diff --git a/sql/upgrades/002.sql b/sql/upgrades/002.sql
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/upgrades/002.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+-- SWH DB schema upgrade
+-- from_version: 1
+-- to_version: 2
+-- description: add flag to acknowledge directories' flattening
+insert into dbversion(version, release, description)
+    values(2, now(), 'Work In Progress');
+alter table content
+    alter column date set not null;
+alter table directory
+    add column flat boolean not null default false;
+alter table directory
+    alter column date set not null;
diff --git a/swh/provenance/api/serializers.py b/swh/provenance/api/serializers.py
--- a/swh/provenance/api/serializers.py
+++ b/swh/provenance/api/serializers.py
@@ -33,11 +33,12 @@
 ENCODERS: List[Tuple[type, str, Callable]] = [
+    (interface.EntityType, "enum", _encode_enum),
+    (interface.DirectoryData, "dataclass", _encode_dataclass),
     (interface.ProvenanceResult, "dataclass", _encode_dataclass),
     (interface.RelationData, "dataclass", _encode_dataclass),
-    (interface.RevisionData, "dataclass", _encode_dataclass),
-    (interface.EntityType, "enum", _encode_enum),
     (interface.RelationType, "enum", _encode_enum),
+    (interface.RevisionData, "dataclass", _encode_dataclass),
     (set, "set", list),
diff --git a/swh/provenance/api/server.py b/swh/provenance/api/server.py
--- a/swh/provenance/api/server.py
+++ b/swh/provenance/api/server.py
@@ -31,7 +31,13 @@
 from swh.model.model import Sha1Git
 from .. import get_provenance_storage
-from ..interface import EntityType, RelationData, RelationType, RevisionData
+from ..interface import (
+    DirectoryData,
+    EntityType,
+    RelationData,
+    RelationType,
+    RevisionData,
 from ..util import path_id
 from .serializers import DECODERS, ENCODERS
@@ -53,21 +59,31 @@
-def resolve_dates(
-    dates: Iterable[Union[Tuple[Sha1Git, Optional[datetime]], Tuple[Sha1Git]]]
-) -> Dict[Sha1Git, Optional[datetime]]:
-    result: Dict[Sha1Git, Optional[datetime]] = {}
-    for row in dates:
-        sha1 = row[0]
-        date = (
-            cast(Tuple[Sha1Git, Optional[datetime]], row)[1] if len(row) > 1 else None
-        )
-        known = result.setdefault(sha1, None)
-        if date is not None and (known is None or date < known):
+def resolve_dates(dates: Iterable[Tuple[Sha1Git, datetime]]) -> Dict[Sha1Git, datetime]:
+    result: Dict[Sha1Git, datetime] = {}
+    for sha1, date in dates:
+        known = result.setdefault(sha1, date)
+        if date < known:
             result[sha1] = date
     return result
+def resolve_directory(
+    data: Iterable[Tuple[Sha1Git, DirectoryData]]
+) -> Dict[Sha1Git, DirectoryData]:
+    result: Dict[Sha1Git, DirectoryData] = {}
+    for sha1, dir in data:
+        known = result.setdefault(sha1, dir)
+        value = known
+        if dir.date < known.date:
+            value = DirectoryData(date=dir.date, flat=value.flat)
+        if dir.flat:
+            value = DirectoryData(date=value.date, flat=dir.flat)
+        if value != known:
+            result[sha1] = value
+    return result
 def resolve_revision(
     data: Iterable[Union[Tuple[Sha1Git, RevisionData], Tuple[Sha1Git]]]
 ) -> Dict[Sha1Git, RevisionData]:
@@ -458,8 +474,10 @@
     def get_conflicts_func(meth_name: str) -> Callable[[Iterable[Any]], Any]:
-        if meth_name in ["content_add", "directory_add"]:
+        if meth_name == "content_add":
             return resolve_dates
+        elif meth_name == "directory_add":
+            return resolve_directory
         elif meth_name == "location_add":
             return lambda data: set(data)  # just remove duplicates
         elif meth_name == "origin_add":
diff --git a/swh/provenance/interface.py b/swh/provenance/interface.py
--- a/swh/provenance/interface.py
+++ b/swh/provenance/interface.py
@@ -43,6 +43,18 @@
     path: bytes
+@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
+class DirectoryData:
+    """Object representing the data associated to a directory in the provenance model,
+    where `date` is the date of the directory in the isochrone frontier, and `flat` is a
+    flag acknowledging that a flat model for the elements outside the frontier has
+    already been created.
