diff --git a/sysadm/deployment/howto-debian-packaging.rst b/sysadm/deployment/howto-debian-packaging.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysadm/deployment/howto-debian-packaging.rst
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+.. _howto-debian-packaging:
+Debian packaging
+.. admonition:: Intended audience
+   :class: important
+   staff members who wants to start packaging some swh modules
+Package repository
+A package repository is available on
+Unstable / Testing:
+.. code::
+   deb [trusted=yes] https://debian.softwareheritage.org/ unstable main
+Stable / Bullseye:
+.. code::
+  deb [trusted=yes] https://debian.softwareheritage.org/ bullseye-swh
+Oldstable / Buster (current production):
+.. code::
+   deb [trusted=yes] https://debian.softwareheritage.org/ buster-swh
+This package repository is handled via reprepro on
+pergamon.internal.softwareheritage.org (base directory:
+.. _uploading_packages:
+Uploading packages
+Packages are added to the repository using
+.. code::
+   reprepro -vb /srv/softwareheritage/repository processincoming incoming``.
+For packages to be accepted, they need to be :
+#. A changes file uploaded to ``/srv/softwareheritage/repository/incoming``:
+#. Targeted at one of the supported distributions (unstable, unstable-swh, buster,
+   buster-backports, buster-backports-swh), stretch, stretch-backports,
+   strech-backports-swh)
+#. Signed by one of the keys listed in
+   ``/srv/softwareheritage/repository/conf/uploaders``
+.. _git_repositories_for_debian_packages:
+Git repositories for Debian packages
+Our git repository structure for Debian packages is compatible with
+We have two different ways of handling repositories for Debian packages:
+- Packages of python modules where *we* are upstream
+- Packages of dependencies from another upstream (this also encompasses upstream Debian
+  packages that we wish to backport for deployment)
+For these classes of packages, we have two sets of (identical) Jenkins jobs to handle
+building and uploading these packages to our package repository. The structure of the
+packaging branches for both classes is pretty much the same, the repositories only
+differ on how we handle upstream commits:
+- Our own modules are merged with the upstream repository
+- External dependencies ignore the upstream repository and only have packaging branches.
+.. _branch_and_tags_structure:
+Branch and tags structure
+Our debian packaging Jenkins jobs expect the following branches, which are pretty close
+to what https://dep-team.pages.debian.net/deps/dep14/ mandates:
+- debian/upstream (history of unpacked upstream releases)
+- debian/ (history of the packaging of the given suite, e.g. unstable-swh, buster-swh)
+- pristine-tar (data to regenerate upstream tarballs from a git export)
+The name of the debian/upstream branch doesn't matter as long as it's properly
+configured in the ``debian/gbp.conf`` file. It's only really used by ``gbp import-orig``
+when importing a new release.
+The tags marking upstream releases imported from tarballs for Debian packaging purposes
+are named ``debian/upstream/<upstream-version-number>``.
+Our Jenkins jobs are triggered on incoming tags named ``debian/<version>``. To generate
+the proper tags, use ``gbp buildpackage --git-tag-only``.
+The git-buildpackage configuration, ``debian/gbp.conf``, should be the following:
+.. code::
+   upstream-branch=debian/upstream
+   upstream-tag=debian/upstream/%(version)s
+   debian-branch=debian/<current-suite>
+   pristine-tar=True
+.. _automatic_packaging_for_swh_python_modules:
+Automatic packaging for swh python modules
+The ``swh.*`` python modules have an extra jenkins job that updates the packaging
+automatically when we do an upstream release. This job only runs ``gbp import-orig``
+with the tarball we release to PyPI, and the right options to merge the upstream
+To merge changes from the upstream history, we add the following option to ``gbp.conf``.
+.. code::
+   upstream-vcs-tag=v%(version)s
+.. _bootstrapping_a_dependency_packaging_repository:
+Bootstrapping a dependency packaging repository
+Bootstrapping the packaging repository for a dependency is analogous to regular Debian
+Download the upstream tarball. For PyPI, use the redirector at
+.. code::
+   wget http://pypi.debian.net/pytest-postgresql/pytest-postgresql-1.3.4.tar.gz
+Create a new git repository:
+.. code::
+   git init pytest-postgresql
+   cd pytest-postgresql
+Import the original upstream version:
+.. code::
+   git checkout -b debian/unstable-swh
+   gbp import-orig --pristine-tar --upstream-branch=debian/upstream --upstream-tag=debian/upstream/%(version)s --debian-branch=debian/unstable-swh ../pytest-postgresql-1.3.4.tar.gz
+   # What will be the source package name? [pytest-postgresql]
+   # What is the upstream version? [1.3.4]
+   # gbp:info: Importing '../pytest-postgresql-1.3.4.tar.gz' to branch 'debian/upstream'...
