diff --git a/swh/vault/cookers/git_bare.py b/swh/vault/cookers/git_bare.py
--- a/swh/vault/cookers/git_bare.py
+++ b/swh/vault/cookers/git_bare.py
@@ -13,22 +13,18 @@
 2. Calls `git repack` to pack all these objects into git packfiles.
 3. Creates a tarball of the resulting repository
-To avoid downloading and writing the same objects twice,
-it checks the existence of the object file in the temporary directory.
-To avoid sending a syscall every time, it also uses ``functools.lru_cache`,
-as a first layer of cache before checking the file's existence.
+It keeps a set of all written (or about-to-be-written) object hashes in memory
+to avoid downloading and writing the same objects twice.
 import datetime
-import functools
 import os.path
 import subprocess
 import tarfile
 import tempfile
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Set
 import zlib
-from swh.core.utils import grouper
 from swh.graph.client import GraphArgumentException
 from swh.model import identifiers
 from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_bytehex, hash_to_hex
@@ -43,10 +39,12 @@
 from swh.vault.cookers.base import BaseVaultCooker
 class GitBareCooker(BaseVaultCooker):
-    use_fsck = True
+    use_fsck = False
     def cache_type_key(self) -> str:
         return self.obj_type
@@ -66,7 +64,25 @@
             object_type=identifiers.ObjectType[obj_type.upper()], object_id=self.obj_id,
+    def _push(self, stack: List[Sha1Git], obj_ids: Iterable[Sha1Git]) -> None:
+        assert not isinstance(obj_ids, bytes)
+        revision_ids = [id_ for id_ in obj_ids if id_ not in self._seen]
+        self._seen.update(revision_ids)
+        stack.extend(revision_ids)
+    def _pop(self, stack: List[Sha1Git], n: int) -> List[Sha1Git]:
+        obj_ids = stack[-n:]
+        stack[-n:] = []
+        return obj_ids
     def prepare_bundle(self):
+        # Objects we will visit soon:
+        self._rev_stack: List[Sha1Git] = []
+        self._dir_stack: List[Sha1Git] = []
+        self._cnt_stack: List[Sha1Git] = []
+        # Set of objects already in any of the stacks:
+        self._seen: Set[Sha1Git] = set()
         with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="swh-vault-gitbare-") as workdir:
             # Initialize a Git directory
             self.workdir = workdir
@@ -74,8 +90,11 @@
+            # Add the root object to the stack of objects to visit
+            self.push_subgraph(self.obj_type.split("_")[0], self.obj_id)
             # Load and write all the objects to disk
-            self.load_subgraph(self.obj_type.split("_")[0], self.obj_id)
+            self.load_objects()
             # Write the root object as a ref.
             # This must be done before repacking; git-repack ignores orphan objects.
@@ -157,15 +176,28 @@
         return True
-    def load_subgraph(self, obj_type, obj_id) -> None:
+    def push_subgraph(self, obj_type, obj_id) -> None:
         if obj_type == "revision":
-            self.load_revision_subgraph(obj_id)
+            self.push_revision_subgraph(obj_id)
         elif obj_type == "directory":
-            self.load_directory_subgraph(obj_id)
+            self._push(self._dir_stack, [obj_id])
-            raise NotImplementedError(f"GitBareCooker.load_subgraph({obj_type!r}, ...)")
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                f"GitBareCooker.queue_subgraph({obj_type!r}, ...)"
