diff --git a/mypy.ini b/mypy.ini
--- a/mypy.ini
+++ b/mypy.ini
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
 # 3rd party libraries without stubs (yet)
+ignore_missing_imports = True
 ignore_missing_imports = True
diff --git a/requirements-swh.txt b/requirements-swh.txt
--- a/requirements-swh.txt
+++ b/requirements-swh.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # Add here internal Software Heritage dependencies, one per line.
 swh.core[http] >= 0.3  # [http] is required by swh.core.pytest_plugin
+swh.loader.git >= 1.4.0
 swh.model >= 5.0.0
 swh.storage >= 1.1.0
 swh.journal >= 0.9.0
diff --git a/swh/scrubber/cli.py b/swh/scrubber/cli.py
--- a/swh/scrubber/cli.py
+++ b/swh/scrubber/cli.py
@@ -156,6 +156,8 @@
     conf = ctx.obj["config"]
     if "storage" not in conf:
         ctx.fail("You must have a storage configured in your config file.")
+    if "graph" not in conf:
+        ctx.fail("You must have a graph configured in your config file.")
     from swh.graph.client import RemoteGraphClient
     from swh.model.model import CoreSWHID
@@ -172,3 +174,24 @@
+@click.option("--start-object", default="swh:1:cnt:" + "00" * 20)
+@click.option("--end-object", default="swh:1:snp:" + "ff" * 20)
+def scrubber_fix_objects(ctx, start_object: str, end_object: str):
+    """For each known corrupt object reported in the scrubber DB, looks up origins
+    that may contain this object, and records them; so they can be used later
+    for recovery."""
+    from swh.model.model import CoreSWHID
+    from .fixer import Fixer
+    fixer = Fixer(
+        db=ctx.obj["db"],
+        start_object=CoreSWHID.from_string(start_object),
+        end_object=CoreSWHID.from_string(end_object),
+    )
+    fixer.run()
diff --git a/swh/scrubber/db.py b/swh/scrubber/db.py
--- a/swh/scrubber/db.py
+++ b/swh/scrubber/db.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 import dataclasses
 import datetime
 import functools
-from typing import Iterator, List
+from typing import Iterator, List, Optional
 import psycopg2
@@ -36,6 +36,14 @@
     object_: bytes
+class FixedObject:
+    id: CoreSWHID
+    object_: bytes
+    method: str
+    recovery_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None
 class ScrubberDb(BaseDb):
     current_version = 1
@@ -93,14 +101,37 @@
-    def corrupt_object_grab(
-        self,
-        cur,
-        start_id: CoreSWHID = None,
-        end_id: CoreSWHID = None,
-        limit: int = 100,
+    def _corrupt_object_list_from_cursor(
+        self, cur: psycopg2.extensions.cursor
     ) -> List[CorruptObject]:
-        """Yields a page of records in the 'corrupt_object' table."""
+        results = []
+        for row in cur:
+            (id, first_occurrence, object_, ds_package, ds_class, ds_instance) = row
+            results.append(
+                CorruptObject(
+                    id=CoreSWHID.from_string(id),
+                    first_occurrence=first_occurrence,
+                    object_=object_,
+                    datastore=Datastore(
+                        package=ds_package, cls=ds_class, instance=ds_instance
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
+        return results
+    def corrupt_object_get(
+        self, start_id: CoreSWHID, end_id: CoreSWHID, limit: int = 100,
+    ) -> List[CorruptObject]:
+        """Yields a page of records in the 'corrupt_object' table, ordered by id.