+   # gbp:info: Source package is pytest-postgresql
+   # gbp:info: Upstream version is 1.3.4
+   # gbp:info: Successfully imported version 1.3.4 of ../pytest-postgresql-1.3.4.tar.gz
+Bootstrap the debian directory:
+.. code::
+   mkdir -p debian/source
+   echo '3.0 (quilt)' > debian/source/format
+   echo 9 > debian/compat
+   cat > debian/gbp.conf << EOF
+   upstream-branch=debian/upstream
+   upstream-tag=debian/upstream/%(version)s
+   debian-branch=debian/unstable-swh
+   pristine-tar=True
+   EOF
+   cp /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny debian/rules
+   vim debian/control
+   # [...] adapt debian/control from another package
+   dch --create --package pytest-postgresql --newversion 1.3.4-1+swh1 --distribution unstable-swh
+   vim debian/copyright
+   # [...] adapt debian/copyright from another package
+   git add debian
+   git commit -m "Initial packaging for pytest-postgresql"
+You can then go on to try building the package.
+.. code::
+   gbp buildpackage --git-builder='sbuild -As'
+Once the package builds, if you want to check your package's conformance to Debian
+policy, you can run ``lintian`` on the changes:
+.. code::
+   lintian -EI ../pytest-postgresql_1.3.4-1+swh1_amd64.changes
+Note that you have to ignore warnings about unknown distributions, as we're building
+specifically for our repository.
+We need to use a ``+swh1`` version suffix to avoid clashing with potential upstream
+Debian package versions.
+.. _bootstrapping_the_backport_branches:
+Bootstrapping the backport branches
+During most of the operation, backports should happen automatically as we have a Jenkins
+job that generates backports on successful builds. However, when creating a packaging
+repository, we need to bootstrap the branches once, before Jenkins is able to do the
+work automatically.
+The backport branches should (ideally) be bootstrapped from a debian tag that has
+successfully built on Jenkins.
+Checkout the new branch:
+.. code::
+   git checkout debian/<version-number>
+   git checkout -b debian/buster-swh
+Update the gbp config to match the branch:
+.. code::
+   sed -i s/unstable-swh/buster-swh/ debian/gbp.conf
+Generate the initial backports entry. Use the current Debian version number (10 for
+buster, 11 for bullseye, ...)
+.. code::
+   dch -l "~bpo10" -D buster-swh --force-distribution 'Rebuild for buster-swh'
+You should then be able to try a local package build, and if that succeeds, to push the
+tag for Jenkins to autobuild.
+.. _setting_up_the_repository_on_phabricator:
+Setting up the repository on Phabricator
+The repository on Phabricator needs the following settings:
+- Callsign: non-empty; prefix should be P according to `Phabricator callsign convention
+  <https://wiki.softwareheritage.org/wiki/Phabricator_callsign_naming_convention>`_
+- Short name: non-empty (used to make pretty git clone URLs; ideally matching the source
+  package name)
+- Repository tags: "Has debian packaging branches" (allows Jenkins to push on the
+  ``debian/*`` branches)
+- Policy:
+   - View: Public (no login required)
+   - Edit: Developers
+   - Push: All users (actual restrictions are handled by Herald rules)
+- Activate the repository
+- Look up the path to the repository on the storage tab
+You need to setup the post-receive hook for Jenkins to be able to
+trigger on tag pushes
+.. code::
+   ssh -p 2222 -t tate.internal.softwareheritage.org \
+     phabricator-setup-hook /srv/phabricator/repos/<repo-id> <post-receive-hook>
+- there exists 2 types of :
+   - *post-receive-swh-modules* for swh modules developed by the team
+   - *post-receive-debian-deps* for external modules packaged by the team
+- remember that access to tate is on port 2222.
+The repo ID can be found on the repo's "storage" property page on phabricator, typically
+(for SHORTNAME in {model, core, loader-core, loader-core, storage, ...}):
+.. _setting_up_the_jenkins_jobs:
+Setting up the Jenkins jobs
+The Jenkins `jobs are accessible through the ui
+They are declared in the `swh-jenkins-jobs repository
+Jobs for dependency packages are configured in ``jobs/dependency-packages.yaml``. You
+can add a section as follows:
+.. code::
+   - project:
+       name: <callsign>
+       display-name: <short-name>
+       pkg: <source-name>
+       python_module: <python-module>
+       jobs:
+         - 'dependency-jobs-{name}'
+For example:
+.. code::
+   - project:
+       name: DLDBASE
+       display-name: swh-loader-core
+       repo_name: swh-loader-core
+       pkg: loader.core
+       python_module: swh.loader.core
+       jobs:
+         - 'swh-jobs-{name}'
+Other samples can be found in the dedicated repository.