+            )
+    def load_objects(self) -> None:
+        while self._rev_stack or self._dir_stack or self._cnt_stack:
+            revision_ids = self._pop(self._rev_stack, REVISION_BATCH_SIZE)
+            self.load_revisions(revision_ids)
+            directory_ids = self._pop(self._dir_stack, DIRECTORY_BATCH_SIZE)
+            self.load_directories(directory_ids)
+            content_ids = self._pop(self._cnt_stack, CONTENT_BATCH_SIZE)
+            self.load_contents(content_ids)
-    def load_revision_subgraph(self, obj_id: Sha1Git) -> None:
+    def push_revision_subgraph(self, obj_id: Sha1Git) -> None:
         """Fetches a revision and all its children, and writes them to disk"""
         loaded_from_graph = False
@@ -183,8 +215,7 @@
                         self.graph.visit_nodes(str(obj_swhid), edges="rev:rev"),
-                for revision_id_group in grouper(revision_ids, REVISION_BATCH_SIZE):
-                    self.load_revisions_and_directory_subgraphs(revision_id_group)
+                self._push(self._rev_stack, revision_ids)
             except GraphArgumentException:
                 # Revision not found in the graph
@@ -194,56 +225,52 @@
         if not loaded_from_graph:
             # If swh-graph is not available, or the revision is not yet in
             # swh-graph, fall back to self.storage.revision_log.
+            # self.storage.revision_log also gives us the full revisions,
+            # so we load them right now instead of just pushing them on the stack.
             walker = DFSRevisionsWalker(self.storage, obj_id)
             for revision in walker:
-                self.load_directory_subgraph(revision["directory"])
+                self._push(self._dir_stack, [revision["directory"]])
-    def load_revisions_and_directory_subgraphs(self, obj_ids: List[Sha1Git]) -> None:
+    def load_revisions(self, obj_ids: List[Sha1Git]) -> None:
         """Given a list of revision ids, loads these revisions and their directories;
         but not their parent revisions."""
         revisions = self.storage.revision_get(obj_ids)
         for revision in revisions:
-            self.load_directory_subgraph(revision.directory)
+        self._push(self._dir_stack, (rev.directory for rev in revisions))
     def write_revision_node(self, revision: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
         """Writes a revision object to disk"""
         git_object = identifiers.revision_git_object(revision)
         return self.write_object(revision["id"], git_object)
-    @functools.lru_cache(10240)
-    def load_directory_subgraph(self, obj_id: Sha1Git) -> None:
-        """Fetches a directory and all its children, and writes them to disk"""
-        if self.object_exists(obj_id):
-            # Checks if the object is already written on disk.
-            # This rarely happens thanks to @lru_cache()
-            return
-        directory = self.load_directory_node(obj_id)
-        entry_loaders: Dict[str, Callable[[Sha1Git], None]] = {
-            "file": self.load_content,
-            "dir": self.load_directory_subgraph,
-            "rev": self.load_revision_subgraph,
-        }
-        for entry in directory["entries"]:
-            entry_loader = entry_loaders[entry["type"]]
-            entry_loader(entry["target"])
+    def load_directories(self, obj_ids: List[Sha1Git]) -> None:
+        for obj_id in obj_ids:
+            self.load_directory(obj_id)
-    def load_directory_node(self, obj_id: Sha1Git) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        """Fetches a directory, writes it to disk (non-recursively), and returns it."""
+    def load_directory(self, obj_id: Sha1Git) -> None:
+        # Load the directory
         entries = list(self.storage.directory_ls(obj_id, recursive=False))
         directory = {"id": obj_id, "entries": entries}
         git_object = identifiers.directory_git_object(directory)
         self.write_object(obj_id, git_object)
-        return directory
-    @functools.lru_cache(10240)
-    def load_content(self, obj_id: Sha1Git) -> None:
-        if self.object_exists(obj_id):
-            # Checks if the object is already written on disk.
-            # This rarely happens thanks to @lru_cache()
-            return
+        # Add children to the stack
+        entry_loaders: Dict[str, List[Sha1Git]] = {
+            "file": self._cnt_stack,
+            "dir": self._dir_stack,
+            "rev": self._rev_stack,
+        }
+        for entry in directory["entries"]:
+            stack = entry_loaders[entry["type"]]
+            self._push(stack, [entry["target"]])
+    def load_contents(self, obj_ids: List[Sha1Git]) -> None:
+        for obj_id in obj_ids:
+            self.load_content(obj_id)
+    def load_content(self, obj_id: Sha1Git) -> None:
         # TODO: add support of filtered objects, somehow?
         # It's tricky, because, by definition, we can't write a git object with
         # the expected hash, so git-fsck *will* choke on it.