+    """
+    date: datetime
+    flat: bool
 @dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
 class RevisionData:
     """Object representing the data associated to a revision in the provenance model,
@@ -85,11 +97,9 @@
-    def content_add(
-        self, cnts: Union[Iterable[Sha1Git], Dict[Sha1Git, Optional[datetime]]]
-    ) -> bool:
-        """Add blobs identified by sha1 ids, with an optional associated date (as paired
-        in `cnts`) to the provenance storage. Return a boolean stating whether the
+    def content_add(self, cnts: Dict[Sha1Git, datetime]) -> bool:
+        """Add blobs identified by sha1 ids, with an associated date (as paired in
+        `cnts`) to the provenance storage. Return a boolean stating whether the
         information was successfully stored.
@@ -108,25 +118,23 @@
     def content_get(self, ids: Iterable[Sha1Git]) -> Dict[Sha1Git, datetime]:
-        """Retrieve the associated date for each blob sha1 in `ids`. If some blob has
-        no associated date, it is not present in the resulting dictionary.
-        """
+        """Retrieve the associated date for each blob sha1 in `ids`."""
-    def directory_add(
-        self, dirs: Union[Iterable[Sha1Git], Dict[Sha1Git, Optional[datetime]]]
-    ) -> bool:
-        """Add directories identified by sha1 ids, with an optional associated date (as
-        paired in `dirs`) to the provenance storage. Return a boolean stating if the
-        information was successfully stored.
+    def directory_add(self, dirs: Dict[Sha1Git, DirectoryData]) -> bool:
+        """Add directories identified by sha1 ids, with associated date and (optional)
+        flatten flag (as paired in `dirs`) to the provenance storage. If the flatten
+        flag is set to None, the previous value present in the storage is preserved.
+        Return a boolean stating if the information was successfully stored.
-    def directory_get(self, ids: Iterable[Sha1Git]) -> Dict[Sha1Git, datetime]:
-        """Retrieve the associated date for each directory sha1 in `ids`. If some
-        directory has no associated date, it is not present in the resulting dictionary.
+    def directory_get(self, ids: Iterable[Sha1Git]) -> Dict[Sha1Git, DirectoryData]:
+        """Retrieve the associated date and (optional) flatten flag for each directory
+        sha1 in `ids`. If some directories has no associated date, it is not present in
+        the resulting dictionary.
diff --git a/swh/provenance/mongo/backend.py b/swh/provenance/mongo/backend.py
--- a/swh/provenance/mongo/backend.py
+++ b/swh/provenance/mongo/backend.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 from swh.model.model import Sha1Git
 from ..interface import (
+    DirectoryData,
@@ -52,21 +53,18 @@
     @statsd.timed(metric=STORAGE_DURATION_METRIC, tags={"method": "content_add"})
-    def content_add(
-        self, cnts: Union[Iterable[Sha1Git], Dict[Sha1Git, Optional[datetime]]]
-    ) -> bool:
-        data = cnts if isinstance(cnts, dict) else dict.fromkeys(cnts)
+    def content_add(self, cnts: Dict[Sha1Git, datetime]) -> bool:
         existing = {
             x["sha1"]: x
             for x in self.db.content.find(
-                {"sha1": {"$in": list(data)}}, {"sha1": 1, "ts": 1, "_id": 1}
+                {"sha1": {"$in": list(cnts)}}, {"sha1": 1, "ts": 1, "_id": 1}
-        for sha1, date in data.items():
-            ts = datetime.timestamp(date) if date is not None else None
+        for sha1, date in cnts.items():
+            ts = datetime.timestamp(date)
             if sha1 in existing:
                 cnt = existing[sha1]
-                if ts is not None and (cnt["ts"] is None or ts < cnt["ts"]):
+                if ts < cnt["ts"]:
                         {"_id": cnt["_id"]}, {"$set": {"ts": ts}}
@@ -173,41 +171,43 @@
         return {
             x["sha1"]: datetime.fromtimestamp(x["ts"], timezone.utc)
             for x in self.db.content.find(
-                {"sha1": {"$in": list(ids)}, "ts": {"$ne": None}},
-                {"sha1": 1, "ts": 1, "_id": 0},
+                {"sha1": {"$in": list(ids)}}, {"sha1": 1, "ts": 1, "_id": 0}
     @statsd.timed(metric=STORAGE_DURATION_METRIC, tags={"method": "directory_add"})
-    def directory_add(
-        self, dirs: Union[Iterable[Sha1Git], Dict[Sha1Git, Optional[datetime]]]