+        Arguments:
+            start_id: Only return objects after this id
+            end_id: Only return objects before this id
+            in_origin: An origin URL. If provided, only returns objects that may be
+                found in the given origin
+        """
+        cur = self.cursor()
@@ -116,24 +147,92 @@
             (str(start_id), str(end_id), limit),
+        return self._corrupt_object_list_from_cursor(cur)
-        results = []
-        for row in cur:
-            (id, first_occurrence, object_, ds_package, ds_class, ds_instance) = row
-            results.append(
-                CorruptObject(
-                    id=CoreSWHID.from_string(id),
-                    first_occurrence=first_occurrence,
-                    object_=object_,
-                    datastore=Datastore(
-                        package=ds_package, cls=ds_class, instance=ds_instance
-                    ),
-                )
-            )
+    def corrupt_object_grab_by_id(
+        self,
+        cur: psycopg2.extensions.cursor,
+        start_id: CoreSWHID,
+        end_id: CoreSWHID,
+        limit: int = 100,
+    ) -> List[CorruptObject]:
+        """Returns a page of records in the 'corrupt_object' table for a fixer,
+        ordered by id
-        return results
+        These records are not already fixed (ie. do not have a corresponding entry
+        in the 'fixed_object' table), and they are selected with an exclusive update
+        lock.
-    def object_origin_add(self, cur, swhid: CoreSWHID, origins: List[str]) -> None:
+        Arguments:
+            start_id: Only return objects after this id
+            end_id: Only return objects before this id
+        """
+        cur.execute(
+            """
+            SELECT
+                co.id, co.first_occurrence, co.object,
+                ds.package, ds.class, ds.instance
+            FROM corrupt_object AS co
+            INNER JOIN datastore AS ds ON (ds.id=co.datastore)
+            WHERE
+                co.id >= %(start_id)s
+                AND co.id <= %(end_id)s
+                AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM fixed_object WHERE fixed_object.id=co.id)
+            ORDER BY co.id
+            LIMIT %(limit)s
+            """,
+            dict(start_id=str(start_id), end_id=str(end_id), limit=limit,),
+        )
+        return self._corrupt_object_list_from_cursor(cur)
+    def corrupt_object_grab_by_origin(
+        self,
+        cur: psycopg2.extensions.cursor,
+        origin_url: str,
+        start_id: Optional[CoreSWHID] = None,
+        end_id: Optional[CoreSWHID] = None,
+        limit: int = 100,
+    ) -> List[CorruptObject]:
+        """Returns a page of records in the 'corrupt_object' table for a fixer,
+        ordered by id
+        These records are not already fixed (ie. do not have a corresponding entry
+        in the 'fixed_object' table), and they are selected with an exclusive update
+        lock.
+        Arguments:
+            origin_url: only returns objects that may be found in the given origin
+        """
+        cur.execute(
+            """
+            SELECT
+                co.id, co.first_occurrence, co.object,
+                ds.package, ds.class, ds.instance
+            FROM corrupt_object AS co
+            INNER JOIN datastore AS ds ON (ds.id=co.datastore)
+            INNER JOIN object_origin AS oo ON (oo.object_id=co.id)
+            WHERE
+                (co.id >= %(start_id)s OR %(start_id)s IS NULL)
+                AND (co.id <= %(end_id)s OR %(end_id)s IS NULL)
+                AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM fixed_object WHERE fixed_object.id=co.id)
+                AND oo.origin_url=%(origin_url)s
+            ORDER BY co.id
+            LIMIT %(limit)s
+            """,
+            dict(
+                start_id=None if start_id is None else str(start_id),
+                end_id=None if end_id is None else str(end_id),
+                origin_url=origin_url,
+                limit=limit,
+            ),
+        )
+        return self._corrupt_object_list_from_cursor(cur)
+    def object_origin_add(
+        self, cur: psycopg2.extensions.cursor, swhid: CoreSWHID, origins: List[str]
+    ) -> None:
@@ -143,3 +242,55 @@
             [(str(swhid), origin_url) for origin_url in origins],
+    def object_origin_get(self, after: str = "", limit: int = 1000) -> List[str]:
+        """Returns origins with non-fixed corrupt objects, ordered by URL.
