diff --git a/docs/specs/index.rst b/docs/specs/index.rst
--- a/docs/specs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/specs/index.rst
@@ -10,5 +10,4 @@
- spec-sparse-deposit.rst
diff --git a/docs/specs/metadata_example.xml b/docs/specs/metadata_example.xml
--- a/docs/specs/metadata_example.xml
+++ b/docs/specs/metadata_example.xml
@@ -26,8 +26,5 @@
diff --git a/docs/specs/spec-meta-deposit.rst b/docs/specs/spec-meta-deposit.rst
--- a/docs/specs/spec-meta-deposit.rst
+++ b/docs/specs/spec-meta-deposit.rst
@@ -131,4 +131,3 @@
In this case, the metadata-deposit will be injected as a metadata entry of
the relevant object, with the information about the contributor of the deposit.
-Contrary to the complete and sparse deposit, there will be no object creation.
diff --git a/docs/specs/spec-sparse-deposit.rst b/docs/specs/spec-sparse-deposit.rst
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/docs/specs/spec-sparse-deposit.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-The sparse-deposit
-A client wishes to transfer a tarball for which part of the content is
-already in the SWH archive.
-To do so, a list of paths with targets must be provided in the metadata and
-the paths to the missing directories/content should not be included
-in the tarball. The list will be referred to
-as the manifest list using the entry name 'bindings' in the metadata.
-| path | swh-id |
-| path/to/file.txt | swh:1:cnt:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... |
-| path/to/dir/ | swh:1:dir:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... |
-Note: the *name* of the file or the directory is given by the path and is not
-part of the identified object.
-TODO: see if a trailing "/" is mandatory for implementation.
-A concrete example
-The manifest list is included in the metadata xml atomEntry under the
-swh namespace:
-TODO: publish schema at https://www.softwareheritage.org/schema/2018/deposit
-.. code:: xml
- HALit mandatory to have a trailing "/",
- hal@ccsd.cnrs.fr
- The assignment problem
- https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01243573
- other identifier, DOI, ARK
- Domain
- description
- author1
- Inria
- author2
- Inria
-Deposit verification
-After checking the integrity of the deposit content and
-metadata, the following checks should be added:
-1. validate the manifest list structure with a correct swh-id for each path (syntax check on the swh-id format)
-2. verify that the path name corresponds to the object type
-3. locate the identifiers in the SWH archive
-Each failing check should return a different error with the deposit
-and result in a 'rejected' deposit.
-Loading procedure
-The injection procedure should include:
-- load the tarball new data
-- create new objects using the path name and create links from the path to the
- SWH object using the identifier
-- calculate identifier of the new objects at each level
-- return final swh-id of the new revision
-Invariant: the same content should yield the same swh-id,
-that's why a complete deposit with all the content and
-a sparse-deposit with the correct links will result
-with the same root directory swh-id.
-The same is expected with the revision swh-id if the metadata provided is
diff --git a/docs/specs/swh.xsd b/docs/specs/swh.xsd
--- a/docs/specs/swh.xsd
+++ b/docs/specs/swh.xsd
@@ -31,20 +31,6 @@