-    ) -> bool:
-        data = dirs if isinstance(dirs, dict) else dict.fromkeys(dirs)
+    def directory_add(self, dirs: Dict[Sha1Git, DirectoryData]) -> bool:
         existing = {
             x["sha1"]: x
             for x in self.db.directory.find(
-                {"sha1": {"$in": list(data)}}, {"sha1": 1, "ts": 1, "_id": 1}
+                {"sha1": {"$in": list(dirs)}}, {"sha1": 1, "ts": 1, "flat": 1, "_id": 1}
-        for sha1, date in data.items():
-            ts = datetime.timestamp(date) if date is not None else None
+        for sha1, info in dirs.items():
+            ts = datetime.timestamp(info.date)
             if sha1 in existing:
                 dir = existing[sha1]
-                if ts is not None and (dir["ts"] is None or ts < dir["ts"]):
+                if ts >= dir["ts"]:
+                    ts = dir["ts"]
+                flat = info.flat or dir["flat"]
+                if ts != dir["ts"] or flat != dir["flat"]:
-                        {"_id": dir["_id"]}, {"$set": {"ts": ts}}
+                        {"_id": dir["_id"]}, {"$set": {"ts": ts, "flat": flat}}
-                self.db.directory.insert_one({"sha1": sha1, "ts": ts, "revision": {}})
+                self.db.directory.insert_one(
+                    {"sha1": sha1, "ts": ts, "revision": {}, "flat": info.flat}
+                )
         return True
     @statsd.timed(metric=STORAGE_DURATION_METRIC, tags={"method": "directory_get"})
-    def directory_get(self, ids: Iterable[Sha1Git]) -> Dict[Sha1Git, datetime]:
+    def directory_get(self, ids: Iterable[Sha1Git]) -> Dict[Sha1Git, DirectoryData]:
         return {
-            x["sha1"]: datetime.fromtimestamp(x["ts"], timezone.utc)
+            x["sha1"]: DirectoryData(
+                date=datetime.fromtimestamp(x["ts"], timezone.utc), flat=x["flat"]
+            )
             for x in self.db.directory.find(
-                {"sha1": {"$in": list(ids)}, "ts": {"$ne": None}},
-                {"sha1": 1, "ts": 1, "_id": 0},
+                {"sha1": {"$in": list(ids)}}, {"sha1": 1, "ts": 1, "flat": 1, "_id": 0}
diff --git a/swh/provenance/postgresql/provenance.py b/swh/provenance/postgresql/provenance.py
--- a/swh/provenance/postgresql/provenance.py
+++ b/swh/provenance/postgresql/provenance.py
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
 import psycopg2.extensions
 import psycopg2.extras
-from typing_extensions import Literal
 from swh.core.db import BaseDb
 from swh.core.statsd import statsd
 from swh.model.model import Sha1Git
 from ..interface import (
+    DirectoryData,
@@ -82,10 +82,26 @@
     @statsd.timed(metric=STORAGE_DURATION_METRIC, tags={"method": "content_add"})
-    def content_add(
-        self, cnts: Union[Iterable[Sha1Git], Dict[Sha1Git, Optional[datetime]]]
-    ) -> bool:
-        return self._entity_set_date("content", cnts)
+    def content_add(self, cnts: Dict[Sha1Git, datetime]) -> bool:
+        try:
+            if cnts:
+                sql = """
+                    INSERT INTO content(sha1, date) VALUES %s
+                      ON CONFLICT (sha1) DO
+                      UPDATE SET date=LEAST(EXCLUDED.date,content.date)
+                    """
+                page_size = self.page_size or len(cnts)
+                with self.transaction() as cursor:
+                    psycopg2.extras.execute_values(
+                        cursor, sql, argslist=cnts.items(), page_size=page_size
+                    )
+            return True
+        except:  # noqa: E722
+            # Unexpected error occurred, rollback all changes and log message
+            LOGGER.exception("Unexpected error")
+            if self.raise_on_commit:
+                raise
+        return False
     @statsd.timed(metric=STORAGE_DURATION_METRIC, tags={"method": "content_find_first"})
     def content_find_first(self, id: Sha1Git) -> Optional[ProvenanceResult]:
@@ -106,17 +122,67 @@
     @statsd.timed(metric=STORAGE_DURATION_METRIC, tags={"method": "content_get"})
     def content_get(self, ids: Iterable[Sha1Git]) -> Dict[Sha1Git, datetime]:
-        return self._entity_get_date("content", ids)
+        dates: Dict[Sha1Git, datetime] = {}
+        sha1s = tuple(ids)
+        if sha1s:
+            # TODO: consider splitting this query in several ones if sha1s is too big!
