launch the docker environment::
-   docker-compose up -d
+   docker compose up -d
-Then connect to the lister::
+Then schedule an arch listing task::
-   docker exec -it docker_swh-lister_1 bash
+   docker compose exec swh-scheduler swh scheduler task add -p oneshot list-arch
-And run the lister (The output of this listing results in “oneshot” tasks in the scheduler)::
+You can follow lister execution by displaying logs of swh-lister service::
-   swh lister run -l arch
+   docker compose logs -f swh-lister
 .. _archlinux.org: https://archlinux.org/packages/
 .. _archlinuxarm.org: https://archlinuxarm.org/packages/
diff --git a/swh/lister/aur/__init__.py b/swh/lister/aur/__init__.py
--- a/swh/lister/aur/__init__.py
+++ b/swh/lister/aur/__init__.py
@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@
 Change directory to swh/docker then launch the docker environment::
-   docker-compose up -d
+   docker compose up -d
-Then connect to the lister::
+Then schedule an aur listing task::
-   docker exec -it docker_swh-lister_1 bash
+   docker compose exec swh-scheduler swh scheduler task add -p oneshot list-aur
-And run the lister (The output of this listing results in “oneshot” tasks in the scheduler)::
+You can follow lister execution by displaying logs of swh-lister service::
-   swh lister run -l aur
+   docker compose logs -f swh-lister
 .. _aur.archlinux.org: https://aur.archlinux.org
 .. _New AUR Metadata Archives: https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2021-November/036659.html
diff --git a/swh/lister/bower/__init__.py b/swh/lister/bower/__init__.py
--- a/swh/lister/bower/__init__.py
+++ b/swh/lister/bower/__init__.py
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@
 Change directory to swh/docker then launch the docker environment::
-   docker-compose up -d
+   docker compose up -d
-Then connect to the lister::
+Then schedule a bower listing task::
-   docker exec -it docker_swh-lister_1 bash
+   docker compose exec swh-scheduler swh scheduler task add -p oneshot list-bower
-And run the lister (The output of this listing results in “oneshot” tasks in the scheduler)::
+You can follow lister execution by displaying logs of swh-lister service::
-   swh lister run -l bower
+   docker compose logs -f swh-lister
 .. _Bower: https://bower.io
 .. _registry.bower.io: https://registry.bower.io
diff --git a/swh/lister/crates/__init__.py b/swh/lister/crates/__init__.py
--- a/swh/lister/crates/__init__.py
+++ b/swh/lister/crates/__init__.py
@@ -111,15 +111,15 @@
 Change directory to swh/docker then launch the docker environment:
-   docker-compose up -d
+   docker compose up -d
-Then connect to the lister:
+Then schedule a crates listing task::
-   docker exec -it docker_swh-lister_1 bash
+   docker compose exec swh-scheduler swh scheduler task add -p oneshot list-crates
-And run the lister (The output of this listing results in “oneshot” tasks in the scheduler):
+You can follow lister execution by displaying logs of swh-lister service::
-   swh lister run -l crates
+   docker compose logs -f swh-lister
 .. _Crates.io: https://crates.io
 .. _packages: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch07-01-packages-and-crates.html
diff --git a/swh/lister/pubdev/__init__.py b/swh/lister/pubdev/__init__.py
--- a/swh/lister/pubdev/__init__.py
+++ b/swh/lister/pubdev/__init__.py
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@
    docker-compose up -d
-Then connect to the lister::
+Then schedule a pubdev listing task::
-   docker exec -it docker_swh-lister_1 bash
+   docker compose exec swh-scheduler swh scheduler task add -p oneshot list-pubdev
-And run the lister (The output of this listing results in “oneshot” tasks in the scheduler)::
+You can follow lister execution by displaying logs of swh-lister service::
-   swh lister run -l pubdev
+   docker compose logs -f swh-lister
 .. _pub.dev: https://pub.dev
 .. _Dart: https://dart.dev