diff --git a/swh/web/api/views/identifiers.py b/swh/web/api/views/identifiers.py
--- a/swh/web/api/views/identifiers.py
+++ b/swh/web/api/views/identifiers.py
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 # License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
-from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_bytes, hash_to_hex
+from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex
+from swh.model.swhids import CoreSWHID
 from swh.web.api.apidoc import api_doc, format_docstring
 from swh.web.api.apiurls import api_route
 from swh.web.common import archive
@@ -104,18 +105,16 @@
     swhids = [get_swhid(swhid) for swhid in request.data]
-    response = {str(swhid): {"known": False} for swhid in swhids}
+    response = {str(swhid): {"known": True} for swhid in swhids}
     # group swhids by their type
     swhids_by_type = group_swhids(swhids)
     # search for hashes not present in the storage
-    missing_hashes = {
-        k: set(map(hash_to_bytes, archive.lookup_missing_hashes({k: v})))
-        for k, v in swhids_by_type.items()
-    }
+    missing_hashes = archive.lookup_missing_hashes(swhids_by_type)
-    for swhid in swhids:
-        if swhid.object_id not in missing_hashes[swhid.object_type]:
-            response[str(swhid)]["known"] = True
+    for ty, missing_hashes in missing_hashes.items():
+        for hash in missing_hashes.iter():
+            swhid = CoreSWHID(object_type=ty, object_id=hash)
+            response[str(swhid)]["known"] = False
     return response
diff --git a/swh/web/common/archive.py b/swh/web/common/archive.py
--- a/swh/web/common/archive.py
+++ b/swh/web/common/archive.py
@@ -1406,7 +1406,21 @@
         raise ValueError(f"Unexpected object type variant: {object_type}")
-def lookup_missing_hashes(grouped_swhids: Dict[str, List[bytes]]) -> Set[str]:
+# TODO factored out into swh-storage in D7751. Use that version once it
+# lands.
+def _identifiers_missing(obj_type: ObjectType, obj_ids: List[bytes]) -> Iterable[bytes]:
+    return {
+        ObjectType.CONTENT: storage.content_missing_per_sha1_git,
+        ObjectType.DIRECTORY: storage.directory_missing,
+        ObjectType.REVISION: storage.revision_missing,
+        ObjectType.RELEASE: storage.release_missing,
+        ObjectType.SNAPSHOT: storage.snapshot_missing,
+    }[obj_type](obj_ids)
+def lookup_missing_hashes(
+    grouped_swhids: Dict[ObjectType, List[bytes]]
+) -> Dict[ObjectType, Set[bytes]]:
     """Lookup missing Software Heritage persistent identifier hash, using
     batch processing.
@@ -1415,27 +1429,12 @@
         keys: object types
         values: object hashes
-        A set(hexadecimal) of the hashes not found in the storage
+        A dictionary per type with set(bytes) of the hashes not found in the storage
-    missing_hashes = []
-    for obj_type, obj_ids in grouped_swhids.items():
-        if obj_type == ObjectType.CONTENT:
-            missing_hashes.append(storage.content_missing_per_sha1_git(obj_ids))
-        elif obj_type == ObjectType.DIRECTORY:
-            missing_hashes.append(storage.directory_missing(obj_ids))
-        elif obj_type == ObjectType.REVISION:
-            missing_hashes.append(storage.revision_missing(obj_ids))
-        elif obj_type == ObjectType.RELEASE:
-            missing_hashes.append(storage.release_missing(obj_ids))
-        elif obj_type == ObjectType.SNAPSHOT:
-            missing_hashes.append(storage.snapshot_missing(obj_ids))
-    missing = set(