+            values = ", ".join(itertools.repeat("%s", len(sha1s)))
+            sql = f"""
+                SELECT sha1, date
+                  FROM content
+                  WHERE sha1 IN ({values})
+                    AND date IS NOT NULL
+                """
+            with self.transaction(readonly=True) as cursor:
+                cursor.execute(query=sql, vars=sha1s)
+                dates.update((row["sha1"], row["date"]) for row in cursor)
+        return dates
     @statsd.timed(metric=STORAGE_DURATION_METRIC, tags={"method": "directory_add"})
-    def directory_add(
-        self, dirs: Union[Iterable[Sha1Git], Dict[Sha1Git, Optional[datetime]]]
-    ) -> bool:
-        return self._entity_set_date("directory", dirs)
+    def directory_add(self, dirs: Dict[Sha1Git, DirectoryData]) -> bool:
+        data = [(sha1, rev.date, rev.flat) for sha1, rev in dirs.items()]
+        try:
+            if data:
+                sql = """
+                    INSERT INTO directory(sha1, date, flat) VALUES %s
+                      ON CONFLICT (sha1) DO
+                      UPDATE SET
+                        date=LEAST(EXCLUDED.date, directory.date),
+                        flat=(EXCLUDED.flat OR directory.flat)
+                    """
+                page_size = self.page_size or len(data)
+                with self.transaction() as cursor:
+                    psycopg2.extras.execute_values(
+                        cur=cursor, sql=sql, argslist=data, page_size=page_size
+                    )
+            return True
+        except:  # noqa: E722
+            # Unexpected error occurred, rollback all changes and log message
+            LOGGER.exception("Unexpected error")
+            if self.raise_on_commit:
+                raise
+        return False
     @statsd.timed(metric=STORAGE_DURATION_METRIC, tags={"method": "directory_get"})
-    def directory_get(self, ids: Iterable[Sha1Git]) -> Dict[Sha1Git, datetime]:
-        return self._entity_get_date("directory", ids)
+    def directory_get(self, ids: Iterable[Sha1Git]) -> Dict[Sha1Git, DirectoryData]:
+        result: Dict[Sha1Git, DirectoryData] = {}
+        sha1s = tuple(ids)
+        if sha1s:
+            # TODO: consider splitting this query in several ones if sha1s is too big!
+            values = ", ".join(itertools.repeat("%s", len(sha1s)))
+            sql = f"""
+                SELECT sha1, date, flat
+                  FROM directory
+                  WHERE sha1 IN ({values})
+                    AND date IS NOT NULL
+                """
+            with self.transaction(readonly=True) as cursor:
+                cursor.execute(query=sql, vars=sha1s)
+                result.update(
+                    (row["sha1"], DirectoryData(date=row["date"], flat=row["flat"]))
+                    for row in cursor
+                )
+        return result
     @statsd.timed(metric=STORAGE_DURATION_METRIC, tags={"method": "entity_get_all"})
     def entity_get_all(self, entity: EntityType) -> Set[Sha1Git]:
@@ -299,53 +365,6 @@
     ) -> Dict[Sha1Git, Set[RelationData]]:
         return self._relation_get(relation, None)
-    def _entity_get_date(
-        self,
-        entity: Literal["content", "directory", "revision"],
-        ids: Iterable[Sha1Git],
-    ) -> Dict[Sha1Git, datetime]:
-        dates: Dict[Sha1Git, datetime] = {}
-        sha1s = tuple(ids)
-        if sha1s:
-            # TODO: consider splitting this query in several ones if sha1s is too big!