+- usual swh package: `swh.core <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/swh-jenkins-jobs/browse/master/jobs/swh-packages.yaml$15-22>`_
+- peculiar swh package (with name divergences): `swh.icinga_plugins <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/swh-jenkins-jobs/browse/master/jobs/swh-packages.yaml$51-58>`_
+Use the regular review process to land your changes. Once your changes are pushed, a
+dedicated Jenkins job will generate the jobs from the configuration.
+If your package needs extra repositories to build, you can add them as comma-separated
+values to the ``deb-extra-repositories`` setting, with the following notes:
+- When building packages for the **"*.swh"** suites, the Software Heritage Debian repository
+  is automatically enabled.
+- When building packages for backports suites, the backports repository is automatically
+  enabled.
+.. _updating_a_dependency_packaging_repository:
+Updating a dependency packaging repository
+Place yourself on the debian/unstable-swh branch and "gbp import-origin" a more recent
+upstream release tarballs.
+For example (current version on 0.0.5, upstream bumped to 0.0.7):
+.. code::
+   gbp import-origin https://files.pythonhosted.org/../attrs-strict-0.0.7.tar.gz
+This will update the following branches:
+-  debian/upstream
+-  pristine-tar
+-  debian/unstable-swh
+This also includes the necessary tags (``debian/upstream/0.0.7``).
+You then need to push all branches/tags to the repository:
+.. code::
+   git push origin --all --follow-tags
+Ensure the :ref:`update builds fine <local_package_building>` And :ref:`tags accordingly
+the debian/unstable-swh branch when ok <remote_package_building>`.
+Jenkins will then keep up on building the package.
+.. _local_package_building:
+Local package building
+To locally test a package build, go on the appropriate debian packaging branch, and run
+.. code::
+   gbp buildpackage --git-builder=sbuild -As --no-clean-source
+``gbp buildpackage`` passes all options not starting with ``--git-`` to the builder.
+Some useful options are the following:
+- ``--git-ignore-new`` builds from the working tree, with all the uncommitted changes.
+  Useful for quick iteration when something just doesn't work.
+- ``--no-clean-source`` doesn't run debian/rules clean outside of the chroot, so you
+  don't have to clutter your dev machine with all build dependencies
+- ``--extra-repository="repository specification"`` adds the given repository in the
+  chroot before building.
+- ``--extra-repository-key="repository signing key"`` adds the given key as a trusted
+  gpg key for package sources.
+- ``--extra-package=<.deb file or directory>`` makes the given package (or all .deb
+  packages in the given directory) available for dependency resolution. Useful when
+  testing builds with a dependency chain.
+- ``--force-orig-source`` forces addition of the ``.orig.tar.gz`` file in the
+  ``.changes`` file (useful when trying to upload a backport)
+See ``gbp help buildpackage`` and ``man sbuild`` for a full description of all options
+for example:
+.. code::
+   gbp buildpackage --git-builder=sbuild -As --no-clean-source --force-orig-source \
+     --extra-repository='deb [trusted=yes] https://debian.softwareheritage.org/ buster-swh main'
+or if you need some third-party repository, say for cassandra:
+.. code::
+   gbp buildpackage --git-builder=sbuild -As --no-clean-source --force-orig-source \
+     --extra-repository='deb [trusted=yes] https://debian.softwareheritage.org/ buster-swh main' \
+     --extra-repository='deb [arch=amd64 trusted=yes] https://downloads.apache.org/cassandra/debian/ 40x main'
+**TODO**: Rewrite bin/make-package as bin/swh-gbp-buildpackage wrapping ``gbp
+buildpackage`` with the most common options.
+.. _remote_package_building:
+Remote package building
+Jenkins builds packages when the repository receives a tag.
+Once the local build succeeds, tag the package with:
+.. code::
+   gbp buildpackage --git-tag-only --git-sign-tags
+Alternatively, you can add the ``--git-tag`` option to your ``gbp buildpackage`` command
+so the tag happens automatically on a successful build.
+Then, push your tag, and Jenkins jobs should get triggered
+.. code::
+   git push --tags
+.. _build_environment_setup:
+Build Environment setup
+Our automated packaging setup uses sbuild, which is also used by the Debian build
+daemons themselves. This section shows how to set it up for local use.