-        map(lambda x: hashutil.hash_to_hex(x), itertools.chain(*missing_hashes))
-    )
-    return missing
+    return {
+        obj_type: set(_identifiers_missing(obj_type, obj_ids))
+        for obj_type, obj_ids in grouped_swhids.items()
+    }
 def lookup_origins_by_sha1s(sha1s: List[str]) -> Iterator[Optional[OriginInfo]]:
diff --git a/swh/web/tests/common/test_archive.py b/swh/web/tests/common/test_archive.py
--- a/swh/web/tests/common/test_archive.py
+++ b/swh/web/tests/common/test_archive.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 from swh.web.common.exc import BadInputExc, NotFoundExc
 from swh.web.common.typing import OriginInfo, PagedResult
 from swh.web.tests.conftest import ctags_json_missing, fossology_missing
-from swh.web.tests.data import random_content, random_sha1
+from swh.web.tests.data import random_content, random_sha1, random_sha1_bytes
 from swh.web.tests.strategies import new_origin, new_revision, visit_dates
@@ -941,47 +941,51 @@
 def test_lookup_missing_hashes_non_present():
-    missing_cnt = random_sha1()
-    missing_dir = random_sha1()
-    missing_rev = random_sha1()
-    missing_rel = random_sha1()
-    missing_snp = random_sha1()
+    missing_cnt = random_sha1_bytes()
+    missing_dir = random_sha1_bytes()
+    missing_rev = random_sha1_bytes()
+    missing_rel = random_sha1_bytes()
+    missing_snp = random_sha1_bytes()
     grouped_swhids = {
-        ObjectType.CONTENT: [hash_to_bytes(missing_cnt)],
-        ObjectType.DIRECTORY: [hash_to_bytes(missing_dir)],
-        ObjectType.REVISION: [hash_to_bytes(missing_rev)],
-        ObjectType.RELEASE: [hash_to_bytes(missing_rel)],
-        ObjectType.SNAPSHOT: [hash_to_bytes(missing_snp)],
+        ObjectType.CONTENT: [missing_cnt],
+        ObjectType.DIRECTORY: [missing_dir],
+        ObjectType.REVISION: [missing_rev],
+        ObjectType.RELEASE: [missing_rel],
+        ObjectType.SNAPSHOT: [missing_snp],
     actual_result = archive.lookup_missing_hashes(grouped_swhids)
     assert actual_result == {
-        missing_cnt,
-        missing_dir,
-        missing_rev,
-        missing_rel,
-        missing_snp,
+        ObjectType.CONTENT: {missing_cnt},
+        ObjectType.DIRECTORY: {missing_dir},
+        ObjectType.REVISION: {missing_rev},
+        ObjectType.RELEASE: {missing_rel},
+        ObjectType.SNAPSHOT: {missing_snp},
 def test_lookup_missing_hashes_some_present(content, directory):
-    missing_rev = random_sha1()
-    missing_rel = random_sha1()
-    missing_snp = random_sha1()
+    missing_rev = random_sha1_bytes()
+    missing_rel = random_sha1_bytes()
+    missing_snp = random_sha1_bytes()
     grouped_swhids = {
         ObjectType.CONTENT: [hash_to_bytes(content["sha1_git"])],
         ObjectType.DIRECTORY: [hash_to_bytes(directory)],
-        ObjectType.REVISION: [hash_to_bytes(missing_rev)],
-        ObjectType.RELEASE: [hash_to_bytes(missing_rel)],
-        ObjectType.SNAPSHOT: [hash_to_bytes(missing_snp)],
+        ObjectType.REVISION: [missing_rev],
+        ObjectType.RELEASE: [missing_rel],
+        ObjectType.SNAPSHOT: [missing_snp],
     actual_result = archive.lookup_missing_hashes(grouped_swhids)
-    assert actual_result == {missing_rev, missing_rel, missing_snp}
+    assert actual_result == {
+        ObjectType.REVISION: {missing_rev},
+        ObjectType.RELEASE: {missing_rel},
+        ObjectType.SNAPSHOT: {missing_snp},
+    }
 def test_lookup_origin_extra_trailing_slash(origin):