-            values = ", ".join(itertools.repeat("%s", len(sha1s)))
-            sql = f"""
-                SELECT sha1, date
-                  FROM {entity}
-                  WHERE sha1 IN ({values})
-                    AND date IS NOT NULL
-                """
-            with self.transaction(readonly=True) as cursor:
-                cursor.execute(query=sql, vars=sha1s)
-                dates.update((row["sha1"], row["date"]) for row in cursor)
-        return dates
-    def _entity_set_date(
-        self,
-        entity: Literal["content", "directory"],
-        dates: Union[Iterable[Sha1Git], Dict[Sha1Git, Optional[datetime]]],
-    ) -> bool:
-        data = dates if isinstance(dates, dict) else dict.fromkeys(dates)
-        try:
-            if data:
-                sql = f"""
-                    INSERT INTO {entity}(sha1, date) VALUES %s
-                      ON CONFLICT (sha1) DO
-                      UPDATE SET date=LEAST(EXCLUDED.date,{entity}.date)
-                    """
-                page_size = self.page_size or len(data)
-                with self.transaction() as cursor:
-                    psycopg2.extras.execute_values(
-                        cursor, sql, argslist=data.items(), page_size=page_size
-                    )
-            return True
-        except:  # noqa: E722
-            # Unexpected error occurred, rollback all changes and log message
-            LOGGER.exception("Unexpected error")
-            if self.raise_on_commit:
-                raise
-        return False
     def _relation_get(
         relation: RelationType,
diff --git a/swh/provenance/provenance.py b/swh/provenance/provenance.py
--- a/swh/provenance/provenance.py
+++ b/swh/provenance/provenance.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 from swh.model.model import Sha1Git
 from .interface import (
+    DirectoryData,
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@
 class ProvenanceCache(TypedDict):
     content: DatetimeCache
     directory: DatetimeCache
+    directory_flatten: Dict[Sha1Git, Optional[bool]]
     revision: DatetimeCache
     # below are insertion caches only
     content_in_revision: Set[Tuple[Sha1Git, Sha1Git, bytes]]
@@ -65,6 +67,7 @@
     return ProvenanceCache(
         content=DatetimeCache(data={}, added=set()),
         directory=DatetimeCache(data={}, added=set()),
+        directory_flatten={},
         revision=DatetimeCache(data={}, added=set()),
@@ -194,7 +197,8 @@
         # properly resolve any internal reference if needed. Content and directory
         # entries may safely be registered with their associated dates. In contrast,
         # revision entries should be registered without date, as it is used to
-        # acknowledge that the flushing was successful.
+        # acknowledge that the flushing was successful. Also, directories are
+        # registered with their flatten flag not set.
         cnt_dates = {
             sha1: date
             for sha1, date in self.cache["content"]["data"].items()
@@ -211,7 +215,7 @@
         dir_dates = {
-            sha1: date
+            sha1: DirectoryData(date=date, flat=False)
             for sha1, date in self.cache["directory"]["data"].items()
             if sha1 in self.cache["directory"]["added"] and date is not None
@@ -306,8 +310,27 @@
-        # After relations, dates for the revisions can be safely set, acknowledging that
-        # these revisions won't need to be reprocessed in case of failure.
+        # After relations, flatten flags for directories can be safely set (if
+        # applicable) acknowledging those directories that have already be flattened.
+        # Similarly, dates for the revisions are set to acknowledge that these revisions
+        # won't need to be reprocessed in case of failure.
+        dir_acks = {
+            sha1: DirectoryData(
+                date=date, flat=self.cache["directory_flatten"].get(sha1) or False
+            )
+            for sha1, date in self.cache["directory"]["data"].items()
+            if sha1 in self.cache["directory"]["added"] and date is not None
+        }
+        if dir_acks:
+            while not self.storage.directory_add(dir_acks):
+                statsd.increment(
+                    metric=BACKEND_OPERATIONS_METRIC,
+                    tags={"method": "flush_revision_content_retry_directory_ack"},
+                )
+                LOGGER.warning(
+                    "Unable to write directory dates to the storage. Retrying..."
+                )
         rev_dates = {
             sha1: RevisionData(date=date, origin=None)
             for sha1, date in self.cache["revision"]["data"].items()
@@ -388,14 +411,22 @@
         cache = self.cache[entity]
         missing_ids = set(id for id in ids if id not in cache)
         if missing_ids:
-            if entity == "revision":
-                updated = {
-                    id: rev.date
-                    for id, rev in self.storage.revision_get(missing_ids).items()
-                }
-            else:
-                updated = getattr(self.storage, f"{entity}_get")(missing_ids)
-            cache["data"].update(updated)
+            if entity == "content":
+                cache["data"].update(self.storage.content_get(missing_ids))
+            elif entity == "directory":
+                cache["data"].update(
+                    {
+                        id: dir.date
+                        for id, dir in self.storage.directory_get(missing_ids).items()
+                    }
+                )
+            elif entity == "revision":
+                cache["data"].update(
+                    {
+                        id: rev.date
+                        for id, rev in self.storage.revision_get(missing_ids).items()
+                    }
+                )
         dates: Dict[Sha1Git, datetime] = {}
         for sha1 in ids:
             date = cache["data"].setdefault(sha1, None)
diff --git a/swh/provenance/sql/30-schema.sql b/swh/provenance/sql/30-schema.sql
