diff --git a/swh/indexer/sql/30-schema.sql b/swh/indexer/sql/30-schema.sql
--- a/swh/indexer/sql/30-schema.sql
+++ b/swh/indexer/sql/30-schema.sql
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 insert into dbversion(version, release, description)
-      values(132, now(), 'Work In Progress');
+      values(133, now(), 'Work In Progress');
 -- Computing metadata on sha1's contents
 -- a SHA1 checksum (not necessarily originating from Git)
diff --git a/swh/indexer/sql/50-func.sql b/swh/indexer/sql/50-func.sql
--- a/swh/indexer/sql/50-func.sql
+++ b/swh/indexer/sql/50-func.sql
@@ -40,8 +40,7 @@
 comment on function swh_mktemp_content_mimetype() IS 'Helper table to add mimetype information';
--- add tmp_content_mimetype entries to content_mimetype, overwriting
--- duplicates if conflict_update is true, skipping duplicates otherwise.
+-- add tmp_content_mimetype entries to content_mimetype, overwriting duplicates.
 -- If filtering duplicates is in order, the call to
 -- swh_content_mimetype_missing must take place before calling this
@@ -49,36 +48,28 @@
 -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(content_mimetype), 1. COPY to tmp_content_mimetype,
 -- 2. call this function
-create or replace function swh_content_mimetype_add(conflict_update boolean)
+create or replace function swh_content_mimetype_add()
     returns bigint
     language plpgsql
 as $$
   res bigint;
-    if conflict_update then
-        insert into content_mimetype (id, mimetype, encoding, indexer_configuration_id)
-        select id, mimetype, encoding, indexer_configuration_id
-        from tmp_content_mimetype tcm
-        on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
-        do update set mimetype = excluded.mimetype,
-                      encoding = excluded.encoding;
-    else
-        insert into content_mimetype (id, mimetype, encoding, indexer_configuration_id)
-        select id, mimetype, encoding, indexer_configuration_id
-        from tmp_content_mimetype tcm
-        on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
-        do nothing;
-    end if;
+    insert into content_mimetype (id, mimetype, encoding, indexer_configuration_id)
+    select id, mimetype, encoding, indexer_configuration_id
+    from tmp_content_mimetype tcm
+    on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
+    do update set mimetype = excluded.mimetype,
+                  encoding = excluded.encoding;
     get diagnostics res = ROW_COUNT;
     return res;
-comment on function swh_content_mimetype_add(boolean) IS 'Add new content mimetypes';
+comment on function swh_content_mimetype_add() IS 'Add new content mimetypes';
--- add tmp_content_language entries to content_language, overwriting
--- duplicates if conflict_update is true, skipping duplicates otherwise.
+-- add tmp_content_language entries to content_language, overwriting duplicates.
 -- If filtering duplicates is in order, the call to
 -- swh_content_language_missing must take place before calling this
@@ -86,32 +77,25 @@
 -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(content_language), 1. COPY to
 -- tmp_content_language, 2. call this function
-create or replace function swh_content_language_add(conflict_update boolean)
+create or replace function swh_content_language_add()
     returns bigint
     language plpgsql
 as $$
   res bigint;
-    if conflict_update then
-      insert into content_language (id, lang, indexer_configuration_id)
-      select id, lang, indexer_configuration_id
-      from tmp_content_language tcl
-      on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
-      do update set lang = excluded.lang;
-    else
-        insert into content_language (id, lang, indexer_configuration_id)
-        select id, lang, indexer_configuration_id
-    	from tmp_content_language tcl
-        on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
-        do nothing;
-    end if;
+    insert into content_language (id, lang, indexer_configuration_id)
+    select id, lang, indexer_configuration_id
+    from tmp_content_language tcl
+    on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
+    do update set lang = excluded.lang;
     get diagnostics res = ROW_COUNT;
     return res;
-comment on function swh_content_language_add(boolean) IS 'Add new content languages';
+comment on function swh_content_language_add() IS 'Add new content languages';
 -- create a temporary table for retrieving content_language
 create or replace function swh_mktemp_content_language()
@@ -139,36 +123,29 @@
 comment on function swh_mktemp_content_ctags() is 'Helper table to add content ctags';
--- add tmp_content_ctags entries to content_ctags, overwriting
--- duplicates if conflict_update is true, skipping duplicates otherwise.
+-- add tmp_content_ctags entries to content_ctags, overwriting duplicates
 -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(content_ctags), 1. COPY to tmp_content_ctags,
 -- 2. call this function
-create or replace function swh_content_ctags_add(conflict_update boolean)
+create or replace function swh_content_ctags_add()
     returns bigint
     language plpgsql
 as $$
   res bigint;
-    if conflict_update then
-        delete from content_ctags
-        where id in (select tmp.id
-                     from tmp_content_ctags tmp
-                     inner join indexer_configuration i on i.id=tmp.indexer_configuration_id);
-    end if;
     insert into content_ctags (id, name, kind, line, lang, indexer_configuration_id)
     select id, name, kind, line, lang, indexer_configuration_id
     from tmp_content_ctags tct
     on conflict(id, hash_sha1(name), kind, line, lang, indexer_configuration_id)
     do nothing;
     get diagnostics res = ROW_COUNT;
     return res;
-comment on function swh_content_ctags_add(boolean) IS 'Add new ctags symbols per content';
+comment on function swh_content_ctags_add() IS 'Add new ctags symbols per content';
 create type content_ctags_signature as (
   id sha1,
@@ -218,12 +195,12 @@
 comment on function swh_mktemp_content_fossology_license() is 'Helper table to add content license';
--- add tmp_content_fossology_license entries to content_fossology_license, overwriting
--- duplicates if conflict_update is true, skipping duplicates otherwise.
