diff --git a/sysadm/user-management/outboarding.rst b/sysadm/user-management/outboarding.rst
--- a/sysadm/user-management/outboarding.rst
+++ b/sysadm/user-management/outboarding.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,58 @@
 Reference: Outboarding checklist
-.. todo::
-   This page is a work in progress. For now, please refer to the `existing documentation
-   <https://intranet.softwareheritage.org/wiki/Outboarding>`_.
+This page describes outboarding process for staff people, i.e., what to do when they
+leave the project.
+At the entrance desk, give back:
+- Inria access badge and office keys
+- cantine card
+.. _outboarding_technical_setup:
+Technical setup
+- lock \*nix account on project machines
+   - Edit puppet data for the user
+      - Change password hash to '!' in the swh-private-data repository
+      - Change shell to /bin/false
+   - let puppet push itself :)
+- phabricator: remove user from groups Developers, Members, Interns (if
+  applicable)
+- revoke `VPN
+  <https://intranet.softwareheritage.org/wiki/VPN#Revoking_a_client_certificate>`_
+  certificate
+.. _outboarding_development:
+- review open and assigned tasks in `Phabricator <https://forge.softwareheritage.org>`_
+  and unassign them as needed.
+.. _outboarding_communication:
+- unsubscribe from `mailing lists
+  <https://intranet.softwareheritage.org/wiki/Mailing_lists>`_: swh-team
+- uninvite/kick from `IRC channels
+  <https://intranet.softwareheritage.org/wiki/IRC_channels>`_: #swh-team
+.. _outboarding_see_also:
+See also
+- `Onboarding <onboarding>`_