+        Arguments:
+            after: if given, only returns origins with an URL after this value
+        """
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        cur.execute(
+            """
+            SELECT DISTINCT origin_url
+            FROM object_origin
+            WHERE
+                origin_url > %(after)s
+                AND object_id IN (
+                    (SELECT id FROM corrupt_object)
+                    EXCEPT (SELECT id FROM fixed_object)
+                )
+            ORDER BY origin_url
+            LIMIT %(limit)s
+            """,
+            dict(after=after, limit=limit),
+        )
+        return [origin_url for (origin_url,) in cur]
+    def fixed_object_add(
+        self, cur: psycopg2.extensions.cursor, fixed_objects: List[FixedObject]
+    ) -> None:
+        psycopg2.extras.execute_values(
+            cur,
+            """
+            INSERT INTO fixed_object (id, object, method)
+            VALUES %s
+            """,
+            [
+                (str(fixed_object.id), fixed_object.object_, fixed_object.method)
+                for fixed_object in fixed_objects
+            ],
+        )
+    def fixed_object_iter(self) -> Iterator[FixedObject]:
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        cur.execute("SELECT id, object, method, recovery_date FROM fixed_object")
+        for (id, object_, method, recovery_date) in cur:
+            yield FixedObject(
+                id=CoreSWHID.from_string(id),
+                object_=object_,
+                method=method,
+                recovery_date=recovery_date,
+            )
diff --git a/swh/scrubber/fixer.py b/swh/scrubber/fixer.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/scrubber/fixer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2021-2022  The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+"""Reads all objects in a swh-storage instance and recomputes their checksums."""
+import dataclasses
+import functools
+import logging
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+from typing import Dict, Optional, Type, Union
+import dulwich
+import dulwich.objects
+import dulwich.repo
+import psycopg2
+from swh.journal.serializers import kafka_to_value, value_to_kafka
+from swh.loader.git import converters
+from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_bytehex, hash_to_hex
+from swh.model.model import BaseModel, Directory, Release, Revision, Snapshot
+from swh.model.swhids import CoreSWHID, ObjectType
+from .db import CorruptObject, FixedObject, ScrubberDb
+from .utils import iter_corrupt_objects
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ScrubbableObject = Union[Revision, Release, Snapshot, Directory]
+def get_object_from_clone(
+    clone_path: Path, swhid: CoreSWHID
+) -> Union[None, bytes, dulwich.objects.ShaFile]:
+    """Reads the original object matching the ``corrupt_object`` from the given clone
+    if it exists, and returns a Dulwich object if possible, or a the raw manifest."""
+    try:
+        repo = dulwich.repo.Repo(str(clone_path))
+    except dulwich.errors.NotGitRepository:
+        return None
+    with repo:  # needed to avoid packfile fd leaks
+        try:
+            return repo[hash_to_bytehex(swhid.object_id)]
+        except KeyError:
+            return None
+        except dulwich.errors.ObjectFormatException:
+            # fallback to git if dulwich can't parse it.
+            # Unfortunately, Dulwich does not allow fetching an object without
+            # parsing it into a ShaFile subclass, so we have to manually get it
+            # by shelling out to git.
+            object_type = (
+                subprocess.check_output(
+                    [
+                        "git",
+                        "-C",
+                        clone_path,
+                        "cat-file",
+                        "-t",
+                        hash_to_hex(swhid.object_id),
+                    ]
+                )
+                .decode()
+                .strip()
+            )
+            manifest = subprocess.check_output(
+                [
+                    "git",
+                    "-C",
+                    clone_path,
+                    "cat-file",
+                    object_type,
+                    hash_to_hex(swhid.object_id),
+                ]
+            )
+            manifest = f"{object_type} {len(manifest)}\x00".encode() + manifest
+            logger.info("Dulwich failed to parse %r", manifest)
+            return manifest
+def get_fixed_object_from_clone(
+    clone_path: Path, corrupt_object: CorruptObject
+) -> Optional[FixedObject]:
+    """Reads the original object matching the ``corrupt_object`` from the given clone
+    if it exists, and returns a :class:`FixedObject` instance ready to be inserted
+    in the database."""
+    cloned_dulwich_obj_or_manifest = get_object_from_clone(
+        clone_path, corrupt_object.id
+    )
+    if cloned_dulwich_obj_or_manifest is None:
+        # Origin still exists, but object disappeared
+        logger.info("%s not found in origin", corrupt_object.id)
+        return None
+    elif isinstance(cloned_dulwich_obj_or_manifest, bytes):
+        # Dulwich could not parse it. Add as raw manifest to the existing object
+        d = kafka_to_value(corrupt_object.object_)
+        assert d.get("raw_manifest") is None, "Corrupt object has a raw_manifest"
+        d["raw_manifest"] = cloned_dulwich_obj_or_manifest
+        # Rebuild the object from the stored corrupt object + the raw manifest
+        # just recovered; then checksum it.