+-- add tmp_content_fossology_license entries to content_fossology_license,
+-- overwriting duplicates.
 -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(content_fossology_license), 1. COPY to
 -- tmp_content_fossology_license, 2. call this function
-create or replace function swh_content_fossology_license_add(conflict_update boolean)
+create or replace function swh_content_fossology_license_add()
   returns bigint
   language plpgsql
 as $$
@@ -236,36 +213,25 @@
     where not exists (select 1 from fossology_license where name=tmp.license)
     on conflict(name) do nothing;
-    if conflict_update then
-        insert into content_fossology_license (id, license_id, indexer_configuration_id)
-        select tcl.id,
-              (select id from fossology_license where name = tcl.license) as license,
-              indexer_configuration_id
-        from tmp_content_fossology_license tcl
-        on conflict(id, license_id, indexer_configuration_id)
-        do update set license_id = excluded.license_id;
-    else
-        insert into content_fossology_license (id, license_id, indexer_configuration_id)
-        select tcl.id,
-              (select id from fossology_license where name = tcl.license) as license,
-              indexer_configuration_id
-        from tmp_content_fossology_license tcl
-        on conflict(id, license_id, indexer_configuration_id)
-        do nothing;
-    end if;
+    insert into content_fossology_license (id, license_id, indexer_configuration_id)
+    select tcl.id,
+          (select id from fossology_license where name = tcl.license) as license,
+          indexer_configuration_id
+    from tmp_content_fossology_license tcl
+    on conflict(id, license_id, indexer_configuration_id)
+    do update set license_id = excluded.license_id;
     get diagnostics res = ROW_COUNT;
     return res;
-comment on function swh_content_fossology_license_add(boolean) IS 'Add new content licenses';
+comment on function swh_content_fossology_license_add() IS 'Add new content licenses';
 -- content_metadata functions
--- add tmp_content_metadata entries to content_metadata, overwriting
--- duplicates if conflict_update is true, skipping duplicates otherwise.
+-- add tmp_content_metadata entries to content_metadata, overwriting duplicates
 -- If filtering duplicates is in order, the call to
 -- swh_content_metadata_missing must take place before calling this
@@ -273,32 +239,25 @@
 -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(content_language), 1. COPY to
 -- tmp_content_metadata, 2. call this function
-create or replace function swh_content_metadata_add(conflict_update boolean)
+create or replace function swh_content_metadata_add()
     returns bigint
     language plpgsql
 as $$
   res bigint;
-    if conflict_update then
-      insert into content_metadata (id, metadata, indexer_configuration_id)
-      select id, metadata, indexer_configuration_id
-      from tmp_content_metadata tcm
-      on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
-      do update set metadata = excluded.metadata;
-    else
-        insert into content_metadata (id, metadata, indexer_configuration_id)
-        select id, metadata, indexer_configuration_id
-    	from tmp_content_metadata tcm
-        on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
-        do nothing;
-    end if;
+    insert into content_metadata (id, metadata, indexer_configuration_id)
+    select id, metadata, indexer_configuration_id
+    from tmp_content_metadata tcm
+    on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
+    do update set metadata = excluded.metadata;
     get diagnostics res = ROW_COUNT;
     return res;
-comment on function swh_content_metadata_add(boolean) IS 'Add new content metadata';
+comment on function swh_content_metadata_add() IS 'Add new content metadata';
 -- create a temporary table for retrieving content_metadata
 create or replace function swh_mktemp_content_metadata()
@@ -315,8 +274,7 @@
 -- end content_metadata functions
 -- add tmp_revision_intrinsic_metadata entries to revision_intrinsic_metadata,
--- overwriting duplicates if conflict_update is true, skipping duplicates
--- otherwise.
+-- overwriting duplicates.
