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+.. _code-review:
+Code Review
+This page documents code review practices used for [[Software Heritage]] development.
+Please adhere to the following guidelines to perform and obtain code reviews
+(CRs) in the context of Software Heritage development:
+1. **CRs are strongly recommended** for any non-trivial code change,
+   but not mandatory (nor enforced at the VCS level).
+2. The CR `workflow <phabricator-arcanist>`_ is implemented using
+   Phabricator/Differential.
+3. Explicitly **suggest reviewer(s)** when submitting new CR requests:
+   either the most knowledgeable person(s) for the target code or the general
+   `reviewers <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/project/view/50/>`_
+   (which is the `default <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/H18>`_).
+4. **Review anything you want**: no matter the suggested reviewer(s),
+   feel free to review any outstanding CR.
+5. **One LGTM is enough**: feel free to approve any outstanding CR.
+6. **Review every day**: CRs should be timely as fellow developers
+   will wait for them.
+   To make CRs sustainable each developer should strive to dedicate
+   a fixed minimum amount of CR time every (work) day.
+For more detailed suggestions (and much more) on the motivational
+and practical aspects of code reviews see Good reads below.
+Good reads
+Good reads on various angles of code review:
+* `Best practices <https://medium.com/palantir/code-review-best-practices-19e02780015f>`_ (Palantir) ← comprehensive and recommended read, especially if you're short on time
+* `Best practices <https://github.com/thoughtbot/guides/tree/master/code-review>`_ (Thoughtbot)
+* `Best practices <https://smartbear.com/learn/code-review/best-practices-for-peer-code-review/>`_ (Smart Bear)
+* `Review checklist <https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/524235/Codeplusreviewplusguidelines>`_ (Code Project)
+* `Motivation: code quality <https://blog.codinghorror.com/code-reviews-just-do-it/>`_ (Coding Horror)
+* `Motivation: team culture <https://blog.fullstory.com/what-we-learned-from-google-code-reviews-arent-just-for-catching-bugs/>`_ (Google & FullStory)
+* `Motivation: humanizing peer reviews <http://www.processimpact.com/articles/humanizing_reviews.pdf>`_ (Wiegers)
+* `Motivation: sharing knowledge <https://www.atlassian.com/agile/software-development/code-reviews>`_ (Atlassian)
+See also
+* :ref:`phabricator-arcanist`_
+* :ref:`coding-guidelines`_
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+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   :caption: Contents:
+   :titlesonly:
+   :hidden:
+   phabricator
+   code-review
+   python-style-guide
+   sphinx
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+.. highlight:: bash
+.. _patch-submission:
+Submitting patches
+`Phabricator`_ is the tool that Software Heritage uses as its
+coding/collaboration forge.
+Software Heritage's Phabricator instance can be found at
+.. _Phabricator: http://phabricator.org/
+Code Review in Phabricator
+We use the Differential application of Phabricator to perform
+:ref:`code reviews <code-review>` in the context of Software Heritage.
+* we use Git and ``history.immutable=true``
+  (but beware as that is partly a Phabricator misnomer, read on)
+* when code reviews are required, developers will be allowed to push
+  directly to master once an accepted Differential diff exists
+Arcanist configuration
+First, you should install Arcanist and authenticate it to Phabricator::
+   sudo apt-get install arcanist
+   arc set-config default https://forge.softwareheritage.org/
+   arc install-certificate
+arc will prompt you to login into Phabricator via web
+(which will ask your personal Phabricator credentials).
+You will then have to copy paste the API token from the web page to arc,
+and hit Enter to complete the certificate installation.
+When using git, Arcanist by default mess with the local history,
+rewriting commits at the time of first submission.
+To avoid that we use so called `history immutability`_
+.. _history immutability: https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/arcanist_new_project/#history-mutability-git
+To that end, you shall configure your ``arc`` accordingly::
+   arc set-config history.immutable true
+Note that this does **not** mean that you are forbidden to rewrite
+your local branches (e.g., with ``git rebase``).
+Quite the contrary: you are encouraged to locally rewrite branches
+before pushing to ensure that commits are logically separated
+and your commit history easy to bisect.
+The above setting just means that *arc* will not rewrite commit
+history under your nose.
+Enabling ``git push`` to our forge
+The way we've configured our review setup for continuous integration
+needs you to configure git to allow pushes to our forge.
+There's two ways you can do this : setting a ssh key to push over ssh,
+or setting a specific password for git pushes over https.