+        classes: Dict[ObjectType, Type[BaseModel]] = {
+            ObjectType.REVISION: Revision,
+            ObjectType.DIRECTORY: Directory,
+            ObjectType.RELEASE: Release,
+        }
+        cls = classes[corrupt_object.id.object_type]
+        recovered_obj = cls.from_dict(d)
+        recovered_obj.check()
+        return FixedObject(
+            id=corrupt_object.id,
+            object_=value_to_kafka(d),
+            method="manifest_from_origin",
+        )
+    else:
+        converter = {
+            ObjectType.REVISION: converters.dulwich_commit_to_revision,
+            ObjectType.DIRECTORY: converters.dulwich_tree_to_directory,
+            ObjectType.RELEASE: converters.dulwich_tag_to_release,
+        }[corrupt_object.id.object_type]
+        cloned_obj = converter(cloned_dulwich_obj_or_manifest)
+        # Check checksum, among others
+        cloned_obj.check()
+        return FixedObject(
+            id=corrupt_object.id,
+            object_=value_to_kafka(cloned_obj.to_dict()),
+            method="from_origin",
+        )
+class Fixer:
+    """Reads a chunk of corrupt objects in the swh-scrubber database, tries to recover
+    them through various means (brute-forcing fields and re-downloading from the origin)
+    recomputes checksums, and writes them back to the swh-scrubber database
+    if successful.
+    """
+    db: ScrubberDb
+    """Database to read from and write to."""
+    start_object: CoreSWHID = CoreSWHID.from_string("swh:1:cnt:" + "00" * 20)
+    """Minimum SWHID to check (in alphabetical order)"""
+    end_object: CoreSWHID = CoreSWHID.from_string("swh:1:snp:" + "ff" * 20)
+    """Maximum SWHID to check (in alphabetical order)"""
+    def run(self):
+        # TODO: currently only support re-downloading from the origin:
+        # we should try brute-forcing for objects with no known origin (or when
+        # all origins fail)
+        after = ""
+        while True:
+            new_origins = self.db.object_origin_get(after=after)
+            if not new_origins:
+                break
+            for origin_url in new_origins:
+                self.recover_objects_from_origin(origin_url)
+            after = new_origins[-1]
+    def recover_objects_from_origin(self, origin_url):
+        """Clones an origin, and cherry-picks original objects that are known to be
+        corrupt in the database."""
+        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix=__name__ + ".") as tempdir:
+            clone_path = Path(tempdir) / "repository.git"
+            try:
+                subprocess.run(
+                    ["git", "clone", "--bare", origin_url, clone_path],
+                    env={"PATH": os.environ["PATH"], "GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT": "0"},
+                    check=True,
+                    stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+                    stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+                    stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+                )
+            except Exception:
+                logger.exception("Failed to clone %s", origin_url)
+                return
+            iter_corrupt_objects(
+                self.db,
+                self.start_object,
+                self.end_object,
+                origin_url,
+                functools.partial(self.recover_corrupt_object, clone_path=clone_path),
+            )
+    def recover_corrupt_object(
+        self,
+        corrupt_object: CorruptObject,
+        cur: psycopg2.extensions.cursor,
+        clone_path: Path,
+    ) -> None:
+        fixed_object = get_fixed_object_from_clone(clone_path, corrupt_object)
+        if fixed_object is not None:
+            self.db.fixed_object_add(cur, [fixed_object])
diff --git a/swh/scrubber/origin_locator.py b/swh/scrubber/origin_locator.py
--- a/swh/scrubber/origin_locator.py
+++ b/swh/scrubber/origin_locator.py