 -- If filtering duplicates is in order, the call to
 -- swh_revision_intrinsic_metadata_missing must take place before calling this
@@ -324,34 +282,27 @@
 -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(content_language), 1. COPY to
 -- tmp_revision_intrinsic_metadata, 2. call this function
-create or replace function swh_revision_intrinsic_metadata_add(conflict_update boolean)
+create or replace function swh_revision_intrinsic_metadata_add()
     returns bigint
     language plpgsql
 as $$
   res bigint;
-    if conflict_update then
-      insert into revision_intrinsic_metadata (id, metadata, mappings, indexer_configuration_id)
-      select id, metadata, mappings, indexer_configuration_id
-      from tmp_revision_intrinsic_metadata tcm
-      on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
-      do update set
-          metadata = excluded.metadata,
-          mappings = excluded.mappings;
-    else
-        insert into revision_intrinsic_metadata (id, metadata, mappings, indexer_configuration_id)
-        select id, metadata, mappings, indexer_configuration_id
-    	from tmp_revision_intrinsic_metadata tcm
-        on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
-        do nothing;
-    end if;
+    insert into revision_intrinsic_metadata (id, metadata, mappings, indexer_configuration_id)
+    select id, metadata, mappings, indexer_configuration_id
+    from tmp_revision_intrinsic_metadata tcm
+    on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
+    do update set
+        metadata = excluded.metadata,
+        mappings = excluded.mappings;
     get diagnostics res = ROW_COUNT;
     return res;
-comment on function swh_revision_intrinsic_metadata_add(boolean) IS 'Add new revision intrinsic metadata';
+comment on function swh_revision_intrinsic_metadata_add() IS 'Add new revision intrinsic metadata';
 -- create a temporary table for retrieving revision_intrinsic_metadata
 create or replace function swh_mktemp_revision_intrinsic_metadata()
@@ -389,7 +340,7 @@
 -- add tmp_indexer_configuration entries to indexer_configuration,
--- skipping duplicates if any.
+-- overwriting duplicates if any.
 -- operates in bulk: 0. create temporary tmp_indexer_configuration, 1. COPY to
 -- it, 2. call this function to insert and filtering out duplicates
@@ -412,8 +363,7 @@
 -- add tmp_origin_intrinsic_metadata entries to origin_intrinsic_metadata,
--- overwriting duplicates if conflict_update is true, skipping duplicates
--- otherwise.
+-- overwriting duplicates.
 -- If filtering duplicates is in order, the call to
 -- swh_origin_intrinsic_metadata_missing must take place before calling this
@@ -421,8 +371,7 @@
 -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(content_language), 1. COPY to
 -- tmp_origin_intrinsic_metadata, 2. call this function
-create or replace function swh_origin_intrinsic_metadata_add(
-        conflict_update boolean)
+create or replace function swh_origin_intrinsic_metadata_add()
     returns bigint
     language plpgsql
 as $$
@@ -430,31 +379,24 @@
   res bigint;
     perform swh_origin_intrinsic_metadata_compute_tsvector();
-    if conflict_update then
-      insert into origin_intrinsic_metadata (id, metadata, indexer_configuration_id, from_revision, metadata_tsvector, mappings)
-      select id, metadata, indexer_configuration_id, from_revision,
-             metadata_tsvector, mappings
-      from tmp_origin_intrinsic_metadata
-      on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
-      do update set
-          metadata = excluded.metadata,
-          metadata_tsvector = excluded.metadata_tsvector,
-          mappings = excluded.mappings,
-          from_revision = excluded.from_revision;
-    else
-        insert into origin_intrinsic_metadata (id, metadata, indexer_configuration_id, from_revision, metadata_tsvector, mappings)
-        select id, metadata, indexer_configuration_id, from_revision,
-               metadata_tsvector, mappings
-    	from tmp_origin_intrinsic_metadata
-        on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
-        do nothing;
-    end if;
+    insert into origin_intrinsic_metadata (id, metadata, indexer_configuration_id, from_revision, metadata_tsvector, mappings)
+    select id, metadata, indexer_configuration_id, from_revision,
+           metadata_tsvector, mappings
+    from tmp_origin_intrinsic_metadata
+    on conflict(id, indexer_configuration_id)
+    do update set
+        metadata = excluded.metadata,
+        metadata_tsvector = excluded.metadata_tsvector,
+        mappings = excluded.mappings,
+        from_revision = excluded.from_revision;
     get diagnostics res = ROW_COUNT;
     return res;
-comment on function swh_origin_intrinsic_metadata_add(boolean) IS 'Add new origin intrinsic metadata';
+comment on function swh_origin_intrinsic_metadata_add() IS 'Add new origin intrinsic metadata';
 -- Compute the metadata_tsvector column in tmp_origin_intrinsic_metadata.
