diff --git a/cypress/integration/vault.spec.js b/cypress/integration/vault.spec.js
--- a/cypress/integration/vault.spec.js
+++ b/cypress/integration/vault.spec.js
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
       cy.get(`#vault-task-${this.directory} .vault-origin a`)
-        .should('have.text', this.origin[0].url)
+        .should('contain', this.origin[0].url)
         .should('have.attr', 'href', `${this.Urls.browse_origin()}?origin_url=${this.origin[0].url}`);
       cy.get(`#vault-task-${this.directory} .vault-object-info a`)
diff --git a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-table-row.ejs b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-table-row.ejs
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-table-row.ejs
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2020  The Software Heritage developers
+  See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+  License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
+  See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+<% if (cookingTask.object_type === 'directory') { %>
+  <tr id="vault-task-<%= cookingTask.object_id %>"
+      title="Once downloaded, the directory can be extracted with the following command:
+$ tar xvzf <%= cookingTask.object_id %>.tar.gz">
+<% } else { %>
+  <tr id="vault-task-<%= cookingTask.object_id %>"
+      title="Once downloaded, the git repository can be imported with the following commands:
+$ git init
+$ zcat <%= cookingTask.object_id %>.gitfast.gz | git fast-import">
+<% } %>
+    <td>
+      <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
+      <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input vault-task-toggle-selection"
+             id="vault-task-toggle-selection-<%= cookingTask.object_id %>"/>
+      <label class="custom-control-label"
+             for="vault-task-toggle-selection-<%= cookingTask.object_id %>">
+      </label>
+    </td>
+    <% if (cookingTask.origin) { %>
+      <td class="vault-origin">
+        <a href="<%= Urls.browse_origin() %>?origin_url=<%= cookingTask.origin %>">
+          <%= cookingTask.origin %>
+        </a>
+      </td>
+    <% } else { %>
+      <td class="vault-origin">unknown</td>
+    <% } %>
+    <td>
+      <i class="<%= swh.webapp.getSwhObjectIcon(cookingTask.object_type) %> mdi-fw"></i>
+      <%= cookingTask.object_type %>
+    </td>
+    <td class="vault-object-info" data-object-id="<%= cookingTask.object_id %>">
+      <b>id:</b>&nbsp;<a href="<%= browseUrl %>"><%= cookingTask.object_id %></a>
+      <% if (cookingTask.path) { %>
+        <br/><b>path:</b>&nbsp;<%= cookingTask.path %>
+      <% } %>
+    </td>
+    <td><%- progressBar.outerHTML %></td>
+    <td class="vault-dl-link">
+      <% if (cookingTask.status === 'done') { %>
+        <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm"
+                onclick="swh.vault.fetchCookedObject('<%= cookingTask.fetch_url %>')">
+          <i class="mdi mdi-download mdi-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>Download
+        </button>
+      <% } %>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-ui.js b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-ui.js
--- a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-ui.js
+++ b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-ui.js
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import {handleFetchError, handleFetchErrors, csrfPost} from 'utils/functions';
+import vaultTableRowTemplate from './vault-table-row.ejs';
 let progress =
   `<div class="progress">
@@ -152,8 +153,7 @@
       for (let i = 0; i < vaultCookingTasks.length; ++i) {
         let cookingTask = vaultCookingTasks[i];
-        let rowTask = $('#vault-task-' + cookingTask.object_id);
+        let rowTask = $(`#vault-task-${cookingTask.object_id}`);
         if (!rowTask.length) {
@@ -169,53 +169,13 @@
           let progressBar = $.parseHTML(progress)[0];
           let progressBarContent = $(progressBar).find('.progress-bar');
           updateProgressBar(progressBarContent, cookingTask);
-          let tableRow;
-          if (cookingTask.object_type === 'directory') {
-            tableRow =
-              `<tr id="vault-task-${cookingTask.object_id}" ` +
-              `title="Once downloaded, the directory can be extracted with the ` +
-              `following command:\n\n$ tar xvzf ${cookingTask.object_id}.tar.gz">`;
-          } else {
-            tableRow =
-              `<tr id="vault-task-${cookingTask.object_id}"  ` +
-              'title="Once downloaded, the git repository can be imported with the ' +
-              `following commands:\n\n$ git init\n$ zcat ${cookingTask.object_id}.gitfast.gz | ` +
-              'git fast-import">';
-          }
-          tableRow += '<td><div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">';
-          tableRow +=
-            '<input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input vault-task-toggle-selection" ' +
-            `id="vault-task-toggle-selection-${cookingTask.object_id}"/>`;
-          tableRow +=
-            '<label class="custom-control-label" ' +
-            `for="vault-task-toggle-selection-${cookingTask.object_id}"></label></td>`;
-          if (cookingTask.origin) {
-            tableRow += `<td class="vault-origin">` +
-                        `<a href="${Urls.browse_origin()}?origin_url=${cookingTask.origin}">` +
-                        `${cookingTask.origin}</a></td>`;
-          } else {
-            tableRow += `<td class="vault-origin">unknown</td>`;
-          }
-          tableRow +=
-            `<td><i class="${swh.webapp.getSwhObjectIcon(cookingTask.object_type)} mdi-fw">` +
-            `</i>${cookingTask.object_type}</td>`;
-          tableRow += `<td class="vault-object-info" data-object-id="${cookingTask.object_id}">` +
-                      `<b>id:</b>&nbsp;<a href="${browseUrl}">${cookingTask.object_id}</a>`;
-          if (cookingTask.path) {
-            tableRow += `<br/><b>path:</b>&nbsp;${cookingTask.path}`;
-          }
-          tableRow += '</td>';
-          tableRow += `<td>${progressBar.outerHTML}</td>`;
-          let downloadLink = '';
-          if (cookingTask.status === 'done') {
-            downloadLink =
-              '<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" ' +
-              `onclick="swh.vault.fetchCookedObject('${cookingTask.fetch_url}')">` +
-              '<i class="mdi mdi-download mdi-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>Download</button>';
-          }
-          tableRow += `<td class="vault-dl-link">${downloadLink}</td>`;
-          tableRow += '</tr>';
-          table.prepend(tableRow);
+          table.prepend(vaultTableRowTemplate({
+            browseUrl: browseUrl,
+            cookingTask: cookingTask,
+            progressBar: progressBar,
+            Urls: Urls,
+            swh: swh
+          }));
         } else {
           let progressBar = rowTask.find('.progress-bar');
           updateProgressBar(progressBar, cookingTask);