@@ -71,7 +71,11 @@
     def run(self):
-            self.db, self.start_object, self.end_object, self.handle_corrupt_object
+            self.db,
+            self.start_object,
+            self.end_object,
+            None,
+            self.handle_corrupt_object,
     def handle_corrupt_object(
diff --git a/swh/scrubber/sql/30-schema.sql b/swh/scrubber/sql/30-schema.sql
--- a/swh/scrubber/sql/30-schema.sql
+++ b/swh/scrubber/sql/30-schema.sql
@@ -35,3 +35,16 @@
 comment on table object_origin is 'Maps objects to origins they might be found in.';
+create table fixed_object
+  id                    swhid not null,
+  object                bytea not null,
+  method                text,
+  recovery_date         timestamptz not null default now()
+comment on table fixed_object is 'Each row identifies an object that was found to be corrupt, along with the original version of the object';
+comment on column fixed_object.object is 'The recovered object itself, as a msgpack-encoded dict';
+comment on column fixed_object.recovery_date is 'Moment the object was recovered.';
+comment on column fixed_object.method is 'How the object was recovered. For example: "from_origin", "negative_utc", "capitalized_revision_parent".';
diff --git a/swh/scrubber/sql/60-indexes.sql b/swh/scrubber/sql/60-indexes.sql
--- a/swh/scrubber/sql/60-indexes.sql
+++ b/swh/scrubber/sql/60-indexes.sql
@@ -22,3 +22,8 @@
 -- FIXME: not valid, because corrupt_object(id) is not unique
 -- alter table object_origin add constraint object_origin_object_fkey foreign key (object_id) references corrupt_object(id) not valid;
 -- alter table object_origin validate constraint object_origin_object_fkey;
+-- fixed_object
+create unique index concurrently fixed_object_pkey on fixed_object(id);
+alter table fixed_object add primary key using index fixed_object_pkey;
diff --git a/swh/scrubber/tests/test_cli.py b/swh/scrubber/tests/test_cli.py
--- a/swh/scrubber/tests/test_cli.py
+++ b/swh/scrubber/tests/test_cli.py
@@ -138,3 +138,22 @@
         end_object=CoreSWHID.from_string("swh:1:snp:" + "ff" * 20),
     assert origin_locator.method_calls == [call.run()]
+def test_fix_objects(mocker, scrubber_db):
+    fixer = MagicMock()
+    Fixer = mocker.patch("swh.scrubber.fixer.Fixer", return_value=fixer)
+    get_scrubber_db = mocker.patch(
+        "swh.scrubber.get_scrubber_db", return_value=scrubber_db
+    )
+    result = invoke(scrubber_db, ["fix"])
+    assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
+    assert result.output == ""
+    get_scrubber_db.assert_called_once_with(cls="local", db=scrubber_db.conn.dsn)
+    Fixer.assert_called_once_with(
+        db=scrubber_db,
+        start_object=CoreSWHID.from_string("swh:1:cnt:" + "00" * 20),
+        end_object=CoreSWHID.from_string("swh:1:snp:" + "ff" * 20),
+    )
+    assert fixer.method_calls == [call.run()]
diff --git a/swh/scrubber/tests/test_fixer.py b/swh/scrubber/tests/test_fixer.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/scrubber/tests/test_fixer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022  The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+import datetime
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path
+import subprocess
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock
+import zlib
+import attr
+from swh.journal.serializers import kafka_to_value, value_to_kafka
+from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_bytes
+from swh.model.model import Directory, DirectoryEntry
+from swh.model.tests.swh_model_data import DIRECTORIES
+from swh.scrubber.db import CorruptObject, Datastore, FixedObject, ScrubberDb
+from swh.scrubber.fixer import Fixer
+(DIRECTORY,) = [dir_ for dir_ in DIRECTORIES if len(dir_.entries) > 1]
+# ORIGINAL_DIRECTORY represents a directory with entries in non-canonical order,
+# and a consistent hash. Its entries' were canonically reordered, but the original
+# order is still present in the raw manifest.