diff --git a/swh/indexer/storage/__init__.py b/swh/indexer/storage/__init__.py
--- a/swh/indexer/storage/__init__.py
+++ b/swh/indexer/storage/__init__.py
@@ -267,11 +267,7 @@
     def content_mimetype_add(
-        self,
-        mimetypes: List[ContentMimetypeRow],
-        conflict_update: bool = False,
-        db=None,
-        cur=None,
+        self, mimetypes: List[ContentMimetypeRow], db=None, cur=None,
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
         mimetypes.sort(key=lambda m: m.id)
@@ -282,7 +278,7 @@
             ["id", "mimetype", "encoding", "indexer_configuration_id"],
-        count = db.content_mimetype_add_from_temp(conflict_update, cur)
+        count = db.content_mimetype_add_from_temp(cur)
         return {"content_mimetype:add": count}
@@ -320,11 +316,7 @@
     def content_language_add(
-        self,
-        languages: List[ContentLanguageRow],
-        conflict_update: bool = False,
-        db=None,
-        cur=None,
+        self, languages: List[ContentLanguageRow], db=None, cur=None,
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
         languages.sort(key=lambda m: m.id)
@@ -344,7 +336,7 @@
-        count = db.content_language_add_from_temp(conflict_update, cur)
+        count = db.content_language_add_from_temp(cur)
         return {"content_language:add": count}
@@ -370,11 +362,7 @@
     def content_ctags_add(
-        self,
-        ctags: List[ContentCtagsRow],
-        conflict_update: bool = False,
-        db=None,
-        cur=None,
+        self, ctags: List[ContentCtagsRow], db=None, cur=None,
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
         ctags.sort(key=lambda m: m.id)
@@ -387,7 +375,7 @@
-        count = db.content_ctags_add_from_temp(conflict_update, cur)
+        count = db.content_ctags_add_from_temp(cur)
         return {"content_ctags:add": count}
@@ -425,11 +413,7 @@
     def content_fossology_license_add(
-        self,
-        licenses: List[ContentLicenseRow],
-        conflict_update: bool = False,
-        db=None,
-        cur=None,
+        self, licenses: List[ContentLicenseRow], db=None, cur=None,
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
         licenses.sort(key=lambda m: m.id)
@@ -440,7 +424,7 @@
             columns=["id", "license", "indexer_configuration_id"],
-        count = db.content_fossology_license_add_from_temp(conflict_update, cur)
+        count = db.content_fossology_license_add_from_temp(cur)
         return {"content_fossology_license:add": count}
@@ -490,11 +474,7 @@
     def content_metadata_add(
-        self,
-        metadata: List[ContentMetadataRow],
-        conflict_update: bool = False,
-        db=None,
-        cur=None,
+        self, metadata: List[ContentMetadataRow], db=None, cur=None,
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
         metadata.sort(key=lambda m: m.id)
@@ -507,7 +487,7 @@
             ["id", "metadata", "indexer_configuration_id"],
-        count = db.content_metadata_add_from_temp(conflict_update, cur)
+        count = db.content_metadata_add_from_temp(cur)
         return {
             "content_metadata:add": count,
@@ -540,11 +520,7 @@
     def revision_intrinsic_metadata_add(
-        self,
-        metadata: List[RevisionIntrinsicMetadataRow],
-        conflict_update: bool = False,
-        db=None,
-        cur=None,
+        self, metadata: List[RevisionIntrinsicMetadataRow], db=None, cur=None,
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
         metadata.sort(key=lambda m: m.id)
@@ -557,7 +533,7 @@
             ["id", "metadata", "mappings", "indexer_configuration_id"],
-        count = db.revision_intrinsic_metadata_add_from_temp(conflict_update, cur)
+        count = db.revision_intrinsic_metadata_add_from_temp(cur)
         return {
             "revision_intrinsic_metadata:add": count,
@@ -580,11 +556,7 @@
     def origin_intrinsic_metadata_add(
-        self,
-        metadata: List[OriginIntrinsicMetadataRow],
-        conflict_update: bool = False,
-        db=None,
-        cur=None,
+        self, metadata: List[OriginIntrinsicMetadataRow], db=None, cur=None,
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
         metadata.sort(key=lambda m: m.id)
@@ -597,7 +569,7 @@
             ["id", "metadata", "indexer_configuration_id", "from_revision", "mappings"],
-        count = db.origin_intrinsic_metadata_add_from_temp(conflict_update, cur)
+        count = db.origin_intrinsic_metadata_add_from_temp(cur)
         return {
             "origin_intrinsic_metadata:add": count,
diff --git a/swh/indexer/storage/db.py b/swh/indexer/storage/db.py
--- a/swh/indexer/storage/db.py
+++ b/swh/indexer/storage/db.py
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@
     def mktemp_content_mimetype(self, cur=None):
-    def content_mimetype_add_from_temp(self, conflict_update, cur=None):
+    def content_mimetype_add_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
-        cur.execute("select * from swh_content_mimetype_add(%s)", (conflict_update,))
+        cur.execute("select * from swh_content_mimetype_add()")
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def _convert_key(self, key, main_table="c"):
@@ -209,9 +209,9 @@
     def mktemp_content_language(self, cur=None):
-    def content_language_add_from_temp(self, conflict_update, cur=None):
+    def content_language_add_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
-        cur.execute("select * from swh_content_language_add(%s)", (conflict_update,))
+        cur.execute("select * from swh_content_language_add()")
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def content_language_get_from_list(self, ids, cur=None):
@@ -245,9 +245,9 @@
     def mktemp_content_ctags(self, cur=None):
-    def content_ctags_add_from_temp(self, conflict_update, cur=None):
+    def content_ctags_add_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
-        cur.execute("select * from swh_content_ctags_add(%s)", (conflict_update,))
+        cur.execute("select * from swh_content_ctags_add()")
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def content_ctags_get_from_list(self, ids, cur=None):
@@ -303,14 +303,12 @@
     def mktemp_content_fossology_license(self, cur=None):
-    def content_fossology_license_add_from_temp(self, conflict_update, cur=None):
+    def content_fossology_license_add_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         """Add new licenses per content.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
-        cur.execute(
-            "select * from swh_content_fossology_license_add(%s)", (conflict_update,)
-        )
+        cur.execute("select * from swh_content_fossology_license_add()")
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def content_fossology_license_get_from_list(self, ids, cur=None):
@@ -355,9 +353,9 @@
