diff --git a/swh/scrubber/db.py b/swh/scrubber/db.py
--- a/swh/scrubber/db.py
+++ b/swh/scrubber/db.py
@@ -50,32 +50,32 @@
     def datastore_get_or_add(self, datastore: Datastore) -> int:
         """Creates a datastore if it does not exist, and returns its id."""
-        cur = self.cursor()
-        cur.execute(
-            """
-            WITH inserted AS (
-                INSERT INTO datastore (package, class, instance)
-                VALUES (%(package)s, %(cls)s, %(instance)s)
-                ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
-                RETURNING id
-            )
-            SELECT id
-            FROM inserted
-            UNION (
-                -- If the datastore already exists, we need to fetch its id
+        with self.transaction() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                """
+                WITH inserted AS (
+                    INSERT INTO datastore (package, class, instance)
+                    VALUES (%(package)s, %(cls)s, %(instance)s)
+                    ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
+                    RETURNING id
+                )
                 SELECT id
-                FROM datastore
-                WHERE
-                    package=%(package)s
-                    AND class=%(cls)s
-                    AND instance=%(instance)s
+                FROM inserted
+                UNION (
+                    -- If the datastore already exists, we need to fetch its id
+                    SELECT id
+                    FROM datastore
+                    WHERE
+                        package=%(package)s
+                        AND class=%(cls)s
+                        AND instance=%(instance)s
+                )
+                LIMIT 1
+                """,
+                (dataclasses.asdict(datastore)),
-            LIMIT 1
-            """,
-            (dataclasses.asdict(datastore)),
-        )
-        (id_,) = cur.fetchone()
-        return id_
+            (id_,) = cur.fetchone()
+            return id_
     def corrupt_object_add(
@@ -84,40 +84,40 @@
         serialized_object: bytes,
     ) -> None:
         datastore_id = self.datastore_get_or_add(datastore)
-        cur = self.cursor()
-        cur.execute(
-            """
-            INSERT INTO corrupt_object (id, datastore, object)
-            VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
-            """,
-            (str(id), datastore_id, serialized_object),
-        )
+        with self.transaction() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                """
+                INSERT INTO corrupt_object (id, datastore, object)
+                VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
+                ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
+                """,
+                (str(id), datastore_id, serialized_object),
+            )
     def corrupt_object_iter(self) -> Iterator[CorruptObject]:
         """Yields all records in the 'corrupt_object' table."""
-        cur = self.cursor()
-        cur.execute(
-            """
-            SELECT
-                co.id, co.first_occurrence, co.object,
-                ds.package, ds.class, ds.instance
-            FROM corrupt_object AS co
-            INNER JOIN datastore AS ds ON (ds.id=co.datastore)
-            """
-        )
-        for row in cur:
-            (id, first_occurrence, object_, ds_package, ds_class, ds_instance) = row
-            yield CorruptObject(
-                id=CoreSWHID.from_string(id),
-                first_occurrence=first_occurrence,
-                object_=object_,
-                datastore=Datastore(
-                    package=ds_package, cls=ds_class, instance=ds_instance
-                ),
+        with self.transaction() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                """
+                SELECT
+                    co.id, co.first_occurrence, co.object,
+                    ds.package, ds.class, ds.instance
+                FROM corrupt_object AS co
+                INNER JOIN datastore AS ds ON (ds.id=co.datastore)
+                """
+            for row in cur:
+                (id, first_occurrence, object_, ds_package, ds_class, ds_instance) = row
+                yield CorruptObject(
+                    id=CoreSWHID.from_string(id),
+                    first_occurrence=first_occurrence,
+                    object_=object_,
+                    datastore=Datastore(
+                        package=ds_package, cls=ds_class, instance=ds_instance
+                    ),
+                )
     def _corrupt_object_list_from_cursor(
         self, cur: psycopg2.extensions.cursor
     ) -> List[CorruptObject]:
@@ -151,23 +151,23 @@
             in_origin: An origin URL. If provided, only returns objects that may be
                 found in the given origin
-        cur = self.cursor()
-        cur.execute(
-            """
-            SELECT
-                co.id, co.first_occurrence, co.object,
-                ds.package, ds.class, ds.instance
-            FROM corrupt_object AS co
-            INNER JOIN datastore AS ds ON (ds.id=co.datastore)
-            WHERE
-                co.id >= %s
-                AND co.id <= %s
-            ORDER BY co.id
-            LIMIT %s
-            """,
-            (str(start_id), str(end_id), limit),
-        )
-        return self._corrupt_object_list_from_cursor(cur)
+        with self.transaction() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                """
+                SELECT
+                    co.id, co.first_occurrence, co.object,
+                    ds.package, ds.class, ds.instance
+                FROM corrupt_object AS co
+                INNER JOIN datastore AS ds ON (ds.id=co.datastore)
+                WHERE
+                    co.id >= %s
+                    AND co.id <= %s
+                ORDER BY co.id
+                LIMIT %s
+                """,
+                (str(start_id), str(end_id), limit),
+            )
+            return self._corrupt_object_list_from_cursor(cur)
     def corrupt_object_grab_by_id(
@@ -273,24 +273,24 @@
             after: if given, only returns origins with an URL after this value
-        cur = self.cursor()
-        cur.execute(
-            """
-            SELECT DISTINCT origin_url
-            FROM object_origin
-            WHERE
-                origin_url > %(after)s
-                AND object_id IN (
-                    (SELECT id FROM corrupt_object)
-                    EXCEPT (SELECT id FROM fixed_object)
-                )
-            ORDER BY origin_url
-            LIMIT %(limit)s
-            """,
-            dict(after=after, limit=limit),
-        )
+        with self.transaction() as cur:
+            cur.execute(
+                """
+                SELECT DISTINCT origin_url
+                FROM object_origin
+                WHERE
+                    origin_url > %(after)s
+                    AND object_id IN (
+                        (SELECT id FROM corrupt_object)
+                        EXCEPT (SELECT id FROM fixed_object)
+                    )
+                ORDER BY origin_url
+                LIMIT %(limit)s
+                """,
+                dict(after=after, limit=limit),
+            )
-        return [origin_url for (origin_url,) in cur]
+            return [origin_url for (origin_url,) in cur]
     def fixed_object_add(
         self, cur: psycopg2.extensions.cursor, fixed_objects: List[FixedObject]
@@ -309,12 +309,12 @@
     def fixed_object_iter(self) -> Iterator[FixedObject]:
-        cur = self.cursor()
-        cur.execute("SELECT id, object, method, recovery_date FROM fixed_object")
-        for (id, object_, method, recovery_date) in cur:
-            yield FixedObject(
-                id=CoreSWHID.from_string(id),
-                object_=object_,
-                method=method,
-                recovery_date=recovery_date,
-            )
+        with self.transaction() as cur:
+            cur.execute("SELECT id, object, method, recovery_date FROM fixed_object")
+            for (id, object_, method, recovery_date) in cur:
+                yield FixedObject(
+                    id=CoreSWHID.from_string(id),
+                    object_=object_,
+                    method=method,
+                    recovery_date=recovery_date,
+                )