+_DIR = Directory(entries=tuple(reversed(DIRECTORY.entries)))
+    entries=(
+        DirectoryEntry(
+            name=b"dir1",
+            type="dir",
+            target=hash_to_bytes("4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904"),
+            perms=0o040755,
+        ),
+        DirectoryEntry(
+            name=b"file1.ext",
+            type="file",
+            target=hash_to_bytes("86bc6b377e9d25f9d26777a4a28d08e63e7c5779"),
+            perms=0o644,
+        ),
+        DirectoryEntry(
+            name=b"subprepo1",
+            type="rev",
+            target=hash_to_bytes("c7f96242d73c267adc77c2908e64e0c1cb6a4431"),
+            perms=0o160000,
+        ),
+    ),
+    raw_manifest=(
+        b"tree 102\x00"
+        b"160000 subprepo1\x00\xc7\xf9bB\xd7<&z\xdcw\xc2\x90\x8ed\xe0\xc1\xcbjD1"
+        b"644 file1.ext\x00\x86\xbck7~\x9d%\xf9\xd2gw\xa4\xa2\x8d\x08\xe6>|Wy"
+        b"40755 dir1\x00K\x82]\xc6B\xcbn\xb9\xa0`\xe5K\xf8\xd6\x92\x88\xfb\xeeI\x04"
+    ),
+# A directory with its entries in canonical order, but a hash computed as if
+# computed in the reverse order.
+# This happens when entries get normalized (either by the loader or accidentally
+# in swh-storage)
+CORRUPT_DIRECTORY = attr.evolve(ORIGINAL_DIRECTORY, raw_manifest=None)
+assert (
+    hash_to_bytes("61992617462fff81509bda4a24b54c96ea74a007")
+assert (
+    hash_to_bytes("81fda5b242e65fc81201e590d0f0ce5f582fbcdd")
+    == CORRUPT_DIRECTORY.compute_hash()
+DATASTORE = Datastore(package="storage", cls="postgresql", instance="service=swh")
+CORRUPT_OBJECT = CorruptObject(
+    id=ORIGINAL_DIRECTORY.swhid(),
+    datastore=DATASTORE,
+    first_occurrence=datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc),
+    object_=value_to_kafka(CORRUPT_DIRECTORY.to_dict()),
+def test_no_object(scrubber_db: ScrubberDb, mocker) -> None:
+    """There is no object to recover -> nothing happens"""
+    fixer = Fixer(db=scrubber_db)
+    fixer.run()
+    with scrubber_db.conn.cursor() as cur:
+        cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fixed_object")
+        assert cur.fetchone() == (0,)
+def test_no_origin(scrubber_db: ScrubberDb, mocker) -> None:
+    """There is no origin to recover objects from -> nothing happens"""
+    scrubber_db.corrupt_object_add(
+    )
+    fixer = Fixer(db=scrubber_db)
+    fixer.run()
+    with scrubber_db.conn.cursor() as cur:
+        cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fixed_object")
+        assert cur.fetchone() == (0,)
+def test_already_fixed(scrubber_db: ScrubberDb, mocker) -> None:
+    """All corrupt objects are already fixed -> nothing happens"""
+    fixed_object = FixedObject(
+        id=CORRUPT_OBJECT.id,
+        object_=value_to_kafka(ORIGINAL_DIRECTORY.to_dict()),
+        method="whatever means necessary",
+    )
+    scrubber_db.corrupt_object_add(
+    )
+    with scrubber_db.cursor() as cur:
+        scrubber_db.object_origin_add(cur, CORRUPT_OBJECT.id, ["http://example.org/"])
+        scrubber_db.fixed_object_add(cur, [fixed_object])
+    subprocess_run = mocker.patch("subprocess.run")
+    scrubber_db = MagicMock(wraps=scrubber_db)
+    fixer = Fixer(db=scrubber_db)
+    fixer.run()
+    # Check the Fixer did not try to fix the object again
+    scrubber_db.fixed_object_add.assert_not_called()
+    subprocess_run.assert_not_called()
+    with scrubber_db.conn.cursor() as cur:
+        cur.execute("SELECT id, method FROM fixed_object")
+        assert list(cur) == [(str(fixed_object.id), fixed_object.method)]
+def _run_fixer_with_clone(
+    scrubber_db: ScrubberDb,
+    mocker,
+    caplog,
+    corrupt_object: CorruptObject,
+    subprocess_run_side_effect,
+) -> None:
+    """Helper for all tests that involve running the fixer with a clone:
+    adds a corrupt object and an origin to the DB, mocks subprocess.run with the
+    given function, and runs the fixer with caplog"""
+    scrubber_db.corrupt_object_add(