     def mktemp_content_metadata(self, cur=None):
-    def content_metadata_add_from_temp(self, conflict_update, cur=None):
+    def content_metadata_add_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
-        cur.execute("select * from swh_content_metadata_add(%s)", (conflict_update,))
+        cur.execute("select * from swh_content_metadata_add()")
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def content_metadata_get_from_list(self, ids, cur=None):
@@ -392,11 +390,9 @@
     def mktemp_revision_intrinsic_metadata(self, cur=None):
-    def revision_intrinsic_metadata_add_from_temp(self, conflict_update, cur=None):
+    def revision_intrinsic_metadata_add_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
-        cur.execute(
-            "select * from swh_revision_intrinsic_metadata_add(%s)", (conflict_update,)
-        )
+        cur.execute("select * from swh_revision_intrinsic_metadata_add()")
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def revision_intrinsic_metadata_get_from_list(self, ids, cur=None):
@@ -429,11 +425,9 @@
     def mktemp_origin_intrinsic_metadata(self, cur=None):
-    def origin_intrinsic_metadata_add_from_temp(self, conflict_update, cur=None):
+    def origin_intrinsic_metadata_add_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
-        cur.execute(
-            "select * from swh_origin_intrinsic_metadata_add(%s)", (conflict_update,)
-        )
+        cur.execute("select * from swh_origin_intrinsic_metadata_add()")
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def origin_intrinsic_metadata_get_from_list(self, ids, cur=None):
diff --git a/swh/indexer/storage/in_memory.py b/swh/indexer/storage/in_memory.py
--- a/swh/indexer/storage/in_memory.py
+++ b/swh/indexer/storage/in_memory.py
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
         assert len(ids) <= limit
         return PagedResult(results=ids, next_page_token=next_page_token)
-    def add(self, data: Iterable[TValue], conflict_update: bool) -> int:
+    def add(self, data: Iterable[TValue]) -> int:
         """Add data not present in storage.
@@ -204,9 +204,6 @@
               - arbitrary data
-            conflict_update (bool): Flag to determine if we want to overwrite
-              (true) or skip duplicates (false)
         data = list(data)
@@ -216,9 +213,6 @@
             id_ = item.pop("id")
             tool_id = item["indexer_configuration_id"]
             key = _key_from_dict(obj.unique_key())
-            if not conflict_update and key in self._data[id_]:
-                # Duplicate, should not be updated
-                continue
             self._data[id_][key] = item
             count += 1
@@ -265,9 +259,9 @@
     def content_mimetype_add(
-        self, mimetypes: List[ContentMimetypeRow], conflict_update: bool = False
+        self, mimetypes: List[ContentMimetypeRow]
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
-        added = self._mimetypes.add(mimetypes, conflict_update)
+        added = self._mimetypes.add(mimetypes)
         return {"content_mimetype:add": added}
     def content_mimetype_get(self, ids: Iterable[Sha1]) -> List[ContentMimetypeRow]:
@@ -282,9 +276,9 @@
         return self._languages.get(ids)
     def content_language_add(
-        self, languages: List[ContentLanguageRow], conflict_update: bool = False
+        self, languages: List[ContentLanguageRow]
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
-        added = self._languages.add(languages, conflict_update)
+        added = self._languages.add(languages)
         return {"content_language:add": added}
     def content_ctags_missing(self, ctags: Iterable[Dict]) -> List[Tuple[Sha1, int]]:
@@ -293,10 +287,8 @@
     def content_ctags_get(self, ids: Iterable[Sha1]) -> List[ContentCtagsRow]:
         return self._content_ctags.get(ids)
-    def content_ctags_add(
-        self, ctags: List[ContentCtagsRow], conflict_update: bool = False
-    ) -> Dict[str, int]:
-        added = self._content_ctags.add(ctags, conflict_update,)
+    def content_ctags_add(self, ctags: List[ContentCtagsRow]) -> Dict[str, int]:
+        added = self._content_ctags.add(ctags)
         return {"content_ctags:add": added}
     def content_ctags_search(
@@ -329,9 +321,9 @@
         return self._licenses.get(ids)
     def content_fossology_license_add(
-        self, licenses: List[ContentLicenseRow], conflict_update: bool = False
+        self, licenses: List[ContentLicenseRow]
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
-        added = self._licenses.add(licenses, conflict_update)
+        added = self._licenses.add(licenses)
         return {"content_fossology_license:add": added}
     def content_fossology_license_get_partition(
@@ -355,9 +347,9 @@
         return self._content_metadata.get(ids)
     def content_metadata_add(
-        self, metadata: List[ContentMetadataRow], conflict_update: bool = False
+        self, metadata: List[ContentMetadataRow]
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
-        added = self._content_metadata.add(metadata, conflict_update)
+        added = self._content_metadata.add(metadata)
         return {"content_metadata:add": added}
     def revision_intrinsic_metadata_missing(
@@ -371,11 +363,9 @@
         return self._revision_intrinsic_metadata.get(ids)
     def revision_intrinsic_metadata_add(
-        self,
-        metadata: List[RevisionIntrinsicMetadataRow],
-        conflict_update: bool = False,
+        self, metadata: List[RevisionIntrinsicMetadataRow]
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
-        added = self._revision_intrinsic_metadata.add(metadata, conflict_update)
+        added = self._revision_intrinsic_metadata.add(metadata)
         return {"revision_intrinsic_metadata:add": added}
     def origin_intrinsic_metadata_get(
@@ -384,9 +374,9 @@
         return self._origin_intrinsic_metadata.get(urls)
     def origin_intrinsic_metadata_add(
-        self, metadata: List[OriginIntrinsicMetadataRow], conflict_update: bool = False
+        self, metadata: List[OriginIntrinsicMetadataRow]
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
-        added = self._origin_intrinsic_metadata.add(metadata, conflict_update)
+        added = self._origin_intrinsic_metadata.add(metadata)
         return {"origin_intrinsic_metadata:add": added}
     def origin_intrinsic_metadata_search_fulltext(
diff --git a/swh/indexer/storage/interface.py b/swh/indexer/storage/interface.py
--- a/swh/indexer/storage/interface.py
+++ b/swh/indexer/storage/interface.py
@@ -84,14 +84,13 @@
     def content_mimetype_add(
-        self, mimetypes: List[ContentMimetypeRow], conflict_update: bool = False
+        self, mimetypes: List[ContentMimetypeRow]
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
         """Add mimetypes not present in storage.