+.. _sbuild_setup:
+sbuild setup
+.. code::
+   # Install the package
+   sudo apt-get install sbuild
+   # Add your user to the sbuild group, to allow him to use the sbuild commands
+   sudo sbuild-adduser $USER
+   # You have to logout and log back in
+   # Prepare chroots
+   sudo mkdir /srv/chroots
+   sudo mkdir /srv/chroots/var
+   # Optionally create a separate filesystem for /srv/chroots and move the
+   # sbuild/schroot data to that partition
+   sudo rsync -avz --delete /var/lib/schroot/ /srv/chroots/var/schroot/
+   sudo rm -r /var/lib/schroot
+   sudo ln -sf /srv/chroots/var/schroot /var/lib/schroot
+   sudo rsync -avz --delete /var/lib/sbuild/ /srv/chroots/var/sbuild/
+   sudo rm -r /var/lib/sbuild
+   sudo ln -sf /srv/chroots/var/sbuild /var/lib/sbuild
+   # end optionally
+   # Create unstable/sid chroot
+   sudo sbuild-createchroot --include apt-transport-https,ca-certificates sid /srv/chroots/sid http://deb.debian.org/debian/
+   # Create bullseye chroot
+   sudo sbuild-createchroot --include apt-transport-https,ca-certificates bullseye /srv/chroots/bullseye http://deb.debian.org/debian/
+   # Create buster chroot
+   sudo sbuild-createchroot --include apt-transport-https,ca-certificates buster /srv/chroots/buster http://deb.debian.org/debian/
+If you use /etc/hosts to resolve **\*.internal.softwareheritage.org** hosts:
+.. code::
+   echo hosts >> /etc/schroot/sbuild/nssdatabases
+.. _schroot_setup:
+schroot setup
+Now that the sbuild base setup is done. You now need to configure schroot to use an
+overlay filesystem, which will avoid copying the chroots at each build.
+You need to update the configuration (in ``/etc/schroot/chroot.d/*-sbuild-*``) with the
+following directives:
+.. code::
+   source-groups=root,sbuild
+   source-root-groups=root,sbuild
+   union-type=overlay
+This allows the sbuild group to edit the contents of the source chroot (for instance to
+update it) and sets up the overlay.
+You should also use this opportunity to add "aliases" to your chroot, so that sbuild
+will directly support the distributions we're using (unstable-swh,
+buster-backports-swh, ...):
+For unstable:
+.. code::
+   aliases=unstable-amd64-sbuild,UNRELEASED-amd64-sbuild,unstable-swh-amd64-sbuild
+For bullseye:
+.. code::
+   aliases=bullseye-swh-amd64-sbuild,bullseye-backports-amd64-sbuild,bullseye-backports-swh-amd64-sbuild
+For buster:
+.. code::
+   aliases=buster-swh-amd64-sbuild,buster-backports-amd64-sbuild,buster-backports-swh-amd64-sbuild
+.. _dependencies_cache:
+dependencies cache
+Add the following line to schroot's fstab /etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab to permit reuse of
+existing fetched dependencies:
+.. code::
+   /var/cache/apt/archives /var/cache/apt/archives none rw,bind 0 0
+You can also run apt-cacher-ng, which will avoid locking issues when several chroots try
+to access the package cache at once. You then need to add the proxy configuration to apt
+by adding a file in ``/etc/apt/apt.conf.d`` on each chroot.
+.. _schroot_update:
+schroot update
+You should update your chroot environments once in a while (to avoid repeating over and
+over the same step during your package build):
+.. code::
+   sudo sbuild-update -udcar sid; sudo sbuild-update -udcar buster
+.. _environment_setup:
+environment setup
+The Debian tools use a few variables to preset your name and email. Add this to your
+.. code::
+   export DEBFULLNAME="Debra Hacker"
+   export DEBEMAIL=debra.hacker@example.com
+Make sure this data matches an uid for your GPG key. Else, you can use the
+``DEBSIGN_KEYID=`` variable. (Future version of gpg2, e.g. 2.2.5 can refuse to sign with
+the short key id).
+.. _overlay_in_tmpfs_for_faster_builds:
+overlay in tmpfs for faster builds
+You can add this to your fstab to put the overlay hierarchy in RAM:
+.. code::
+   tmpfs /var/lib/schroot/union/overlay tmpfs uid=root,gid=root,mode=0750,nr_inodes=0 0 0
diff --git a/sysadm/deployment/index.rst b/sysadm/deployment/index.rst
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+   howto-debian-packaging