--- a/swh/provenance/sql/30-schema.sql
+++ b/swh/provenance/sql/30-schema.sql
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 -- latest schema version
 insert into dbversion(version, release, description)
-    values(1, now(), 'Work In Progress');
+    values(2, now(), 'Work In Progress');
 -- a Git object ID, i.e., a Git-style salted SHA1 checksum
 create domain sha1_git as bytea check (length(value) = 20);
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
 -- entity tables
 create table content
-    id      bigserial primary key,      -- internal identifier of the content blob
-    sha1    sha1_git unique not null,   -- intrinsic identifier of the content blob
-    date    timestamptz                 -- timestamp of the revision where the blob appears early
+    id      bigserial primary key,          -- internal identifier of the content blob
+    sha1    sha1_git unique not null,       -- intrinsic identifier of the content blob
+    date    timestamptz not null            -- timestamp of the revision where the blob appears early
 comment on column content.id is 'Content internal identifier';
 comment on column content.sha1 is 'Content intrinsic identifier';
@@ -45,9 +45,10 @@
 create table directory
-    id      bigserial primary key,      -- internal identifier of the directory appearing in an isochrone inner frontier
-    sha1    sha1_git unique not null,   -- intrinsic identifier of the directory
-    date    timestamptz                 -- max timestamp among those of the directory children's
+    id      bigserial primary key,          -- internal identifier of the directory appearing in an isochrone inner frontier
+    sha1    sha1_git unique not null,       -- intrinsic identifier of the directory
+    date    timestamptz not null,           -- max timestamp among those of the directory children's
+    flat    boolean not null default false  -- flag acknowledging if the directory is flattenned in the model
 comment on column directory.id is 'Directory internal identifier';
 comment on column directory.sha1 is 'Directory intrinsic identifier';
@@ -55,10 +56,10 @@
 create table revision
-    id      bigserial primary key,      -- internal identifier of the revision
-    sha1    sha1_git unique not null,   -- intrinsic identifier of the revision
-    date    timestamptz,                -- timestamp of the revision
-    origin  bigint                      -- id of the preferred origin
+    id      bigserial primary key,          -- internal identifier of the revision
+    sha1    sha1_git unique not null,       -- intrinsic identifier of the revision
+    date    timestamptz,                    -- timestamp of the revision
+    origin  bigint                          -- id of the preferred origin
     -- foreign key (origin) references origin (id)
 comment on column revision.id is 'Revision internal identifier';
@@ -68,17 +69,17 @@
 create table location
-    id      bigserial primary key,      -- internal identifier of the location
-    path    unix_path unique not null   -- path to the location
+    id      bigserial primary key,          -- internal identifier of the location
+    path    unix_path unique not null       -- path to the location
 comment on column location.id is 'Location internal identifier';
 comment on column location.path is 'Path to the location';
 create table origin
-    id      bigserial primary key,      -- internal identifier of the origin
-    sha1    sha1_git unique not null,   -- intrinsic identifier of the origin
-    url     text unique not null        -- url of the origin
+    id      bigserial primary key,          -- internal identifier of the origin
+    sha1    sha1_git unique not null,       -- intrinsic identifier of the origin
+    url     text unique not null            -- url of the origin
 comment on column origin.id is 'Origin internal identifier';
 comment on column origin.sha1 is 'Origin intrinsic identifier';
@@ -87,13 +88,13 @@
 -- relation tables
 create table content_in_revision
-    content  bigint not null,           -- internal identifier of the content blob
+    content  bigint not null,               -- internal identifier of the content blob
 \if :dbflavor_norm
-    revision bigint not null,           -- internal identifier of the revision where the blob appears for the first time
-    location bigint                     -- location of the content relative to the revision's root directory
+    revision bigint not null,               -- internal identifier of the revision where the blob appears for the first time
+    location bigint                         -- location of the content relative to the revision's root directory
-    revision bigint[],                  -- internal identifiers of the revisions where the blob appears for the first time
-    location bigint[]                   -- locations of the content relative to the revisions' root directory
+    revision bigint[],                      -- internal identifiers of the revisions where the blob appears for the first time
+    location bigint[]                       -- locations of the content relative to the revisions' root directory
     -- foreign key (content) references content (id),
     -- foreign key (revision) references revision (id),
@@ -109,13 +110,13 @@
 create table content_in_directory
-    content   bigint not null,          -- internal identifier of the content blob
+    content   bigint not null,              -- internal identifier of the content blob
 \if :dbflavor_norm
-    directory bigint not null,          -- internal identifier of the directory containing the blob
-    location  bigint                    -- location of the content relative to its parent directory in the isochrone frontier
+    directory bigint not null,              -- internal identifier of the directory containing the blob
+    location  bigint                        -- location of the content relative to its parent directory in the isochrone frontier