             mimetypes: mimetype rows to be added, with their `tool` attribute set to
-            conflict_update: Flag to determine if we want to
             overwrite (``True``) or skip duplicates (``False``, the
@@ -148,17 +147,13 @@
     def content_language_add(
-        self, languages: List[ContentLanguageRow], conflict_update: bool = False
+        self, languages: List[ContentLanguageRow]
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
         """Add languages not present in storage.
             languages: language row objects
-            conflict_update (bool): Flag to determine if we want to
-                overwrite (true) or skip duplicates (false, the
-                default)
             Dict summary of number of rows added
@@ -198,9 +193,7 @@
-    def content_ctags_add(
-        self, ctags: List[ContentCtagsRow], conflict_update: bool = False
-    ) -> Dict[str, int]:
+    def content_ctags_add(self, ctags: List[ContentCtagsRow]) -> Dict[str, int]:
         """Add ctags not present in storage
@@ -251,7 +244,7 @@
     def content_fossology_license_add(
-        self, licenses: List[ContentLicenseRow], conflict_update: bool = False
+        self, licenses: List[ContentLicenseRow]
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
         """Add licenses not present in storage.
@@ -259,9 +252,6 @@
             license: license rows to be added, with their `tool` attribute set to
-            conflict_update: Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (true)
-                or skip duplicates (false, the default)
             Dict summary of number of rows added
@@ -335,7 +325,7 @@
     def content_metadata_add(
-        self, metadata: List[ContentMetadataRow], conflict_update: bool = False
+        self, metadata: List[ContentMetadataRow]
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
         """Add metadata not present in storage.
@@ -345,9 +335,6 @@
                 - **id**: sha1
                 - **metadata**: arbitrary dict
-            conflict_update: Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (true)
-                or skip duplicates (false, the default)
             Dict summary of number of rows added
@@ -390,18 +377,13 @@
     def revision_intrinsic_metadata_add(
-        self,
-        metadata: List[RevisionIntrinsicMetadataRow],
-        conflict_update: bool = False,
+        self, metadata: List[RevisionIntrinsicMetadataRow],
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
         """Add metadata not present in storage.
             metadata: ContentMetadataRow objects
-            conflict_update: Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (true)
-              or skip duplicates (false, the default)
             Dict summary of number of rows added
@@ -423,16 +405,13 @@
     def origin_intrinsic_metadata_add(
-        self, metadata: List[OriginIntrinsicMetadataRow], conflict_update: bool = False
+        self, metadata: List[OriginIntrinsicMetadataRow]
     ) -> Dict[str, int]:
         """Add origin metadata not present in storage.
             metadata: list of OriginIntrinsicMetadataRow objects
-            conflict_update: Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (true)
-              or skip duplicates (false, the default)
             Dict summary of number of rows added
diff --git a/swh/indexer/tests/storage/test_storage.py b/swh/indexer/tests/storage/test_storage.py
--- a/swh/indexer/tests/storage/test_storage.py
+++ b/swh/indexer/tests/storage/test_storage.py
@@ -137,45 +137,6 @@
         actual_missing = endpoint(storage, etype, "missing")(query)
         assert list(actual_missing) == [data.sha1_1]
-    def test_add__drop_duplicate(
-        self, swh_indexer_storage_with_data: Tuple[IndexerStorageInterface, Any]
-    ) -> None:
-        storage, data = swh_indexer_storage_with_data
-        etype = self.endpoint_type
-        tool_id = data.tools[self.tool_name]["id"]
-        # add the first object
-        data_v1 = {
-            "id": data.sha1_2,
-            **self.example_data[0],
-            "indexer_configuration_id": tool_id,
-        }
-        summary = endpoint(storage, etype, "add")([self.row_class.from_dict(data_v1)])
-        assert summary == expected_summary(1, etype)
-        # should be able to retrieve it
-        actual_data = list(endpoint(storage, etype, "get")([data.sha1_2]))
-        expected_data_v1 = [
-            self.row_class.from_dict(
-                {
-                    "id": data.sha1_2,
-                    **self.example_data[0],
-                    "tool": data.tools[self.tool_name],
-                }
-            )
-        ]
-        assert actual_data == expected_data_v1
-        # now if we add a modified version of the same object (same id)
-        data_v2 = data_v1.copy()
-        data_v2.update(self.example_data[1])
