diff --git a/docs/developer-setup.rst b/docs/developer-setup.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/developer-setup.rst
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+.. _developer-setup:
+Developer setup
+In this guide, we will set up a dual environment:
+- A virtual env in which all the |swh| packages will be installed in 'develop'
+ mode, this will allow you to navigate the source code, hack it, and run
+ locally the unit tests.
+- A docker 'cluster' built with docker-compose, which allows to easily run all
+ the components of the |swh| architecture. It is possible to run those docker
+ containers with your locally modified code for one or several |swh| packages.
+ Please read the `README file`_ in the swh-docker-dev repository for more
+ details on how to do this.
+.. _`README file`: https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/swh-docker-dev/browse/master/README.md
+Checkout the source code
+Clone the |swh| environment repository::
+ ~$ git clone https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/swh-environment.git
+ [...]
+ ~$ cd swh-environment
+ ~/swh-environment$
+Create a virtual env::
+ ~/swh-environment$ mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 -a $PWD swh
+ [...]
+ (swh) ~/swh-environment$
+.. Note: using virtualenvwrapper_ is not mandatory here. You can use plain
+ virtualenvs, or any other venv management tool (pipenv_ or poetry_
+ for example). Using a tool such as virtualenvwrapper_ just makes life
+ easier...
+.. _virtualenvwrapper: https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/
+.. _poetry: https://poetry.eustace.io/
+.. _pipenv: https://pipenv.readthedocs.io/
+Install all the swh packages (in develop mode)::
+ (swh) ~/swh-environment$ pip install $(./bin/pip-swh-packages --with-testing) \
+ tox pifpaf
+ [...]
+Setup the docker environment
+Install docker-compose::
+ (swh) ~/swh-environment$ pip install docker-compose
+ [...]
+Make your life easier::
+ (swh) ~/swh-environment$ cat >>$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate <`_ Git (meta)
-repository orchestrates the Git repositories of all Software Heritage modules.
-Clone it::
- git clone https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/swh-environment.git
-then recursively clone all Python module repositories. For this step you will
-need the `mr `_ tool. Once you have installed
-``mr``, just run::
- cd swh-environment
- bin/update
- From now on this tutorial will assume that you **run commands listed below
- from within the swh-environment** directory.
-For periodic repository updates just re-run ``bin/update``.
-Step 1 --- install system dependencies
-You need to install three types of dependencies: some base packages, Node.js
-modules (for the web app), and Postgres (as storage backend).
-Package dependencies
-Software Heritage requires some dependencies that are usually packaged by your
-package manager. On Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions::
- sudo apt-get install curl ca-certificates
- curl https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo bash
- curl https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add -
- sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install python3 python3-venv libsvn-dev postgresql-10 nodejs \
- libsystemd-dev libpython3-dev dia postgresql-autodoc \
- postgresql-server-dev-all
-You need a running Postgres instance with administrator access (e.g., to create
-databases). On Debian/Ubuntu based distributions, the previous step
-(installation) should be enough.
-For other platforms and more details refer to the `PostgreSQL installation
-You also need to have access to a superuser account on the database. For that,
-the easiest way is to create a PostgreSQL account that has the same name as
-your username::
- sudo -u postgres createuser --createdb --superuser $USER
-You can check that this worked by doing, from your user (you should not be
-asked for a password)::
- psql postgres
-Node.js modules
-If you want to run the web app to browser your local archive you will need some
-Node.js modules, in particular to pack web resources into a single compact
-file. To that end the following should suffice::
- cd swh-web
- npm install
- cd -
-You are now good to go with all needed dependencies on your development
-Step 2 --- install Python packages in a virtualenv
-From now on you will need to work in a `virtualenv
-`_ containing the Python
-environment with all the Software Heritage modules and their dependencies. To
-that end you can do (once)::
- python3 -m venv .venv
-Then, activate the virtualenv (do this every time you start working on Software
- source .venv/bin/activate
-You can now install Software Heritage Python modules, their dependencies and
-the testing-related dependencies using::
- pip install $( bin/pip-swh-packages --with-testing )
-Step 3 --- set up storage
-Then you will need a local storage service that will archive and serve source
-code artifacts via a REST API. The Software Heritage storage layer comes in two
-parts: a content-addressable :term:`object storage` on your file system (for file
-contents) and a Postgres database (for the graph structure of the archive). See
-the :ref:`data-model` for more information. The storage layer is configured via
-a YAML configuration file, located at
-``~/.config/swh/storage/storage.yml``. Create it with a content like:
-.. code-block:: yaml
- storage:
- cls: local
- args:
- db: "dbname=softwareheritage-dev"
- objstorage:
- cls: pathslicing
- args:
- root: /srv/softwareheritage/objects/
- slicing: 0:2/2:4
-Make sure that the :term:`object storage` root exists on the filesystem and is writable
-to your user, e.g.::
- sudo mkdir -p /srv/softwareheritage/objects
- sudo chown "${USER}:" /srv/softwareheritage/objects
-You are done with :term:`object storage` setup! Let's setup the database::
- swh-db-init storage -d softwareheritage-dev
-``softwareheritage-dev`` is the name of the DB that will be created, it should
-match the ``db`` line in ``storage.yml``
-To check that you can successfully connect to the DB (you should not be asked
-for a password)::
- psql softwareheritage-dev
-You can now run the storage server like this::
- python3 -m swh.storage.api.server --host localhost --port 5002 ~/.config/swh/storage/storage.yml
-Step 4 --- ingest repositories
-You are now ready to ingest your first repository into your local Software
-Heritage. For the sake of example, we will ingest a few Git repositories. The
-module in charge of ingesting Git repositories is the *Git loader*, Python
-module ``swh.loader.git``. Its configuration file is at
-``~/.config/swh/loader/git.yml``. Create it with a content like:
-.. code-block:: yaml
- storage:
- cls: remote
- args:
- url: http://localhost:5002
-It just informs the Git loader to use the storage server running on your
-machine. The ``url`` line should match the command line used to run the storage
+Using Docker
-You can now ingest Git repository on the command line using the command::
+The easiest way to run a Software Heritage instance is to use Docker and
+docker-compose. Please refer to the `docker-compose documentation
+`_ if you do not have a working docker setup.