+SSH key for pushes
+In your forge User settings page (On the top right, click on your avatar,
+then click *Settings*), you have access to a *Authentication* >
+*SSH Public Keys* section (Direct link:
+``hxxps://forge.softwareheritage.org/settings/user/<your username>/page/ssh/``).
+You then have the option to upload a SSH public key,
+which will authenticate your pushes.
+You then need to configure ssh/git to use that key pair,
+for instance by editing the ``~/.ssh/config`` file.
+Finally, you should configure git to push over ssh when pushing to
+https://forge.softwareheritage.org, by running the following command::
+   git config --global url.git@forge.softwareheritage.org:.pushInsteadOf https://forge.softwareheritage.org
+This lets git know that it should use ``git@forge.softwareheritage.org:``
+as a base url when pushing repositories cloned from
+forge.softwareheritage.org over https.
+VCS password for pushes
+If you're not comfortable setting up SSH to upload your changes,
+you have the option of setting a VCS password.
+This password, *separate from your account password*,
+allows Phabricator to authenticate your uploads over HTTPS.
+In your forge User settings page (On the top right, click on your avatar,
+then click *Settings*), you need to use the *Authentication* > *VCS Password*
+section to set your VCS password (Direct link:
+``hxxps://forge.softwareheritage.org/settings/user/<your username>/page/vcspassword/``).
+If you still get a 403 error on push, this means you need
+a forge administrator to enable HTTPS pushes for the repository
+(which wasn't done by default in historical repositories).
+Please drop by on IRC and let us know!
+* work in a feature branch: ``git checkout -b my-feat``
+* initial review request: hack/commit/hack/commit ;
+  ``arc diff origin/master``
+* react to change requests: hack/commit/hack/commit ;
+  ``arc diff --update Dxx origin/master``
+* landing change: ``git checkout master ; git merge my-feat ; git push``
+Starting a new feature and submit it for review
+Use a **one branch per feature** workflow, with well-separated
+**logical commits** (:ref:`following those conventions <git-style-guide>`).
+Please open one diff per logical commit to keep the diff size to a minimum.
+.. code-block::
+   git checkout -b my-shiny-feature
+   ... hack hack hack ...
+   git commit -m 'architecture skeleton for my-shiny-feature'
+   ... hack hack hack ...
+   git commit -m 'my-shiny-feature: implement module foo'
+   ... etc ...
+Please, follow the
+To **submit your code for review** the first time::
+   arc diff origin/master
+arc will prompt for a **code review message**. Provide the following information:
+* first line: *short description* of the overall work
+  (i.e., the feature you're working on).
+  This will become the title of the review
+* *Summary* field (optional): *long description* of the overall work;
+  the field can continue in subsequent lines, up to the next field.
+  This will become the "Summary" section of the review
+* *Test Plan* field (optional): write here if something special is needed
+  to test your change
+* *Reviewers* field (optional): the (Phabricator) name(s) of
+  desired reviewers.
+  If you don't specify one (recommended) the default reviewers will be chosen
+* *Subscribers* field (optional): the (Phabricator) name(s) of people that
+  will be notified about changes to this review request.
+  In most cases it should be left empty
+For example::
+   mercurial loader
+   Summary: first stab at a mercurial loader (T329)
+   The implementation follows the plan detailed in F2F discussion with @foo.
+   Performances seem decent enough for a first trial (XXX seconds for YYY repository
+   that contains ZZZ patches).
+   Test plan:
+   Reviewers:
+   Subscribers: foo
+After completing the message arc will submit the review request
+and tell you its number and URL::
+   [...]
+   Created a new Differential revision:
+           Revision URI: https://forge.softwareheritage.org/Dxx
+.. _arc-update:
+Updating your branch to reflect requested changes
+Your feature might get accepted as is, YAY!
+Or, reviewers might request changes; no big deal!
+Use the Differential web UI to follow-up to received comments, if needed.
+To implement requested changes in the code, hack on your branch as usual by:
+* adding new commits, and/or
+* rewriting old commits with git rebase (to preserve a nice, easy to bisect history)
+* pulling on master and rebasing your branch against it if meanwhile someone
+  landed commits on master:
+.. code-block::
+   git checkout master
+   git pull
+   git checkout my-shiny-feature
+   git rebase master
+When you're ready to **update your review request**::
+   arc diff --update Dxx HEAD~
+Arc will prompt you for a message: describe what you've changed
+w.r.t. the previous review request, free form.