-        summary2 = endpoint(storage, etype, "add")([self.row_class.from_dict(data_v2)])
-        assert summary2 == expected_summary(0, etype)  # not added
-        # we expect to retrieve the original data, not the modified one
-        actual_data = list(endpoint(storage, etype, "get")([data.sha1_2]))
-        assert actual_data == expected_data_v1
     def test_add__update_in_place_duplicate(
         self, swh_indexer_storage_with_data: Tuple[IndexerStorageInterface, Any]
     ) -> None:
@@ -209,9 +170,7 @@
         data_v2 = data_v1.copy()
-        endpoint(storage, etype, "add")(
-            [self.row_class.from_dict(data_v2)], conflict_update=True
-        )
+        endpoint(storage, etype, "add")([self.row_class.from_dict(data_v2)])
         assert summary == expected_summary(1, etype)  # modified so counted
         actual_data = list(endpoint(storage, etype, "get")([data.sha1_2]))
@@ -225,7 +184,7 @@
         # data did change as the v2 was used to overwrite v1
         assert actual_data == expected_data_v2
-    def test_add__update_in_place_deadlock(
+    def test_add_deadlock(
         self, swh_indexer_storage_with_data: Tuple[IndexerStorageInterface, Any]
     ) -> None:
         storage, data = swh_indexer_storage_with_data
@@ -267,7 +226,9 @@
         endpoint(storage, etype, "add")(data_v1)
         # when
-        actual_data = list(endpoint(storage, etype, "get")(hashes))
+        actual_data = sorted(
+            endpoint(storage, etype, "get")(hashes), key=lambda x: x.id,
+        )
         expected_data_v1 = [
@@ -281,10 +242,10 @@
         # given
         def f1() -> None:
-            endpoint(storage, etype, "add")(data_v2a, conflict_update=True)
+            endpoint(storage, etype, "add")(data_v2a)
         def f2() -> None:
-            endpoint(storage, etype, "add")(data_v2b, conflict_update=True)
+            endpoint(storage, etype, "add")(data_v2b)
         t1 = threading.Thread(target=f1)
         t2 = threading.Thread(target=f2)
@@ -295,15 +256,21 @@
         actual_data = sorted(
-            (row.to_dict() for row in endpoint(storage, etype, "get")(hashes)),
-            key=lambda x: x["id"],
+            endpoint(storage, etype, "get")(hashes), key=lambda x: x.id,
         expected_data_v2 = [
-            {"id": hash_, **self.example_data[1], "tool": tool} for hash_ in hashes
+            self.row_class.from_dict(
+                {"id": hash_, **self.example_data[1], "tool": tool}
+            )
+            for hash_ in hashes
-        assert actual_data == expected_data_v2
+        assert len(actual_data) == len(expected_data_v1) == len(expected_data_v2)
+        for (item, expected_item_v1, expected_item_v2) in zip(
+            actual_data, expected_data_v1, expected_data_v2
+        ):
+            assert item in (expected_item_v1, expected_item_v2)
     def test_add__duplicate_twice(
         self, swh_indexer_storage_with_data: Tuple[IndexerStorageInterface, Any]
@@ -333,9 +300,7 @@
         assert summary == expected_summary(1, etype)
         with pytest.raises(DuplicateId):
-            endpoint(storage, etype, "add")(
-                [data_rev2, data_rev2], conflict_update=True
-            )
+            endpoint(storage, etype, "add")([data_rev2, data_rev2])
         # then
         actual_data = list(
@@ -545,16 +510,12 @@
     row_class = ContentCtagsRow
     # the following tests are disabled because CTAGS behaves differently
-    @pytest.mark.skip
-    def test_add__drop_duplicate(self):
-        pass
     def test_add__update_in_place_duplicate(self):
-    def test_add__update_in_place_deadlock(self):
+    def test_add_deadlock(self):
@@ -736,7 +697,7 @@
         ctag2_with_tool = attr.evolve(ctag2, indexer_configuration_id=None, tool=tool)
-        storage.content_ctags_add([ctag1, ctag2], conflict_update=True)
+        storage.content_ctags_add([ctag1, ctag2])
         actual_ctags = list(storage.content_ctags_get([data.sha1_2]))
@@ -889,7 +850,7 @@
         mimetypes = prepare_mimetypes_from_licenses(fossology_licenses)
         indexer_configuration_id = fossology_licenses[0].indexer_configuration_id
-        storage.content_mimetype_add(mimetypes, conflict_update=True)
+        storage.content_mimetype_add(mimetypes)
         # add fossology_licenses to storage
@@ -925,7 +886,7 @@
         mimetypes = prepare_mimetypes_from_licenses(fossology_licenses)
         indexer_configuration_id = fossology_licenses[0].indexer_configuration_id
-        storage.content_mimetype_add(mimetypes, conflict_update=True)
+        storage.content_mimetype_add(mimetypes)
         # add fossology_licenses to storage
@@ -951,7 +912,7 @@
         mimetypes = prepare_mimetypes_from_licenses(fossology_licenses)
         indexer_configuration_id = fossology_licenses[0].indexer_configuration_id
-        storage.content_mimetype_add(mimetypes, conflict_update=True)