+        corrupt_object.id, corrupt_object.datastore, corrupt_object.object_
+    )
+    with scrubber_db.cursor() as cur:
+        scrubber_db.object_origin_add(cur, corrupt_object.id, ["http://example.org/"])
+    subprocess_run = mocker.patch(
+        "subprocess.run", side_effect=subprocess_run_side_effect
+    )
+    fixer = Fixer(db=scrubber_db)
+    with caplog.at_level(logging.CRITICAL):
+        with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO, logger="swh.scrubber.fixer"):
+            fixer.run()
+    subprocess_run.assert_called()
+def test_failed_clone(scrubber_db: ScrubberDb, mocker, caplog) -> None:
+    """Corrupt object found with an origin, but the origin's clone is broken somehow"""
+    scrubber_db = MagicMock(wraps=scrubber_db)
+    _run_fixer_with_clone(
+        scrubber_db,
+        mocker,
+        caplog,
+        corrupt_object=CORRUPT_OBJECT,
+        subprocess_run_side_effect=subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, "foo"),
+    )
+    scrubber_db.fixed_object_add.assert_not_called()
+    with scrubber_db.conn.cursor() as cur:
+        cur.execute("SELECT id, method FROM fixed_object")
+        assert list(cur) == []
+    assert (
+        "swh.scrubber.fixer",
+        logging.ERROR,
+        "Failed to clone http://example.org/",
+    ) in caplog.record_tuples
+def test_empty_origin(scrubber_db: ScrubberDb, mocker, caplog) -> None:
+    """Corrupt object found with an origin, but the origin's clone is missing
+    the object"""
+    scrubber_db = MagicMock(wraps=scrubber_db)
+    real_subprocess_run = subprocess.run
+    def subprocess_run(args, **kwargs):
+        (*head, path) = args
+        assert head == ["git", "clone", "--bare", "http://example.org/"]
+        real_subprocess_run(["git", "init", "--bare", path])
+    _run_fixer_with_clone(
+        scrubber_db,
+        mocker,
+        caplog,
+        corrupt_object=CORRUPT_OBJECT,
+        subprocess_run_side_effect=subprocess_run,
+    )
+    scrubber_db.fixed_object_add.assert_not_called()
+    with scrubber_db.conn.cursor() as cur:
+        cur.execute("SELECT id, method FROM fixed_object")
+        assert list(cur) == []
+    assert (
+        "swh.scrubber.fixer",
+        logging.INFO,
+        "swh:1:dir:61992617462fff81509bda4a24b54c96ea74a007 not found in origin",
+    ) in caplog.record_tuples
+def test_parseable_directory_from_origin(
+    scrubber_db: ScrubberDb, mocker, caplog
+) -> None:
+    """Corrupt object found with an origin, and the object is found in the origin's
+    clone as expected."""
+    scrubber_db = MagicMock(wraps=scrubber_db)
+    real_subprocess_run = subprocess.run
+    def subprocess_run(args, **kwargs):
+        (*head, path) = args
+        assert head == ["git", "clone", "--bare", "http://example.org/"]
+        real_subprocess_run(["git", "init", "--bare", path])
+        object_dir_path = Path(path) / "objects/61"
+        object_path = object_dir_path / "992617462fff81509bda4a24b54c96ea74a007"
+        object_dir_path.mkdir()
+        with open(object_path, "wb") as fd:
+            fd.write(zlib.compress(ORIGINAL_DIRECTORY.raw_manifest))
+    _run_fixer_with_clone(
+        scrubber_db,
+        mocker,
+        caplog,
+        corrupt_object=CORRUPT_OBJECT,
+        subprocess_run_side_effect=subprocess_run,
+    )
+    scrubber_db.fixed_object_add.assert_called_once()
+    fixed_objects = list(scrubber_db.fixed_object_iter())
+    assert len(fixed_objects) == 1
+    assert fixed_objects[0].id == ORIGINAL_DIRECTORY.swhid()
+    assert fixed_objects[0].method == "from_origin"
+    assert (
+        Directory.from_dict(kafka_to_value(fixed_objects[0].object_))
+    )
+    assert caplog.record_tuples == []
+def test_unparseable_directory(scrubber_db: ScrubberDb, mocker, caplog) -> None:
+    """Corrupt object found with an origin, and the object is found in the origin's
+    clone as expected; but Dulwich cannot parse it.