-    directory bigint[],                 -- internal reference of the directories containing the blob
-    location bigint[]                   -- locations of the content relative to its parent directories in the isochrone frontier
+    directory bigint[],                     -- internal reference of the directories containing the blob
+    location bigint[]                       -- locations of the content relative to its parent directories in the isochrone frontier
     -- foreign key (content) references content (id),
     -- foreign key (directory) references directory (id),
@@ -131,13 +132,13 @@
 create table directory_in_revision
-    directory bigint not null,          -- internal identifier of the directory appearing in the revision
+    directory bigint not null,              -- internal identifier of the directory appearing in the revision
 \if :dbflavor_norm
-    revision  bigint not null,          -- internal identifier of the revision containing the directory
-    location  bigint                    -- location of the directory relative to the revision's root directory
+    revision  bigint not null,              -- internal identifier of the revision containing the directory
+    location  bigint                        -- location of the directory relative to the revision's root directory
-    revision bigint[],                  -- internal identifiers of the revisions containing the directory
-    location bigint[]                   -- locations of the directory relative to the revisions' root directory
+    revision bigint[],                      -- internal identifiers of the revisions containing the directory
+    location bigint[]                       -- locations of the directory relative to the revisions' root directory
     -- foreign key (directory) references directory (id),
     -- foreign key (revision) references revision (id),
@@ -153,8 +154,8 @@
 create table revision_in_origin
-    revision bigint not null,           -- internal identifier of the revision poined by the origin
-    origin   bigint not null            -- internal identifier of the origin that points to the revision
+    revision bigint not null,               -- internal identifier of the revision poined by the origin
+    origin   bigint not null                -- internal identifier of the origin that points to the revision
     -- foreign key (revision) references revision (id),
     -- foreign key (origin) references origin (id)
@@ -163,8 +164,8 @@
 create table revision_before_revision
-    prev    bigserial not null,         -- internal identifier of the source revision
-    next    bigserial not null          -- internal identifier of the destination revision
+    prev    bigserial not null,             -- internal identifier of the source revision
+    next    bigserial not null              -- internal identifier of the destination revision
     -- foreign key (prev) references revision (id),
     -- foreign key (next) references revision (id)
diff --git a/swh/provenance/tests/test_conflict_resolution.py b/swh/provenance/tests/test_conflict_resolution.py
--- a/swh/provenance/tests/test_conflict_resolution.py
+++ b/swh/provenance/tests/test_conflict_resolution.py
@@ -4,22 +4,29 @@
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 from datetime import datetime
-from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import List, Tuple, Union
 from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_bytes
 from swh.model.model import Sha1Git
-from swh.provenance.api.server import resolve_dates, resolve_relation, resolve_revision
-from swh.provenance.interface import RelationData, RevisionData
+from swh.provenance.api.server import (
+    resolve_dates,
+    resolve_directory,
+    resolve_relation,
+    resolve_revision,
+from swh.provenance.interface import DirectoryData, RelationData, RevisionData
 def test_resolve_dates() -> None:
-    items: List[Union[Tuple[Sha1Git, Optional[datetime]], Tuple[Sha1Git]]] = [
-        (hash_to_bytes("20329687bb9c1231a7e05afe86160343ad49b494"),),
+    items: List[Tuple[Sha1Git, datetime]] = [
+        (
+            hash_to_bytes("20329687bb9c1231a7e05afe86160343ad49b494"),
+            datetime.fromtimestamp(1000000001),
+        ),
-        (hash_to_bytes("20329687bb9c1231a7e05afe86160343ad49b494"), None),
     assert resolve_dates(items) == {
@@ -28,21 +35,25 @@
-def test_resolve_dates_keep_min() -> None:
-    items: List[Union[Tuple[Sha1Git, Optional[datetime]], Tuple[Sha1Git]]] = [
+def test_resolve_directory() -> None:
+    items: List[Tuple[Sha1Git, DirectoryData]] = [
-            hash_to_bytes("20329687bb9c1231a7e05afe86160343ad49b494"),
-            datetime.fromtimestamp(1000000001),
+            hash_to_bytes("c0d8929936631ecbcf9147be6b8aa13b13b014e4"),
+            DirectoryData(date=datetime.fromtimestamp(1000000002), flat=False),
-            hash_to_bytes("20329687bb9c1231a7e05afe86160343ad49b494"),
-            datetime.fromtimestamp(1000000000),
+            hash_to_bytes("c0d8929936631ecbcf9147be6b8aa13b13b014e4"),
+            DirectoryData(date=datetime.fromtimestamp(1000000001), flat=True),
+        ),
+        (
+            hash_to_bytes("c0d8929936631ecbcf9147be6b8aa13b13b014e4"),
+            DirectoryData(date=datetime.fromtimestamp(1000000000), flat=False),
-    assert resolve_dates(items) == {
-        hash_to_bytes(
-            "20329687bb9c1231a7e05afe86160343ad49b494"
-        ): datetime.fromtimestamp(1000000000)
+    assert resolve_directory(items) == {
+        hash_to_bytes("c0d8929936631ecbcf9147be6b8aa13b13b014e4"): DirectoryData(
+            date=datetime.fromtimestamp(1000000000), flat=True
+        )
diff --git a/swh/provenance/tests/test_provenance_storage.py b/swh/provenance/tests/test_provenance_storage.py
--- a/swh/provenance/tests/test_provenance_storage.py
+++ b/swh/provenance/tests/test_provenance_storage.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 from swh.model.model import Origin, Sha1Git