+        storage.content_mimetype_add(mimetypes)
         # add fossology_licenses to storage
@@ -993,7 +954,7 @@
         mimetypes = prepare_mimetypes_from_licenses(fossology_licenses)
         indexer_configuration_id = fossology_licenses[0].indexer_configuration_id
-        storage.content_mimetype_add(mimetypes, conflict_update=True)
+        storage.content_mimetype_add(mimetypes)
         # add fossology_licenses to storage
@@ -1093,71 +1054,6 @@
         assert actual_metadata == expected_metadata
-    def test_origin_intrinsic_metadata_add_drop_duplicate(
-        self, swh_indexer_storage_with_data: Tuple[IndexerStorageInterface, Any]
-    ) -> None:
-        storage, data = swh_indexer_storage_with_data
-        # given
-        tool_id = data.tools["swh-metadata-detector"]["id"]
-        metadata_v1: Dict[str, Any] = {
-            "version": None,
-            "name": None,
-        }
-        metadata_rev_v1 = RevisionIntrinsicMetadataRow(
-            id=data.revision_id_1,
-            metadata=metadata_v1.copy(),
-            mappings=[],
-            indexer_configuration_id=tool_id,
-        )
-        metadata_origin_v1 = OriginIntrinsicMetadataRow(
-            id=data.origin_url_1,
-            metadata=metadata_v1.copy(),
-            indexer_configuration_id=tool_id,
-            mappings=[],
-            from_revision=data.revision_id_1,
-        )
-        # given
-        storage.revision_intrinsic_metadata_add([metadata_rev_v1])
-        storage.origin_intrinsic_metadata_add([metadata_origin_v1])
-        # when
-        actual_metadata = list(
-            storage.origin_intrinsic_metadata_get([data.origin_url_1, "no://where"])
-        )
-        expected_metadata_v1 = [
-            OriginIntrinsicMetadataRow(
-                id=data.origin_url_1,
-                metadata=metadata_v1,
-                tool=data.tools["swh-metadata-detector"],
-                from_revision=data.revision_id_1,
-                mappings=[],
-            )
-        ]
-        assert actual_metadata == expected_metadata_v1
-        # given
-        metadata_v2 = metadata_v1.copy()
-        metadata_v2.update(
-            {"name": "test_metadata", "author": "MG",}
-        )
-        metadata_rev_v2 = attr.evolve(metadata_rev_v1, metadata=metadata_v2)
-        metadata_origin_v2 = attr.evolve(metadata_origin_v1, metadata=metadata_v2)
-        storage.revision_intrinsic_metadata_add([metadata_rev_v2])
-        storage.origin_intrinsic_metadata_add([metadata_origin_v2])
-        # then
-        actual_metadata = list(
-            storage.origin_intrinsic_metadata_get([data.origin_url_1])
-        )
-        # metadata did not change as the v2 was dropped.
-        assert actual_metadata == expected_metadata_v1
     def test_origin_intrinsic_metadata_add_update_in_place_duplicate(
         self, swh_indexer_storage_with_data: Tuple[IndexerStorageInterface, Any]
     ) -> None:
@@ -1218,10 +1114,8 @@
-        storage.revision_intrinsic_metadata_add([metadata_rev_v2], conflict_update=True)
-        storage.origin_intrinsic_metadata_add(
-            [metadata_origin_v2], conflict_update=True
-        )
+        storage.revision_intrinsic_metadata_add([metadata_rev_v2])
+        storage.origin_intrinsic_metadata_add([metadata_origin_v2])
         actual_metadata = list(
@@ -1240,7 +1134,7 @@
         # metadata did change as the v2 was used to overwrite v1
         assert actual_metadata == expected_metadata_v2
-    def test_origin_intrinsic_metadata_add__update_in_place_deadlock(
+    def test_origin_intrinsic_metadata_add__deadlock(
         self, swh_indexer_storage_with_data: Tuple[IndexerStorageInterface, Any]
     ) -> None:
         storage, data = swh_indexer_storage_with_data
@@ -1312,10 +1206,10 @@
         # given
         def f1() -> None:
-            storage.origin_intrinsic_metadata_add(data_v2a, conflict_update=True)
+            storage.origin_intrinsic_metadata_add(data_v2a)
         def f2() -> None:
-            storage.origin_intrinsic_metadata_add(data_v2b, conflict_update=True)
+            storage.origin_intrinsic_metadata_add(data_v2b)
         t1 = threading.Thread(target=f1)
         t2 = threading.Thread(target=f2)
@@ -1337,8 +1231,11 @@
             for id_ in ids
-        assert len(actual_data) == len(expected_data_v2)
-        assert sorted(actual_data, key=lambda x: x.id) == expected_data_v2
+        assert len(actual_data) == len(expected_data_v1) == len(expected_data_v2)
+        for (item, expected_item_v1, expected_item_v2) in zip(
+            actual_data, expected_data_v1, expected_data_v2
+        ):
+            assert item in (expected_item_v1, expected_item_v2)
     def test_origin_intrinsic_metadata_add__duplicate_twice(
         self, swh_indexer_storage_with_data: Tuple[IndexerStorageInterface, Any]