+    It was probably loaded by an old version of the loader that was more permissive,
+    by using libgit2."""
+    scrubber_db = MagicMock(wraps=scrubber_db)
+    real_subprocess_run = subprocess.run
+    raw_manifest = b"this is not a parseable manifest"
+    raw_manifest = f"tree {len(raw_manifest)}\x00".encode() + raw_manifest
+    original_directory = Directory(
+        entries=(
+            DirectoryEntry(
+                name=b"dir1",
+                type="dir",
+                target=hash_to_bytes("4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904"),
+                perms=0o040755,
+            ),
+        ),
+        raw_manifest=raw_manifest,
+    )
+    assert original_directory.id.hex() == "a518fa6b46bad74e95588d2bfdf4455398a2216a"
+    corrupt_directory = attr.evolve(original_directory, raw_manifest=None)
+    corrupt_object = CorruptObject(
+        id=original_directory.swhid(),
+        datastore=DATASTORE,
+        object_=value_to_kafka(corrupt_directory.to_dict()),
+        first_occurrence=datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc),
+    )
+    def subprocess_run(args, **kwargs):
+        (*head, path) = args
+        if head[0:2] != ["git", "clone"]:
+            return real_subprocess_run(args, **kwargs)
+        assert head == ["git", "clone", "--bare", "http://example.org/"]
+        real_subprocess_run(["git", "init", "--bare", path])
+        object_dir_path = Path(path) / "objects/a5"
+        object_path = object_dir_path / "18fa6b46bad74e95588d2bfdf4455398a2216a"
+        object_dir_path.mkdir()
+        with open(object_path, "wb") as fd:
+            fd.write(zlib.compress(raw_manifest))
+    _run_fixer_with_clone(
+        scrubber_db,
+        mocker,
+        caplog,
+        corrupt_object=corrupt_object,
+        subprocess_run_side_effect=subprocess_run,
+    )
+    scrubber_db.fixed_object_add.assert_called_once()
+    fixed_objects = list(scrubber_db.fixed_object_iter())
+    assert len(fixed_objects) == 1
+    assert fixed_objects[0].id == original_directory.swhid()
+    assert fixed_objects[0].method == "manifest_from_origin"
+    assert (
+        Directory.from_dict(kafka_to_value(fixed_objects[0].object_))
+        == original_directory
+    )
+    assert caplog.record_tuples == [
+        (
+            "swh.scrubber.fixer",
+            logging.INFO,
+            r"Dulwich failed to parse b'tree 32\x00this is not a parseable manifest'",
+        )
+    ]
diff --git a/swh/scrubber/utils.py b/swh/scrubber/utils.py
--- a/swh/scrubber/utils.py
+++ b/swh/scrubber/utils.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
-from typing import Callable
+from typing import Callable, Optional
 import psycopg2
@@ -16,11 +16,23 @@
     db: ScrubberDb,
     start_object: CoreSWHID,
     end_object: CoreSWHID,
+    origin_url: Optional[str],
     cb: Callable[[CorruptObject, psycopg2.extensions.cursor], None],
 ) -> None:
+    """Fetches objects and calls ``cb`` on each of them.
+    objects are fetched with an update lock, with the same transaction as ``cb``,
+    which is automatically committed after ``cb`` runs."""
     while True:
         with db.conn, db.cursor() as cur:
-            corrupt_objects = db.corrupt_object_grab(cur, start_object, end_object,)
+            if origin_url:
+                corrupt_objects = db.corrupt_object_grab_by_origin(
+                    cur, origin_url, start_object, end_object
+                )
+            else:
+                corrupt_objects = db.corrupt_object_grab_by_id(
+                    cur, start_object, end_object
+                )
             if corrupt_objects and corrupt_objects[0].id == start_object:
                 # TODO: don't needlessly fetch duplicate objects
                 del corrupt_objects[0]