diff --git a/swh/provenance/sql/30-schema.sql b/swh/provenance/sql/30-schema.sql
--- a/swh/provenance/sql/30-schema.sql
+++ b/swh/provenance/sql/30-schema.sql
@@ -24,13 +24,6 @@
 -- UNIX path (absolute, relative, individual path component, etc.)
 create domain unix_path as bytea;
--- a relation destination ID (used for denormalized flavors: with-path vs. without-path)
-\if :dbflavor_with_path
-create type rel_dst as (id bigint, loc bigint);
-create domain rel_dst as bigint;
 -- relation filter options for querying
 create type rel_flt as enum (
@@ -97,9 +90,10 @@
     content  bigint not null,           -- internal identifier of the content blob
 \if :dbflavor_norm
     revision bigint not null,           -- internal identifier of the revision where the blob appears for the first time
-    location bigint                     -- location of the content relative to the revision root directory
+    location bigint                     -- location of the content relative to the revision's root directory
-    revision rel_dst[]                  -- internal reference of the revision (and location) where the blob appears for the first time
+    revision bigint[],                  -- internal identifiers of the revisions where the blob appears for the first time
+    location bigint[]                   -- locations of the content relative to the revisions' root directory
     -- foreign key (content) references content (id),
     -- foreign key (revision) references revision (id),
@@ -120,7 +114,8 @@
     directory bigint not null,          -- internal identifier of the directory containing the blob
     location  bigint                    -- location of the content relative to its parent directory in the isochrone frontier
-    directory rel_dst[]                 -- internal reference of the directory (and location) containing the blob
+    directory bigint[],                 -- internal reference of the directories containing the blob
+    location bigint[]                   -- locations of the content relative to its parent directories in the isochrone frontier
     -- foreign key (content) references content (id),
     -- foreign key (directory) references directory (id),
@@ -139,9 +134,10 @@
     directory bigint not null,          -- internal identifier of the directory appearing in the revision
 \if :dbflavor_norm
     revision  bigint not null,          -- internal identifier of the revision containing the directory
-    location  bigint                    -- location of the directory relative to the revision root directory
+    location  bigint                    -- location of the directory relative to the revision's root directory
-    revision rel_dst[]                  -- internal reference of the revision (and location) containing the directory
+    revision bigint[],                  -- internal identifiers of the revisions containing the directory
+    location bigint[]                   -- locations of the directory relative to the revisions' root directory
     -- foreign key (directory) references directory (id),
     -- foreign key (revision) references revision (id),
diff --git a/swh/provenance/sql/40-funcs.sql b/swh/provenance/sql/40-funcs.sql
--- a/swh/provenance/sql/40-funcs.sql
+++ b/swh/provenance/sql/40-funcs.sql
@@ -331,13 +331,14 @@
            L.path as path
     from (
       select C.sha1 as sha1,
-             unnest(CR.revision) as revision
+             unnest(CR.revision) as revision,
+             unnest(CR.location) as location
       from content_in_revision as CR
       inner join content as C on (C.id = CR.content)
       where C.sha1 = content_id
     ) as CL
-    inner join revision as R on (R.id = (CL.revision).id)
-    inner join location as L on (L.id = (CL.revision).loc)
+    inner join revision as R on (R.id = CL.revision)
+    inner join location as L on (L.id = CL.location)
     left join origin as O on (O.id = R.origin)
     order by date, revision, origin, path asc limit 1
@@ -356,7 +357,8 @@
      cntrev as (
       select C.sha1 as sha1,
-             unnest(CR.revision) as revision
+             unnest(CR.revision) as revision,
+             unnest(CR.location) as location
       from content_in_revision as CR
       inner join content as C on (C.id = CR.content)
       where C.sha1 = content_id)
@@ -366,24 +368,26 @@
             O.url as origin,
             L.path as path
      from cntrev as CR
-     inner join revision as R on (R.id = (CR.revision).id)
-     inner join location as L on (L.id = (CR.revision).loc)
+     inner join revision as R on (R.id = CR.revision)
+     inner join location as L on (L.id = CR.location)
      left join origin as O on (O.id = R.origin))
      cntdir as (
      select C.sha1 as sha1,
-            unnest(CD.directory) as directory
+            unnest(CD.directory) as directory,
+            unnest(CD.location) as location
      from content as C
      inner join content_in_directory as CD on (CD.content = C.id)
      where C.sha1 = content_id),
      cntrev as (
       select CD.sha1 as sha1,
              L.path as path,
-             unnest(DR.revision) as revision
+             unnest(DR.revision) as revision,
+             unnest(DR.location) as location
       from cntdir as CD
-      inner join directory_in_revision as DR on (DR.directory = (CD.directory).id)
-      inner join location as L on (L.id = (CD.directory).loc))
+      inner join directory_in_revision as DR on (DR.directory = CD.directory)
+      inner join location as L on (L.id = CD.location))
      select CR.sha1 as content,
             R.sha1 as revision,
             R.date as date,
@@ -394,8 +398,8 @@
                 else (DL.path || '/' || CR.path)::unix_path
             end as path
      from cntrev as CR
-     inner join revision as R on (R.id = (CR.revision).id)
-     inner join location as DL on (DL.id = (CR.revision).loc)
+     inner join revision as R on (R.id = CR.revision)
+     inner join location as DL on (DL.id = CR.location)
      left join origin as O on (O.id = R.origin))
     order by date, revision, origin, path limit early_cut
@@ -414,17 +418,21 @@
         on_conflict text;
         if src_table in ('content'::regclass, 'directory'::regclass) then
-            select_fields := 'array_agg((D.id, L.id)::rel_dst)';
+            select_fields := 'array_agg(D.id), array_agg(L.id)';
             join_location := 'inner join location as L on (L.path = V.path)';
             group_entries := 'group by S.id';
             on_conflict := format('
                 (%s) do update
-                set %s=array(
-                  select distinct unnest(
-                    %s.' || dst_table::text || ' || excluded.' || dst_table::text || '
-                  )
+                set (%s, location) = (
+                    with pairs as (
+                        select distinct * from unnest(
+                            %s.' || dst_table::text || ' || excluded.' || dst_table::text || ',
+                            %s.location || excluded.location
+                        ) as pair(dst, loc)
+                    )
+                    select array(select pairs.dst from pairs), array(select pairs.loc from pairs)
-                src_table, dst_table, rel_table, rel_table, rel_table
+                src_table, dst_table, rel_table, rel_table, rel_table, rel_table
             select_fields := 'D.id';
@@ -477,9 +485,9 @@
         end if;
         if src_table in ('content'::regclass, 'directory'::regclass) then
-            proj_unnested := 'unnest(R.' || dst_field || ') as dst';
-            proj_dst_id := '(CL.dst).id';
-            join_location := 'inner join location as L on (L.id = (CL.dst).loc)';
+            proj_unnested := 'unnest(R.' || dst_field || ') as dst, unnest(R.location) as loc';
+            proj_dst_id := 'CL.dst';
+            join_location := 'inner join location as L on (L.id = CL.loc)';
             proj_location := 'L.path';
             proj_unnested := 'R.' || dst_field || ' as dst';