+Your message will become the changelog entry in Differential
+for this new version of the diff.
+Differential only care about the code diff, and not about the commits
+or their order.
+Therefore each "update" can be a completely different series of commits,
+possibly rewritten from the previous submission.
+Dependencies between diffs
+Note that you can manage diff dependencies within the same module
+with the following keyword in the diff description::
+   Depends on Dxx
+That allows to keep a logical view in your diff.
+It's not strictly necessary (because the tooling now deals with it properly)
+but it might help reviewers or yourself to do so.
+Landing your change onto master
+Once your change has been approved in Differential,
+you will be able to land it onto the master branch.
+Before doing so, you're encouraged to **clean up your git commit history**,
+reordering/splitting/merging commits as needed to have separate
+logical commits and an easy to bisect history.
+Update the diff :ref:`following the prior section <arc-update>`
+(It'd be good to let the ci build finish to make sure everything is still green).
+Once you're happy you can **push to origin/master** directly, e.g.::
+   git checkout master
+   git merge --ff-only my-shiny-feature
+   git push
+``--ff-only`` is optional, and makes sure you don't unintentionally
+create a merge commit.
+Optionally you can then delete your local feature branch::
+   git branch -d my-shiny-feature
+Reviewing locally / landing someone else's changes
+You can do local reviews of code with arc patch::
+   arc patch Dxyz
+This will create a branch **arcpatch-Dxyz** containing the changes
+on your local checkout.
+You can then merge those changes upstream with::
+   git checkout master
+   git merge --ff arcpatch-Dxyz
+   git push origin master
+or, alternatively::
+   arc land --squash
+See also
+* :ref:`code-review` for guidelines on how code is reviewed
+  when developing for Software Heritage
diff --git a/docs/contributing/python-style-guide.rst b/docs/contributing/python-style-guide.rst
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+++ b/docs/contributing/python-style-guide.rst
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+.. _python-style-guide:
+Python style guide
+Coding style and best practices for writing Python code for [[Software Heritage]].
+General rules
+* As a general rule, follow the
+  `Google Python Style Guide <http://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html>`_.
+* Target **Python 3**. Do not care about backward compatibility with Python 2.
+As of April 2020, we use `Black <https://black.readthedocs.io/>`_
+as automated code formatter for all Software Heritage Python code.
+CI, tox, and other linting tools are configured to fail
+if code is not formatted as black would.
+Note that, as part of this, *maximum line length is 88 characters*,
+rather than the default of 79.
+Specific rules
+As supplement/overrides to the above general rules,
+follow the additional recommendations below.
+* Make sure your code is `flake8 <https://flake8.readthedocs.org/>`_
+  and `Black <https://black.readthedocs.io/>`_ clean.
+* use ``pytest`` as test runner
+* put ``tests/`` dir down deep in the module hierarchy, near to the code being tested
+* naming conventions:
+** ``tests/test_mymodule.py``
+** ``class TestMyEntity(unittest.TestCase)``
+** ``def behavior(self):``
+*** do *not* prepend ``test_`` to all test methods;
+    use nose's ``@istest`` decorator instead
+* Since we target Python 3, there is no need to
+  `inherit from 'object' explicitly <http://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html?showone=Classes#Classes>`_
+* docstrings should produce a nice API documentation when run through
+  `Sphinx <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/`_, in particular:
+* docstrings should be written in
+  `reStructuredText <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/rest.html>`_
+* docstrings should use the
+  `Napoleon style <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/napoleon.html>`_
+  (Google variant) to document arguments, return values, etc.
+** see also: a `comprehensive style example <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/example_google.html#example-google>`_
+** see also: :ref:`sphinx-gotchas`
diff --git a/docs/contributing/sphinx.rst b/docs/contributing/sphinx.rst
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+.. _sphinx-gotchas:
+Sphinx gotchas
+Here is a list of common gotchas when formatting Python docstrings for [http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ Sphinx] and the [http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/napoleon.html Napoleon] style.
+All sorts of `lists <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/rest.html#lists-and-quote-like-blocks>`_
+require an empty line before the first bullet and after the last one,
+to be properly interpreted as list.