 from swh.provenance.archive import ArchiveInterface
 from swh.provenance.interface import (
+    DirectoryData,
@@ -38,17 +39,12 @@
     # Add all content present in the current repo to the storage, just assigning their
     # creation dates. Then check that the returned results when querying are the same.
-    cnts = {cnt["sha1_git"] for idx, cnt in enumerate(data["content"]) if idx % 2 == 0}
     cnt_dates = {
-        cnt["sha1_git"]: cnt["ctime"]
-        for idx, cnt in enumerate(data["content"])
-        if idx % 2 == 1
+        cnt["sha1_git"]: cnt["ctime"] for idx, cnt in enumerate(data["content"])
-    assert cnts or cnt_dates
-    assert provenance_storage.content_add(cnts)
     assert provenance_storage.content_add(cnt_dates)
     assert provenance_storage.content_get(set(cnt_dates.keys())) == cnt_dates
-    assert provenance_storage.entity_get_all(EntityType.CONTENT) == cnts | set(
+    assert provenance_storage.entity_get_all(EntityType.CONTENT) == set(
@@ -75,21 +71,15 @@
         return max(dates) if dates else None
-    dirs = {
-        dir["id"]
-        for dir in data["directory"]
-        if getmaxdate(dir, data["content"]) is None
-    }
-    dir_dates = {
-        dir["id"]: getmaxdate(dir, data["content"])
-        for dir in data["directory"]
-        if getmaxdate(dir, data["content"]) is not None
-    }
-    assert dirs
-    assert provenance_storage.directory_add(dirs)
+    flat_values = (False, True)
+    dir_dates = {}
+    for idx, dir in enumerate(data["directory"]):
+        date = getmaxdate(dir, data["content"])
+        if date is not None:
+            dir_dates[dir["id"]] = DirectoryData(date=date, flat=flat_values[idx % 2])
     assert provenance_storage.directory_add(dir_dates)
     assert provenance_storage.directory_get(set(dir_dates.keys())) == dir_dates
-    assert provenance_storage.entity_get_all(EntityType.DIRECTORY) == dirs | set(
+    assert provenance_storage.entity_get_all(EntityType.DIRECTORY) == set(
@@ -199,10 +189,13 @@
 def entity_add(
     storage: ProvenanceStorageInterface, entity: EntityType, ids: Set[Sha1Git]
 ) -> bool:
+    now = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)
     if entity == EntityType.CONTENT:
-        return storage.content_add({sha1: None for sha1 in ids})
+        return storage.content_add({sha1: now for sha1 in ids})
     elif entity == EntityType.DIRECTORY:
-        return storage.directory_add({sha1: None for sha1 in ids})
+        return storage.directory_add(
+            {sha1: DirectoryData(date=now, flat=False) for sha1 in ids}
+        )
     else:  # entity == EntityType.REVISION:
         return storage.revision_add(
             {sha1: RevisionData(date=None, origin=None) for sha1 in ids}
diff --git a/swh/provenance/tests/test_revision_content_layer.py b/swh/provenance/tests/test_revision_content_layer.py
--- a/swh/provenance/tests/test_revision_content_layer.py
+++ b/swh/provenance/tests/test_revision_content_layer.py
@@ -261,7 +261,9 @@
         for rd in synth_rev["R_D"]:
             assert (
                 rev_ts + rd["rel_ts"]
-                == provenance.storage.directory_get([rd["dst"]])[rd["dst"]].timestamp()
+                == provenance.storage.directory_get([rd["dst"]])[
+                    rd["dst"]
+                ].date.timestamp()
             ), synth_rev["msg"]
         # ... + a number of rows in the "content_in_dir" table