- python3 -m swh.loader.git.loader --origin-url GIT_CLONE_URL
-For instance, you can try ingesting the following repositories, in increasing
-size order (note that the last two might take a few hours to complete and will
-occupy several GB on both the Postgres DB and the object storage)::
+ git clone https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/swh-docker-dev.git
+ cd swh-docker-dev
+ docker-compose up -d
- python3 -m swh.loader.git.loader --origin-url https://github.com/SoftwareHeritage/swh-storage.git
- python3 -m swh.loader.git.loader --origin-url https://github.com/hylang/hy.git
- python3 -m swh.loader.git.loader --origin-url https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.git
+When all the containers are up and runnig, you have a running Software
+Heritage platform. You should open:
- # WARNING: next repo is big
- python3 -m swh.loader.git.loader --origin-url https://github.com/torvalds/linux.git
+- http://localhost:5080/ to navigate your (empty for now) SWH archive,
+- http://localhost:5080/rabbitmq to access the rabbitmq dashoard (guest/guest),
+- http://localhost:5080/prometheus to explore the platform's metrics,
-Congratulations, you have just archived your first source code repositories!
+All the internal APIs are also exposed:
-To re-archive the same repositories later on you can rerun the same commands:
-only *new* objects added since the previous visit will be archived upon the
-next one.
+- http://localhost:5080/scheduler
+- http://localhost:5080/storage
+- http://localhost:5080/indexer-storage
+- http://localhost:5080/deposit
+- http://localhost:5080/objstorage
+At this point, the simplest way to start indexing software is to use the 'Save
+Code Now' feature of the archive web interface:
-Step 5 --- browse the archive
+ http://localhost:5080/browse/origin/save/
-You can now setup a local web app to browse what you have locally archived. The
-web app uses the configuration file ``~/.config/swh/web/web.yml``. Create it
-and fill it with something like:
+Enjoy filling your hard drives!
-.. code-block:: yaml
- storage:
- cls: remote
- args:
- url: http://localhost:5002
+Hacking the archive
-Nothing new here, the configuration just references the local storage server,
-which have been used before for repository ingestion.
+If you want to hack the code of the Software Heritage Archive, a bit more work
+will be required.
-You can now run the web app, and browse your local archive::
+The best way to have a development-friendly environment is to build a mixed
+docker/virtual env setup.
- make run-django-webpack-devserver
- xdg-open http://localhost:5004
+Such a setup is described in the :ref:`Perfect Developer Setup guide
-Note that the ``make`` target will first compile a `webpack
-`_ with various web assets and then launch the web app;
-for webpack compilation you will need the Node.js dependencies discussed above.
-As an initial tour of the web app, try searching for one of the repositories
-you have ingested (e.g., entering the ``hylang`` or ``ocaml`` keywords in the
-search bar). Clicking on the repository name you will be brought back in time,
-and you will be able to browse the source code and development history you have
+Installing from sources (without a virtualenv)
+If you prefer to run everything straight, you should refer to the :ref:`Manual
+Setup Guide `
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
Getting started
-* :ref:`getting-started` ← start here to hack on the Software Heritage software
+* :ref:`getting-started` ← start here to get your own Software Heritage
+ platform running in less than 5 minutes, or
+* :ref:`developer-setup` ← here to hack on the Software Heritage software
@@ -134,5 +136,7 @@
+ developer-setup
+ manual-setup
diff --git a/docs/getting-started.rst b/docs/manual-setup.rst
copy from docs/getting-started.rst
copy to docs/manual-setup.rst
--- a/docs/getting-started.rst
+++ b/docs/manual-setup.rst
@@ -1,15 +1,4 @@
-.. _getting-started:
-Run your own Software Heritage
-This tutorial will guide from the basic step of obtaining the source code of
-the Software Heritage stack to running a local copy of it with which you can
-archive source code and browse it on the web. To that end, just follow the
-steps detailed below.
-.. highlight:: bash
+.. _manual-setup:
Step 0 --- get the code