+No indentation is required for list elements w.r.t. surrounding text,
+and line continuations should be indented like the first character
+after the bullet
+   this is a bad example that will not be interpreted as a list
+   preceding text
+   - foo
+   - bar
+   - baz
+   following text
+   this is some text preceding the list
+   - foo
+   - bar
+   - baz
+   - this is a rather long-ish paragraph inserted in the list
+     with line continuation
+   - qux
+   this is some text following the list
+   - foo
+   - nested lists also requires empty lines, but they are missing here
+     - inner list 1
+     - inner list 2
+   - outer list continues here
+   surrounding text
+   - foo
+   - nested lists also requires empty lines
+     - inner list 1
+     - inner list 2
+   - outer list continues here
+   surrounding text
+Verbatim source code
+Verbatim `code blocks <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/rest.html#source-code>`_,
+e.g., for code examples, requires double colon at the end of a line,
+then an empty line, and then the code block itself, indented:
+   This does not work as there is a single column and no empty line before code:
+       def foo(bar, baz):
+           qux = bar + baz
+           return qux
+   a nice example of python code follows::
+       def foo(bar, baz):
+           qux = bar + baz
+           return qux
+   here we can restart text flow
+*Inline code samples* use double backquotes, and not single ones.
+   you have to instantiate the method `def foo(bar): pass`
+   in order to use this abstract class
+   you have to instantiate the method ``def foo(bar): pass``
+   in order to use this abstract class
+=== ``**kwargs``, ``**args`` ===
+`Asterisks needs to be escaped <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/rest.html#inline-markup>`_
+to avoid capture by emphasis markup.
+In case of multiple adjacent asterisks, escaping the first one is enough.
+   additional **kwargs are copied in the returned dictionary
+   additional \**kwargs are copied in the returned dictionary
+Code cross-references
+Backquotes are not enough to cross-reference a Python entity
+(class, function, module, etc.); you need to use
+`Sphinx domains <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/domains.html>`_ for that,
+and in particular the `Python domain <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/domains.html#the-python-domain>`_
+   see the `do_something` function and the `swh.useless` module
+   for more information
+   see the :func:`do_something` function and the :mod:`swh.useless` module
+   for more information
+   you can avoid a long, fully-qualified anchor setting an
+   :func:`explicit label <swh.long.namespace.function>` for a link
+See also: the `list of Python roles <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/domains.html#cross-referencing-python-objects>`_
+that you can use to cross-reference Python objects.
+Note that you can (and should) omit the <code>:py:</code> prefix,
+as Python is the default domain.
+Note also that when building Sphinx documentation
+for individual Software Heritage modules in isolation,
+cross-references to other modules will *not* be resolvable.
+But they will be resolvable when building the unified documentation
+from ``swh-docs``
+Docstring sections
+See the `list of docstring sections <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/napoleon.html#docstring-sections>`_
+supported by Napoleon.
+Everything else will *not* be typeset with a dedicated heading,
+you will have to do so explicitly using reStructuredText markup.
+Entries in Args section do *not* start with bullets, but just with argument names (as any other Napoleon section).
+Continuation lines should be indented.
+   Args:
+       - foo (int): first argument
+       - bar: second argument
+       - baz (bool): third argument
+   Args:
+       foo (int): first argument
+       bar: second argument, which happen to have a fairly
+           long description of what it does
+       baz (bool): third argument
+In Returns section you need to use ":" carefully as, if present, it will be interpreted as a separator between return type and description. Also, the description of return value should not start on the same line of "Returns:", but on the subsequent one, indented.
+   Returns:
+       this does not work (colon will be interpreted as type/desc separator), a dict with keys:
+       - foo
+       - bar
+   Returns:
+       this works (there is no colon) a dict with keys
+       - foo
+       - bar
+   Returns:
+       dict: this works again (*first* colon identifies the type) a dict with keys:
+       - foo
+       - bar
+   Returns: this is not good either, you need to start a paragraph
+You need a ":" separator between exception names and their description.
+   Raises:
+       ValueError if you botched it
+       RuntimeError if we botched it
+   Raises:
+       ValueError: if you botched it
+       RuntimeError: if we botched it
+See also
+* :ref:`python-style-guide`
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -13,6 +13,14 @@
 * :ref:`developer-setup` → get a working development setup that allows to hack
   on the Software Heritage software stack
+* :ref:`patch-submission` → learn how to submit your patches to the
+  Software Heritage codebase
+* :ref:`code-review` → rules and guidelines to review code in
+  Software Heritage
+* :ref:`python-style-guide` → how to format the Python code you write
@@ -161,6 +169,7 @@
+   contributing/index
    API documentation <apidoc/modules>
    swh.core <swh-core/index>
    swh.dataset <swh-dataset/index>